https://gitlab.com/Pasantias/pasantiasASLG · PHP · 171 lines · 114 code · 27 blank · 30 comment · 16 complexity · 330cb116d3eda9f55cb0b04acfcb6e9b MD5 · raw file
- <?php
- /*
- * This file is part of PhpSpec, A php toolset to drive emergent
- * design by specification.
- *
- * (c) Marcello Duarte <marcello.duarte@gmail.com>
- * (c) Konstantin Kudryashov <ever.zet@gmail.com>
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- namespace PhpSpec\Formatter;
- use PhpSpec\Console\IO;
- use PhpSpec\Event\SuiteEvent;
- use PhpSpec\Event\ExampleEvent;
- class ProgressFormatter extends ConsoleFormatter
- {
- const FPS = 10;
- private $lastDraw;
- public function afterExample(ExampleEvent $event)
- {
- $this->printException($event);
- $now = microtime(true);
- if (!$this->lastDraw || ($now - $this->lastDraw) > 1/self::FPS) {
- $this->lastDraw = $now;
- $this->drawStats();
- }
- }
- public function afterSuite(SuiteEvent $event)
- {
- $this->drawStats();
- $io = $this->getIO();
- $stats = $this->getStatisticsCollector();
- $io->freezeTemp();
- $io->writeln();
- $io->writeln(sprintf("%d specs", $stats->getTotalSpecs()));
- $counts = array();
- foreach ($stats->getCountsHash() as $type => $count) {
- if ($count) {
- $counts[] = sprintf('<%s>%d %s</%s>', $type, $count, $type, $type);
- }
- }
- $count = $stats->getEventsCount();
- $plural = $count !== 1 ? 's' : '';
- $io->write(sprintf("%d example%s ", $count, $plural));
- if (count($counts)) {
- $io->write(sprintf("(%s)", implode(', ', $counts)));
- }
- $io->writeln(sprintf("\n%sms", round($event->getTime() * 1000)));
- $io->writeln();
- }
- /**
- * @param $total
- * @param $counts
- * @return array
- */
- private function getPercentages($total, $counts)
- {
- return array_map(
- function ($count) use ($total) {
- if (0 == $total) {
- return 0;
- }
- $percent = ($count == $total) ? 100 : $count / ($total / 100);
- return $percent == 0 || $percent > 1 ? floor($percent) : 1;
- },
- $counts
- );
- }
- /**
- * @param array $counts
- * @return array
- */
- private function getBarLengths($counts)
- {
- $stats = $this->getStatisticsCollector();
- $totalSpecsCount = $stats->getTotalSpecsCount();
- $specProgress = ($totalSpecsCount == 0) ? 1 : ($stats->getTotalSpecs() / $totalSpecsCount);
- $targetWidth = ceil($this->getIO()->getBlockWidth() * $specProgress);
- asort($counts);
- $barLengths = array_map(function ($count) use ($targetWidth, $counts) {
- return $count ? max(1, round($targetWidth * $count / array_sum($counts))) : 0;
- }, $counts);
- return $barLengths;
- }
- /**
- * @param array $barLengths
- * @param array $percents
- * @param boolean $isDecorated
- * @return array
- */
- private function formatProgressOutput($barLengths, $percents, $isDecorated)
- {
- $size = $this->getIO()->getBlockWidth();
- $progress = array();
- foreach ($barLengths as $status => $length) {
- $percent = $percents[$status];
- $text = $percent.'%';
- $length = ($size - $length) >= 0 ? $length : $size;
- $size = $size - $length;
- if ($isDecorated) {
- if ($length > strlen($text) + 2) {
- $text = str_pad($text, $length, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH);
- } else {
- $text = str_pad('', $length, ' ');
- }
- $progress[$status] = sprintf("<$status-bg>%s</$status-bg>", $text);
- } else {
- $progress[$status] = str_pad(
- sprintf('%s: %s', $status, $text),
- 15,
- ' ',
- );
- }
- }
- krsort($progress);
- return $progress;
- }
- /**
- * @param IO $io
- * @param array $progress
- * @param int $total
- */
- private function updateProgressBar(IO $io, array $progress, $total)
- {
- if ($io->isDecorated()) {
- $progressBar = implode('', $progress);
- $pad = $this->getIO()->getBlockWidth() - strlen(strip_tags($progressBar));
- $io->writeTemp($progressBar.str_repeat(' ', $pad + 1).$total);
- } else {
- $io->writeTemp('/'.implode('/', $progress).'/ '.$total.' examples');
- }
- }
- private function drawStats()
- {
- $io = $this->getIO();
- $stats = $this->getStatisticsCollector();
- $percents = $this->getPercentages($stats->getEventsCount(), $stats->getCountsHash());
- $barLengths = $this->getBarLengths($stats->getCountsHash());
- $progress = $this->formatProgressOutput($barLengths, $percents, $io->isDecorated());
- $this->updateProgressBar($io, $progress, $stats->getEventsCount());
- }
- }