https://gitlab.com/x33n/ProjectPier-Core · PHP · 1133 lines · 838 code · 144 blank · 151 comment · 139 complexity · 0407e26e34fe4b1f3ddf169fc9c567a0 MD5 · raw file
- <?php
- /**
- * Controller for handling task list and task related requests
- *
- * @version 1.0
- * @http://www.projectpier.org/
- */
- class TaskController extends ApplicationController {
- /**
- * Construct the TaskController
- *
- * @access public
- * @param void
- * @return TaskController
- */
- function __construct() {
- parent::__construct();
- prepare_company_website_controller($this, 'project_website');
- } // __construct
- /**
- * Show index page
- *
- * @access public
- * @param void
- * @return null
- */
- function index() {
- $this->addHelper('textile');
- tpl_assign('open_task_lists', active_project()->getOpenTaskLists());
- tpl_assign('completed_task_lists', active_project()->getCompletedTaskLists());
- $this->canGoOn();
- $this->setSidebar(get_template_path('index_sidebar', 'task'));
- } // index
- /**
- * Download task list as attachment
- *
- * @access public
- * @param void
- * @return null
- */
- function download_list() {
- $task_list = ProjectTaskLists::findById(get_id());
- if (!($task_list instanceof ProjectTaskList)) {
- flash_error(lang('task list dnx'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- $this->canGoOn();
- if (!$task_list->canView(logged_user())) {
- flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
- $this->redirectToReferer(get_url('task'));
- } // if
- $output = array_var($_GET, 'output', 'csv');
- $project_name = active_project()->getName();
- $task_list_name = $task_list->getName();
- $task_count = 0;
- if ($output == 'pdf' ) {
- Env::useLibrary('fpdf');
- $download_name = "{$project_name}-tasks.pdf";
- $download_type = 'application/pdf';
- $pdf = new FPDF("P","mm");
- $pdf->AddPage();
- $pdf->SetTitle($project_name);
- $pdf->SetCompression(true);
- $pdf->SetCreator('ProjectPier');
- $pdf->SetDisplayMode('fullpage', 'single');
- $pdf->SetSubject(active_project()->getObjectName());
- $pdf->SetFont('Arial','B',16);
- $task_lists = active_project()->getOpenTaskLists();
- $pdf->Cell(0,10, lang('project') . ': ' . active_project()->getObjectName(),'B',0,'C');
- $pdf->Ln(14);
- $w = array( 0 => 12, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140 );
- foreach($task_lists as $task_list) {
- $pdf->SetFont('Arial','B',14);
- $pdf->Write(10, lang('task list') . ': ' . $task_list->getObjectName());
- $pdf->Ln(14);
- $tasks = $task_list->getTasks();
- $pdf->SetFont('Arial','I',14);
- $pdf->SetFillColor(230,230,230);
- $pdf->Cell($w[1],6, '#',1,0,'C',true);
- $pdf->Cell($w[3],6, lang('status'),1,0,'C',true);
- $pdf->Cell($w[10],6, lang('info') ,1,0,'C',true);
- $pdf->Cell(0,6, lang(user) ,1,0,'C',true);
- $pdf->Ln();
- foreach($tasks as $task) {
- $line++;
- if ($task->isCompleted()) {
- $task_status = lang('completed');
- $task_status_color_R = 0;
- $task_status_color_G = 150;
- $task_status_color_B = 0;
- $task_completion_info = lang('completed task') . ' : ' . format_date($task->getCompletedOn()) . ' @ ' . format_time($task->getCompletedOn());
- } else {
- $task_status = lang('open');
- $task_status_color_R = 200;
- $task_status_color_G = 0;
- $task_status_color_B = 0;
- $task_completion_info = lang('due date') . ' : ' . lang('not assigned');
- $task_completion_info_color_R = 200;
- $task_completion_info_color_G = 0;
- $task_completion_info_color_B = 0;
- if ($task->getDueDate()) {
- $task_completion_info = lang('due date') . ' : ' . format_date($task->getDueDate()) . ' @ ' . format_time($task->getDueDate());
- $task_completion_info_color_R = 0;
- $task_completion_info_color_G = 0;
- $task_completion_info_color_B = 0;
- }
- }
- if ($task->getAssignedTo()) {
- $task_assignee = $task->getAssignedTo()->getObjectName();
- $task_assignee_color_R = 0;
- $task_assignee_color_G = 0;
- $task_assignee_color_B = 0;
- } else {
- $task_assignee = lang('not assigned');
- $task_assignee_color_R = 200;
- $task_assignee_color_G = 0;
- $task_assignee_color_B = 0;
- }
- $pdf->SetFillColor(245,245,245);
- $pdf->Cell($w[1],6, $line,1,0,'C',true);
- $pdf->SetTextColor($task_status_color_R, $task_status_color_G, $task_status_color_B);
- $pdf->Cell($w[3],6, $task_status,1,0,'C',true);
- $pdf->SetTextColor($task_completion_info_color_R, $task_completion_info_color_G, $task_completion_info_color_B);
- $pdf->Cell($w[10],6,$task_completion_info,1,0,'C',true);
- $pdf->SetTextColor($task_assignee_color_R, $task_assignee_color_G, $task_assignee_color_B);
- $pdf->Cell(0,6, $task_assignee ,1,0,'C',true);
- $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
- $pdf->Ln();
- $pdf->MultiCell(0,6,$task->getText(),1);
- //$pdf->Ln();
- }
- }
- $pdf->Output($download_name, 'I');
- }
- if ($output == 'txt' ) {
- $download_name = "{$project_name}-tasks.txt";
- $download_type = 'text/csv';
- $txt_lang_1 = lang('project');
- $txt_lang_2 = lang('milestone');
- $txt_lang_3 = lang('task list');
- $txt_lang_4 = lang('status');
- $txt_lang_5 = lang('description');
- $txt_lang_6 = lang('id');
- $txt_lang_7 = lang('status');
- $txt_lang_8 = lang('completion info');
- $txt_lang_9 = lang('assigned to');
- $s .= "$txt_lang_1\t$txt_lang_2\t$txt_lang_3\t$txt_lang_4\t$txt_lang_5\t$txt_lang_6\t$txt_lang_7\t$txt_lang_8\t$txt_lang_9";
- $s .= "\n";
- $task_lists = active_project()->getOpenTaskLists();
- foreach($task_lists as $task_list) {
- /*$s .= $task_list->getObjectName();
- $s .= "\n";
- $task_list_desc = $task_list->getDescription();
- $task_list_desc = strtr($task_list_desc,"\r\n\t"," ");
- $task_list_desc_100 = substr($task_list_desc,0,100);
- $s .= $task_list_desc_100;
- $s .= "\n";*/
- $milestone=$task_list->getMilestone();
- $tasks = $task_list->getTasks();
- foreach($tasks as $task) {
- $s .= $project_name;
- $s .= "\t";
- $milestone_name = lang(none);
- if ($milestone instanceof ProjectMilestone) {
- $milestone_name=$milestone->getName();
- }
- $s .= $milestone_name;
- $s .= "\t";
- $s .= $task_list->getObjectName();
- $s .= "\t";
- $task_list_name=$task_list->getName();
- if ($task_list->isCompleted()) {
- $task_list_status = lang('completed');
- } else {
- $task_list_status = lang('open');
- }
- $s .= $task_list_status;
- $s .= "\t";
- $task_list_desc2 = $task_list->getDescription();
- $task_list_desc2 = strtr($task_list_desc2,"\r\n\t"," ");
- $task_list_desc2_100 = substr($task_list_desc2,0,50);
- $s .= $task_list_desc2_100;
- $s .= "\t";
- $s .= $task->getId();
- $s .= "\t";
- if ($task->isCompleted()) {
- $task_status = lang('completed');
- $task_completion_info = format_date($task->getCompletedOn()) ." @ ". format_time($task->getCompletedOn());
- } else {
- $task_status = lang('open');
- $task_completion_info = format_date($task->getDueDate()) ." @ ". format_time($task->getDueDate());
- }
- $s .= $task_status;
- $s .= "\t";
- $s .= $task_completion_info;
- $s .= "\t";
- if ($task->getAssignedTo()) {
- $task_assignee = $task->getAssignedTo()->getObjectName();
- } else {
- $task_assignee = lang('not assigned');
- }
- $s .= $task_assignee;
- $s .= "\n";
- }
- }
- $download_contents = $s;
- download_headers( $download_name, $download_type, strlen($download_contents), true);
- echo $download_contents;
- } else {
- $download_name = "{$project_name}-{$task_list_name}-tasks.csv";
- $download_type = 'text/csv';
- $download_contents = $task_list->getDownloadText($task_count, "\t", true);
- download_contents($download_contents, $download_type, $download_name, strlen($download_contents));
- }
- die();
- }
- /**
- * View task lists page
- *
- * @access public
- * @param void
- * @return null
- */
- function view_list() {
- $this->addHelper('textile');
- $task_list = ProjectTaskLists::findById(get_id());
- if (!($task_list instanceof ProjectTaskList)) {
- flash_error(lang('task list dnx'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- $this->canGoOn();
- if (!$task_list->canView(logged_user())) {
- flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
- $this->redirectToReferer(get_url('task'));
- } // if
- tpl_assign('task_list', $task_list);
- // Sidebar
- tpl_assign('open_task_lists', active_project()->getOpenTaskLists());
- tpl_assign('completed_task_lists', active_project()->getCompletedTaskLists());
- $this->setSidebar(get_template_path('index_sidebar', 'task'));
- } // view_list
- /**
- * Add new task list
- *
- * @access public
- * @param void
- * @return null
- */
- function add_list() {
- if (!ProjectTaskList::canAdd(logged_user(), active_project())) {
- flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
- $this->redirectToReferer(get_url('task'));
- } // if
- $task_list = new ProjectTaskList();
- $task_list->setProjectId(active_project()->getId());
- $task_list_data = array_var($_POST, 'task_list');
- if (!is_array($task_list_data)) {
- $task_list_data = array(
- 'milestone_id' => array_var($_GET, 'milestone_id'),
- 'start_date' => DateTimeValueLib::now(),
- 'is_private' => config_option('default_private', false),
- 'task0' => array( 'start_date' => DateTimeValueLib::now() ),
- 'task1' => array( 'start_date' => DateTimeValueLib::now() ),
- 'task2' => array( 'start_date' => DateTimeValueLib::now() ),
- 'task3' => array( 'start_date' => DateTimeValueLib::now() ),
- 'task4' => array( 'start_date' => DateTimeValueLib::now() ),
- 'task5' => array( 'start_date' => DateTimeValueLib::now() ),
- ); // array
- } else {
- for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
- $due_date = $_POST["task_list_task{$i}_due_date"];
- $task_list_data["task{$i}"]['due_date'] = $due_date;
- $start_date = $_POST["task_list_task{$i}_start_date"];
- $task_list_data["task{$i}"]['start_date'] = $start_date;
- }
- } // if
- tpl_assign('task_list_data', $task_list_data);
- tpl_assign('task_list', $task_list);
- if (is_array(array_var($_POST, 'task_list'))) {
- if (isset($_POST['task_list_start_date'])) {
- $task_list_data['start_date'] = DateTimeValueLib::makeFromString($_POST['task_list_start_date']);
- }
- if (isset($_POST['task_list_due_date'])) {
- $task_list_data['due_date'] = DateTimeValueLib::makeFromString($_POST['task_list_due_date']);
- }
- //$task_list_data['due_date'] = DateTimeValueLib::make(0, 0, 0, array_var($_POST, 'task_list_due_date_month', 1), array_var($_POST, 'task_list_due_date_day', 1), array_var($_POST, 'task_list_due_date_year', 1970));
- $task_list->setFromAttributes($task_list_data);
- if (!logged_user()->isMemberOfOwnerCompany()) {
- $task_list->setIsPrivate(false);
- }
- $tasks = array();
- for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
- if (isset($task_list_data["task{$i}"]) && is_array($task_list_data["task{$i}"]) && (trim(array_var($task_list_data["task{$i}"], 'text')) <> '')) {
- $assigned_to = explode(':', array_var($task_list_data["task{$i}"], 'assigned_to', ''));
- if (isset($_POST["task_list_task{$i}_start_date"])) {
- $start_date = DateTimeValueLib::makeFromString($_POST["task_list_task{$i}_start_date"]);
- }
- if (isset($_POST["task_list_task{$i}_due_date"])) {
- $due_date = DateTimeValueLib::makeFromString($_POST["task_list_task{$i}_due_date"]);
- }
- $tasks[] = array(
- 'text' => array_var($task_list_data["task{$i}"], 'text'),
- 'order' => 1 + $i ,
- 'start_date' => $start_date,
- 'due_date' => $due_date,
- 'assigned_to_company_id' => array_var($assigned_to, 0, 0),
- 'assigned_to_user_id' => array_var($assigned_to, 1, 0),
- 'send_notification' => array_var($task_list_data["task{$i}"], 'send_notification')
- ); // array
- } // if
- } // for
- try {
- DB::beginWork();
- $task_list->save();
- if (plugin_active('tags')) {
- $task_list->setTagsFromCSV(array_var($task_list_data, 'tags'));
- }
- foreach ($tasks as $task_data) {
- $task = new ProjectTask();
- $task->setFromAttributes($task_data);
- $task_list->attachTask($task);
- $task->save();
- tpl_assign('task', $task);
- // notify user
- if (array_var($task_data, 'send_notification') == 'checked') {
- try {
- $notify_people = array();
- $project_companies = array();
- if($task->getAssignedTo() == null)
- $project_companies = active_project()->getCompanies();
- if($task->getAssignedTo() instanceof Company)
- $project_companies = array($task->getAssignedTo());
- if($task->getAssignedTo() instanceof User)
- $notify_people = array($task->getAssignedTo());
- foreach($project_companies as $project_company) {
- $company_users = $project_company->getUsersOnProject(active_project());
- if(is_array($company_users))
- foreach($company_users as $company_user)
- $notify_people[] = $company_user;
- } // if
- Notifier::newTask($task, $notify_people);
- } catch(Exception $e) {
- Logger::log("Error: Notification failed, " . $e->getMessage(), Logger::ERROR);
- } // try
- } // if
- } // foreach
- ApplicationLogs::createLog($task_list, active_project(), ApplicationLogs::ACTION_ADD);
- DB::commit();
- flash_success(lang('success add task list', $task_list->getName()));
- $this->redirectToUrl($task_list->getViewUrl());
- } catch(Exception $e) {
- DB::rollback();
- tpl_assign('error', $e);
- } // try
- } // if
- } // add_list
- /**
- * Edit task list
- *
- * @access public
- * @param void
- * @return null
- */
- function edit_list() {
- $this->setTemplate('add_list');
- $task_list = ProjectTaskLists::findById(get_id());
- if (!($task_list instanceof ProjectTaskList)) {
- flash_error(lang('task list dnx'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- if (!$task_list->canEdit(logged_user())) {
- flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- $task_list_data = array_var($_POST, 'task_list');
- if (!is_array($task_list_data)) {
- $tag_names = plugin_active('tags') ? $task_list->getTagNames() : '';
- $task_list_data = array(
- 'name' => $task_list->getName(),
- 'priority' => $task_list->getPriority(),
- 'score' => $task_list->getScore(),
- 'description' => $task_list->getDescription(),
- 'start_date' => $task_list->getStartDate(),
- 'due_date' => $task_list->getDueDate(),
- 'milestone_id' => $task_list->getMilestoneId(),
- 'tags' => is_array($tag_names) && count($tag_names) ? implode(', ', $tag_names) : '',
- 'is_private' => $task_list->isPrivate()
- ); // array
- } // if
- tpl_assign('task_list', $task_list);
- tpl_assign('task_list_data', $task_list_data);
- if (is_array(array_var($_POST, 'task_list'))) {
- $old_is_private = $task_list->isPrivate();
- if (isset($_POST['task_list_start_date'])) {
- $task_list_data['start_date'] = DateTimeValueLib::makeFromString($_POST['task_list_start_date']);
- }
- if (isset($_POST['task_list_due_date'])) {
- $task_list_data['due_date'] = DateTimeValueLib::makeFromString($_POST['task_list_due_date']);
- }
- //$task_list_data['due_date'] = DateTimeValueLib::make(0, 0, 0, array_var($_POST, 'task_list_due_date_month', 1), array_var($_POST, 'task_list_due_date_day', 1), array_var($_POST, 'task_list_due_date_year', 1970));
- $task_list->setFromAttributes($task_list_data);
- if (!logged_user()->isMemberOfOwnerCompany()) {
- $task_list->setIsPrivate($old_is_private);
- }
- try {
- DB::beginWork();
- $task_list->save();
- if (plugin_active('tags')) {
- $task_list->setTagsFromCSV(array_var($task_list_data, 'tags'));
- }
- ApplicationLogs::createLog($task_list, active_project(), ApplicationLogs::ACTION_EDIT);
- DB::commit();
- flash_success(lang('success edit task list', $task_list->getName()));
- $this->redirectToUrl($task_list->getViewUrl());
- } catch(Exception $e) {
- DB::rollback();
- tpl_assign('error', $e);
- } // try
- } // if
- } // edit_list
- /**
- * Copy task list then redirect to edit
- *
- * @access public
- * @param void
- * @return null
- */
- function copy_list() {
- $task_list = ProjectTaskLists::findById(get_id());
- if (!($task_list instanceof ProjectTaskList)) {
- flash_error(lang('task list dnx'));
- $this->redirectTo('task', 'index');
- } // if
- if (!$task_list->canAdd(logged_user(), active_project())) {
- flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
- $this->redirectTo('task', 'index');
- } // if
- try {
- DB::beginWork();
- $source_task_list = $task_list;
- $task_list = new ProjectTaskList();
- $task_list->setName($source_task_list->getName().' ('.lang('copy').')');
- $task_list->setPriority($source_task_list->getPriority());
- $task_list->setDescription($source_task_list->getDescription());
- $task_list->setMilestoneId($source_task_list->getMilestoneId());
- $task_list->setDueDate($source_task_list->getDueDate());
- $task_list->setIsPrivate($source_task_list->getIsPrivate());
- $task_list->setOrder($source_task_list->getOrder());
- $task_list->setProjectId($source_task_list->getProjectId());
- $task_list->save();
- $task_count = 0;
- $source_tasks = $source_task_list->getTasks();
- if (is_array($source_tasks)) {
- foreach($source_tasks as $source_task) {
- $task = new ProjectTask();
- $task->setText($source_task->getText());
- $task->setAssignedToUserId($source_task->getAssignedToUserId());
- $task->setAssignedToCompanyId($source_task->getAssignedToCompanyId());
- $task->setOrder($source_task->getOrder());
- $task->setDueDate($source_task->getDueDate());
- $task_list->attachTask($task);
- $task_count++;
- }
- }
- ApplicationLogs::createLog($task_list, active_project(), ApplicationLogs::ACTION_ADD);
- DB::commit();
- flash_success(lang('success copy task list', $source_task_list->getName(), $task_list->getName(), $task_count));
- //$this->redirectToUrl($task_list->getEditUrl());
- $this->redirectTo('task', 'index');
- } catch(Exception $e) {
- DB::rollback();
- tpl_assign('error', $e);
- } // try
- } // copy_list
- /**
- * Move task list
- *
- * @access public
- * @param void
- * @return null
- */
- function move_list() {
- $this->setTemplate('move_list');
- $task_list = ProjectTaskLists::findById(get_id());
- if (!($task_list instanceof ProjectTaskList)) {
- flash_error(lang('task list dnx'));
- $this->redirectTo('task', 'index');
- } // if
- if (!$task_list->canDelete(logged_user(), active_project())) {
- flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
- $this->redirectTo('task', 'index');
- } // if
- $move_data = array_var($_POST, 'move_data');
- tpl_assign('task_list', $task_list);
- tpl_assign('move_data', $move_data);
- if (is_array($move_data)) {
- $target_project_id = $move_data['target_project_id'];
- $target_project = Projects::findById($target_project_id);
- if (!($target_project instanceof Project)) {
- flash_error(lang('project dnx'));
- $this->redirectToUrl($task_list->getMoveUrl());
- } // if
- if (!$task_list->canAdd(logged_user(), $target_project)) {
- flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
- $this->redirectToUrl($task_list->getMoveUrl());
- } // if
- try {
- DB::beginWork();
- $task_list->setProjectId($target_project_id);
- $task_list->save();
- ApplicationLogs::createLog($task_list, active_project(), ApplicationLogs::ACTION_DELETE);
- ApplicationLogs::createLog($task_list, $target_project, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_ADD);
- DB::commit();
- flash_success(lang('success move task list', $task_list->getName(), active_project()->getName(), $target_project->getName() ));
- } catch(Exception $e) {
- DB::rollback();
- flash_error(lang('error move task list'));
- } // try
- $this->redirectToUrl($task_list->getViewUrl());
- }
- } // move_list
- /**
- * Delete task list
- *
- * @access public
- * @param void
- * @return null
- */
- function delete_list() {
- $this->setTemplate('del_list');
- $task_list = ProjectTaskLists::findById(get_id());
- if (!($task_list instanceof ProjectTaskList)) {
- flash_error(lang('task list dnx'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- if (!$task_list->canDelete(logged_user())) {
- flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- $delete_data = array_var($_POST, 'deleteTaskList');
- tpl_assign('task_list', $task_list);
- tpl_assign('delete_data', $delete_data);
- if (!is_array($delete_data)) {
- $delete_data = array(
- 'really' => 0,
- 'password' => '',
- ); // array
- tpl_assign('delete_data', $delete_data);
- } else if ($delete_data['really'] == 1) {
- $password = $delete_data['password'];
- if (trim($password) == '') {
- tpl_assign('error', new Error(lang('password value missing')));
- return $this->render();
- }
- if (!logged_user()->isValidPassword($password)) {
- tpl_assign('error', new Error(lang('invalid login data')));
- return $this->render();
- }
- try {
- DB::beginWork();
- $task_list->delete();
- ApplicationLogs::createLog($task_list, active_project(), ApplicationLogs::ACTION_DELETE);
- DB::commit();
- flash_success(lang('success delete task list', $task_list->getName()));
- } catch(Exception $e) {
- DB::rollback();
- flash_error(lang('error delete task list'));
- } // try
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } else {
- flash_error(lang('error delete task list'));
- $this->redirectToUrl($task_list->getViewUrl());
- }
- } // delete_list
- /**
- * Show and process reorder tasks form
- *
- * @param void
- * @return null
- */
- function reorder_tasks() {
- $task_list = ProjectTaskLists::findById(get_id('task_list_id'));
- if (!($task_list instanceof ProjectTaskList)) {
- flash_error(lang('task list dnx'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- $back_to_list = (boolean) array_var($_GET, 'back_to_list');
- $redirect_to = $back_to_list ? $task_list->getViewUrl() : get_url('task');
- if (!$task_list->canReorderTasks(logged_user())) {
- flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
- $this->redirectToUrl($redirect_to);
- } // if
- $tasks = $task_list->getOpenTasks();
- if (!is_array($tasks) || (count($tasks) < 1)) {
- flash_error(lang('no open task in task list'));
- $this->redirectToUrl($redirect_to);
- } // if
- tpl_assign('task_list', $task_list);
- tpl_assign('tasks', $tasks);
- tpl_assign('back_to_list', $back_to_list);
- if (array_var($_POST, 'submitted') == 'submitted') {
- $updated = 0;
- foreach ($tasks as $task) {
- $new_value = (integer) array_var($_POST, 'task_' . $task->getId());
- if ($new_value <> $task->getOrder()) {
- $task->setOrder($new_value);
- if ($task->save()) {
- $updated++;
- } // if
- } // if
- } // foreach
- flash_success(lang('success n tasks updated', $updated));
- $this->redirectToUrl($redirect_to);
- } // if
- } // reorder_tasks
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- // Tasks
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Add single task
- *
- * @access public
- * @param void
- * @return null
- */
- function add_task() {
- $task_list = ProjectTaskLists::findById(get_id('task_list_id'));
- if (!($task_list instanceof ProjectTaskList)) {
- flash_error(lang('task list dnx'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- if (!$task_list->canAddTask(logged_user())) {
- flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- $back_to_list = array_var($_GET, 'back_to_list');
- $task = new ProjectTask();
- $task_data = array_var($_POST, 'task');
- if (!is_array($task_data)) {
- $task_data = array(
- 'due_date' => DateTimeValueLib::now(),
- ); // array
- } // if
- tpl_assign('task', $task);
- tpl_assign('task_list', $task_list);
- tpl_assign('back_to_list', $back_to_list);
- tpl_assign('task_data', $task_data);
- // Form is submitted
- if (is_array(array_var($_POST, 'task'))) {
- $old_owner = $task->getAssignedTo();
- //$task_data['due_date'] = DateTimeValueLib::make(0, 0, 0, array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date_month', 1), array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date_day', 1), array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date_year', 1970));
- if (isset($_POST['task_start_date'])) {
- $task_data['start_date'] = DateTimeValueLib::makeFromString($_POST['task_start_date']);
- } else {
- $task_data['start_date'] = DateTimeValueLib::make(0, 0, 0, array_var($_POST, 'task_start_date_month', 1), array_var($_POST, 'task_start_date_day', 1), array_var($_POST, 'task_start_date_year', 1970));
- }
- if (isset($_POST['task_due_date'])) {
- $task_data['due_date'] = DateTimeValueLib::makeFromString($_POST['task_due_date']);
- } else {
- $task_data['due_date'] = DateTimeValueLib::make(0, 0, 0, array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date_month', 1), array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date_day', 1), array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date_year', 1970));
- }
- $task->setFromAttributes($task_data);
- $assigned_to = explode(':', array_var($task_data, 'assigned_to', ''));
- $task->setAssignedToCompanyId(array_var($assigned_to, 0, 0));
- $task->setAssignedToUserId(array_var($assigned_to, 1, 0));
- try {
- DB::beginWork();
- $task->save();
- $task_list->attachTask($task);
- ApplicationLogs::createLog($task, active_project(), ApplicationLogs::ACTION_ADD);
- DB::commit();
- // notify user
- if (array_var($task_data, 'send_notification') == 'checked') {
- try {
- $notify_people = array();
- $project_companies = array();
- if($task->getAssignedTo() == null)
- $project_companies = active_project()->getCompanies();
- if($task->getAssignedTo() instanceof Company)
- $project_companies = array($task->getAssignedTo());
- if($task->getAssignedTo() instanceof User)
- $notify_people = array($task->getAssignedTo());
- foreach($project_companies as $project_company) {
- $company_users = $project_company->getUsersOnProject(active_project());
- if(is_array($company_users))
- foreach($company_users as $company_user)
- $notify_people[] = $company_user;
- } // if
- Notifier::newTask($task, $notify_people);
- } catch(Exception $e) {
- Logger::log("Error: Notification failed, " . $e->getMessage(), Logger::ERROR);
- } // try
- } // if
- flash_success(lang('success add task'));
- if ($back_to_list) {
- $this->redirectToUrl($task_list->getViewUrl());
- } else {
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- } catch(Exception $e) {
- DB::rollback();
- tpl_assign('error', $e);
- } // try
- } // if
- } // add_task
- /**
- * Edit task
- *
- * @access public
- * @param void
- * @return null
- */
- function edit_task() {
- $this->setTemplate('add_task');
- $task = ProjectTasks::findById(get_id());
- if (!($task instanceof ProjectTask)) {
- flash_error(lang('task dnx'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- $task_list = $task->getTaskList();
- if (!($task_list instanceof ProjectTaskList)) {
- flash_error('task list dnx');
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- if (!$task->canEdit(logged_user())) {
- flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- $task_data = array_var($_POST, 'task');
- if (!is_array($task_data)) {
- $task_data = array(
- 'text' => $task->getText(),
- 'start_date' => $task->getStartDate(),
- 'due_date' => $task->getDueDate(),
- 'task_list_id' => $task->getTaskListId(),
- 'assigned_to' => $task->getAssignedToCompanyId() . ':' . $task->getAssignedToUserId(),
- 'send_notification' => config_option('send_notification_default', '0')
- ); // array
- } // if
- tpl_assign('task', $task);
- tpl_assign('task_list', $task_list);
- tpl_assign('task_data', $task_data);
- if (is_array(array_var($_POST, 'task'))) {
- $old_owner = $task->getAssignedTo();
- //$task_data['due_date'] = DateTimeValueLib::make(0, 0, 0, array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date_month', 1), array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date_day', 1), array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date_year', 1970));
- if (isset($_POST['task_start_date'])) {
- $task_data['start_date'] = DateTimeValueLib::makeFromString($_POST['task_start_date']);
- } else {
- $task_data['start_date'] = DateTimeValueLib::make(0, 0, 0, array_var($_POST, 'task_start_date_month', 1), array_var($_POST, 'task_start_date_day', 1), array_var($_POST, 'task_start_date_year', 1970));
- }
- if (isset($_POST['task_due_date'])) {
- $task_data['due_date'] = DateTimeValueLib::makeFromString($_POST['task_due_date']);
- } else {
- $task_data['due_date'] = DateTimeValueLib::make(0, 0, 0, array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date_month', 1), array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date_day', 1), array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date_year', 1970));
- }
- $task->setFromAttributes($task_data);
- $task->setTaskListId($task_list->getId()); // keep old task list id
- $assigned_to = explode(':', array_var($task_data, 'assigned_to', ''));
- $task->setAssignedToCompanyId(array_var($assigned_to, 0, 0));
- $task->setAssignedToUserId(array_var($assigned_to, 1, 0));
- try {
- DB::beginWork();
- $task->save();
- // Move?
- $new_task_list_id = (integer) array_var($task_data, 'task_list_id');
- if ($new_task_list_id && ($task->getTaskListId() <> $new_task_list_id)) {
- // Move!
- $new_task_list = ProjectTaskLists::findById($new_task_list_id);
- if ($new_task_list instanceof ProjectTaskList) {
- $task_list->detachTask($task, $new_task_list); // detach from old and attach to new list
- } // if
- } // if
- ApplicationLogs::createLog($task, active_project(), ApplicationLogs::ACTION_EDIT);
- DB::commit();
- trace(__FILE__,'edit_task: notify user');
- // notify user
- if (array_var($task_data, 'send_notification') == 'checked') {
- try {
- if (Notifier::notifyNeeded($task->getAssignedTo(), $old_owner)) {
- Notifier::taskAssigned($task);
- }
- } catch(Exception $e) {
- Logger::log("Error: Notification failed, " . $e->getMessage(), Logger::ERROR);
- } // try
- } // if
- flash_success(lang('success edit task'));
- // Redirect to task list. Check if we have updated task list ID first
- if (isset($new_task_list) && ($new_task_list instanceof ProjectTaskList)) {
- $this->redirectToUrl($new_task_list->getViewUrl());
- } else {
- $this->redirectToUrl($task_list->getViewUrl());
- } // if
- } catch(Exception $e) {
- DB::rollback();
- tpl_assign('error', $e);
- } // try
- } // if
- } // edit_task
- /**
- * http://haris.tv htv edit
- * View task details page
- *
- * @access public
- * @param void
- * @return null
- */
- function view_task() {
- $this->setTemplate('view_task');
- $this->addHelper('textile');
- // taken from edit_task - htv
- $task = ProjectTasks::findById(get_id());
- if(!($task instanceof ProjectTask)) {
- flash_error(lang('task dnx'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- $task_list = $task->getTaskList();
- if(!($task_list instanceof ProjectTaskList)) {
- flash_error('task list dnx');
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- if(!$task->canView(logged_user())) {
- flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- $task_data = array_var($_POST, 'task');
- if(!is_array($task_data)) {
- $task_data = array(
- 'text' => $task->getText(),
- 'due_date' => $task->getDueDate(),
- 'task_list_id' => $task->getTaskListId(),
- 'assigned_to' => $task->getAssignedToCompanyId() . ':' . $task->getAssignedToUserId()
- ); // array
- } // if
- tpl_assign('task', $task);
- tpl_assign('task_list', $task_list);
- tpl_assign('task_data', $task_data);
- } // task_details
- /**
- * Delete specific task
- *
- * @access public
- * @param void
- * @return null
- */
- function delete_task() {
- $this->setTemplate('del_task');
- $task = ProjectTasks::findById(get_id());
- if (!($task instanceof ProjectTask)) {
- flash_error(lang('task dnx'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- $task_list = $task->getTaskList();
- if (!($task_list instanceof ProjectTaskList)) {
- flash_error('task list dnx');
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- if (!$task->canDelete(logged_user())) {
- flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- $delete_data = array_var($_POST, 'deleteTask');
- tpl_assign('task', $task);
- tpl_assign('task_list', $task_list);
- tpl_assign('delete_data', $delete_data);
- if (!is_array($delete_data)) {
- $delete_data = array(
- 'really' => 0,
- 'password' => '',
- ); // array
- tpl_assign('delete_data', $delete_data);
- } else if ($delete_data['really'] == 1) {
- $password = $delete_data['password'];
- if (trim($password) == '') {
- tpl_assign('error', new Error(lang('password value missing')));
- return $this->render();
- }
- if (!logged_user()->isValidPassword($password)) {
- tpl_assign('error', new Error(lang('invalid login data')));
- return $this->render();
- }
- try {
- DB::beginWork();
- $task->delete();
- ApplicationLogs::createLog($task, active_project(), ApplicationLogs::ACTION_DELETE);
- DB::commit();
- flash_success(lang('success delete task'));
- } catch(Exception $e) {
- DB::rollback();
- flash_error(lang('error delete task'));
- } // try
- $this->redirectToUrl($task_list->getViewUrl());
- } else {
- flash_error(lang('error delete task'));
- $this->redirectToUrl($task_list->getViewUrl());
- }
- } // delete_task
- /**
- * Complete single project task
- *
- * @access public
- * @param void
- * @return null
- */
- function complete_task() {
- $task = ProjectTasks::findById(get_id());
- if (!($task instanceof ProjectTask)) {
- flash_error(lang('task dnx'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- $task_list = $task->getTaskList();
- if (!($task_list instanceof ProjectTaskList)) {
- flash_error(lang('task list dnx'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- if (!$task->canChangeStatus(logged_user())) {
- flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- $redirect_to = array_var($_GET, 'redirect_to');
- if (!is_valid_url($redirect_to)) {
- $redirect_to = get_referer($task_list->getViewUrl());
- } // if
- try {
- DB::beginWork();
- $task->completeTask();
- ApplicationLogs::createLog($task, active_project(), ApplicationLogs::ACTION_CLOSE);
- DB::commit();
- flash_success(lang('success complete task'));
- } catch(Exception $e) {
- flash_error(lang('error complete task'));
- DB::rollback();
- } // try
- $this->redirectToUrl($redirect_to);
- } // complete_task
- /**
- * Reopen completed project task
- *
- * @access public
- * @param void
- * @return null
- */
- function open_task() {
- $task = ProjectTasks::findById(get_id());
- if (!($task instanceof ProjectTask)) {
- flash_error(lang('task dnx'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- $task_list = $task->getTaskList();
- if (!($task_list instanceof ProjectTaskList)) {
- flash_error(lang('task list dnx'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- if (!$task->canChangeStatus(logged_user())) {
- flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
- $this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- $redirect_to = array_var($_GET, 'redirect_to');
- if ((trim($redirect_to) == '') || !is_valid_url($redirect_to)) {
- $redirect_to = get_referer($task_list->getViewUrl());
- } // if
- try {
- DB::beginWork();
- $task->openTask();
- ApplicationLogs::createLog($task, active_project(), ApplicationLogs::ACTION_OPEN);
- DB::commit();
- flash_success(lang('success open task'));
- } catch(Exception $e) {
- flash_error(lang('error open task'));
- DB::rollback();
- } // try
- $this->redirectToUrl($redirect_to);
- } // open_task
- /**
- * Reopen completed project task
- *
- * @access public
- * @param void
- * @return null
- */
- function edit_score() {
- $task = ProjectTasks::findById(get_id());
- if (!($task instanceof ProjectTask)) {
- flash_error(lang('task dnx'));
- //$this->redirectTo('task');
- } // if
- include '../views/editscore.html';
- } // open_task
- } // TaskController
- ?>