https://gitlab.com/Blueprint-Marketing/cdnjs · JavaScript · 370 lines · 366 code · 0 blank · 4 comment · 0 complexity · f0404bf6f4572c7ed0af8012003f40ca MD5 · raw file
- (function($) {
- /**
- * Default English package. It's included in the dist, so you do NOT need to include it to your head tag
- * The only reason I put it here is that you can clone it, and translate it into your language
- */
- $.fn.bootstrapValidator.i18n = $.extend(true, $.fn.bootstrapValidator.i18n, {
- base64: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid base 64 encoded'
- },
- between: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a value between %s and %s',
- notInclusive: 'Please enter a value between %s and %s strictly'
- },
- callback: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid value'
- },
- choice: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid value',
- less: 'Please choose %s options at minimum',
- more: 'Please choose %s options at maximum',
- between: 'Please choose %s - %s options'
- },
- color: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid color'
- },
- creditCard: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid credit card number'
- },
- cusip: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid CUSIP number'
- },
- cvv: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid CVV number'
- },
- date: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid date',
- min: 'Please enter a date after %s',
- max: 'Please enter a date before %s',
- range: 'Please enter a date in the range %s - %s'
- },
- different: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a different value'
- },
- digits: {
- 'default': 'Please enter only digits'
- },
- ean: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid EAN number'
- },
- emailAddress: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid email address'
- },
- file: {
- 'default': 'Please choose a valid file'
- },
- greaterThan: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a value greater than or equal to %s',
- notInclusive: 'Please enter a value greater than %s'
- },
- grid: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid GRId number'
- },
- hex: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid hexadecimal number'
- },
- hexColor: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid hex color'
- },
- iban: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid IBAN number',
- countryNotSupported: 'The country code %s is not supported',
- country: 'Please enter a valid IBAN number in %s',
- countries: {
- AD: 'Andorra',
- AE: 'United Arab Emirates',
- AL: 'Albania',
- AO: 'Angola',
- AT: 'Austria',
- AZ: 'Azerbaijan',
- BA: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
- BE: 'Belgium',
- BF: 'Burkina Faso',
- BG: 'Bulgaria',
- BH: 'Bahrain',
- BI: 'Burundi',
- BJ: 'Benin',
- BR: 'Brazil',
- CH: 'Switzerland',
- CI: 'Ivory Coast',
- CM: 'Cameroon',
- CR: 'Costa Rica',
- CV: 'Cape Verde',
- CY: 'Cyprus',
- CZ: 'Czech Republic',
- DE: 'Germany',
- DK: 'Denmark',
- DO: 'Dominican Republic',
- DZ: 'Algeria',
- EE: 'Estonia',
- ES: 'Spain',
- FI: 'Finland',
- FO: 'Faroe Islands',
- FR: 'France',
- GB: 'United Kingdom',
- GE: 'Georgia',
- GI: 'Gibraltar',
- GL: 'Greenland',
- GR: 'Greece',
- GT: 'Guatemala',
- HR: 'Croatia',
- HU: 'Hungary',
- IE: 'Ireland',
- IL: 'Israel',
- IR: 'Iran',
- IS: 'Iceland',
- IT: 'Italy',
- JO: 'Jordan',
- KW: 'Kuwait',
- KZ: 'Kazakhstan',
- LB: 'Lebanon',
- LI: 'Liechtenstein',
- LT: 'Lithuania',
- LU: 'Luxembourg',
- LV: 'Latvia',
- MC: 'Monaco',
- MD: 'Moldova',
- ME: 'Montenegro',
- MG: 'Madagascar',
- MK: 'Macedonia',
- ML: 'Mali',
- MR: 'Mauritania',
- MT: 'Malta',
- MU: 'Mauritius',
- MZ: 'Mozambique',
- NL: 'Netherlands',
- NO: 'Norway',
- PK: 'Pakistan',
- PL: 'Poland',
- PS: 'Palestine',
- PT: 'Portugal',
- QA: 'Qatar',
- RO: 'Romania',
- RS: 'Serbia',
- SA: 'Saudi Arabia',
- SE: 'Sweden',
- SI: 'Slovenia',
- SK: 'Slovakia',
- SM: 'San Marino',
- SN: 'Senegal',
- TN: 'Tunisia',
- TR: 'Turkey',
- VG: 'Virgin Islands, British'
- }
- },
- id: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid identification number',
- countryNotSupported: 'The country code %s is not supported',
- country: 'Please enter a valid identification number in %s',
- countries: {
- BA: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
- BG: 'Bulgaria',
- BR: 'Brazil',
- CH: 'Switzerland',
- CL: 'Chile',
- CN: 'China',
- CZ: 'Czech Republic',
- DK: 'Denmark',
- EE: 'Estonia',
- ES: 'Spain',
- FI: 'Finland',
- HR: 'Croatia',
- IE: 'Ireland',
- IS: 'Iceland',
- LT: 'Lithuania',
- LV: 'Latvia',
- ME: 'Montenegro',
- MK: 'Macedonia',
- NL: 'Netherlands',
- RO: 'Romania',
- RS: 'Serbia',
- SE: 'Sweden',
- SI: 'Slovenia',
- SK: 'Slovakia',
- SM: 'San Marino',
- TH: 'Thailand',
- ZA: 'South Africa'
- }
- },
- identical: {
- 'default': 'Please enter the same value'
- },
- imei: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid IMEI number'
- },
- imo: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid IMO number'
- },
- integer: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid number'
- },
- ip: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid IP address',
- ipv4: 'Please enter a valid IPv4 address',
- ipv6: 'Please enter a valid IPv6 address'
- },
- isbn: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid ISBN number'
- },
- isin: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid ISIN number'
- },
- ismn: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid ISMN number'
- },
- issn: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid ISSN number'
- },
- lessThan: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a value less than or equal to %s',
- notInclusive: 'Please enter a value less than %s'
- },
- mac: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid MAC address'
- },
- meid: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid MEID number'
- },
- notEmpty: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a value'
- },
- numeric: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid float number'
- },
- phone: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid phone number',
- countryNotSupported: 'The country code %s is not supported',
- country: 'Please enter a valid phone number in %s',
- countries: {
- BR: 'Brazil',
- CN: 'China',
- CZ: 'Czech Republic',
- DE: 'Germany',
- DK: 'Denmark',
- ES: 'Spain',
- FR: 'France',
- GB: 'United Kingdom',
- MA: 'Morocco',
- PK: 'Pakistan',
- RO: 'Romania',
- RU: 'Russia',
- SK: 'Slovakia',
- TH: 'Thailand',
- US: 'USA',
- VE: 'Venezuela'
- }
- },
- regexp: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a value matching the pattern'
- },
- remote: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid value'
- },
- rtn: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid RTN number'
- },
- sedol: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid SEDOL number'
- },
- siren: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid SIREN number'
- },
- siret: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid SIRET number'
- },
- step: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid step of %s'
- },
- stringCase: {
- 'default': 'Please enter only lowercase characters',
- upper: 'Please enter only uppercase characters'
- },
- stringLength: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a value with valid length',
- less: 'Please enter less than %s characters',
- more: 'Please enter more than %s characters',
- between: 'Please enter value between %s and %s characters long'
- },
- uri: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid URI'
- },
- uuid: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid UUID number',
- version: 'Please enter a valid UUID version %s number'
- },
- vat: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid VAT number',
- countryNotSupported: 'The country code %s is not supported',
- country: 'Please enter a valid VAT number in %s',
- countries: {
- AT: 'Austria',
- BE: 'Belgium',
- BG: 'Bulgaria',
- BR: 'Brazil',
- CH: 'Switzerland',
- CY: 'Cyprus',
- CZ: 'Czech Republic',
- DE: 'Germany',
- DK: 'Denmark',
- EE: 'Estonia',
- ES: 'Spain',
- FI: 'Finland',
- FR: 'France',
- GB: 'United Kingdom',
- GR: 'Greece',
- EL: 'Greece',
- HU: 'Hungary',
- HR: 'Croatia',
- IE: 'Ireland',
- IS: 'Iceland',
- IT: 'Italy',
- LT: 'Lithuania',
- LU: 'Luxembourg',
- LV: 'Latvia',
- MT: 'Malta',
- NL: 'Netherlands',
- NO: 'Norway',
- PL: 'Poland',
- PT: 'Portugal',
- RO: 'Romania',
- RU: 'Russia',
- RS: 'Serbia',
- SE: 'Sweden',
- SI: 'Slovenia',
- SK: 'Slovakia',
- VE: 'Venezuela',
- ZA: 'South Africa'
- }
- },
- vin: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid VIN number'
- },
- zipCode: {
- 'default': 'Please enter a valid postal code',
- countryNotSupported: 'The country code %s is not supported',
- country: 'Please enter a valid postal code in %s',
- countries: {
- AT: 'Austria',
- BR: 'Brazil',
- CA: 'Canada',
- CH: 'Switzerland',
- CZ: 'Czech Republic',
- DE: 'Germany',
- DK: 'Denmark',
- FR: 'France',
- GB: 'United Kingdom',
- IE: 'Ireland',
- IT: 'Italy',
- MA: 'Morocco',
- NL: 'Netherlands',
- PT: 'Portugal',
- RO: 'Romania',
- RU: 'Russia',
- SE: 'Sweden',
- SG: 'Singapore',
- SK: 'Slovakia',
- US: 'USA'
- }
- }
- });
- }(window.jQuery));