Ruby | 318 lines | 233 code | 58 blank | 27 comment | 49 complexity | f65f51b29513cf1c2540b25c04ed7d52 MD5 | raw file
- module AuthenticationMixin
- extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- included do
- has_many :authentications, :as => :resource, :dependent => :destroy, :autosave => true
- virtual_column :authentication_status, :type => :string
- def self.authentication_check_schedule
- zone = MiqServer.my_server.zone
- assoc = name.tableize
- assocs = zone.respond_to?(assoc) ? zone.send(assoc) : []
- assocs.each(&:authentication_check_types_queue)
- end
- end
- def supported_auth_attributes
- %w(userid password)
- end
- def default_authentication_type
- :default
- end
- def authentication_userid_passwords
- authentications.select { |a| a.kind_of?(AuthUseridPassword) }
- end
- def authentication_tokens
- authentications.select { |a| a.kind_of?(AuthToken) }
- end
- def authentication_key_pairs
- authentications.select { |a| a.kind_of?(ManageIQ::Providers::Openstack::InfraManager::AuthKeyPair) }
- end
- def authentication_for_providers
- authentications.where.not(:authtype => nil)
- end
- def authentication_for_summary
- summary = []
- authentication_for_providers.each do |a|
- summary << {
- :authtype => a.authtype,
- :status => a.status,
- :status_details => a.status_details
- }
- end
- summary
- end
- def has_authentication_type?(type)
- authentication_types.include?(type)
- end
- def authentication_userid(type = nil)
- authentication_component(type, :userid)
- end
- def authentication_password(type = nil)
- authentication_component(type, :password)
- end
- def authentication_key(type = nil)
- authentication_component(type, :auth_key)
- end
- def authentication_token(type = nil)
- authentication_component(type, :auth_key)
- end
- def authentication_password_encrypted(type = nil)
- authentication_component(type, :password_encrypted)
- end
- def authentication_service_account(type = nil)
- authentication_component(type, :service_account)
- end
- def required_credential_fields(type)
- case type.to_s
- when "bearer"
- [:auth_key]
- when "hawkular"
- []
- else
- [:userid]
- end
- end
- def has_credentials?(type = nil)
- required_credential_fields(type).all? { |field| authentication_component(type, field) }
- end
- def missing_credentials?(type = nil)
- !has_credentials?(type)
- end
- def authentication_status
- ordered_auths = authentication_for_providers.sort_by(&:status_severity)
- ordered_auths.last.try(:status) || "None"
- end
- def authentication_status_ok?(type = nil)
- authentication_best_fit(type).try(:status) == "Valid"
- end
- def auth_user_pwd(type = nil)
- cred = authentication_best_fit(type)
- return nil if cred.nil? || cred.userid.blank?
- [cred.userid, cred.password]
- end
- def auth_user_token(type = nil)
- cred = authentication_best_fit(type)
- return nil if cred.nil? || cred.userid.blank?
- [cred.userid, cred.auth_key]
- end
- def auth_user_keypair(type = nil)
- cred = authentication_best_fit(type)
- return nil if cred.nil? || cred.userid.blank?
- [cred.userid, cred.auth_key]
- end
- def update_authentication(data, options = {})
- return if data.blank?
- options.reverse_merge!(:save => true)
- @orig_credentials ||= auth_user_pwd || "none"
- # Invoke before callback
- before_update_authentication if self.respond_to?(:before_update_authentication) && options[:save]
- data.each_pair do |type, value|
- cred = authentication_type(type)
- current = {:new => nil, :old => nil}
- unless value.key?(:userid) && value[:userid].blank?
- current[:new] = {:user => value[:userid], :password => value[:password], :auth_key => value[:auth_key]}
- end
- current[:old] = {:user => cred.userid, :password => cred.password, :auth_key => cred.auth_key} if cred
- # Raise an error if required fields are blank
- Array(options[:required]).each { |field| raise(ArgumentError, "#{field} is required") if value[field].blank? }
- # If old and new are the same then there is nothing to do
- next if current[:old] == current[:new]
- # Check if it is a delete
- if value.key?(:userid) && value[:userid].blank?
- current[:new] = nil
- next if options[:save] == false
- authentication_delete(type)
- next
- end
- # Update or create
- if cred.nil?
- if self.kind_of?(ManageIQ::Providers::Openstack::InfraManager) && value[:auth_key]
- # TODO(lsmola) investigate why build throws an exception, that it needs to be subclass of AuthUseridPassword
- cred = ManageIQ::Providers::Openstack::InfraManager::AuthKeyPair.new(:name => "#{self.class.name} #{name}", :authtype => type.to_s,
- :resource_id => id, :resource_type => "ExtManagementSystem")
- authentications << cred
- elsif value[:auth_key]
- cred = AuthToken.new(:name => "#{self.class.name} #{name}", :authtype => type.to_s,
- :resource_id => id, :resource_type => "ExtManagementSystem")
- authentications << cred
- else
- cred = authentications.build(:name => "#{self.class.name} #{name}", :authtype => type.to_s,
- :type => "AuthUseridPassword")
- end
- end
- cred.userid = value[:userid]
- cred.password = value[:password]
- cred.auth_key = value[:auth_key]
- cred.save if options[:save] && id
- end
- # Invoke callback
- after_update_authentication if self.respond_to?(:after_update_authentication) && options[:save]
- @orig_credentials = nil if options[:save]
- end
- def credentials_changed?
- @orig_credentials ||= auth_user_pwd || "none"
- new_credentials = auth_user_pwd || "none"
- @orig_credentials != new_credentials
- end
- def authentication_type(type)
- return nil if type.nil?
- available_authentications.detect do |a|
- a.authentication_type.to_s == type.to_s
- end
- end
- def authentication_check_types_queue(*args)
- options = args.extract_options!
- types = args.first
- role = authentication_check_role if self.respond_to?(:authentication_check_role)
- zone = my_zone if self.respond_to?(:my_zone)
- # FIXME: Via schedule, a message is created with args = [], so all authentications will be checked,
- # while an authentication change will create a message with args [:default] or whatever
- # authentication is changed, so you can end up with two messages for the same ci
- options = {
- :class_name => self.class.base_class.name,
- :instance_id => id,
- :method_name => 'authentication_check_types',
- :args => [types.to_miq_a, options]
- }
- options[:role] = role if role
- options[:zone] = zone if zone
- MiqQueue.put_unless_exists(options) do |msg|
- # TODO: Refactor the help in this and the ScheduleWorker#queue_work method into the merge method
- help = "Check for a running server"
- help << " in zone: [#{options[:zone]}]" if options[:zone]
- help << " with role: [#{options[:role]}]" if options[:role]
- _log.warn("Previous authentication_check_types for [#{name}] [#{id}] with opts: [#{options[:args].inspect}] is still running, skipping...#{help}") unless msg.nil?
- end
- end
- def authentication_check_types(*args)
- options = args.extract_options!
- types = args.first
- # Let the individual classes determine what authentication(s) need to be checked
- types = authentications_to_validate if self.respond_to?(:authentications_to_validate) && types.nil?
- types = [nil] if types.blank?
- types.to_miq_a.each { |t| authentication_check(t, options) }
- end
- # Returns [boolean check_result, string details]
- # check_result is true if and only if:
- # * the system is reachable
- # * AND we have the required authentication information
- # * AND we successfully connected using the authentication
- #
- # details is a UI friendly message
- #
- # By default, the authentication's status is updated by the
- # validation_successful or validation_failed callbacks.
- #
- # An optional :save => false can be passed to bypass these callbacks.
- #
- # TODO: :valid, :incomplete, and friends shouldn't be littered in here and authentication
- def authentication_check(*args)
- options = args.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? args.last : {}
- save = options.fetch(:save, true)
- type = args.first
- auth = authentication_best_fit(type)
- status, details = authentication_check_no_validation(type || auth.authtype, options)
- if save
- status == :valid ? auth.validation_successful : auth.validation_failed(status, details)
- end
- return status == :valid, details
- end
- private
- def authentication_check_no_validation(type, options)
- header = "type: [#{type.inspect}] for [#{id}] [#{name}]"
- status, details =
- if self.missing_credentials?(type)
- [:incomplete, "Missing credentials"]
- else
- begin
- verify_credentials(type, options) ? [:valid, ""] : [:invalid, "Unknown reason"]
- rescue MiqException::MiqUnreachableError => err
- [:unreachable, err]
- rescue MiqException::MiqInvalidCredentialsError, MiqException::MiqEVMLoginError => err
- [:invalid, err]
- rescue => err
- [:error, err]
- end
- end
- details &&= details.to_s.truncate(200)
- _log.warn("#{header} Validation failed: #{status}, #{details}") unless status == :valid
- return status, details
- end
- def authentication_best_fit(type = nil)
- # Look for the supplied type and if that is not found return the default credentials
- authentication_type(type) || authentication_type(default_authentication_type)
- end
- def authentication_component(type, method)
- cred = authentication_best_fit(type)
- return nil if cred.nil?
- value = cred.public_send(method)
- value.blank? ? nil : value
- end
- def available_authentications
- authentication_userid_passwords + authentication_key_pairs + authentication_tokens
- end
- def authentication_types
- available_authentications.collect(&:authentication_type).uniq
- end
- def authentication_delete(type)
- a = authentication_type(type)
- authentications.destroy(a) unless a.nil?
- a
- end
- end