Python | 278 lines | 219 code | 11 blank | 48 comment | 21 complexity | cf3881be542d0aa29a42a089d434262d MD5 | raw file
- # Copyright (C) 2007-2016 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- #
- # This file is part of GNU Mailman.
- #
- # GNU Mailman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- # any later version.
- #
- # GNU Mailman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- # more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- # GNU Mailman. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- """Application support for moderators."""
- import time
- import logging
- from email.utils import formatdate, getaddresses, make_msgid
- from mailman import public
- from mailman.app.membership import delete_member
- from mailman.config import config
- from mailman.core.i18n import _
- from mailman.email.message import UserNotification
- from mailman.interfaces.action import Action
- from mailman.interfaces.listmanager import ListDeletingEvent
- from mailman.interfaces.member import NotAMemberError
- from mailman.interfaces.messages import IMessageStore
- from mailman.interfaces.requests import IListRequests, RequestType
- from mailman.utilities.datetime import now
- from mailman.utilities.i18n import make
- from zope.component import getUtility
- NL = '\n'
- vlog = logging.getLogger('mailman.vette')
- slog = logging.getLogger('mailman.subscribe')
- @public
- def hold_message(mlist, msg, msgdata=None, reason=None):
- """Hold a message for moderator approval.
- The message is added to the mailing list's request database.
- :param mlist: The mailing list to hold the message on.
- :param msg: The message to hold.
- :param msgdata: Optional message metadata to hold. If not given, a new
- metadata dictionary is created and held with the message.
- :param reason: Optional string reason why the message is being held. If
- not given, the empty string is used.
- :return: An id used to handle the held message later.
- """
- if msgdata is None:
- msgdata = {}
- else:
- # Make a copy of msgdata so that subsequent changes won't corrupt the
- # request database. TBD: remove the `filebase' key since this will
- # not be relevant when the message is resurrected.
- msgdata = msgdata.copy()
- if reason is None:
- reason = ''
- # Add the message to the message store. It is required to have a
- # Message-ID header.
- message_id = msg.get('message-id')
- if message_id is None:
- msg['Message-ID'] = message_id = make_msgid()
- elif isinstance(message_id, bytes):
- message_id = message_id.decode('ascii')
- getUtility(IMessageStore).add(msg)
- # Prepare the message metadata with some extra information needed only by
- # the moderation interface.
- msgdata['_mod_message_id'] = message_id
- msgdata['_mod_listid'] = mlist.list_id
- msgdata['_mod_sender'] = msg.sender
- msgdata['_mod_subject'] = msg.get('subject', _('(no subject)'))
- msgdata['_mod_reason'] = reason
- msgdata['_mod_hold_date'] = now().isoformat()
- # Now hold this request. We'll use the message_id as the key.
- requestsdb = IListRequests(mlist)
- request_id = requestsdb.hold_request(
- RequestType.held_message, message_id, msgdata)
- return request_id
- @public
- def handle_message(mlist, id, action, comment=None, forward=None):
- message_store = getUtility(IMessageStore)
- requestdb = IListRequests(mlist)
- key, msgdata = requestdb.get_request(id)
- # Handle the action.
- rejection = None
- message_id = msgdata['_mod_message_id']
- sender = msgdata['_mod_sender']
- subject = msgdata['_mod_subject']
- keep = False
- if action in (Action.defer, Action.hold):
- # Nothing to do, but preserve the message for later.
- keep = True
- elif action is Action.discard:
- rejection = 'Discarded'
- elif action is Action.reject:
- rejection = 'Refused'
- member = mlist.members.get_member(sender)
- if member:
- language = member.preferred_language
- else:
- language = None
- send_rejection(
- mlist, _('Posting of your message titled "$subject"'),
- sender, comment or _('[No reason given]'), language)
- elif action is Action.accept:
- # Start by getting the message from the message store.
- msg = message_store.get_message_by_id(message_id)
- # Delete moderation-specific entries from the message metadata.
- for key in list(msgdata):
- if key.startswith('_mod_'):
- del msgdata[key]
- # Add some metadata to indicate this message has now been approved.
- msgdata['approved'] = True
- msgdata['moderator_approved'] = True
- # Calculate a new filebase for the approved message, otherwise
- # delivery errors will cause duplicates.
- if 'filebase' in msgdata:
- del msgdata['filebase']
- # Queue the file for delivery. Trying to deliver the message directly
- # here can lead to a huge delay in web turnaround. Log the moderation
- # and add a header.
- msg['X-Mailman-Approved-At'] = formatdate(
- time.mktime(now().timetuple()), localtime=True)
- vlog.info('held message approved, message-id: %s',
- msg.get('message-id', 'n/a'))
- # Stick the message back in the incoming queue for further
- # processing.
- config.switchboards['pipeline'].enqueue(msg, _metadata=msgdata)
- else:
- raise AssertionError('Unexpected action: {0}'.format(action))
- # Forward the message.
- if forward:
- # Get a copy of the original message from the message store.
- msg = message_store.get_message_by_id(message_id)
- # It's possible the forwarding address list is a comma separated list
- # of display_name/address pairs.
- addresses = [addr[1] for addr in getaddresses(forward)]
- language = mlist.preferred_language
- if len(addresses) == 1:
- # If the address getting the forwarded message is a member of
- # the list, we want the headers of the outer message to be
- # encoded in their language. Otherwise it'll be the preferred
- # language of the mailing list. This is better than sending a
- # separate message per recipient.
- member = mlist.members.get_member(addresses[0])
- if member:
- language = member.preferred_language
- with _.using(language.code):
- fmsg = UserNotification(
- addresses, mlist.bounces_address,
- _('Forward of moderated message'),
- lang=language)
- fmsg.set_type('message/rfc822')
- fmsg.attach(msg)
- fmsg.send(mlist)
- # Delete the request if it's not being kept.
- if not keep:
- requestdb.delete_request(id)
- # Log the rejection
- if rejection:
- note = """%s: %s posting:
- \tFrom: %s
- \tSubject: %s"""
- if comment:
- note += '\n\tReason: ' + comment
- vlog.info(note, mlist.fqdn_listname, rejection, sender, subject)
- @public
- def hold_unsubscription(mlist, email):
- data = dict(email=email)
- requestsdb = IListRequests(mlist)
- request_id = requestsdb.hold_request(
- RequestType.unsubscription, email, data)
- vlog.info('%s: held unsubscription request from %s',
- mlist.fqdn_listname, email)
- # Possibly notify the administrator of the hold
- if mlist.admin_immed_notify:
- subject = _(
- 'New unsubscription request from $mlist.display_name by $email')
- text = make('unsubauth.txt',
- mailing_list=mlist,
- email=email,
- listname=mlist.fqdn_listname,
- admindb_url=mlist.script_url('admindb'),
- )
- # This message should appear to come from the <list>-owner so as
- # to avoid any useless bounce processing.
- msg = UserNotification(
- mlist.owner_address, mlist.owner_address,
- subject, text, mlist.preferred_language)
- msg.send(mlist, tomoderators=True)
- return request_id
- @public
- def handle_unsubscription(mlist, id, action, comment=None):
- requestdb = IListRequests(mlist)
- key, data = requestdb.get_request(id)
- email = data['email']
- if action is Action.defer:
- # Nothing to do.
- return
- elif action is Action.discard:
- # Nothing to do except delete the request from the database.
- pass
- elif action is Action.reject:
- key, data = requestdb.get_request(id)
- send_rejection(
- mlist, _('Unsubscription request'), email,
- comment or _('[No reason given]'))
- elif action is Action.accept:
- key, data = requestdb.get_request(id)
- try:
- delete_member(mlist, email)
- except NotAMemberError:
- # User has already been unsubscribed.
- pass
- slog.info('%s: deleted %s', mlist.fqdn_listname, email)
- else:
- raise AssertionError('Unexpected action: {0}'.format(action))
- # Delete the request from the database.
- requestdb.delete_request(id)
- @public
- def send_rejection(mlist, request, recip, comment, origmsg=None, lang=None):
- # As this message is going to the requester, try to set the language to
- # his/her language choice, if they are a member. Otherwise use the list's
- # preferred language.
- display_name = mlist.display_name # noqa
- if lang is None:
- member = mlist.members.get_member(recip)
- lang = (mlist.preferred_language
- if member is None
- else member.preferred_language)
- text = make('refuse.txt',
- mailing_list=mlist,
- language=lang.code,
- listname=mlist.fqdn_listname,
- request=request,
- reason=comment,
- adminaddr=mlist.owner_address,
- )
- with _.using(lang.code):
- # add in original message, but not wrap/filled
- if origmsg:
- text = NL.join(
- [text,
- '---------- ' + _('Original Message') + ' ----------',
- str(origmsg)
- ])
- subject = _('Request to mailing list "$display_name" rejected')
- msg = UserNotification(recip, mlist.bounces_address, subject, text, lang)
- msg.send(mlist)
- @public
- def handle_ListDeletingEvent(event):
- if not isinstance(event, ListDeletingEvent):
- return
- # Get the held requests database for the mailing list. Since the mailing
- # list is about to get deleted, we can delete all associated requests.
- requestsdb = IListRequests(event.mailing_list)
- for request in requestsdb.held_requests:
- requestsdb.delete_request(request.id)