PageRenderTime 33ms CodeModel.GetById 17ms RepoModel.GetById 1ms app.codeStats 0ms

Python | 263 lines | 228 code | 19 blank | 16 comment | 15 complexity | 38ba0149ec8945ce7ebb93e2d7efbf40 MD5 | raw file
  1. import sublime, sublime_plugin
  2. import re
  3. def match(rex, str):
  4. m = rex.match(str)
  5. if m:
  6. return
  7. else:
  8. return None
  9. # This responds to on_query_completions, but conceptually it's expanding
  10. # expressions, rather than completing words.
  11. #
  12. # It expands these simple expressions:
  13. # tag.class
  14. # tag#id
  15. class HtmlCompletions(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
  16. def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
  17. # Only trigger within HTML
  18. if not view.match_selector(locations[0],
  19. "text.html - source - meta.tag, punctuation.definition.tag.begin"):
  20. return []
  21. # Get the contents of each line, from the beginning of the line to
  22. # each point
  23. lines = [view.substr(sublime.Region(view.line(l).a, l))
  24. for l in locations]
  25. # Reverse the contents of each line, to simulate having the regex
  26. # match backwards
  27. lines = [l[::-1] for l in lines]
  28. # Check the first location looks like an expression
  29. rex = re.compile("([\w-]+)([.#])(\w+)")
  30. expr = match(rex, lines[0])
  31. if not expr:
  32. return []
  33. # Ensure that all other lines have identical expressions
  34. for i in xrange(1, len(lines)):
  35. ex = match(rex, lines[i])
  36. if ex != expr:
  37. return []
  38. # Return the completions
  39. arg, op, tag = rex.match(expr).groups()
  40. arg = arg[::-1]
  41. tag = tag[::-1]
  42. expr = expr[::-1]
  43. if op == '.':
  44. snippet = "<{0} class=\"{1}\">$1</{0}>$0".format(tag, arg)
  45. else:
  46. snippet = "<{0} id=\"{1}\">$1</{0}>$0".format(tag, arg)
  47. return [(expr, snippet)]
  48. # Provide completions that match just after typing an opening angle bracket
  49. class TagCompletions(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
  50. def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
  51. # Only trigger within HTML
  52. if not view.match_selector(locations[0],
  53. "text.html - source"):
  54. return []
  55. pt = locations[0] - len(prefix) - 1
  56. ch = view.substr(sublime.Region(pt, pt + 1))
  57. if ch != '<':
  58. return []
  59. return ([
  60. ("a\tTag", "a href=\"$1\">$2</a>"),
  61. ("abbr\tTag", "abbr>$1</abbr>"),
  62. ("acronym\tTag", "acronym>$1</acronym>"),
  63. ("address\tTag", "address>$1</address>"),
  64. ("applet\tTag", "applet>$1</applet>"),
  65. ("area\tTag", "area>$1</area>"),
  66. ("b\tTag", "b>$1</b>"),
  67. ("base\tTag", "base>$1</base>"),
  68. ("big\tTag", "big>$1</big>"),
  69. ("blockquote\tTag", "blockquote>$1</blockquote>"),
  70. ("body\tTag", "body>$1</body>"),
  71. ("button\tTag", "button>$1</button>"),
  72. ("center\tTag", "center>$1</center>"),
  73. ("caption\tTag", "caption>$1</caption>"),
  74. ("cdata\tTag", "cdata>$1</cdata>"),
  75. ("cite\tTag", "cite>$1</cite>"),
  76. ("col\tTag", "col>$1</col>"),
  77. ("colgroup\tTag", "colgroup>$1</colgroup>"),
  78. ("code\tTag", "code>$1</code>"),
  79. ("div\tTag", "div>$1</div>"),
  80. ("dd\tTag", "dd>$1</dd>"),
  81. ("del\tTag", "del>$1</del>"),
  82. ("dfn\tTag", "dfn>$1</dfn>"),
  83. ("dl\tTag", "dl>$1</dl>"),
  84. ("dt\tTag", "dt>$1</dt>"),
  85. ("em\tTag", "em>$1</em>"),
  86. ("fieldset\tTag", "fieldset>$1</fieldset>"),
  87. ("font\tTag", "font>$1</font>"),
  88. ("form\tTag", "form>$1</form>"),
  89. ("frame\tTag", "frame>$1</frame>"),
  90. ("frameset\tTag", "frameset>$1</frameset>"),
  91. ("head\tTag", "head>$1</head>"),
  92. ("h1\tTag", "h1>$1</h1>"),
  93. ("h2\tTag", "h2>$1</h2>"),
  94. ("h3\tTag", "h3>$1</h3>"),
  95. ("h4\tTag", "h4>$1</h4>"),
  96. ("h5\tTag", "h5>$1</h5>"),
  97. ("h6\tTag", "h6>$1</h6>"),
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  111. ("option\tTag", "option>$0</option>"),
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  115. ("samp\tTag", "samp>$1</samp>"),
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  122. ("sup\tTag", "sup>$1</sup>"),
  123. ("table\tTag", "table>$1</table>"),
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  125. ("td\tTag", "td>$1</td>"),
  126. ("textarea\tTag", "textarea>$1</textarea>"),
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  129. ("thead\tTag", "thead>$1</thead>"),
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  134. ("ul\tTag", "ul>$1</ul>"),
  135. ("var\tTag", "var>$1</var>"),
  136. ("br\tTag", "br>"),
  137. ("embed\tTag", "embed>"),
  138. ("hr\tTag", "hr>"),
  139. ("img\tTag", "img src=\"$1\">"),
  140. ("input\tTag", "input>"),
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  156. ("APPLET\tTag", "APPLET>$1</APPLET>"),
  157. ("AREA\tTag", "AREA>$1</AREA>"),
  158. ("B\tTag", "B>$1</B>"),
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