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Python | 399 lines | 247 code | 93 blank | 59 comment | 48 complexity | b21226f7a335f82250fff8abcaf642b8 MD5 | raw file
  1. """
  2. Rest API for Home Assistant.
  3. For more details about the RESTful API, please refer to the documentation at
  5. """
  6. import json
  7. import logging
  8. import re
  9. import threading
  10. import homeassistant.core as ha
  11. import homeassistant.remote as rem
  12. from homeassistant.bootstrap import ERROR_LOG_FILENAME
  13. from homeassistant.const import (
  20. from homeassistant.exceptions import TemplateError
  21. from homeassistant.helpers.state import TrackStates
  22. from homeassistant.helpers import template
  23. DOMAIN = 'api'
  24. DEPENDENCIES = ['http']
  25. STREAM_PING_PAYLOAD = "ping"
  26. STREAM_PING_INTERVAL = 50 # seconds
  27. _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
  28. def setup(hass, config):
  29. """Register the API with the HTTP interface."""
  30. # /api - for validation purposes
  31. hass.http.register_path('GET', URL_API, _handle_get_api)
  32. # /api/stream
  33. hass.http.register_path('GET', URL_API_STREAM, _handle_get_api_stream)
  34. # /api/config
  35. hass.http.register_path('GET', URL_API_CONFIG, _handle_get_api_config)
  36. # /states
  37. hass.http.register_path('GET', URL_API_STATES, _handle_get_api_states)
  38. hass.http.register_path(
  39. 'GET', re.compile(r'/api/states/(?P<entity_id>[a-zA-Z\._0-9]+)'),
  40. _handle_get_api_states_entity)
  41. hass.http.register_path(
  42. 'POST', re.compile(r'/api/states/(?P<entity_id>[a-zA-Z\._0-9]+)'),
  43. _handle_post_state_entity)
  44. hass.http.register_path(
  45. 'PUT', re.compile(r'/api/states/(?P<entity_id>[a-zA-Z\._0-9]+)'),
  46. _handle_post_state_entity)
  47. hass.http.register_path(
  48. 'DELETE', re.compile(r'/api/states/(?P<entity_id>[a-zA-Z\._0-9]+)'),
  49. _handle_delete_state_entity)
  50. # /events
  51. hass.http.register_path('GET', URL_API_EVENTS, _handle_get_api_events)
  52. hass.http.register_path(
  53. 'POST', re.compile(r'/api/events/(?P<event_type>[a-zA-Z\._0-9]+)'),
  54. _handle_api_post_events_event)
  55. # /services
  56. hass.http.register_path('GET', URL_API_SERVICES, _handle_get_api_services)
  57. hass.http.register_path(
  58. 'POST',
  59. re.compile((r'/api/services/'
  60. r'(?P<domain>[a-zA-Z\._0-9]+)/'
  61. r'(?P<service>[a-zA-Z\._0-9]+)')),
  62. _handle_post_api_services_domain_service)
  63. # /event_forwarding
  64. hass.http.register_path(
  65. 'POST', URL_API_EVENT_FORWARD, _handle_post_api_event_forward)
  66. hass.http.register_path(
  67. 'DELETE', URL_API_EVENT_FORWARD, _handle_delete_api_event_forward)
  68. # /components
  69. hass.http.register_path(
  70. 'GET', URL_API_COMPONENTS, _handle_get_api_components)
  71. hass.http.register_path('GET', URL_API_ERROR_LOG,
  72. _handle_get_api_error_log)
  73. hass.http.register_path('POST', URL_API_LOG_OUT, _handle_post_api_log_out)
  74. hass.http.register_path('POST', URL_API_TEMPLATE,
  75. _handle_post_api_template)
  76. return True
  77. def _handle_get_api(handler, path_match, data):
  78. """Renders the debug interface."""
  79. handler.write_json_message("API running.")
  80. def _handle_get_api_stream(handler, path_match, data):
  81. """Provide a streaming interface for the event bus."""
  82. gracefully_closed = False
  83. hass = handler.server.hass
  84. wfile = handler.wfile
  85. write_lock = threading.Lock()
  86. block = threading.Event()
  87. session_id = None
  88. restrict = data.get('restrict')
  89. if restrict:
  90. restrict = restrict.split(',')
  91. def write_message(payload):
  92. """Writes a message to the output."""
  93. with write_lock:
  94. msg = "data: {}\n\n".format(payload)
  95. try:
  96. wfile.write(msg.encode("UTF-8"))
  97. wfile.flush()
  98. except (IOError, ValueError):
  99. # IOError: socket errors
  100. # ValueError: raised when 'I/O operation on closed file'
  101. block.set()
  102. def forward_events(event):
  103. """Forwards events to the open request."""
  104. nonlocal gracefully_closed
  105. if block.is_set() or event.event_type == EVENT_TIME_CHANGED:
  106. return
  107. elif event.event_type == EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP:
  108. gracefully_closed = True
  109. block.set()
  110. return
  111. handler.server.sessions.extend_validation(session_id)
  112. write_message(json.dumps(event, cls=rem.JSONEncoder))
  113. handler.send_response(HTTP_OK)
  114. handler.send_header('Content-type', 'text/event-stream')
  115. session_id = handler.set_session_cookie_header()
  116. handler.end_headers()
  117. if restrict:
  118. for event in restrict:
  119. hass.bus.listen(event, forward_events)
  120. else:
  121. hass.bus.listen(MATCH_ALL, forward_events)
  122. while True:
  123. write_message(STREAM_PING_PAYLOAD)
  124. block.wait(STREAM_PING_INTERVAL)
  125. if block.is_set():
  126. break
  127. if not gracefully_closed:
  128."Found broken event stream to %s, cleaning up",
  129. handler.client_address[0])
  130. if restrict:
  131. for event in restrict:
  132. hass.bus.remove_listener(event, forward_events)
  133. else:
  134. hass.bus.remove_listener(MATCH_ALL, forward_events)
  135. def _handle_get_api_config(handler, path_match, data):
  136. """Returns the Home Assistant configuration."""
  137. handler.write_json(handler.server.hass.config.as_dict())
  138. def _handle_get_api_states(handler, path_match, data):
  139. """Returns a dict containing all entity ids and their state."""
  140. handler.write_json(handler.server.hass.states.all())
  141. def _handle_get_api_states_entity(handler, path_match, data):
  142. """Returns the state of a specific entity."""
  143. entity_id ='entity_id')
  144. state = handler.server.hass.states.get(entity_id)
  145. if state:
  146. handler.write_json(state)
  147. else:
  148. handler.write_json_message("State does not exist.", HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
  149. def _handle_post_state_entity(handler, path_match, data):
  150. """Handles updating the state of an entity.
  151. This handles the following paths:
  152. /api/states/<entity_id>
  153. """
  154. entity_id ='entity_id')
  155. try:
  156. new_state = data['state']
  157. except KeyError:
  158. handler.write_json_message("state not specified", HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
  159. return
  160. attributes = data['attributes'] if 'attributes' in data else None
  161. is_new_state = handler.server.hass.states.get(entity_id) is None
  162. # Write state
  163. handler.server.hass.states.set(entity_id, new_state, attributes)
  164. state = handler.server.hass.states.get(entity_id)
  165. status_code = HTTP_CREATED if is_new_state else HTTP_OK
  166. handler.write_json(
  167. state.as_dict(),
  168. status_code=status_code,
  169. location=URL_API_STATES_ENTITY.format(entity_id))
  170. def _handle_delete_state_entity(handler, path_match, data):
  171. """Handle request to delete an entity from state machine.
  172. This handles the following paths:
  173. /api/states/<entity_id>
  174. """
  175. entity_id ='entity_id')
  176. if handler.server.hass.states.remove(entity_id):
  177. handler.write_json_message(
  178. "Entity not found", HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
  179. else:
  180. handler.write_json_message(
  181. "Entity removed", HTTP_OK)
  182. def _handle_get_api_events(handler, path_match, data):
  183. """Handles getting overview of event listeners."""
  184. handler.write_json(events_json(handler.server.hass))
  185. def _handle_api_post_events_event(handler, path_match, event_data):
  186. """Handles firing of an event.
  187. This handles the following paths:
  188. /api/events/<event_type>
  189. Events from /api are threated as remote events.
  190. """
  191. event_type ='event_type')
  192. if event_data is not None and not isinstance(event_data, dict):
  193. handler.write_json_message(
  194. "event_data should be an object", HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)
  195. return
  196. event_origin = ha.EventOrigin.remote
  197. # Special case handling for event STATE_CHANGED
  198. # We will try to convert state dicts back to State objects
  199. if event_type == ha.EVENT_STATE_CHANGED and event_data:
  200. for key in ('old_state', 'new_state'):
  201. state = ha.State.from_dict(event_data.get(key))
  202. if state:
  203. event_data[key] = state
  204., event_data, event_origin)
  205. handler.write_json_message("Event {} fired.".format(event_type))
  206. def _handle_get_api_services(handler, path_match, data):
  207. """Handles getting overview of services."""
  208. handler.write_json(services_json(handler.server.hass))
  209. # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  210. def _handle_post_api_services_domain_service(handler, path_match, data):
  211. """Handles calling a service.
  212. This handles the following paths:
  213. /api/services/<domain>/<service>
  214. """
  215. domain ='domain')
  216. service ='service')
  217. with TrackStates(handler.server.hass) as changed_states:
  218., service, data, True)
  219. handler.write_json(changed_states)
  220. # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  221. def _handle_post_api_event_forward(handler, path_match, data):
  222. """Handles adding an event forwarding target."""
  223. try:
  224. host = data['host']
  225. api_password = data['api_password']
  226. except KeyError:
  227. handler.write_json_message(
  228. "No host or api_password received.", HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
  229. return
  230. try:
  231. port = int(data['port']) if 'port' in data else None
  232. except ValueError:
  233. handler.write_json_message(
  234. "Invalid value received for port", HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)
  235. return
  236. api = rem.API(host, api_password, port)
  237. if not api.validate_api():
  238. handler.write_json_message(
  239. "Unable to validate API", HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)
  240. return
  241. if handler.server.event_forwarder is None:
  242. handler.server.event_forwarder = \
  243. rem.EventForwarder(handler.server.hass)
  244. handler.server.event_forwarder.connect(api)
  245. handler.write_json_message("Event forwarding setup.")
  246. def _handle_delete_api_event_forward(handler, path_match, data):
  247. """Handles deleting an event forwarding target."""
  248. try:
  249. host = data['host']
  250. except KeyError:
  251. handler.write_json_message("No host received.", HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
  252. return
  253. try:
  254. port = int(data['port']) if 'port' in data else None
  255. except ValueError:
  256. handler.write_json_message(
  257. "Invalid value received for port", HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)
  258. return
  259. if handler.server.event_forwarder is not None:
  260. api = rem.API(host, None, port)
  261. handler.server.event_forwarder.disconnect(api)
  262. handler.write_json_message("Event forwarding cancelled.")
  263. def _handle_get_api_components(handler, path_match, data):
  264. """Returns all the loaded components."""
  265. handler.write_json(handler.server.hass.config.components)
  266. def _handle_get_api_error_log(handler, path_match, data):
  267. """Returns the logged errors for this session."""
  268. handler.write_file(handler.server.hass.config.path(ERROR_LOG_FILENAME),
  269. False)
  270. def _handle_post_api_log_out(handler, path_match, data):
  271. """Log user out."""
  272. handler.send_response(HTTP_OK)
  273. handler.destroy_session()
  274. handler.end_headers()
  275. def _handle_post_api_template(handler, path_match, data):
  276. """Log user out."""
  277. template_string = data.get('template', '')
  278. try:
  279. rendered = template.render(handler.server.hass, template_string)
  280. handler.send_response(HTTP_OK)
  282. handler.end_headers()
  283. handler.wfile.write(rendered.encode('utf-8'))
  284. except TemplateError as e:
  285. handler.write_json_message(str(e), HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)
  286. return
  287. def services_json(hass):
  288. """Generate services data to JSONify."""
  289. return [{"domain": key, "services": value}
  290. for key, value in]
  291. def events_json(hass):
  292. """Generate event data to JSONify."""
  293. return [{"event": key, "listener_count": value}
  294. for key, value in hass.bus.listeners.items()]