Python | 399 lines | 247 code | 93 blank | 59 comment | 48 complexity | b21226f7a335f82250fff8abcaf642b8 MD5 | raw file
- """
- Rest API for Home Assistant.
- For more details about the RESTful API, please refer to the documentation at
- https://home-assistant.io/developers/api/
- """
- import json
- import logging
- import re
- import threading
- import homeassistant.core as ha
- import homeassistant.remote as rem
- from homeassistant.bootstrap import ERROR_LOG_FILENAME
- from homeassistant.const import (
- from homeassistant.exceptions import TemplateError
- from homeassistant.helpers.state import TrackStates
- from homeassistant.helpers import template
- DOMAIN = 'api'
- DEPENDENCIES = ['http']
- STREAM_PING_INTERVAL = 50 # seconds
- _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- def setup(hass, config):
- """Register the API with the HTTP interface."""
- # /api - for validation purposes
- hass.http.register_path('GET', URL_API, _handle_get_api)
- # /api/stream
- hass.http.register_path('GET', URL_API_STREAM, _handle_get_api_stream)
- # /api/config
- hass.http.register_path('GET', URL_API_CONFIG, _handle_get_api_config)
- # /states
- hass.http.register_path('GET', URL_API_STATES, _handle_get_api_states)
- hass.http.register_path(
- 'GET', re.compile(r'/api/states/(?P<entity_id>[a-zA-Z\._0-9]+)'),
- _handle_get_api_states_entity)
- hass.http.register_path(
- 'POST', re.compile(r'/api/states/(?P<entity_id>[a-zA-Z\._0-9]+)'),
- _handle_post_state_entity)
- hass.http.register_path(
- 'PUT', re.compile(r'/api/states/(?P<entity_id>[a-zA-Z\._0-9]+)'),
- _handle_post_state_entity)
- hass.http.register_path(
- 'DELETE', re.compile(r'/api/states/(?P<entity_id>[a-zA-Z\._0-9]+)'),
- _handle_delete_state_entity)
- # /events
- hass.http.register_path('GET', URL_API_EVENTS, _handle_get_api_events)
- hass.http.register_path(
- 'POST', re.compile(r'/api/events/(?P<event_type>[a-zA-Z\._0-9]+)'),
- _handle_api_post_events_event)
- # /services
- hass.http.register_path('GET', URL_API_SERVICES, _handle_get_api_services)
- hass.http.register_path(
- 'POST',
- re.compile((r'/api/services/'
- r'(?P<domain>[a-zA-Z\._0-9]+)/'
- r'(?P<service>[a-zA-Z\._0-9]+)')),
- _handle_post_api_services_domain_service)
- # /event_forwarding
- hass.http.register_path(
- 'POST', URL_API_EVENT_FORWARD, _handle_post_api_event_forward)
- hass.http.register_path(
- 'DELETE', URL_API_EVENT_FORWARD, _handle_delete_api_event_forward)
- # /components
- hass.http.register_path(
- 'GET', URL_API_COMPONENTS, _handle_get_api_components)
- hass.http.register_path('GET', URL_API_ERROR_LOG,
- _handle_get_api_error_log)
- hass.http.register_path('POST', URL_API_LOG_OUT, _handle_post_api_log_out)
- hass.http.register_path('POST', URL_API_TEMPLATE,
- _handle_post_api_template)
- return True
- def _handle_get_api(handler, path_match, data):
- """Renders the debug interface."""
- handler.write_json_message("API running.")
- def _handle_get_api_stream(handler, path_match, data):
- """Provide a streaming interface for the event bus."""
- gracefully_closed = False
- hass = handler.server.hass
- wfile = handler.wfile
- write_lock = threading.Lock()
- block = threading.Event()
- session_id = None
- restrict = data.get('restrict')
- if restrict:
- restrict = restrict.split(',')
- def write_message(payload):
- """Writes a message to the output."""
- with write_lock:
- msg = "data: {}\n\n".format(payload)
- try:
- wfile.write(msg.encode("UTF-8"))
- wfile.flush()
- except (IOError, ValueError):
- # IOError: socket errors
- # ValueError: raised when 'I/O operation on closed file'
- block.set()
- def forward_events(event):
- """Forwards events to the open request."""
- nonlocal gracefully_closed
- if block.is_set() or event.event_type == EVENT_TIME_CHANGED:
- return
- elif event.event_type == EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP:
- gracefully_closed = True
- block.set()
- return
- handler.server.sessions.extend_validation(session_id)
- write_message(json.dumps(event, cls=rem.JSONEncoder))
- handler.send_response(HTTP_OK)
- handler.send_header('Content-type', 'text/event-stream')
- session_id = handler.set_session_cookie_header()
- handler.end_headers()
- if restrict:
- for event in restrict:
- hass.bus.listen(event, forward_events)
- else:
- hass.bus.listen(MATCH_ALL, forward_events)
- while True:
- write_message(STREAM_PING_PAYLOAD)
- if block.is_set():
- break
- if not gracefully_closed:
- _LOGGER.info("Found broken event stream to %s, cleaning up",
- handler.client_address[0])
- if restrict:
- for event in restrict:
- hass.bus.remove_listener(event, forward_events)
- else:
- hass.bus.remove_listener(MATCH_ALL, forward_events)
- def _handle_get_api_config(handler, path_match, data):
- """Returns the Home Assistant configuration."""
- handler.write_json(handler.server.hass.config.as_dict())
- def _handle_get_api_states(handler, path_match, data):
- """Returns a dict containing all entity ids and their state."""
- handler.write_json(handler.server.hass.states.all())
- def _handle_get_api_states_entity(handler, path_match, data):
- """Returns the state of a specific entity."""
- entity_id = path_match.group('entity_id')
- state = handler.server.hass.states.get(entity_id)
- if state:
- handler.write_json(state)
- else:
- handler.write_json_message("State does not exist.", HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
- def _handle_post_state_entity(handler, path_match, data):
- """Handles updating the state of an entity.
- This handles the following paths:
- /api/states/<entity_id>
- """
- entity_id = path_match.group('entity_id')
- try:
- new_state = data['state']
- except KeyError:
- handler.write_json_message("state not specified", HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
- return
- attributes = data['attributes'] if 'attributes' in data else None
- is_new_state = handler.server.hass.states.get(entity_id) is None
- # Write state
- handler.server.hass.states.set(entity_id, new_state, attributes)
- state = handler.server.hass.states.get(entity_id)
- status_code = HTTP_CREATED if is_new_state else HTTP_OK
- handler.write_json(
- state.as_dict(),
- status_code=status_code,
- location=URL_API_STATES_ENTITY.format(entity_id))
- def _handle_delete_state_entity(handler, path_match, data):
- """Handle request to delete an entity from state machine.
- This handles the following paths:
- /api/states/<entity_id>
- """
- entity_id = path_match.group('entity_id')
- if handler.server.hass.states.remove(entity_id):
- handler.write_json_message(
- "Entity not found", HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
- else:
- handler.write_json_message(
- "Entity removed", HTTP_OK)
- def _handle_get_api_events(handler, path_match, data):
- """Handles getting overview of event listeners."""
- handler.write_json(events_json(handler.server.hass))
- def _handle_api_post_events_event(handler, path_match, event_data):
- """Handles firing of an event.
- This handles the following paths:
- /api/events/<event_type>
- Events from /api are threated as remote events.
- """
- event_type = path_match.group('event_type')
- if event_data is not None and not isinstance(event_data, dict):
- handler.write_json_message(
- "event_data should be an object", HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)
- return
- event_origin = ha.EventOrigin.remote
- # Special case handling for event STATE_CHANGED
- # We will try to convert state dicts back to State objects
- if event_type == ha.EVENT_STATE_CHANGED and event_data:
- for key in ('old_state', 'new_state'):
- state = ha.State.from_dict(event_data.get(key))
- if state:
- event_data[key] = state
- handler.server.hass.bus.fire(event_type, event_data, event_origin)
- handler.write_json_message("Event {} fired.".format(event_type))
- def _handle_get_api_services(handler, path_match, data):
- """Handles getting overview of services."""
- handler.write_json(services_json(handler.server.hass))
- # pylint: disable=invalid-name
- def _handle_post_api_services_domain_service(handler, path_match, data):
- """Handles calling a service.
- This handles the following paths:
- /api/services/<domain>/<service>
- """
- domain = path_match.group('domain')
- service = path_match.group('service')
- with TrackStates(handler.server.hass) as changed_states:
- handler.server.hass.services.call(domain, service, data, True)
- handler.write_json(changed_states)
- # pylint: disable=invalid-name
- def _handle_post_api_event_forward(handler, path_match, data):
- """Handles adding an event forwarding target."""
- try:
- host = data['host']
- api_password = data['api_password']
- except KeyError:
- handler.write_json_message(
- "No host or api_password received.", HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
- return
- try:
- port = int(data['port']) if 'port' in data else None
- except ValueError:
- handler.write_json_message(
- "Invalid value received for port", HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)
- return
- api = rem.API(host, api_password, port)
- if not api.validate_api():
- handler.write_json_message(
- "Unable to validate API", HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)
- return
- if handler.server.event_forwarder is None:
- handler.server.event_forwarder = \
- rem.EventForwarder(handler.server.hass)
- handler.server.event_forwarder.connect(api)
- handler.write_json_message("Event forwarding setup.")
- def _handle_delete_api_event_forward(handler, path_match, data):
- """Handles deleting an event forwarding target."""
- try:
- host = data['host']
- except KeyError:
- handler.write_json_message("No host received.", HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
- return
- try:
- port = int(data['port']) if 'port' in data else None
- except ValueError:
- handler.write_json_message(
- "Invalid value received for port", HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)
- return
- if handler.server.event_forwarder is not None:
- api = rem.API(host, None, port)
- handler.server.event_forwarder.disconnect(api)
- handler.write_json_message("Event forwarding cancelled.")
- def _handle_get_api_components(handler, path_match, data):
- """Returns all the loaded components."""
- handler.write_json(handler.server.hass.config.components)
- def _handle_get_api_error_log(handler, path_match, data):
- """Returns the logged errors for this session."""
- handler.write_file(handler.server.hass.config.path(ERROR_LOG_FILENAME),
- False)
- def _handle_post_api_log_out(handler, path_match, data):
- """Log user out."""
- handler.send_response(HTTP_OK)
- handler.destroy_session()
- handler.end_headers()
- def _handle_post_api_template(handler, path_match, data):
- """Log user out."""
- template_string = data.get('template', '')
- try:
- rendered = template.render(handler.server.hass, template_string)
- handler.send_response(HTTP_OK)
- handler.end_headers()
- handler.wfile.write(rendered.encode('utf-8'))
- except TemplateError as e:
- handler.write_json_message(str(e), HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)
- return
- def services_json(hass):
- """Generate services data to JSONify."""
- return [{"domain": key, "services": value}
- for key, value in hass.services.services.items()]
- def events_json(hass):
- """Generate event data to JSONify."""
- return [{"event": key, "listener_count": value}
- for key, value in hass.bus.listeners.items()]