Python | 149 lines | 117 code | 17 blank | 15 comment | 1 complexity | 42513402be69d9e63afa1e14ea45c889 MD5 | raw file
- # This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
- # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
- # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- # details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- #
- # Copyright Buildbot Team Members
- from twisted.trial import unittest
- from buildbot.process.properties import WithProperties
- from buildbot.process.results import EXCEPTION
- from buildbot.process.results import FAILURE
- from buildbot.process.results import SUCCESS
- from buildbot.process.results import WARNINGS
- from buildbot.steps import shellsequence
- from buildbot.test.fake.remotecommand import Expect
- from buildbot.test.fake.remotecommand import ExpectShell
- from buildbot.test.util import config as configmixin
- from buildbot.test.util import steps
- class DynamicRun(shellsequence.ShellSequence):
- def run(self):
- return self.runShellSequence(self.dynamicCommands)
- class TestOneShellCommand(steps.BuildStepMixin, unittest.TestCase, configmixin.ConfigErrorsMixin):
- def setUp(self):
- return self.setUpBuildStep()
- def tearDown(self):
- return self.tearDownBuildStep()
- def testShellArgInput(self):
- self.assertRaisesConfigError(
- "the 'command' parameter of ShellArg must not be None",
- lambda: shellsequence.ShellArg(command=None))
- arg1 = shellsequence.ShellArg(command=1)
- self.assertRaisesConfigError(
- "1 is an invalid command, it must be a string or a list",
- lambda: arg1.validateAttributes())
- arg2 = shellsequence.ShellArg(command=["make", 1])
- self.assertRaisesConfigError(
- "['make', 1] must only have strings in it",
- lambda: arg2.validateAttributes())
- for goodcmd in ["make p1", ["make", "p1"]]:
- arg = shellsequence.ShellArg(command=goodcmd)
- arg.validateAttributes()
- def testShellArgsAreRendered(self):
- arg1 = shellsequence.ShellArg(command=WithProperties('make %s', 'project'),
- logfile=WithProperties('make %s', 'project'))
- self.setupStep(
- shellsequence.ShellSequence(commands=[arg1],
- workdir='build'))
- self.properties.setProperty("project", "BUILDBOT-TEST", "TEST")
- self.expectCommands(ExpectShell(workdir='build', command='make BUILDBOT-TEST',
- usePTY="slave-config")
- + 0 + Expect.log('stdio make BUILDBOT-TEST'))
- # TODO: need to factor command-summary stuff into a utility method and use it here
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS, state_string="'make BUILDBOT-TEST'")
- return self.runStep()
- def createDynamicRun(self, commands):
- DynamicRun.dynamicCommands = commands
- return DynamicRun()
- def testSanityChecksAreDoneInRuntimeWhenDynamicCmdIsNone(self):
- self.setupStep(self.createDynamicRun(None))
- self.expectOutcome(result=EXCEPTION,
- state_string="finished (exception)")
- return self.runStep()
- def testSanityChecksAreDoneInRuntimeWhenDynamicCmdIsString(self):
- self.setupStep(self.createDynamicRun(["one command"]))
- self.expectOutcome(result=EXCEPTION,
- state_string='finished (exception)')
- return self.runStep()
- def testSanityChecksAreDoneInRuntimeWhenDynamicCmdIsInvalidShellArg(self):
- self.setupStep(self.createDynamicRun([shellsequence.ShellArg(command=1)]))
- self.expectOutcome(result=EXCEPTION,
- state_string='finished (exception)')
- return self.runStep()
- def testMultipleCommandsAreRun(self):
- arg1 = shellsequence.ShellArg(command='make p1')
- arg2 = shellsequence.ShellArg(command='deploy p1', logfile='deploy')
- self.setupStep(
- shellsequence.ShellSequence(commands=[arg1, arg2],
- workdir='build'))
- self.expectCommands(ExpectShell(workdir='build', command='make p1',
- usePTY="slave-config") + 0,
- ExpectShell(workdir='build', command='deploy p1',
- usePTY="slave-config") + 0 +
- Expect.log('stdio deploy p1'))
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS, state_string="'deploy p1'")
- return self.runStep()
- def testSkipWorks(self):
- arg1 = shellsequence.ShellArg(command='make p1')
- arg2 = shellsequence.ShellArg(command='')
- arg3 = shellsequence.ShellArg(command='deploy p1')
- self.setupStep(
- shellsequence.ShellSequence(commands=[arg1, arg2, arg3],
- workdir='build'))
- self.expectCommands(ExpectShell(workdir='build', command='make p1',
- usePTY="slave-config") + 0,
- ExpectShell(workdir='build', command='deploy p1',
- usePTY="slave-config") + 0)
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS, state_string="'deploy p1'")
- return self.runStep()
- def testWarningWins(self):
- arg1 = shellsequence.ShellArg(command='make p1',
- warnOnFailure=True,
- flunkOnFailure=False)
- arg2 = shellsequence.ShellArg(command='deploy p1')
- self.setupStep(
- shellsequence.ShellSequence(commands=[arg1, arg2],
- workdir='build'))
- self.expectCommands(ExpectShell(workdir='build', command='make p1',
- usePTY="slave-config") + 1,
- ExpectShell(workdir='build', command='deploy p1',
- usePTY="slave-config") + 0)
- self.expectOutcome(result=WARNINGS, state_string="'deploy p1'")
- return self.runStep()
- def testSequenceStopsOnHaltOnFailure(self):
- arg1 = shellsequence.ShellArg(command='make p1', haltOnFailure=True)
- arg2 = shellsequence.ShellArg(command='deploy p1')
- self.setupStep(
- shellsequence.ShellSequence(commands=[arg1, arg2],
- workdir='build'))
- self.expectCommands(ExpectShell(workdir='build', command='make p1',
- usePTY="slave-config") + 1)
- self.expectOutcome(result=FAILURE, state_string="'make p1'")
- return self.runStep()