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  1. // Copyright (C) 2014 dot42
  2. //
  3. // Original filename: Javax.Net.Ssl.cs
  4. //
  5. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  6. // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  7. // You may obtain a copy of the License at
  8. //
  9. // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  10. //
  11. // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  12. // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  13. // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  14. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  15. // limitations under the License.
  16. #pragma warning disable 1717
  17. namespace Javax.Net.Ssl
  18. {
  19. /// <summary>
  20. /// <para>The interface to be used to provide hostname verification functionality. </para><para>This is an extended verification option that implementers can provide. It is to be used during a handshake if the URL's hostname does not match the peer's identification hostname. </para>
  21. /// </summary>
  22. /// <java-name>
  23. /// javax/net/ssl/HostnameVerifier
  24. /// </java-name>
  25. [Dot42.DexImport("javax/net/ssl/HostnameVerifier", AccessFlags = 1537)]
  26. public partial interface IHostnameVerifier
  27. /* scope: __dot42__ */
  28. {
  29. /// <summary>
  30. /// <para>Verifies that the specified hostname is allowed within the specified SSL session.</para><para></para>
  31. /// </summary>
  32. /// <returns>
  33. /// <para><c> true </c> if the specified hostname is allowed, otherwise <c> false </c> . </para>
  34. /// </returns>
  35. /// <java-name>
  36. /// verify
  37. /// </java-name>
  38. [Dot42.DexImport("verify", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLSession;)Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  39. bool Verify(string hostname, global::Javax.Net.Ssl.ISSLSession session) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  40. }
  41. /// <summary>
  42. /// <para>The exception that is thrown when an error in the operation of the SSL protocol is encountered. </para>
  43. /// </summary>
  44. /// <java-name>
  45. /// javax/net/ssl/SSLProtocolException
  46. /// </java-name>
  47. [Dot42.DexImport("javax/net/ssl/SSLProtocolException", AccessFlags = 33)]
  48. public partial class SSLProtocolException : global::Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLException
  49. /* scope: __dot42__ */
  50. {
  51. /// <summary>
  52. /// <para>Creates a new <c> SSLProtocolException </c> with the specified message.</para><para></para>
  53. /// </summary>
  54. [Dot42.DexImport("<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", AccessFlags = 1)]
  55. public SSLProtocolException(string reason) /* MethodBuilder.Create */
  56. {
  57. }
  58. [global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsable(global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  59. internal SSLProtocolException() /* TypeBuilder.AddDefaultConstructor */
  60. {
  61. }
  62. }
  63. /// <summary>
  64. /// <para>A collection of <c> SSLSession </c> s. </para>
  65. /// </summary>
  66. /// <java-name>
  67. /// javax/net/ssl/SSLSessionContext
  68. /// </java-name>
  69. [Dot42.DexImport("javax/net/ssl/SSLSessionContext", AccessFlags = 1537)]
  70. public partial interface ISSLSessionContext
  71. /* scope: __dot42__ */
  72. {
  73. /// <summary>
  74. /// <para>Returns an iterable of all session identifiers in this session context.</para><para></para>
  75. /// </summary>
  76. /// <returns>
  77. /// <para>an iterable of all session identifiers in this session context. </para>
  78. /// </returns>
  79. /// <java-name>
  80. /// getIds
  81. /// </java-name>
  82. [Dot42.DexImport("getIds", "()Ljava/util/Enumeration;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  83. global::Java.Util.IEnumeration<object> GetIds() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  84. /// <summary>
  85. /// <para>Returns the session for the specified session identifier.</para><para></para>
  86. /// </summary>
  87. /// <returns>
  88. /// <para>the session for the specified session identifier, or <c> null </c> if the specified session identifier does not refer to a session in this context. </para>
  89. /// </returns>
  90. /// <java-name>
  91. /// getSession
  92. /// </java-name>
  93. [Dot42.DexImport("getSession", "([B)Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLSession;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  94. global::Javax.Net.Ssl.ISSLSession GetSession(sbyte[] sessionId) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  95. /// <summary>
  96. /// <para>Returns the size of the session cache for this session context.</para><para></para>
  97. /// </summary>
  98. /// <returns>
  99. /// <para>the size of the session cache for this session context, or <c> zero </c> if unlimited. </para>
  100. /// </returns>
  101. /// <java-name>
  102. /// getSessionCacheSize
  103. /// </java-name>
  104. [Dot42.DexImport("getSessionCacheSize", "()I", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  105. int GetSessionCacheSize() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  106. /// <summary>
  107. /// <para>Returns the timeout for sessions in this session context. Sessions exceeding the timeout are invalidated.</para><para></para>
  108. /// </summary>
  109. /// <returns>
  110. /// <para>the timeout in seconds, or <c> zero </c> if unlimited. </para>
  111. /// </returns>
  112. /// <java-name>
  113. /// getSessionTimeout
  114. /// </java-name>
  115. [Dot42.DexImport("getSessionTimeout", "()I", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  116. int GetSessionTimeout() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  117. /// <summary>
  118. /// <para>Sets the size of the session cache for this session context.</para><para></para>
  119. /// </summary>
  120. /// <java-name>
  121. /// setSessionCacheSize
  122. /// </java-name>
  123. [Dot42.DexImport("setSessionCacheSize", "(I)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  124. void SetSessionCacheSize(int size) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  125. /// <summary>
  126. /// <para>Sets the timeout for sessions in this context. Sessions exceeding the timeout are invalidated.</para><para></para>
  127. /// </summary>
  128. /// <java-name>
  129. /// setSessionTimeout
  130. /// </java-name>
  131. [Dot42.DexImport("setSessionTimeout", "(I)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  132. void SetSessionTimeout(int seconds) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  133. }
  134. /// <summary>
  135. /// <para>The extension of <c> Socket </c> providing secure protocols like SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security). </para>
  136. /// </summary>
  137. /// <java-name>
  138. /// javax/net/ssl/SSLSocket
  139. /// </java-name>
  140. [Dot42.DexImport("javax/net/ssl/SSLSocket", AccessFlags = 1057)]
  141. public abstract partial class SSLSocket : global::Java.Net.Socket
  142. /* scope: __dot42__ */
  143. {
  144. /// <summary>
  145. /// <para>Only to be used by subclasses. </para><para>Creates a TCP socket. </para>
  146. /// </summary>
  147. [Dot42.DexImport("<init>", "()V", AccessFlags = 4)]
  148. protected internal SSLSocket() /* MethodBuilder.Create */
  149. {
  150. }
  151. /// <summary>
  152. /// <para>Only to be used by subclasses. </para><para>Creates a TCP socket connection to the specified address at the specified port.</para><para></para>
  153. /// </summary>
  154. [Dot42.DexImport("<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V", AccessFlags = 4)]
  155. protected internal SSLSocket(string address, int port) /* MethodBuilder.Create */
  156. {
  157. }
  158. /// <summary>
  159. /// <para>Only to be used by subclasses. </para><para>Creates a TCP socket connection to the specified address at the specified port.</para><para></para>
  160. /// </summary>
  161. [Dot42.DexImport("<init>", "(Ljava/net/InetAddress;I)V", AccessFlags = 4)]
  162. protected internal SSLSocket(global::Java.Net.InetAddress address, int port) /* MethodBuilder.Create */
  163. {
  164. }
  165. /// <summary>
  166. /// <para>Only to be used by subclasses. </para><para>Creates a TCP socket connection to the specified address at the specified port with the client side bound to the specified address and port.</para><para></para>
  167. /// </summary>
  168. [Dot42.DexImport("<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V", AccessFlags = 4)]
  169. protected internal SSLSocket(string address, int port, global::Java.Net.InetAddress clientAddress, int clientPort) /* MethodBuilder.Create */
  170. {
  171. }
  172. /// <summary>
  173. /// <para>Only to be used by subclasses. </para><para>Creates a TCP socket connection to the specified address at the specified port with the client side bound to the specified address and port.</para><para></para>
  174. /// </summary>
  175. [Dot42.DexImport("<init>", "(Ljava/net/InetAddress;ILjava/net/InetAddress;I)V", AccessFlags = 4)]
  176. protected internal SSLSocket(global::Java.Net.InetAddress address, int port, global::Java.Net.InetAddress clientAddress, int clientPort) /* MethodBuilder.Create */
  177. {
  178. }
  179. /// <summary>
  180. /// <para>Returns the names of the supported cipher suites. </para>
  181. /// </summary>
  182. /// <java-name>
  183. /// getSupportedCipherSuites
  184. /// </java-name>
  185. [Dot42.DexImport("getSupportedCipherSuites", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  186. public abstract string[] GetSupportedCipherSuites() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  187. /// <summary>
  188. /// <para>Returns the names of the enabled cipher suites. </para>
  189. /// </summary>
  190. /// <java-name>
  191. /// getEnabledCipherSuites
  192. /// </java-name>
  193. [Dot42.DexImport("getEnabledCipherSuites", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  194. public abstract string[] GetEnabledCipherSuites() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  195. /// <summary>
  196. /// <para>Sets the names of the cipher suites to be enabled. Only cipher suites returned by getSupportedCipherSuites() are allowed.</para><para></para>
  197. /// </summary>
  198. /// <java-name>
  199. /// setEnabledCipherSuites
  200. /// </java-name>
  201. [Dot42.DexImport("setEnabledCipherSuites", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  202. public abstract void SetEnabledCipherSuites(string[] suites) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  203. /// <summary>
  204. /// <para>Returns the names of the supported protocols. </para>
  205. /// </summary>
  206. /// <java-name>
  207. /// getSupportedProtocols
  208. /// </java-name>
  209. [Dot42.DexImport("getSupportedProtocols", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  210. public abstract string[] GetSupportedProtocols() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  211. /// <summary>
  212. /// <para>Returns the names of the enabled protocols. </para>
  213. /// </summary>
  214. /// <java-name>
  215. /// getEnabledProtocols
  216. /// </java-name>
  217. [Dot42.DexImport("getEnabledProtocols", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  218. public abstract string[] GetEnabledProtocols() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  219. /// <summary>
  220. /// <para>Sets the names of the protocols to be enabled. Only protocols returned by getSupportedProtocols() are allowed.</para><para></para>
  221. /// </summary>
  222. /// <java-name>
  223. /// setEnabledProtocols
  224. /// </java-name>
  225. [Dot42.DexImport("setEnabledProtocols", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  226. public abstract void SetEnabledProtocols(string[] protocols) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  227. /// <summary>
  228. /// <para>Returns the <c> SSLSession </c> for this connection. If necessary, a handshake will be initiated, in which case this method will block until the handshake has been established. If the handshake fails, an invalid session object will be returned.</para><para></para>
  229. /// </summary>
  230. /// <returns>
  231. /// <para>the session object. </para>
  232. /// </returns>
  233. /// <java-name>
  234. /// getSession
  235. /// </java-name>
  236. [Dot42.DexImport("getSession", "()Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLSession;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  237. public abstract global::Javax.Net.Ssl.ISSLSession GetSession() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  238. /// <summary>
  239. /// <para>Registers the specified listener to receive notification on completion of a handshake on this connection.</para><para></para>
  240. /// </summary>
  241. /// <java-name>
  242. /// addHandshakeCompletedListener
  243. /// </java-name>
  244. [Dot42.DexImport("addHandshakeCompletedListener", "(Ljavax/net/ssl/HandshakeCompletedListener;)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  245. public abstract void AddHandshakeCompletedListener(global::Javax.Net.Ssl.IHandshakeCompletedListener listener) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  246. /// <summary>
  247. /// <para>Removes the specified handshake completion listener.</para><para></para>
  248. /// </summary>
  249. /// <java-name>
  250. /// removeHandshakeCompletedListener
  251. /// </java-name>
  252. [Dot42.DexImport("removeHandshakeCompletedListener", "(Ljavax/net/ssl/HandshakeCompletedListener;)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  253. public abstract void RemoveHandshakeCompletedListener(global::Javax.Net.Ssl.IHandshakeCompletedListener listener) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  254. /// <summary>
  255. /// <para>Starts a new SSL handshake on this connection.</para><para></para>
  256. /// </summary>
  257. /// <java-name>
  258. /// startHandshake
  259. /// </java-name>
  260. [Dot42.DexImport("startHandshake", "()V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  261. public abstract void StartHandshake() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  262. /// <summary>
  263. /// <para>Sets whether this connection should act in client mode when handshaking.</para><para></para>
  264. /// </summary>
  265. /// <java-name>
  266. /// setUseClientMode
  267. /// </java-name>
  268. [Dot42.DexImport("setUseClientMode", "(Z)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  269. public abstract void SetUseClientMode(bool mode) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  270. /// <summary>
  271. /// <para>Returns true if this connection will act in client mode when handshaking. </para>
  272. /// </summary>
  273. /// <java-name>
  274. /// getUseClientMode
  275. /// </java-name>
  276. [Dot42.DexImport("getUseClientMode", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  277. public abstract bool GetUseClientMode() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  278. /// <summary>
  279. /// <para>Sets whether the server should require client authentication. This does not apply to sockets in client mode. Client authentication is one of the following: <ul><li><para>authentication required </para></li><li><para>authentication requested </para></li><li><para>no authentication needed </para></li></ul>This method overrides the setting of setWantClientAuth(boolean). </para>
  280. /// </summary>
  281. /// <java-name>
  282. /// setNeedClientAuth
  283. /// </java-name>
  284. [Dot42.DexImport("setNeedClientAuth", "(Z)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  285. public abstract void SetNeedClientAuth(bool need) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  286. /// <summary>
  287. /// <para>Returns true if the server socket should require client authentication. This does not apply to sockets in client mode. </para>
  288. /// </summary>
  289. /// <java-name>
  290. /// getNeedClientAuth
  291. /// </java-name>
  292. [Dot42.DexImport("getNeedClientAuth", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  293. public abstract bool GetNeedClientAuth() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  294. /// <summary>
  295. /// <para>Sets whether the server should request client authentication. Unlike setNeedClientAuth this won't stop the negotiation if the client doesn't authenticate. This does not apply to sockets in client mode.The client authentication is one of: <ul><li><para>authentication required </para></li><li><para>authentication requested </para></li><li><para>no authentication needed </para></li></ul>This method overrides the setting of setNeedClientAuth(boolean). </para>
  296. /// </summary>
  297. /// <java-name>
  298. /// setWantClientAuth
  299. /// </java-name>
  300. [Dot42.DexImport("setWantClientAuth", "(Z)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  301. public abstract void SetWantClientAuth(bool want) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  302. /// <summary>
  303. /// <para>Returns true if the server should request client authentication. This does not apply to sockets in client mode. </para>
  304. /// </summary>
  305. /// <java-name>
  306. /// getWantClientAuth
  307. /// </java-name>
  308. [Dot42.DexImport("getWantClientAuth", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  309. public abstract bool GetWantClientAuth() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  310. /// <summary>
  311. /// <para>Sets whether new SSL sessions may be created by this socket or if existing sessions must be reused. If <c> flag </c> is false and there are no sessions to resume, handshaking will fail.</para><para></para>
  312. /// </summary>
  313. /// <java-name>
  314. /// setEnableSessionCreation
  315. /// </java-name>
  316. [Dot42.DexImport("setEnableSessionCreation", "(Z)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  317. public abstract void SetEnableSessionCreation(bool flag) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  318. /// <summary>
  319. /// <para>Returns whether new SSL sessions may be created by this socket or if existing sessions must be reused.</para><para></para>
  320. /// </summary>
  321. /// <returns>
  322. /// <para><c> true </c> if new sessions may be created, otherwise <c> false </c> . </para>
  323. /// </returns>
  324. /// <java-name>
  325. /// getEnableSessionCreation
  326. /// </java-name>
  327. [Dot42.DexImport("getEnableSessionCreation", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  328. public abstract bool GetEnableSessionCreation() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  329. /// <summary>
  330. /// <para>Returns the names of the supported cipher suites. </para>
  331. /// </summary>
  332. /// <java-name>
  333. /// getSupportedCipherSuites
  334. /// </java-name>
  335. public string[] SupportedCipherSuites
  336. {
  337. [Dot42.DexImport("getSupportedCipherSuites", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  338. get{ return GetSupportedCipherSuites(); }
  339. }
  340. /// <summary>
  341. /// <para>Returns the names of the enabled cipher suites. </para>
  342. /// </summary>
  343. /// <java-name>
  344. /// getEnabledCipherSuites
  345. /// </java-name>
  346. public string[] EnabledCipherSuites
  347. {
  348. [Dot42.DexImport("getEnabledCipherSuites", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  349. get{ return GetEnabledCipherSuites(); }
  350. [Dot42.DexImport("setEnabledCipherSuites", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  351. set{ SetEnabledCipherSuites(value); }
  352. }
  353. /// <summary>
  354. /// <para>Returns the names of the supported protocols. </para>
  355. /// </summary>
  356. /// <java-name>
  357. /// getSupportedProtocols
  358. /// </java-name>
  359. public string[] SupportedProtocols
  360. {
  361. [Dot42.DexImport("getSupportedProtocols", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  362. get{ return GetSupportedProtocols(); }
  363. }
  364. /// <summary>
  365. /// <para>Returns the names of the enabled protocols. </para>
  366. /// </summary>
  367. /// <java-name>
  368. /// getEnabledProtocols
  369. /// </java-name>
  370. public string[] EnabledProtocols
  371. {
  372. [Dot42.DexImport("getEnabledProtocols", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  373. get{ return GetEnabledProtocols(); }
  374. [Dot42.DexImport("setEnabledProtocols", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  375. set{ SetEnabledProtocols(value); }
  376. }
  377. /// <summary>
  378. /// <para>Returns the <c> SSLSession </c> for this connection. If necessary, a handshake will be initiated, in which case this method will block until the handshake has been established. If the handshake fails, an invalid session object will be returned.</para><para></para>
  379. /// </summary>
  380. /// <returns>
  381. /// <para>the session object. </para>
  382. /// </returns>
  383. /// <java-name>
  384. /// getSession
  385. /// </java-name>
  386. public global::Javax.Net.Ssl.ISSLSession Session
  387. {
  388. [Dot42.DexImport("getSession", "()Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLSession;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  389. get{ return GetSession(); }
  390. }
  391. /// <summary>
  392. /// <para>Returns true if this connection will act in client mode when handshaking. </para>
  393. /// </summary>
  394. /// <java-name>
  395. /// getUseClientMode
  396. /// </java-name>
  397. public bool IsUseClientMode
  398. {
  399. [Dot42.DexImport("getUseClientMode", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  400. get{ return GetUseClientMode(); }
  401. [Dot42.DexImport("setUseClientMode", "(Z)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  402. set{ SetUseClientMode(value); }
  403. }
  404. /// <summary>
  405. /// <para>Returns true if the server socket should require client authentication. This does not apply to sockets in client mode. </para>
  406. /// </summary>
  407. /// <java-name>
  408. /// getNeedClientAuth
  409. /// </java-name>
  410. public bool IsNeedClientAuth
  411. {
  412. [Dot42.DexImport("getNeedClientAuth", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  413. get{ return GetNeedClientAuth(); }
  414. [Dot42.DexImport("setNeedClientAuth", "(Z)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  415. set{ SetNeedClientAuth(value); }
  416. }
  417. /// <summary>
  418. /// <para>Returns true if the server should request client authentication. This does not apply to sockets in client mode. </para>
  419. /// </summary>
  420. /// <java-name>
  421. /// getWantClientAuth
  422. /// </java-name>
  423. public bool IsWantClientAuth
  424. {
  425. [Dot42.DexImport("getWantClientAuth", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  426. get{ return GetWantClientAuth(); }
  427. [Dot42.DexImport("setWantClientAuth", "(Z)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  428. set{ SetWantClientAuth(value); }
  429. }
  430. /// <summary>
  431. /// <para>Returns whether new SSL sessions may be created by this socket or if existing sessions must be reused.</para><para></para>
  432. /// </summary>
  433. /// <returns>
  434. /// <para><c> true </c> if new sessions may be created, otherwise <c> false </c> . </para>
  435. /// </returns>
  436. /// <java-name>
  437. /// getEnableSessionCreation
  438. /// </java-name>
  439. public bool IsEnableSessionCreation
  440. {
  441. [Dot42.DexImport("getEnableSessionCreation", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  442. get{ return GetEnableSessionCreation(); }
  443. [Dot42.DexImport("setEnableSessionCreation", "(Z)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  444. set{ SetEnableSessionCreation(value); }
  445. }
  446. }
  447. /// <summary>
  448. /// <para>The trust manager for X509 certificates to be used to perform authentication for secure sockets. </para>
  449. /// </summary>
  450. /// <java-name>
  451. /// javax/net/ssl/X509TrustManager
  452. /// </java-name>
  453. [Dot42.DexImport("javax/net/ssl/X509TrustManager", AccessFlags = 1537)]
  454. public partial interface IX509TrustManager : global::Javax.Net.Ssl.ITrustManager
  455. /* scope: __dot42__ */
  456. {
  457. /// <summary>
  458. /// <para>Checks whether the specified certificate chain (partial or complete) can be validated and is trusted for client authentication for the specified authentication type.</para><para></para>
  459. /// </summary>
  460. /// <java-name>
  461. /// checkClientTrusted
  462. /// </java-name>
  463. [Dot42.DexImport("checkClientTrusted", "([Ljava/security/cert/X509Certificate;Ljava/lang/String;)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  464. void CheckClientTrusted(global::Java.Security.Cert.X509Certificate[] chain, string authType) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  465. /// <summary>
  466. /// <para>Checks whether the specified certificate chain (partial or complete) can be validated and is trusted for server authentication for the specified key exchange algorithm.</para><para></para>
  467. /// </summary>
  468. /// <java-name>
  469. /// checkServerTrusted
  470. /// </java-name>
  471. [Dot42.DexImport("checkServerTrusted", "([Ljava/security/cert/X509Certificate;Ljava/lang/String;)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  472. void CheckServerTrusted(global::Java.Security.Cert.X509Certificate[] chain, string authType) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  473. /// <summary>
  474. /// <para>Returns the list of certificate issuer authorities which are trusted for authentication of peers.</para><para></para>
  475. /// </summary>
  476. /// <returns>
  477. /// <para>the list of certificate issuer authorities which are trusted for authentication of peers. </para>
  478. /// </returns>
  479. /// <java-name>
  480. /// getAcceptedIssuers
  481. /// </java-name>
  482. [Dot42.DexImport("getAcceptedIssuers", "()[Ljava/security/cert/X509Certificate;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  483. global::Java.Security.Cert.X509Certificate[] GetAcceptedIssuers() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  484. }
  485. /// <summary>
  486. /// <para>The abstract implementation of secure communications using SSL, TLS, or other protocols. It includes the setup, handshake, and encrypt/decrypt functionality needed to create a secure connection.</para><para><para>1.5 </para></para>
  487. /// </summary>
  488. /// <java-name>
  489. /// javax/net/ssl/SSLEngine
  490. /// </java-name>
  491. [Dot42.DexImport("javax/net/ssl/SSLEngine", AccessFlags = 1057)]
  492. public abstract partial class SSLEngine
  493. /* scope: __dot42__ */
  494. {
  495. /// <summary>
  496. /// <para>Creates a new <c> SSLEngine </c> instance. </para>
  497. /// </summary>
  498. [Dot42.DexImport("<init>", "()V", AccessFlags = 4)]
  499. protected internal SSLEngine() /* MethodBuilder.Create */
  500. {
  501. }
  502. /// <summary>
  503. /// <para>Creates a new <c> SSLEngine </c> instance with the specified host and port.</para><para></para>
  504. /// </summary>
  505. [Dot42.DexImport("<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V", AccessFlags = 4)]
  506. protected internal SSLEngine(string host, int port) /* MethodBuilder.Create */
  507. {
  508. }
  509. /// <summary>
  510. /// <para>Returns the name of the peer host.</para><para></para>
  511. /// </summary>
  512. /// <returns>
  513. /// <para>the name of the peer host, or <c> null </c> if none is available. </para>
  514. /// </returns>
  515. /// <java-name>
  516. /// getPeerHost
  517. /// </java-name>
  518. [Dot42.DexImport("getPeerHost", "()Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1)]
  519. public virtual string GetPeerHost() /* MethodBuilder.Create */
  520. {
  521. return default(string);
  522. }
  523. /// <summary>
  524. /// <para>Returns the port number of the peer host.</para><para></para>
  525. /// </summary>
  526. /// <returns>
  527. /// <para>the port number of the peer host, or <c> -1 </c> is none is available. </para>
  528. /// </returns>
  529. /// <java-name>
  530. /// getPeerPort
  531. /// </java-name>
  532. [Dot42.DexImport("getPeerPort", "()I", AccessFlags = 1)]
  533. public virtual int GetPeerPort() /* MethodBuilder.Create */
  534. {
  535. return default(int);
  536. }
  537. /// <summary>
  538. /// <para>Initiates a handshake on this engine. </para><para>Calling this method is not needed for the initial handshake: it will be called by <c> wrap </c> or <c> unwrap </c> if the initial handshake has not been started yet.</para><para></para>
  539. /// </summary>
  540. /// <java-name>
  541. /// beginHandshake
  542. /// </java-name>
  543. [Dot42.DexImport("beginHandshake", "()V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  544. public abstract void BeginHandshake() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  545. /// <summary>
  546. /// <para>Notifies this engine instance that no more inbound network data will be sent to this engine.</para><para></para>
  547. /// </summary>
  548. /// <java-name>
  549. /// closeInbound
  550. /// </java-name>
  551. [Dot42.DexImport("closeInbound", "()V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  552. public abstract void CloseInbound() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  553. /// <summary>
  554. /// <para>Notifies this engine instance that no more outbound application data will be sent to this engine. </para>
  555. /// </summary>
  556. /// <java-name>
  557. /// closeOutbound
  558. /// </java-name>
  559. [Dot42.DexImport("closeOutbound", "()V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  560. public abstract void CloseOutbound() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  561. /// <summary>
  562. /// <para>Returns a delegate task for this engine instance. Some engine operations may require the results of blocking or long running operations, and the <c> SSLEngineResult </c> instances returned by this engine may indicate that a delegated task result is needed. In this case the run method of the returned <c> Runnable </c> delegated task must be called.</para><para></para>
  563. /// </summary>
  564. /// <returns>
  565. /// <para>a delegate task, or <c> null </c> if none are available. </para>
  566. /// </returns>
  567. /// <java-name>
  568. /// getDelegatedTask
  569. /// </java-name>
  570. [Dot42.DexImport("getDelegatedTask", "()Ljava/lang/Runnable;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  571. public abstract global::Java.Lang.IRunnable GetDelegatedTask() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  572. /// <summary>
  573. /// <para>Returns the SSL cipher suite names that are enabled in this engine instance.</para><para></para>
  574. /// </summary>
  575. /// <returns>
  576. /// <para>the SSL cipher suite names that are enabled in this engine instance. </para>
  577. /// </returns>
  578. /// <java-name>
  579. /// getEnabledCipherSuites
  580. /// </java-name>
  581. [Dot42.DexImport("getEnabledCipherSuites", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  582. public abstract string[] GetEnabledCipherSuites() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  583. /// <summary>
  584. /// <para>Returns the protocol version names that are enabled in this engine instance.</para><para></para>
  585. /// </summary>
  586. /// <returns>
  587. /// <para>the protocol version names that are enabled in this engine instance. </para>
  588. /// </returns>
  589. /// <java-name>
  590. /// getEnabledProtocols
  591. /// </java-name>
  592. [Dot42.DexImport("getEnabledProtocols", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  593. public abstract string[] GetEnabledProtocols() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  594. /// <summary>
  595. /// <para>Returns whether new SSL sessions may be established by this engine.</para><para></para>
  596. /// </summary>
  597. /// <returns>
  598. /// <para><c> true </c> if new session may be established, <c> false </c> if existing sessions must be reused. </para>
  599. /// </returns>
  600. /// <java-name>
  601. /// getEnableSessionCreation
  602. /// </java-name>
  603. [Dot42.DexImport("getEnableSessionCreation", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  604. public abstract bool GetEnableSessionCreation() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  605. /// <summary>
  606. /// <para>Returns the status of the handshake of this engine instance.</para><para></para>
  607. /// </summary>
  608. /// <returns>
  609. /// <para>the status of the handshake of this engine instance. </para>
  610. /// </returns>
  611. /// <java-name>
  612. /// getHandshakeStatus
  613. /// </java-name>
  614. [Dot42.DexImport("getHandshakeStatus", "()Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLEngineResult$HandshakeStatus;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  615. public abstract global::Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus GetHandshakeStatus() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  616. /// <summary>
  617. /// <para>Returns whether this engine instance will require client authentication.</para><para></para>
  618. /// </summary>
  619. /// <returns>
  620. /// <para><c> true </c> if this engine will require client authentication, <c> false </c> if no client authentication is needed. </para>
  621. /// </returns>
  622. /// <java-name>
  623. /// getNeedClientAuth
  624. /// </java-name>
  625. [Dot42.DexImport("getNeedClientAuth", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  626. public abstract bool GetNeedClientAuth() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  627. /// <summary>
  628. /// <para>Returns the SSL session for this engine instance.</para><para></para>
  629. /// </summary>
  630. /// <returns>
  631. /// <para>the SSL session for this engine instance. </para>
  632. /// </returns>
  633. /// <java-name>
  634. /// getSession
  635. /// </java-name>
  636. [Dot42.DexImport("getSession", "()Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLSession;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  637. public abstract global::Javax.Net.Ssl.ISSLSession GetSession() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  638. /// <summary>
  639. /// <para>Returns the SSL cipher suite names that are supported by this engine. These cipher suites can be enabled using setEnabledCipherSuites(String[]).</para><para></para>
  640. /// </summary>
  641. /// <returns>
  642. /// <para>the SSL cipher suite names that are supported by this engine. </para>
  643. /// </returns>
  644. /// <java-name>
  645. /// getSupportedCipherSuites
  646. /// </java-name>
  647. [Dot42.DexImport("getSupportedCipherSuites", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  648. public abstract string[] GetSupportedCipherSuites() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  649. /// <summary>
  650. /// <para>Returns the protocol names that are supported by this engine. These protocols can be enables using setEnabledProtocols(String[]).</para><para></para>
  651. /// </summary>
  652. /// <returns>
  653. /// <para>the protocol names that are supported by this engine. </para>
  654. /// </returns>
  655. /// <java-name>
  656. /// getSupportedProtocols
  657. /// </java-name>
  658. [Dot42.DexImport("getSupportedProtocols", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  659. public abstract string[] GetSupportedProtocols() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  660. /// <summary>
  661. /// <para>Returns whether this engine is set to act in client mode when handshaking.</para><para></para>
  662. /// </summary>
  663. /// <returns>
  664. /// <para><c> true </c> if the engine is set to do handshaking in client mode. </para>
  665. /// </returns>
  666. /// <java-name>
  667. /// getUseClientMode
  668. /// </java-name>
  669. [Dot42.DexImport("getUseClientMode", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  670. public abstract bool GetUseClientMode() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  671. /// <summary>
  672. /// <para>Returns whether this engine will request client authentication.</para><para></para>
  673. /// </summary>
  674. /// <returns>
  675. /// <para><c> true </c> if client authentication will be requested, <c> false </c> otherwise. </para>
  676. /// </returns>
  677. /// <java-name>
  678. /// getWantClientAuth
  679. /// </java-name>
  680. [Dot42.DexImport("getWantClientAuth", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  681. public abstract bool GetWantClientAuth() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  682. /// <summary>
  683. /// <para>Returns whether no more inbound data will be accepted by this engine.</para><para></para>
  684. /// </summary>
  685. /// <returns>
  686. /// <para><c> true </c> if no more inbound data will be accepted by this engine, <c> false </c> otherwise. </para>
  687. /// </returns>
  688. /// <java-name>
  689. /// isInboundDone
  690. /// </java-name>
  691. [Dot42.DexImport("isInboundDone", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  692. public abstract bool IsInboundDone() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  693. /// <summary>
  694. /// <para>Returns whether no more outbound data will be produced by this engine.</para><para></para>
  695. /// </summary>
  696. /// <returns>
  697. /// <para><c> true </c> if no more outbound data will be producted by this engine, <c> otherwise </c> false. </para>
  698. /// </returns>
  699. /// <java-name>
  700. /// isOutboundDone
  701. /// </java-name>
  702. [Dot42.DexImport("isOutboundDone", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  703. public abstract bool IsOutboundDone() /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  704. /// <summary>
  705. /// <para>Sets the SSL cipher suite names that should be enabled in this engine instance. Only cipher suites listed by <c> getSupportedCipherSuites() </c> are allowed.</para><para></para>
  706. /// </summary>
  707. /// <java-name>
  708. /// setEnabledCipherSuites
  709. /// </java-name>
  710. [Dot42.DexImport("setEnabledCipherSuites", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  711. public abstract void SetEnabledCipherSuites(string[] suites) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  712. /// <summary>
  713. /// <para>Sets the protocol version names that should be enabled in this engine instance. Only protocols listed by <c> getSupportedProtocols() </c> are allowed.</para><para></para>
  714. /// </summary>
  715. /// <java-name>
  716. /// setEnabledProtocols
  717. /// </java-name>
  718. [Dot42.DexImport("setEnabledProtocols", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  719. public abstract void SetEnabledProtocols(string[] protocols) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  720. /// <summary>
  721. /// <para>Sets whether new SSL sessions may be established by this engine instance.</para><para></para>
  722. /// </summary>
  723. /// <java-name>
  724. /// setEnableSessionCreation
  725. /// </java-name>
  726. [Dot42.DexImport("setEnableSessionCreation", "(Z)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  727. public abstract void SetEnableSessionCreation(bool flag) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  728. /// <summary>
  729. /// <para>Sets whether this engine must require client authentication. The client authentication is one of: <ul><li><para>authentication required </para></li><li><para>authentication requested </para></li><li><para>no authentication needed </para></li></ul>This method overrides the setting of setWantClientAuth(boolean).</para><para></para>
  730. /// </summary>
  731. /// <java-name>
  732. /// setNeedClientAuth
  733. /// </java-name>
  734. [Dot42.DexImport("setNeedClientAuth", "(Z)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  735. public abstract void SetNeedClientAuth(bool need) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  736. /// <summary>
  737. /// <para>Sets whether this engine should act in client (or server) mode when handshaking.</para><para></para>
  738. /// </summary>
  739. /// <java-name>
  740. /// setUseClientMode
  741. /// </java-name>
  742. [Dot42.DexImport("setUseClientMode", "(Z)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  743. public abstract void SetUseClientMode(bool mode) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  744. /// <summary>
  745. /// <para>Sets whether this engine should request client authentication. The client authentication is one of the following: <ul><li><para>authentication required </para></li><li><para>authentication requested </para></li><li><para>no authentication needed </para></li></ul>This method overrides the setting of setNeedClientAuth(boolean).</para><para></para>
  746. /// </summary>
  747. /// <java-name>
  748. /// setWantClientAuth
  749. /// </java-name>
  750. [Dot42.DexImport("setWantClientAuth", "(Z)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  751. public abstract void SetWantClientAuth(bool want) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  752. /// <summary>
  753. /// <para>Decodes the incoming network data buffer into application data buffers. If a handshake has not been started yet, it will automatically be started.</para><para></para>
  754. /// </summary>
  755. /// <returns>
  756. /// <para>the result object of this operation. </para>
  757. /// </returns>
  758. /// <java-name>
  759. /// unwrap
  760. /// </java-name>
  761. [Dot42.DexImport("unwrap", "(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;[Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;II)Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLEngineResult;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  762. public abstract global::Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLEngineResult Unwrap(global::Java.Nio.ByteBuffer src, global::Java.Nio.ByteBuffer[] dsts, int offset, int length) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  763. /// <summary>
  764. /// <para>Encodes the outgoing application data buffers into the network data buffer. If a handshake has not been started yet, it will automatically be started.</para><para></para>
  765. /// </summary>
  766. /// <returns>
  767. /// <para>the result object of this operation. </para>
  768. /// </returns>
  769. /// <java-name>
  770. /// wrap
  771. /// </java-name>
  772. [Dot42.DexImport("wrap", "([Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;IILjava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLEngineResult;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  773. public abstract global::Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLEngineResult Wrap(global::Java.Nio.ByteBuffer[] srcs, int offset, int length, global::Java.Nio.ByteBuffer dst) /* MethodBuilder.Create */ ;
  774. /// <summary>
  775. /// <para>Decodes the incoming network data buffer into the application data buffer. If a handshake has not been started yet, it will automatically be started.</para><para></para>
  776. /// </summary>
  777. /// <returns>
  778. /// <para>the result object of this operation. </para>
  779. /// </returns>
  780. /// <java-name>
  781. /// unwrap
  782. /// </java-name>
  783. [Dot42.DexImport("unwrap", "(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLEngineResult;", AccessFlags = 1)]
  784. public virtual global::Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLEngineResult Unwrap(global::Java.Nio.ByteBuffer src, global::Java.Nio.ByteBuffer dst) /* MethodBuilder.Create */
  785. {
  786. return default(global::Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLEngineResult);
  787. }
  788. /// <summary>
  789. /// <para>Decodes the incoming network data buffer into the application data buffer. If a handshake has not been started yet, it will automatically be started.</para><para></para>
  790. /// </summary>
  791. /// <returns>
  792. /// <para>the result object of this operation. </para>
  793. /// </returns>
  794. /// <java-name>
  795. /// unwrap
  796. /// </java-name>
  797. [Dot42.DexImport("unwrap", "(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;[Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLEngineResult;", AccessFlags = 1)]
  798. public virtual global::Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLEngineResult Unwrap(global::Java.Nio.ByteBuffer src, global::Java.Nio.ByteBuffer[] dst) /* MethodBuilder.Create */
  799. {
  800. return default(global::Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLEngineResult);
  801. }
  802. /// <summary>
  803. /// <para>Encodes the outgoing application data buffers into the network data buffer. If a handshake has not been started yet, it will automatically be started.</para><para></para>
  804. /// </summary>
  805. /// <returns>
  806. /// <para>the result object of this operation. </para>
  807. /// </returns>
  808. /// <java-name>
  809. /// wrap
  810. /// </java-name>
  811. [Dot42.DexImport("wrap", "([Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLEngineResult;", AccessFlags = 1)]
  812. public virtual global::Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLEngineResult Wrap(global::Java.Nio.ByteBuffer[] srcs, global::Java.Nio.ByteBuffer dst) /* MethodBuilder.Create */
  813. {
  814. return default(global::Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLEngineResult);
  815. }
  816. /// <summary>
  817. /// <para>Encodes the outgoing application data buffers into the network data buffer. If a handshake has not been started yet, it will automatically be started.</para><para></para>
  818. /// </summary>
  819. /// <returns>
  820. /// <para>the result object of this operation. </para>
  821. /// </returns>
  822. /// <java-name>
  823. /// wrap
  824. /// </java-name>
  825. [Dot42.DexImport("wrap", "(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLEngineResult;", AccessFlags = 1)]
  826. public virtual global::Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLEngineResult Wrap(global::Java.Nio.ByteBuffer srcs, global::Java.Nio.ByteBuffer dst) /* MethodBuilder.Create */
  827. {
  828. return default(global::Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLEngineResult);
  829. }
  830. /// <summary>
  831. /// <para>Returns the name of the peer host.</para><para></para>
  832. /// </summary>
  833. /// <returns>
  834. /// <para>the name of the peer host, or <c> null </c> if none is available. </para>
  835. /// </returns>
  836. /// <java-name>
  837. /// getPeerHost
  838. /// </java-name>
  839. public string PeerHost
  840. {
  841. [Dot42.DexImport("getPeerHost", "()Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1)]
  842. get{ return GetPeerHost(); }
  843. }
  844. /// <summary>
  845. /// <para>Returns the port number of the peer host.</para><para></para>
  846. /// </summary>
  847. /// <returns>
  848. /// <para>the port number of the peer host, or <c> -1 </c> is none is available. </para>
  849. /// </returns>
  850. /// <java-name>
  851. /// getPeerPort
  852. /// </java-name>
  853. public int PeerPort
  854. {
  855. [Dot42.DexImport("getPeerPort", "()I", AccessFlags = 1)]
  856. get{ return GetPeerPort(); }
  857. }
  858. /// <summary>
  859. /// <para>Returns a delegate task for this engine instance. Some engine operations may require the results of blocking or long running operations, and the <c> SSLEngineResult </c> instances returned by this engine may indicate that a delegated task result is needed. In this case the run method of the returned <c> Runnable </c> delegated task must be called.</para><para></para>
  860. /// </summary>
  861. /// <returns>
  862. /// <para>a delegate task, or <c> null </c> if none are available. </para>
  863. /// </returns>
  864. /// <java-name>
  865. /// getDelegatedTask
  866. /// </java-name>
  867. public global::Java.Lang.IRunnable DelegatedTask
  868. {
  869. [Dot42.DexImport("getDelegatedTask", "()Ljava/lang/Runnable;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  870. get{ return GetDelegatedTask(); }
  871. }
  872. /// <summary>
  873. /// <para>Returns the SSL cipher suite names that are enabled in this engine instance.</para><para></para>
  874. /// </summary>
  875. /// <returns>
  876. /// <para>the SSL cipher suite names that are enabled in this engine instance. </para>
  877. /// </returns>
  878. /// <java-name>
  879. /// getEnabledCipherSuites
  880. /// </java-name>
  881. public string[] EnabledCipherSuites
  882. {
  883. [Dot42.DexImport("getEnabledCipherSuites", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  884. get{ return GetEnabledCipherSuites(); }
  885. [Dot42.DexImport("setEnabledCipherSuites", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  886. set{ SetEnabledCipherSuites(value); }
  887. }
  888. /// <summary>
  889. /// <para>Returns the protocol version names that are enabled in this engine instance.</para><para></para>
  890. /// </summary>
  891. /// <returns>
  892. /// <para>the protocol version names that are enabled in this engine instance. </para>
  893. /// </returns>
  894. /// <java-name>
  895. /// getEnabledProtocols
  896. /// </java-name>
  897. public string[] EnabledProtocols
  898. {
  899. [Dot42.DexImport("getEnabledProtocols", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  900. get{ return GetEnabledProtocols(); }
  901. [Dot42.DexImport("setEnabledProtocols", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  902. set{ SetEnabledProtocols(value); }
  903. }
  904. /// <summary>
  905. /// <para>Returns whether new SSL sessions may be established by this engine.</para><para></para>
  906. /// </summary>
  907. /// <returns>
  908. /// <para><c> true </c> if new session may be established, <c> false </c> if existing sessions must be reused. </para>
  909. /// </returns>
  910. /// <java-name>
  911. /// getEnableSessionCreation
  912. /// </java-name>
  913. public bool IsEnableSessionCreation
  914. {
  915. [Dot42.DexImport("getEnableSessionCreation", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  916. get{ return GetEnableSessionCreation(); }
  917. [Dot42.DexImport("setEnableSessionCreation", "(Z)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  918. set{ SetEnableSessionCreation(value); }
  919. }
  920. /// <summary>
  921. /// <para>Returns the status of the handshake of this engine instance.</para><para></para>
  922. /// </summary>
  923. /// <returns>
  924. /// <para>the status of the handshake of this engine instance. </para>
  925. /// </returns>
  926. /// <java-name>
  927. /// getHandshakeStatus
  928. /// </java-name>
  929. public global::Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus HandshakeStatus
  930. {
  931. [Dot42.DexImport("getHandshakeStatus", "()Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLEngineResult$HandshakeStatus;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  932. get{ return GetHandshakeStatus(); }
  933. }
  934. /// <summary>
  935. /// <para>Returns whether this engine instance will require client authentication.</para><para></para>
  936. /// </summary>
  937. /// <returns>
  938. /// <para><c> true </c> if this engine will require client authentication, <c> false </c> if no client authentication is needed. </para>
  939. /// </returns>
  940. /// <java-name>
  941. /// getNeedClientAuth
  942. /// </java-name>
  943. public bool IsNeedClientAuth
  944. {
  945. [Dot42.DexImport("getNeedClientAuth", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  946. get{ return GetNeedClientAuth(); }
  947. [Dot42.DexImport("setNeedClientAuth", "(Z)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  948. set{ SetNeedClientAuth(value); }
  949. }
  950. /// <summary>
  951. /// <para>Returns the SSL session for this engine instance.</para><para></para>
  952. /// </summary>
  953. /// <returns>
  954. /// <para>the SSL session for this engine instance. </para>
  955. /// </returns>
  956. /// <java-name>
  957. /// getSession
  958. /// </java-name>
  959. public global::Javax.Net.Ssl.ISSLSession Session
  960. {
  961. [Dot42.DexImport("getSession", "()Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLSession;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  962. get{ return GetSession(); }
  963. }
  964. /// <summary>
  965. /// <para>Returns the SSL cipher suite names that are supported by this engine. These cipher suites can be enabled using setEnabledCipherSuites(String[]).</para><para></para>
  966. /// </summary>
  967. /// <returns>
  968. /// <para>the SSL cipher suite names that are supported by this engine. </para>
  969. /// </returns>
  970. /// <java-name>
  971. /// getSupportedCipherSuites
  972. /// </java-name>
  973. public string[] SupportedCipherSuites
  974. {
  975. [Dot42.DexImport("getSupportedCipherSuites", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  976. get{ return GetSupportedCipherSuites(); }
  977. }
  978. /// <summary>
  979. /// <para>Returns the protocol names that are supported by this engine. These protocols can be enables using setEnabledProtocols(String[]).</para><para></para>
  980. /// </summary>
  981. /// <returns>
  982. /// <para>the protocol names that are supported by this engine. </para>
  983. /// </returns>
  984. /// <java-name>
  985. /// getSupportedProtocols
  986. /// </java-name>
  987. public string[] SupportedProtocols
  988. {
  989. [Dot42.DexImport("getSupportedProtocols", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  990. get{ return GetSupportedProtocols(); }
  991. }
  992. /// <summary>
  993. /// <para>Returns whether this engine is set to act in client mode when handshaking.</para><para></para>
  994. /// </summary>
  995. /// <returns>
  996. /// <para><c> true </c> if the engine is set to do handshaking in client mode. </para>
  997. /// </returns>
  998. /// <java-name>
  999. /// getUseClientMode
  1000. /// </java-name>
  1001. public bool IsUseClientMode
  1002. {
  1003. [Dot42.DexImport("getUseClientMode", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  1004. get{ return GetUseClientMode(); }
  1005. [Dot42.DexImport("setUseClientMode", "(Z)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  1006. set{ SetUseClientMode(value); }
  1007. }
  1008. /// <summary>
  1009. /// <para>Returns whether this engine will request client authentication.</para><para></para>
  1010. /// </summary>
  1011. /// <returns>
  1012. /// <para><c> true </c> if client authentication will be requested, <c> false </c> otherwise. </para>
  1013. /// </returns>
  1014. /// <java-name>
  1015. /// getWantClientAuth
  1016. /// </java-name>
  1017. public bool IsWantClientAuth
  1018. {
  1019. [Dot42.DexImport("getWantClientAuth", "()Z", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  1020. get{ return GetWantClientAuth(); }
  1021. [Dot42.DexImport("setWantClientAuth", "(Z)V", AccessFlags = 1025)]
  1022. set{ SetWantClientAuth(value); }
  1023. }
  1024. }
  1025. /// <summary>
  1026. /// <para>The <b>Service Provider Interface</b> (SPI) for the <c> SSLContext </c> class. </para>
  1027. /// </summary>
  1028. /// <java-name>
  1029. /// javax/net/ssl/SSLContextSpi
  1030. /// </java-name>
  1031. [Dot42.DexImport("javax/net/ssl/SSLContextSpi", AccessFlags = 1057)]
  1032. public abstract partial class SSLContextSpi
  1033. /* scope: __dot42__ */
  1034. {
  1035. /// <summary>
  1036. /// <para>Creates a new <c> SSLContextSpi </c> instance. </para>
  1037. /// </summary>
  1038. [Dot42.DexImport("<init>", "()V", AccessFlags = 1)]
  1039. public SSLContextSpi() /* MethodBuilder.Create */
  1040. {
  1041. }
  1042. /// <summary>
  1043. /// <para>Initializes this <c> SSLContext </c> instance. All of the arguments are optional, and the security providers will be searched for the required implementations of the needed algorithms.</para><para></para>
  1044. /// </su