https://gitlab.com/pymevirtual/azure-sdk-for-ruby · Markdown · 106 lines · 67 code · 39 blank · 0 comment · 0 complexity · bd5096a39b11ce598d21db17fcabd8bd MD5 · raw file
- # Intro
- This project provides a Ruby gem for easy access to the Azure ARM Resources API. With this gem you can create/update/list/delete resources, resource groups, resource providers and deployments.
- # Supported Ruby Versions
- * Ruby 2+
- Note: x64 Ruby for Windows is known to have some compatibility issues.
- # Getting started
- ## Setting up the service principal
- First of all to start interacting with the ARM resources you will need to setup a service principal. Service principal is an Azure application which allows you to authenticate to Azure and access Azure services. The detailed steps of how to setup a service principal can be found in this article: http://aka.ms/cli-service-principal. In the result of setting up service principal you will get tenant id, client id and client secret data.
- ## Installation
- install the appropriate gem:
- ```
- gem install azure_mgmt_resources
- ```
- and reference it in your code:
- ```Ruby
- require 'azure_mgmt_resources'
- ```
- After that you should be ready to start using SDK!
- ## Authentication
- ```Ruby
- # Create authentication objects
- token_provider = MsRestAzure::ApplicationTokenProvider.new(tenant_id, client_id, secret)
- credentials = MsRest::TokenCredentials.new(token_provider)
- ```
- To get tenant_id, client_id and secret for your Azure application visit Azure portal or copy them from the powershell script from the article mentioned above.
- ## Creating resource group
- ```Ruby
- # Create a client - a point of access to the API and set the subscription id
- client = Azure::ARM::Resources::ResourceManagementClient.new(credentials)
- client.subscription_id = subscription_id
- # Create a model for resource group.
- resource_group = Azure::ARM::Resources::Models::ResourceGroup.new()
- resource_group.location = 'westus'
- promise = client.resource_groups.create_or_update('new_test_resource_group', resource_group)
- ```
- The SDK method returns a promise which you can utilize depending on your needs. E.g. if you need to get result immediately via sync blocking call - do the following:
- ```Ruby
- result = promise.value!
- ```
- If you need to follow async flow - provide a block which will be executed in off main thread:
- ```Ruby
- promise = promise.then do |result|
- # Handle the result
- end
- ```
- In both cases you're returned an instance of MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse which contains HTTP requests/response objects and response body. Response body is a deserialized object representing the received information. In case of code above - newly created resource group. To get data from it:
- ```Ruby
- resource_group = result.body
- p resource_group.name # 'new_test_resource_group'
- p resource_group.id # the id of resource group
- ```
- Congrats, you've create an ARM resource group. We encourage you to try more stuff and let us know your feedback!
- # Running tests
- ## Adding env variables
- To run the tests you would need to set the following environment variables with your real Azure data:
- * AZURE_TENANT_ID="your tenant id or domain"
- * AZURE_CLIENT_ID="your client id / application id"
- * AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET="your service principal secret"
- * AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="your subscription id"
- * run_long_tasks - set this to '1' only if you would like to run time consuming tests like VM creation.
- ## Starting tests
- Just run 'rspec' command from the current gem folder.
- # Contribution
- All the SDK code was generated by tool 'AutoRest' - https://github.com/Azure/autorest
- So if you have found a bug or have an idea for a new feature - suggest, discuss and contribute it into the AutoRest repository. After that SDK maintainers will update the sources and the gem.
- # Provide feedback
- Send email to the azsdkteam@microsoft.com or file new issue in this repository.