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  1. <html>
  2. <head><meta charset=utf-8/>
  3. <title>podebconf-report-po - send outdated debconf PO files to the last translators</title></head>
  4. <body><pre>
  6. NAME
  7. podebconf-report-po - send outdated debconf PO files to the last
  8. translators
  10. podebconf-report-po [options]
  12. This program reads a directory with po files to determine which files
  13. contain fuzzy or missing translations, launches an editor to allow
  14. modifications of mail body and headers, asks confirmation to send mails,
  15. and sends them to the last translator requesting updates. The mail will
  16. contain the PO file which has to be updated. podebconf-report-po can be
  17. called either in the top-level directory, or in debian or debian/po
  18. subdirectories (or, for non debconf translations, from the po directory
  19. itself or its parent directory).
  20. podebconf-report-po can also be used to send a call for translations to a
  21. mailing list. In that case, the POT file will be attached.
  22. Different templates exist for translation update requests, request to
  23. send updated PO files to a bug report (--submit) or for calls for
  24. translations (--call). The template can also be provided by the user.
  25. See the TEMPLATES section for more information on the templates.
  27. Many options can be set in a configuration file. See section
  29. --addlanguageteam=LANGUAGE:LIST
  30. Specify a mailing list for a given language. This mailing list will
  31. be added to the CC list for the PO files of this language when
  32. --languageteam is used, in addition to the language team specified in
  33. the PO file (if these mailing lists differ).
  34. This is useful to keep the specified team informed, and allow a
  35. faster reaction when a translator is known to be inactive.
  36. This option can be specified more than once. The language code and
  37. language mailing list are separated by a colon.
  38. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  39. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  40. FILE below.
  41. --bts=NUMBER
  42. After a bug report has been filed (either manually or with the
  43. --submit flag) to track down translations, podebconf-report-po can be
  44. run again, but this time with the --bts=NUMBER flag. Translators are
  45. then requested to respect the Reply-To: header field which is set to
  46. this bug report, so that all translations are gathered into a single
  47. location.
  48. --call[=MAILING_LIST]
  49. Send a call for translations. If the optional MAILING_LIST argument
  50. is not specified, the call for translations is sent to the Debian
  51. Internationalization list (
  52. Calls for translations are useful to receive translations in new
  53. languages.
  54. By default, calls for translation are combined with regular requests
  55. for updates sent to translators, for the existing translations. You
  56. can disable this default behavior with the --withouttranslators
  57. option.
  58. --conf=FILE
  59. Specify the configuration file. By default, podebconf-report-po
  60. reads $HOME/.podebconf-report-po.conf.
  61. --noconf
  62. Do not read any configuration file.
  63. --deadline=DEADLINE
  64. Specify the deadline for receiving the updated translations (default
  65. is no deadline).
  66. This should be a date, which will be prefixed by:
  67. The deadline for receiving the updated translation is
  69. If the specified string starts with a &apos;+&apos;, it will be interpreted by:
  70. LC_ALL=C date -R -d DEADLINE
  71. If no deadline is specified (and the --nodeadline option is not
  72. used), a deadline will be prompted to the user, proposing a default
  73. deadline set to +10days.
  74. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  75. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  76. FILE below.
  77. --nodeadline
  78. Deactivate the deadline indication to translators, and avoid the
  79. deadline prompts.
  80. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  81. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  82. FILE below.
  83. --default
  84. Do not open the editor and use the template as is.
  85. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  86. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  87. FILE below.
  88. --nodefault
  89. Open an editor before sending the email(s).
  90. -f, --force
  91. Send the email(s) without confirmation.
  92. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  93. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  94. FILE below.
  95. --noforce
  96. Ask for confirmation before sending email(s).
  97. --from=FROM
  98. Specify the name and the email address of the sender (default is
  99. taken from the DEBEMAIL and DEBFULLNAME environment variables, or
  100. from the EMAIL environment variable, or is set to the package
  101. maintainer if these variables are not set).
  102. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  103. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  104. FILE below.
  105. --gzip
  106. Compress PO files in attachment with &quot;gzip&quot;.
  107. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  108. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  109. FILE below.
  110. --nogzip
  111. Do not compress PO files.
  112. -h, --help
  113. Print usage information and exit.
  114. --langs=LANGUAGES
  115. Specify a list of languages to restrict sending the notification only
  116. for these languages. The list of languages is comma separated. The
  117. PO files must be named according to these languages, with the .po
  118. extension.
  119. --languageteam
  120. Send the email also to the Language Team as carbon copy.
  121. It is enabled by default.
  122. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  123. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  124. FILE below.
  125. --nolanguageteam
  126. Do not send the email(s) to the language teams.
  127. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  128. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  129. FILE below.
  130. --mutt
  131. Send the mails with mutt. This set the --postpone argument to
  132. $HOME/postponed.
  133. --notdebconf
  134. Indicate that it is not a debconf translation. podebconf-report-po
  135. will use the translator-po, call-po, or submit-po template (if no
  136. other templates are requested in the configuration file or in the
  137. command line). These templates do not mention debconf in the subject
  138. or mail body and are more suitable for non-debconf translations.
  139. This option also changes the default po directory used by podebconf-
  140. report-po (i.e. the --podir option is not needed when the call is
  141. done from the po directory itself or from its parent directory).
  142. By default, a debian/po directory is preferred over a po directory.
  143. With this option, only the po directory will be considered.
  144. This option is usually not necessary. podebconf-report-po tries to
  145. determine the type of translation based on the current directory and
  146. the existence of a debian/po or po directory.
  147. --package=PACKAGE
  148. Specify the name of the package (default is the source package name).
  149. --podir=DIR
  150. Specify where the PO files are located. By default, podebconf-
  151. report-po checks if it is called from a po directory, or it searches
  152. for a debian/po directory (this can be disabled with the --notdebconf
  153. option), or for a po directory.
  154. --postpone=MBOX
  155. Do not send emails, append them in MBOX. This file can be used as a
  156. postponed mailbox with mutt -p.
  157. --potfile=POTFILE
  158. Specify the POT file to send to a call for translations (--call). By
  159. default, podebconf-report-po uses the POT file of the PO files
  160. directory, if there is only one.
  161. This file is also used to find the package&apos;s name and version, if
  162. none were specified with an option, and if no debian/changelog files
  163. were found.
  164. --sendmessage
  165. Only send a message, with no attachments. This can be useful when
  166. the translators have a commit access to the package repository.
  167. --smtp=SERVER
  168. Specify SMTP server for mailing (default is &quot;localhost&quot;).
  169. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  170. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  171. FILE below.
  172. --submit
  173. Instead of sending mails to translators, file a bug report against
  174. this package to request for translations. This is useful e.g. when
  175. preparing non-maintainer uploads to make sure that translations do
  176. not get lost.
  177. --summary
  178. Send a status report to the maintainer with the list of emails sent
  179. to translators.
  180. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  181. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  182. FILE below.
  183. --nosummary
  184. Do not send any status report to the maintainer.
  185. --utf8
  186. Send the email in UTF-8. This allow non-ascii characters in the mail
  187. body and mail header. The editor must support UTF-8.
  188. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  189. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  190. FILE below.
  191. --noutf8
  192. Send the email(s) in us-ascii. Non-ascii characters are replaced by
  193. a question mark.
  194. --version
  195. Print version information and exit.
  196. -v, --verbose
  197. Display additional information while running.
  198. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  199. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  200. FILE below.
  201. --noverbose
  202. Do not use the verbose mode.
  203. &#12; --templatecall=TEMPLATE
  204. Specify a file to use as a template for the call for translations
  205. email(s). The default template is
  206. /usr/share/po-debconf/templates/call.
  207. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  208. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  209. FILE below.
  210. --templatesubmit=TEMPLATE
  211. Specify a file to use as a template for the email(s) sent to
  212. translators when the --submit option is used. The default template
  213. is /usr/share/po-debconf/templates/submit.
  214. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  215. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  216. FILE below.
  217. --templatetranslators=TEMPLATE
  218. Specify a file to use as a template for the email(s) sent to
  219. translators. The default template is
  220. /usr/share/po-debconf/templates/translators.
  221. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  222. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  223. FILE below.
  224. --template=TEMPLATE
  225. Specify file to use it as template for the email(s). If a template
  226. is specified with this option, this template will be used rather than
  227. a template specified with any of the --templatetranslators,
  228. --templatesubmit, or --templatecall options.
  229. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  230. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  231. FILE below.
  232. --notemplate
  233. Use the default template.
  234. --withtranslators
  235. Send requests for updates to the translators after sending the call
  236. for translation.
  237. This option is ignored when the --call option is not specified. It
  238. is enabled by default.
  239. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  240. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  241. FILE below.
  242. --withouttranslators
  243. Do not send requests for translation update to the translators after
  244. a call for translations.
  245. This option can be specified in the configuration file to define
  246. default behavior of podebconf-report-po. See section CONFIGURATION
  247. FILE below.
  249. By default, podebconf-report-po reads $HOME/.podebconf-report-po.conf.
  250. The configuration file can be set with the --conf option. You can also
  251. ignore any configuration file by specifying the --noconf option. Command
  252. line options can be used to override configuration file settings.
  253. The configuration files accept most of the command line options, without
  254. the leading --: deadline, nodeadline, smtp, from, verbose, force,
  255. templatetranslators, templatesubmit, templatecall, template, default,
  256. gzip, languageteam, nolanguageteam, addlanguageteam, summary, utf8,
  257. withouttranslators, withtranslators.
  258. Lines starting by a number sign (possibly preceded by spaces) are
  259. comments and are ignored.
  260. Here is an example:
  261. # This is a comment
  262. smtp smtp.mydomain
  263. from = Me Myself &lt;me@mydomain&gt;
  264. utf8
  266. The templates specified with the --template, --templatetranslators,
  267. --templatesubmit, or --templatecall options can contain the following
  268. tags:
  269. &lt;from&gt;, &lt;subject&gt;, &lt;reply-to&gt;
  270. Replaced by the corresponding headers of the email(s).
  271. &lt;filelist&gt;
  272. In the default mode, it is replaced by comments showing the list of
  273. translators with outdated translations.
  274. In the --submit mode, it is replaced by the list of PO files with
  275. outdated translations.
  276. And in the --call mode, it is replaced by the list of PO files found
  277. in the PO directory.
  278. &lt;reply&gt;
  279. Replaced by a string that indicates how the translators have to reply
  280. (e.g. follow the Reply-To tag or sending the PO to a given bug
  281. report).
  282. &lt;deadline&gt;
  283. Replaced by a string indicating the deadline for the translation (see
  284. --deadline).
  285. &lt;package&gt;
  286. Replaced by the name of the package (if it was detected).
  287. &lt;statistics&gt;
  288. Replaced by the statistics of the PO files found in the PO directory
  289. (in the --call mode only).
  290. The /usr/share/po-debconf/templates directory contains the default
  291. templates.
  293. The recommended usage is to call podebconf-report-po from the po
  294. directory to be updated:
  295. podebconf-report-po --call
  296. This will send a call for new translations to the
  297. &lt;; mailing list and will ask translation
  298. updates to the previous translators. The language teams will also be
  299. notified and should be able to react if the assigned translator is known
  300. to be MIA.
  301. A prompt will ask a deadline to the user (the default is to request
  302. translations and updates within 10 days).
  303. Then an editor will display the message to be sent to the mailing list.
  304. When this editor exits, podebconf-report-po will ask confirmation to send
  305. the mail to the mailing list.
  306. &#12; If confirmed, another editor will display the message to be sent to the
  307. translators and language teams. podebconf-report-po will ask for another
  308. confirmation to send the mails to translators and language teams.
  309. You should make a new release with the received translations after the
  310. deadline.
  311. SEE ALSO
  312. debconf-updatepo(1)
  313. AUTHOR
  314. Fabio Tranchitella &lt;;
  315. 2011-12-29 PODEBCONF-REPORT-PO(1)
  316. </pre></body></html>