Ruby | 182 lines | 134 code | 32 blank | 16 comment | 13 complexity | 327416567014210c20eaf009e9c3b770 MD5 | raw file
- module ManageIQ::Providers
- class CloudManager < BaseManager
- require_nested :AuthKeyPair
- require_nested :Template
- require_nested :MetricsCapture
- require_nested :Provision
- require_nested :ProvisionWorkflow
- require_nested :Vm
- require_nested :OrchestrationStack
- require_nested :VmOrTemplate
- class << model_name
- define_method(:route_key) { "ems_clouds" }
- define_method(:singular_route_key) { "ems_cloud" }
- end
- has_many :availability_zones, :foreign_key => :ems_id, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :flavors, :foreign_key => :ems_id, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :cloud_database_flavors, :foreign_key => :ems_id, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :cloud_tenants, :foreign_key => :ems_id, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :cloud_resource_quotas, :foreign_key => :ems_id, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :cloud_volumes, :foreign_key => :ems_id, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :cloud_volume_types, :foreign_key => :ems_id, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :cloud_volume_backups, :foreign_key => :ems_id, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :cloud_volume_snapshots, :foreign_key => :ems_id, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :cloud_object_store_containers, :foreign_key => :ems_id, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :cloud_object_store_objects, :foreign_key => :ems_id, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :cloud_services, :foreign_key => :ems_id, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :cloud_databases, :foreign_key => :ems_id, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :key_pairs, :class_name => "AuthKeyPair", :as => :resource, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :host_aggregates, :foreign_key => :ems_id, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :resource_groups, :foreign_key => :ems_id, :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :ext_management_system
- has_one :source_tenant, :as => :source, :class_name => 'Tenant'
- has_many :vm_and_template_labels, :through => :vms_and_templates, :source => :labels
- # Only taggings mapped from labels, excluding user-assigned tags.
- has_many :vm_and_template_taggings,
- -> { joins(:tag).merge(Tag.controlled_by_mapping) },
- :through => :vms_and_templates,
- :source => :taggings
- virtual_has_many :volume_availability_zones, :class_name => "AvailabilityZone", :uses => :availability_zones
- supports_not :auth_key_pair_create
- supports_not :cinder_service
- supports_not :cloud_tenants
- supports_not :cloud_volume
- supports_not :cloud_tenant_mapping
- supports_not :create_flavor
- validates_presence_of :zone
- # TODO: remove and have each manager include this
- include HasNetworkManagerMixin
- include HasManyOrchestrationStackMixin
- after_destroy :destroy_mapped_tenants
- # These are availability zones that are available to be chosen
- # when creating a new cloud volume for providers that support it.
- # By default this is all AZs, individual cloud managers
- # can override this.
- def volume_availability_zones
- availability_zones
- end
- # Development helper method for Rails console for opening a browser to the EMS.
- #
- # This method is NOT meant to be called from production code.
- def open_browser
- raise NotImplementedError unless Rails.env.development?
- require 'util/miq-system'
- MiqSystem.open_browser(browser_url)
- end
- def validate_authentication_status
- {:available => true, :message => nil}
- end
- def stop_event_monitor_queue_on_credential_change
- if event_monitor_class && !self.new_record? && self.credentials_changed?
- _log.info("EMS: [#{name}], Credentials have changed, stopping Event Monitor. It will be restarted by the WorkerMonitor.")
- stop_event_monitor_queue
- network_manager.stop_event_monitor_queue if respond_to?(:network_manager) && network_manager
- end
- end
- def sync_cloud_tenants_with_tenants
- return unless supports?(:cloud_tenant_mapping)
- sync_root_tenant
- sync_tenants
- sync_deleted_cloud_tenants
- end
- def sync_tenants
- reload
- _log.info("Syncing CloudTenant with Tenants...")
- CloudTenant.with_ext_management_system(id).walk_tree do |cloud_tenant, _|
- cloud_tenant_description = cloud_tenant.description.blank? ? cloud_tenant.name : cloud_tenant.description
- tenant_params = {:name => cloud_tenant.name, :description => cloud_tenant_description, :source => cloud_tenant}
- tenant_parent = cloud_tenant.parent.try(:source_tenant) || source_tenant
- if cloud_tenant.source_tenant
- cloud_tenant.update_source_tenant(tenant_params)
- elsif existing_source_tenant = Tenant.descendants_of(tenant_parent).find_by(:name => tenant_params[:name])
- _log.info("CloudTenant #{cloud_tenant.name} has orphaned tenant #{existing_source_tenant.name}")
- cloud_tenant.source_tenant = existing_source_tenant
- tenant_params[:parent] = tenant_parent
- cloud_tenant.update_source_tenant(tenant_params)
- else
- _log.info("CloudTenant #{cloud_tenant.name} has no tenant")
- _log.info("Creating Tenant with parameters: #{tenant_params.inspect}")
- # first level of CloudTenants does not have parents - in that case
- # source_tenant from EmsCloud is used - this is tenant which is representing
- # provider (EmsCloud)
- # if it is not first level of cloud tenant
- # there is existing parent of CloudTenant and his related tenant is taken
- _log.info("and with parent #{tenant_parent.name}")
- tenant_params[:parent] = tenant_parent
- cloud_tenant.source_tenant = Tenant.new(tenant_params)
- _log.info("New Tenant #{cloud_tenant.source_tenant.name} created")
- end
- cloud_tenant.update_source_tenant_associations
- cloud_tenant.save!
- _log.info("CloudTenant #{cloud_tenant.name} saved")
- end
- end
- def sync_deleted_cloud_tenants
- return unless source_tenant
- source_tenant.descendants.each do |tenant|
- next if tenant.source
- if tenant.parent == source_tenant # tenant is already under provider's tenant
- _log.info("Setting source_id and source_type to nil for #{tenant.name} under provider's tenant #{source_tenant.name}")
- tenant.update(:source_id => nil, :source_type => nil)
- next
- end
- # move tenant under the provider's tenant
- _log.info("Moving out #{tenant.name} under provider's tenant #{source_tenant.name}")
- tenant.update(:parent => source_tenant, :source_id => nil, :source_type => nil)
- end
- end
- def sync_root_tenant
- ems_tenant = source_tenant || Tenant.new(:parent => tenant, :source => self)
- ems_tenant_name = "#{self.class.description} Cloud Provider #{name}"
- ems_tenant.update!(:name => ems_tenant_name, :description => ems_tenant_name)
- end
- def create_cloud_tenant(options)
- CloudTenant.create_cloud_tenant(self, options)
- end
- def valid_service_orchestration_resource
- true
- end
- def self.display_name(number = 1)
- n_('Cloud Manager', 'Cloud Managers', number)
- end
- def destroy_mapped_tenants
- if source_tenant
- # We just destroyed ourself, reload the source_tenant association
- source_tenant.reload
- source_tenant.destroy_with_subtree
- end
- end
- define_method(:allow_duplicate_endpoint_url?) { true }
- end
- end