JavaScript | 369 lines | 174 code | 42 blank | 153 comment | 47 complexity | e5435b34709567f470e6aaa2f6a9b993 MD5 | raw file
- var C = require( '../constants/constants' ),
- SubscriptionRegistry = require( '../utils/subscription-registry' ),
- ListenerRegistry = require( '../utils/listener-registry' ),
- RecordRequest = require( './record-request' ),
- RecordTransition = require( './record-transition' ),
- RecordDeletion = require( './record-deletion' ),
- messageParser = require( '../message/message-parser' ),
- messageBuilder = require( '../message/message-builder' );
- /**
- * The entry point for record related operations
- *
- * @param {Object} options deepstream options
- */
- var RecordHandler = function( options ) {
- this._options = options;
- this._subscriptionRegistry = new SubscriptionRegistry( options, C.TOPIC.RECORD );
- this._listenerRegistry = new ListenerRegistry( C.TOPIC.RECORD, options, this._subscriptionRegistry );
- this._subscriptionRegistry.setSubscriptionListener( this._listenerRegistry );
- this._hasReadTransforms = this._options.dataTransforms && this._options.dataTransforms.has( C.TOPIC.RECORD, C.ACTIONS.READ );
- this._hasUpdateTransforms = this._options.dataTransforms && this._options.dataTransforms.has( C.TOPIC.RECORD, C.ACTIONS.UPDATE );
- this._hasPatchTransforms = this._options.dataTransforms && this._options.dataTransforms.has( C.TOPIC.RECORD, C.ACTIONS.PATCH );
- this._transitions = [];
- };
- /**
- * Handles incoming record requests.
- *
- * Please note that neither CREATE nor READ is supported as a
- * client send action. Instead the client sends CREATEORREAD
- * and deepstream works which one it will be
- *
- * @param {SocketWrapper} socketWrapper the sender
- * @param {Object} message parsed and validated deepstream message
- *
- * @public
- * @returns {void}
- */
- RecordHandler.prototype.handle = function( socketWrapper, message ) {
- /*
- * All messages have to provide at least the name of the record they relate to
- * or a pattern in case of listen
- */
- if( !message.data || message.data.length < 1 ) {
- socketWrapper.sendError( C.TOPIC.RECORD, C.EVENT.INVALID_MESSAGE_DATA, message.raw );
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Return the record's contents and subscribes for future updates.
- * Creates the record if it doesn't exist
- */
- if( message.action === C.ACTIONS.CREATEORREAD ) {
- this._createOrRead( socketWrapper, message );
- }
- /*
- * Handle complete (UPDATE) or partial (PATCH) updates
- */
- else if( message.action === C.ACTIONS.UPDATE || message.action === C.ACTIONS.PATCH ) {
- this._update( socketWrapper, message );
- }
- /*
- * Deletes the record
- */
- else if( message.action === C.ACTIONS.DELETE ) {
- this._delete( socketWrapper, message );
- }
- /*
- * Unsubscribes (discards) a record that was previously subscribed to
- * using read()
- */
- else if( message.action === C.ACTIONS.UNSUBSCRIBE ) {
- this._subscriptionRegistry.unsubscribe( message.data[ 0 ], socketWrapper );
- }
- /*
- * Listen to requests for a particular record or records
- * whose names match a pattern
- */
- else if( message.action === C.ACTIONS.LISTEN ) {
- this._listenerRegistry.addListener( socketWrapper, message );
- }
- /*
- * Remove the socketWrapper as a listener for
- * the specified pattern
- */
- else if( message.action === C.ACTIONS.UNLISTEN ) {
- this._listenerRegistry.removeListener( socketWrapper, message );
- }
- /*
- * Default for invalid messages
- */
- else {
- this._options.logger.log( C.LOG_LEVEL.WARN, C.EVENT.UNKNOWN_ACTION, message.action );
- if( socketWrapper !== C.SOURCE_MESSAGE_CONNECTOR ) {
- socketWrapper.sendError( C.TOPIC.RECORD, C.EVENT.UNKNOWN_ACTION, 'unknown action ' + message.action );
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Tries to retrieve the record and creates it if it doesn't exist. Please
- * note that create also triggers a read once done
- *
- * @param {SocketWrapper} socketWrapper the socket that send the request
- * @param {Object} message parsed and validated message
- *
- * @private
- * @returns {void}
- */
- RecordHandler.prototype._createOrRead = function( socketWrapper, message ) {
- var recordName = message.data[ 0 ],
- onComplete = function( record ) {
- if( record ) {
- this._read( recordName, record, socketWrapper );
- } else {
- this._create( recordName, socketWrapper );
- }
- };
- new RecordRequest( recordName, this._options, socketWrapper, onComplete.bind( this ) );
- };
- /**
- * Creates a new, empty record and triggers a read operation once done
- *
- * @param {SocketWrapper} socketWrapper the socket that send the request
- * @param {Object} message parsed and validated message
- *
- * @private
- * @returns {void}
- */
- RecordHandler.prototype._create = function( recordName, socketWrapper ) {
- var record = {
- _v: 0,
- _d: {}
- };
- // store the records data in the cache and wait for the result
- this._options.cache.set( recordName, record, function( error ){
- if( error ) {
- this._options.logger.log( C.LOG_LEVEL.ERROR, C.EVENT.RECORD_CREATE_ERROR, recordName );
- socketWrapper.sendError( C.TOPIC.RECORD, C.EVENT.RECORD_CREATE_ERROR, recordName );
- }
- else {
- this._read( recordName, record, socketWrapper );
- }
- }.bind( this ));
- if( !this._options.storageExclusion || !this._options.storageExclusion.test( recordName ) ) {
- // store the record data in the persistant storage independently and don't wait for the result
- this._options.storage.set( recordName, record, function( error ) {
- if( error ) {
- this._options.logger.log( C.TOPIC.RECORD, C.EVENT.RECORD_CREATE_ERROR, 'storage:' + error );
- }
- }.bind( this ) );
- }
- };
- /**
- * Subscribes to updates for a record and sends its current data once done
- *
- * @param {String} recordName
- * @param {Object} record
- * @param {SocketWrapper} socketWrapper the socket that send the request
- *
- * @private
- * @returns {void}
- */
- RecordHandler.prototype._read = function( recordName, record, socketWrapper ) {
- this._subscriptionRegistry.subscribe( recordName, socketWrapper );
- var data = record._d;
- if( this._hasReadTransforms ) {
- data = this._options.dataTransforms.apply(
- /*
- * Clone the object to make sure that the transform method doesn't accidentally
- * modify the object reference for other subscribers.
- *
- * JSON stringify/parse still seems to be the fastest way to achieve a deep copy.
- * TODO Update once native Object.clone // Object.copy becomes a thing
- */
- JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( data ) ),
- { recordName: recordName, receiver: socketWrapper.user }
- );
- }
- socketWrapper.sendMessage( C.TOPIC.RECORD, C.ACTIONS.READ, [ recordName, record._v, data ] );
- };
- /**
- * Applies both full and partial updates. Creates a new record transition that will live as long as updates
- * are in flight and new updates come in
- *
- * @param {SocketWrapper} socketWrapper the socket that send the request
- * @param {Object} message parsed and validated message
- *
- * @private
- * @returns {void}
- */
- RecordHandler.prototype._update = function( socketWrapper, message ) {
- if( message.data.length < 3 ) {
- socketWrapper.sendError( C.TOPIC.RECORD, C.EVENT.INVALID_MESSAGE_DATA, message.data[ 0 ] );
- return;
- }
- var recordName = message.data[ 0 ],
- version = parseInt( message.data[ 1 ], 10 );
- /*
- * If the update message is received from the message bus, rather than from a client,
- * assume that the original deepstream node has already updated the record in cache and
- * storage and only broadcast the message to subscribers
- */
- if( socketWrapper === C.SOURCE_MESSAGE_CONNECTOR ) {
- this._$broadcastUpdate( recordName, message, socketWrapper );
- return;
- }
- if( isNaN( version ) ) {
- socketWrapper.sendError( C.TOPIC.RECORD, C.EVENT.INVALID_VERSION, [ recordName, version ] );
- return;
- }
- if( this._transitions[ recordName ] && this._transitions[ recordName ].hasVersion( version ) ) {
- socketWrapper.sendError( C.TOPIC.RECORD, C.EVENT.VERSION_EXISTS, [ recordName, version ] );
- return;
- }
- if( !this._transitions[ recordName ] ) {
- this._transitions[ recordName ] = new RecordTransition( recordName, this._options, this );
- }
- this._transitions[ recordName ].add( socketWrapper, version, message );
- };
- /**
- * Invoked by RecordTransition. Notifies local subscribers and other deepstream
- * instances of record updates
- *
- * @param {String} name record name
- * @param {Object} message parsed and validated deepstream message
- * @param {SocketWrapper} originalSender the socket the update message was received from
- *
- * @package private
- * @returns {void}
- */
- RecordHandler.prototype._$broadcastUpdate = function( name, message, originalSender ) {
- var transformUpdate = message.action === C.ACTIONS.UPDATE && this._hasUpdateTransforms,
- transformPatch = message.action === C.ACTIONS.PATCH && this._hasPatchTransforms;
- if( transformUpdate || transformPatch ) {
- this._broadcastTransformedUpdate( transformUpdate, transformPatch, name, message, originalSender );
- } else {
- this._subscriptionRegistry.sendToSubscribers( name, message.raw, originalSender );
- }
- if( originalSender !== C.SOURCE_MESSAGE_CONNECTOR ) {
- this._options.messageConnector.publish( C.TOPIC.RECORD, message );
- }
- };
- /**
- * Called by _$broadcastUpdate if registered transform functions are detected. Disassembles
- * the message and invokes the transform function prior to sending it to every individual receiver
- * so that receiver specific transforms can be applied.
- *
- * @param {Boolean} transformUpdate is a update transform function registered that applies to this update?
- * @param {Boolean} transformPatch is a patch transform function registered that applies to this update?
- * @param {String} name the record name
- * @param {Object} message a parsed deepstream message object
- * @param {SocketWrapper|String} originalSender the original sender of the update or a string pointing at the messageBus
- *
- * @private
- * @returns {void}
- */
- RecordHandler.prototype._broadcastTransformedUpdate = function( transformUpdate, transformPatch, name, message, originalSender ) {
- var receiver = this._subscriptionRegistry.getSubscribers( name ) || [],
- metaData = {
- recordName: name,
- version: parseInt( message.data[ 1 ], 10 )
- },
- data,
- i;
- if( transformPatch ) {
- metaData.path = message.data[ 2 ];
- }
- for( i = 0; i < receiver.length; i++ ) {
- if( receiver[ i ] === originalSender ) {
- continue;
- }
- metaData.receiver = receiver[ i ].user;
- if( transformUpdate ) {
- // parse data every time to create a fresh copy
- data = JSON.parse( message.data[ 2 ] );
- data = this._options.dataTransforms.apply( message.topic, message.action, data, metaData );
- message.data[ 2 ] = JSON.stringify( data );
- } else {
- // PATCH
- // convert data every time to create a fresh copy
- data = messageParser.convertTyped( message.data[ 3 ] );
- data = this._options.dataTransforms.apply( message.topic, message.action, data, metaData );
- message.data[ 3 ] = messageBuilder.typed( data );
- }
- receiver[ i ].sendMessage( message.topic, message.action, message.data );
- }
- };
- /**
- * Called by a RecordTransition, either if it is complete or if an error occured. Removes
- * the transition from the registry
- *
- * @todo refactor - this is a bit of a mess
- * @param {String} recordName record name
- *
- * @package private
- * @returns {void}
- */
- RecordHandler.prototype._$transitionComplete = function( recordName ) {
- delete this._transitions[ recordName ];
- };
- /**
- * Deletes a record. If a transition is in progress it will be stopped. Once the
- * deletion is complete, an Ack is returned.
- *
- * If the deletion message is received from the message bus, rather than from a client,
- * we assume that the original deepstream node has already deleted the record from cache and
- * storage and we only need to broadcast the message to subscribers
- *
- * @param {SocketWrapper} socketWrapper the socket that send the request
- * @param {Object} message parsed and validated message
- *
- * @private
- * @returns {void}
- */
- RecordHandler.prototype._delete = function( socketWrapper, message ) {
- var recordName = message.data[ 0 ];
- if( this._transitions[ recordName ] ) {
- this._transitions[ recordName ].destroy();
- delete this._transitions[ recordName ];
- }
- if( socketWrapper === C.SOURCE_MESSAGE_CONNECTOR ) {
- this._$broadcastUpdate( recordName, message, socketWrapper );
- return;
- }
- new RecordDeletion( this._options, socketWrapper, message, this._$broadcastUpdate.bind( this ) );
- };
- module.exports = RecordHandler;