Python | 323 lines | 242 code | 46 blank | 35 comment | 57 complexity | 26c2e6aee93728e4f63788f5f9cd0a44 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- #
- # How to submit gaia-ui endurance test results to Datazilla:
- # 1) Attach a b2g device with an engineering build
- # 2) Issue 'adb forward tcp:2828 tcp:2828' cmd
- # 3) Run a gaia-ui endurance test, resulting in a checkpoint_*_summary.log results file
- # 4) Keep the device connected, and turn on wifi (so device can get a macAddress), then
- # 5) Run this script and provide the command line options/values, including '--print'
- # 6) Review the results as displayed in the console, verify
- # 7) To submit the results, repeat the cmd but use '--submit' instead of '--print'
- from optparse import OptionParser
- from StringIO import StringIO
- import os
- from urlparse import urlparse
- import xml.dom.minidom
- import zipfile
- import time
- import dzclient
- import gaiatest
- from marionette_driver import Marionette
- import mozdevice
- class DatazillaPerfPoster(object):
- def __init__(self, marionette, datazilla_config=None, sources=None):
- self.marionette = marionette
- settings = gaiatest.GaiaData(self.marionette).all_settings # get all settings
- mac_address = self.marionette.execute_script('return navigator.mozWifiManager && navigator.mozWifiManager.macAddress;')
- self.submit_report = True
- self.ancillary_data = {}
- if gaiatest.GaiaDevice(self.marionette).is_android_build:
- # get gaia, gecko and build revisions
- try:
- device_manager = mozdevice.DeviceManagerADB()
- app_zip = device_manager.pullFile('/data/local/webapps/settings.gaiamobile.org/application.zip')
- with zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO(app_zip)).open('resources/gaia_commit.txt') as f:
- self.ancillary_data['gaia_revision'] = f.read().splitlines()[0]
- except zipfile.BadZipfile:
- # the zip file will not exist if Gaia has not been flashed to
- # the device, so we fall back to the sources file
- pass
- try:
- sources_xml = sources and xml.dom.minidom.parse(sources) or xml.dom.minidom.parseString(device_manager.catFile('system/sources.xml'))
- for element in sources_xml.getElementsByTagName('project'):
- path = element.getAttribute('path')
- revision = element.getAttribute('revision')
- if not self.ancillary_data.get('gaia_revision') and path in 'gaia':
- self.ancillary_data['gaia_revision'] = revision
- if path in ['gecko', 'build']:
- self.ancillary_data['_'.join([path, 'revision'])] = revision
- except:
- pass
- self.required = {
- 'gaia revision': self.ancillary_data.get('gaia_revision'),
- 'gecko revision': self.ancillary_data.get('gecko_revision'),
- 'build revision': self.ancillary_data.get('build_revision'),
- 'protocol': datazilla_config['protocol'],
- 'host': datazilla_config['host'],
- 'project': datazilla_config['project'],
- 'branch': datazilla_config['branch'],
- 'oauth key': datazilla_config['oauth_key'],
- 'oauth secret': datazilla_config['oauth_secret'],
- 'machine name': mac_address or 'unknown',
- 'device name': datazilla_config['device_name'],
- 'os version': settings.get('deviceinfo.os'),
- 'id': settings.get('deviceinfo.platform_build_id')}
- for key, value in self.required.items():
- if not value:
- self.submit_report = False
- print '\nMissing required DataZilla field: %s' % key
- if not self.submit_report:
- print '\n***Reports will not be submitted to DataZilla***'
- def post_to_datazilla(self, results, app_name):
- # Prepare DataZilla results
- res = dzclient.DatazillaResult()
- test_suite = app_name.replace(' ', '_').lower()
- res.add_testsuite(test_suite)
- for metric in results.keys():
- res.add_test_results(test_suite, metric, results[metric])
- req = dzclient.DatazillaRequest(
- protocol=self.required.get('protocol'),
- host=self.required.get('host'),
- project=self.required.get('project'),
- oauth_key=self.required.get('oauth key'),
- oauth_secret=self.required.get('oauth secret'),
- machine_name=self.required.get('machine name'),
- os='Firefox OS',
- os_version=self.required.get('os version'),
- platform='Gonk',
- build_name='B2G',
- version='prerelease',
- revision=self.ancillary_data.get('gaia_revision'),
- branch=self.required.get('branch'),
- id=self.required.get('id'))
- # Send DataZilla results
- req.add_datazilla_result(res)
- for dataset in req.datasets():
- dataset['test_build'].update(self.ancillary_data)
- dataset['test_machine'].update({'type': self.required.get('device name')})
- print '\nSubmitting results to DataZilla: %s' % dataset
- response = req.send(dataset)
- print 'Response: %s\n' % response.read()
- class dzOptionParser(OptionParser):
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- OptionParser.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self.add_option('--file',
- action='store',
- dest='results_file',
- metavar='str',
- help='Json checkpoint results file from the endurance test')
- self.add_option('--dz-url',
- action='store',
- dest='datazilla_url',
- default='https://datazilla.mozilla.org',
- metavar='str',
- help='datazilla server url (default: %default)')
- self.add_option('--dz-project',
- action='store',
- dest='datazilla_project',
- metavar='str',
- help='datazilla project name')
- self.add_option('--dz-branch',
- action='store',
- dest='datazilla_branch',
- metavar='str',
- help='datazilla branch name')
- self.add_option('--dz-device',
- action='store',
- dest='datazilla_device_name',
- metavar='str',
- help='datazilla device name')
- self.add_option('--dz-key',
- action='store',
- dest='datazilla_key',
- metavar='str',
- help='oauth key for datazilla server')
- self.add_option('--dz-secret',
- action='store',
- dest='datazilla_secret',
- metavar='str',
- help='oauth secret for datazilla server')
- self.add_option('--sources',
- action='store',
- dest='sources',
- metavar='str',
- help='Optional path to sources.xml containing project revisions')
- self.add_option('--submit',
- action='store_true',
- dest='send_to_datazilla',
- help='Send results to datazilla')
- self.add_option('--process-dir',
- action='store',
- dest='process_dir',
- metavar='str',
- help='Process all *_summary.log files in the given folder')
- def datazilla_config(self, options):
- if options.sources:
- if not os.path.exists(options.sources):
- raise Exception('--sources file does not exist')
- datazilla_url = urlparse(options.datazilla_url)
- datazilla_config = {
- 'protocol': datazilla_url.scheme,
- 'host': datazilla_url.hostname,
- 'project': options.datazilla_project,
- 'branch': options.datazilla_branch,
- 'device_name': options.datazilla_device_name,
- 'oauth_key': options.datazilla_key,
- 'oauth_secret': options.datazilla_secret}
- return datazilla_config
- def cli():
- parser = dzOptionParser(usage='%prog file [options]')
- options, args = parser.parse_args()
- # Ensure have all required options
- if (not options.datazilla_project or not options.datazilla_branch
- or not options.datazilla_key or not options.datazilla_secret):
- parser.print_help()
- parser.exit()
- # Either a single file or option to process all in given folder
- if (not options.results_file) and (not options.process_dir):
- parser.print_help()
- parser.exit()
- if options.results_file and options.process_dir:
- parser.print_help()
- parser.exit()
- # Ensure results file actually exists
- if options.results_file:
- if not os.path.exists(options.results_file):
- raise Exception('%s file does not exist' %options.results_file)
- if options.process_dir:
- if not os.path.exists(options.process_dir):
- raise Exception("Process all path '%s' does not exist" %options.process_dir)
- # Parse config options
- datazilla_config = parser.datazilla_config(options)
- # Start marionette session
- marionette = Marionette(host='localhost', port=2828) # TODO command line option for address
- marionette.start_session()
- # Create datazilla post object
- poster = DatazillaPerfPoster(marionette, datazilla_config=datazilla_config, sources=options.sources)
- # If was an error getting required values then poster.submit_report will be false;
- # if it is true then ok to submit if user wants to
- if poster.submit_report:
- if not options.send_to_datazilla:
- poster.submit_report = False
- # Parse checkpoint results from provided summary log file
- checkpoint_summary = {}
- results = {}
- summary_file_list = []
- if options.process_dir:
- # All files in the given path
- file_path = options.process_dir
- print "\nSearching for *_summary.log files in %s\n" % options.process_dir
- entire_file_list = os.listdir(file_path)
- if len(entire_file_list) == 0:
- raise Exception("No checkpoint *_summary.log files were found in the given path")
- for found_file in entire_file_list:
- if found_file.endswith("summary.log") and found_file != "avg_b2g_rss_suite_summary.log":
- summary_file_list.append("%s/%s" % (file_path, found_file))
- if len(summary_file_list) == 0:
- raise Exception("No checkpoint *_summary.log files were found in the given path")
- print "Found the following checkpoint summary files to process:\n"
- for x in summary_file_list:
- print "%s" % x
- print "\n" + "-" * 50
- else:
- # Just one file
- summary_file_list = [options.results_file]
- for next_file in summary_file_list:
- # Clear results as only want results for current file being processed
- results = {}
- print "\nProcessing results in '%s'\n" % next_file
- summary_file = open(next_file, 'r')
- read_in = summary_file.read().split("\n")
- summary_file.close()
- for x in read_in:
- try:
- if x.find(':') != -1: # Ignore empty lines ie. last line of file which is empty
- k, v = x.split(': ')
- if k in "total_iterations" or k in "checkpoint_interval":
- checkpoint_summary[k] = int(v)
- elif k in "b2g_rss":
- checkpoint_summary[k] = v.split(',') # list of strings
- checkpoint_summary[k] = map(int, checkpoint_summary[k]) # list of ints
- elif k in "test_name":
- # Prefix test name so all tests are grouped together in datazilla
- checkpoint_summary[k] = "endurance_" + v
- else:
- checkpoint_summary[k] = v
- except:
- raise Exception("Value missing from '%s', cannot proceed." % options.results_file)
- # Make sure we have app_under_test
- if (checkpoint_summary['app_under_test'] == "none"):
- raise Exception("Checkpoint summary file is missing value for 'app_under_test'. Cannot proceed.")
- # Results dictionary required format example
- # {'test_name': [180892, 180892, 181980, 181852, 180828, 182012, 183652, 182972, 183052, 183052]}
- results[checkpoint_summary['test_name']] = checkpoint_summary['b2g_rss']
- # Display the Datazilla configuration
- print 'Datazilla configuration:'
- print "\napplication (datazilla 'suite'): %s" % checkpoint_summary['app_under_test']
- for key, value in poster.required.items():
- print key + ":", value
- # Submit or print the results
- if poster.submit_report:
- #poster.post_to_datazilla(results, checkpoint_summary['test_name'])
- poster.post_to_datazilla(results, checkpoint_summary['app_under_test'])
- else:
- print "\nCheckpoint summary for test '%s':\n" % checkpoint_summary['test_name']
- print checkpoint_summary
- print '\nEndurance test results data:\n'
- print results
- print "\nTo submit results, fix any missing fields and use the '--submit' option.\n"
- if options.process_dir:
- # Sleep between submissions
- print "Pausing...\n"
- time.sleep(30)
- print "-" * 50
- if options.process_dir:
- print "\nFinished processing all files.\n"
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- cli()