Emacs Lisp | 538 lines | 150 code | 119 blank | 269 comment | 1 complexity | 6035b108639ee4a9a6cce14c810e1862 MD5 | raw file
- ;;;;
- ;; .emacs.d/init.el
- ;;
- ;; (c) 1991-2019 Peter Stoldt
- ;;;;
- ;;;;
- ;; Required external software
- ;;
- ;; - Silversearcher counsel-ag:
- ;; - Ripgrep counsel-rg: https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep
- ;; https://oremacs.com/2017/08/04/ripgrep/
- ;; - Python elpy: Check list at https://github.com/jorgenschaefer/elpy
- ;;
- ;; Possible imporvements
- ;;
- ;; - https://github.com/howardabrams/dot-files
- ;; - https://github.com/purcell/emacs.d
- ;; - http://tychoish.com/post/running-multiple-emacs-daemons-on-a-single-system/
- ;; - https://github.com/nilcons/emacs-use-package-fast
- ;;
- ;; Emacs on Windows
- ;;
- ;; - https://gaballench.wordpress.com/2018/11/10/emacs-as-an-operating-system
- ;;
- ;;;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Sessions (desktop) & Local Config
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Detect current session
- (defvar my-use-config (getenv "EMACS_ENV")
- "Name of the used configuration.")
- (if (eq my-use-config nil)
- (setq my-use-config "default"))
- ;; Create the session directory
- (defvar my-session-dir (concat (getenv "HOME") "/.emacs.d/.s-" my-use-config "/")
- "Sub-directory under ~/.emacs.d for environment specific configuration files.")
- (unless (file-exists-p my-session-dir)
- (make-directory my-session-dir))
- ;; Change location where the destop file is expected
- (defvar desktop-path (list my-session-dir)
- "Specifies the desktop path specific to an environment.")
- ;; Change location of the bookmarks file
- (defvar bookmark-default-file (concat my-session-dir "bookmarks"))
- ;; Change location of the projectile cache file
- (defvar projectile-cache-file (concat my-session-dir "projectile.cache"))
- ;; Load local settings that differ between systems. These are for example
- ;; user-name, mail-address, url-proxy or exec-path
- (let ((my-local-settings-file "~/.emacs.d/local-settings.el"))
- (when (file-exists-p my-local-settings-file)
- (load-file my-local-settings-file)))
- ;; Set the window title for editor identification in the UI
- (defvar my-title-format (upcase (concat "[" my-use-config "] - %f")))
- ;; Decrease start-up time by adjusting garbage collection thresholds
- ;; during startup and thereafter
- (setq gc-cons-threshold (* 256 1024 1024))
- ;; The following does not reset the value
- ;; (let ((normal-gc-cons-threshold (* 128 1024 1024))
- ;; (init-gc-cons-threshold (* 256 1024 1024)))
- ;; (setq gc-cons-threshold init-gc-cons-threshold)
- ;; (add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook
- ;; (lambda () (setq gc-cons-threshold normal-gc-cons-threshold))))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Packages
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Define package repositories
- (require 'package)
- ;; Package Archives
- (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/") t)
- (add-to-list 'package-archives '("org" . "https://orgmode.org/elpa/") t)
- ;; (add-to-list 'package-archives '("local-elpa" . "~/.emacs.d/local-elpa/") t)
- ;; (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa-stable" . "https://stable.melpa.org/packages/"))
- ;; (add-to-list 'package-archives '("gnu" . "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/") t)
- ;; Load and activate emacs packages
- (package-initialize)
- ;; Download the ELPA archive description if needed
- (when (not package-archive-contents)
- (package-refresh-contents))
- ;; Install wanted packages. These can also be installed with M-x package-install
- (defvar my-packages
- '(
- ;; Minor Modes
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- csv-mode ;; No reference - https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/csv-mode.html
- ;; emmet-mode ;; https://github.com/smihica/emmet-mode
- ;; gnuplot-mode ;; https://github.com/mkmcc/gnuplot-mode
- gnuplot ;; https://github.com/bruceravel/gnuplot-mode
- graphviz-dot-mode ;; http://www.graphviz.org
- groovy-mode ;; https://github.com/Groovy-Emacs-Modes/groovy-emacs-modes
- ;; hy-mode ;; https://github.com/hylang/hy-mode
- ini-mode ;; https://github.com/Lindydancer/ini-mode
- json-mode
- kotlin-mode ;; https://github.com/Emacs-Kotlin-Mode-Maintainers/kotlin-mode
- markdown-mode ;; http://jblevins.org/projects/markdown-mode
- ;; mediawiki ;; https://github.com/hexmode/mediawiki-el
- sql-indent ;; https://github.com/bsvingen/sql-indent
- ;; sqlformat ;; https://github.com/purcell/sqlformat
- ;; tql-mode ;; https://github.com/tiros-dev/tql-mode
- web-mode ;; http://web-mode.org/
- yaml-mode ;; https://github.com/yoshiki/yaml-mode
- ;; Structural editing
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Alternatives for paredit:
- ;; Lispy - https://github.com/abo-abo/lispy
- ;; Parinfer - https://shaunlebron.github.io/parinfer
- ;; Paredit cheatsheet: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/PareditCheatsheet
- paredit ;; https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ParEdit
- expand-region ;; https://github.com/magnars/expand-region.el
- move-text ;; https://github.com/emacsfodder/move-text
- aggressive-indent ;; https://github.com/Malabarba/aggressive-indent-mode
- highlight-symbol ;; https://github.com/nschum/highlight-symbol.el
- iedit ;; Iedit allows you to edit the occurrence text in a buffer simultaneously
- multiple-cursors ;; https://github.com/magnars/multiple-cursors.el
- yasnippet ;; https://github.com/joaotavora/yasnippet
- yasnippet-snippets ;; https://github.com/AndreaCrotti/yasnippet-snippets
- company ;; http://company-mode.github.io
- undo-tree
- ;; Navigation
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Check also:
- ;; https://github.com/abo-abo/hydra/blob/master/hydra-examples.el
- ;; https://dfeich.github.io/www/org-mode/emacs/2018/05/10/context-hydra.html
- projectile ;; https://github.com/bbatsov/projectile
- ibuffer-vc ;; https://github.com/purcell/ibuffer-vc
- ;; ibuffer-projectile ;; https://github.com/purcell/ibuffer-projectile
- ;; perspective-el ;; https://github.com/nex3/perspective-el
- hydra ;; https://github.com/abo-abo/hydra
- ivy
- swiper ;; https://github.com/abo-abo/swiper
- counsel
- counsel-projectile
- ;; ivy-hydra
- ivy-yasnippet ;; https://github.com/mkcms/ivy-yasnippet
- ;; ivy-dired-history ;; https://github.com/jixiuf/ivy-dired-history
- ;; openwith ;; https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/OpenWith
- ace-window ;; https://github.com/abo-abo/ace-window
- eyebrowse ;; https://github.com/wasamasa/eyebrowse
- which-key ;; https://github.com/justbur/emacs-which-key
- dumb-jump ;; https://github.com/jacktasia/dumb-jump
- ;; https://fuco1.github.io/2017-07-15-Collapse-unique-nested-paths-in-dired-with-dired-collapse-mode.html
- ;; https://github.com/Fuco1/dired-hacks
- ;; dired-rainbow
- dired-recent ;; https://github.com/vifon/dired-recent.el
- dired-narrow
- dired-collapse
- dired-subtree
- ;; UI
- ;;;;;;;
- beacon ;; Highlight line at cursor
- rainbow-mode ;; Show colors inline
- rainbow-delimiters
- ;; golden-ratio ;; https://github.com/roman/golden-ratio.el
- ;; Use a smarter mode-line
- smart-mode-line ;; https://github.com/Malabarba/smart-mode-line
- smart-mode-line-powerline-theme
- ;; Alternatives:
- ;; https://github.com/seagle0128/doom-modeline
- ;; https://github.com/dbordak/telephone-line
- ;; https://github.com/tarsius/moody + https://github.com/tarsius/minions
- ;; https://github.com/TheBB/spaceline
- ;; 日本語
- mozc ;; Check settings in my-editing.el
- ;; Programming Language Support
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode Debug Adapter Protocol is a wire protocol for communication between
- ;; client and Debug Server might be an alternative for go-dlv
- ;; https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-mode Language Server Protocol Support for Emacs
- ;; https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-ui Contains all the higher level UI modules of lsp-mode, like flycheck
- ;; support and code lenses
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; https://www.mortens.dev/blog/emacs-and-the-language-server-protocol/
- ;; https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/931la6/tip_how_to_adopt_flycheck_as_your_new_best_friend/
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- flycheck ;; http://www.flycheck.org/en/latest/
- ;; flycheck-gradle
- ;; https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck-color-mode-line
- ;; Clojure
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Key bindings and code colorization for Clojure:
- clojure-mode ;; https://github.com/clojure-emacs/clojure-mode
- cider ;; https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider
- ;; clj-refacor temporarily disabled
- ;; clj-refactor ;; https://github.com/clojure-emacs/clj-refactor.el
- ;; flycheck-clojure ;; https://github.com/clojure-emacs/squiggly-clojure
- ;; Lisp
- ;;;;;;;;;
- slime ;; https://github.com/slime/slime
- ;; ;; https://racket-lang.org
- ;; racket-mode ;; https://github.com/greghendershott/racket-mode
- ;; Go
- ;;;;;;;
- ;; https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/GoLangMode
- ;; http://dominik.honnef.co/posts/2013/03/writing_go_in_emacs/
- ;; https://www.simplify.ba/articles/2016/03/04/go-development-with-gnu-emacs/
- ;; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6j2W5DZRtA
- go-mode ;; https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el
- go-errcheck ;; https://github.com/dominikh/go-errcheck.el
- go-projectile ;; https://github.com/dougm/go-projectile
- go-eldoc ;; https://github.com/syohex/emacs-go-eldoc
- go-dlv ;; https://github.com/benma/go-dlv.el
- ;; ;; https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode
- go-imenu ;; https://github.com/brantou/go-imenu.el
- gotest ;; https://github.com/nlamirault/gotest.el
- company-go ;; https://github.com/nsf/gocode/tree/master/emacs-company
- ;; http://gorefactor.org/index.html
- godoctor ;; https://github.com/emacsmirror/godoctor
- ;; https://github.com/nsf/gocode
- ;; https://github.com/manute/gorepl-mode
- ;; https://github.com/grafov/go-playground
- ;; https://github.com/favadi/flycheck-gometalinter
- ;; Rust
- ;;;;;;;;;
- ;; rust-mode ;; https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-mode
- ;; Python
- ;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; https://elpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
- elpy ;; https://github.com/jorgenschaefer/elpy3
- pydoc ;; https://github.com/statmobile/pydoc
- ;; https://github.com/proofit404/anaconda-mode
- ;; https://github.com/proofit404/company-anaconda
- ;; https://github.com/abo-abo/lpy
- ;; C/C++
- ;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; https://github.com/atilaneves/cmake-ide
- ;; http://martinsosic.com/development/emacs/2017/12/09/emacs-cpp-ide.html
- ;; https://github.com/leoliu/ggtags
- ;; Assembly
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/AssemblyProgramming
- ;; https://github.com/skeeto/nasm-mode/blob/master/nasm-mode.el
- ;; There is also gas-mode.el in the vendor directory
- ;; - http://www.hczim.de/software/gas-mode.html
- ;; Java
- ;;;;;;;;;
- ;; https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-java
- ;; http://mp.vv.si/blog/emacs/a-maven-plugin-for-emacs/
- ;; https://github.com/mopemope/meghanada-emacs
- ;; http://eclim.org + https://github.com/senny/emacs-eclim
- ;; https://github.com/dakrone/emacs-java-imports/
- ;; https://github.com/leoliu/ggtags
- ;; lsp-intellij:
- ;; https://github.com/Ruin0x11/lsp-intellij
- ;; https://github.com/Ruin0x11/intellij-lsp-server
- ;; JavaScript
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; https://github.com/ananthakumaran/tide
- ;; See also: https://hotair.tech/blog/goodbye-vscode/
- ;; https://github.com/NicolasPetton/Indium
- ;; https://indium.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- ;; https://emacs.cafe/emacs/javascript/setup/2017/04/23/emacs-setup-javascript.html
- ;; https://emacs.cafe/indium/emacs/javascript/2017/07/24/indium-0.7-released.html
- ;; https://github.com/mooz/js2-mode
- ;; https://github.com/magnars/js2-refactor.el
- ;; https://github.com/nicolaspetton/xref-js2
- ;; Org-mode
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; NOTE: Some export modules fail sometimes with a nasty error.
- ;; If that happens, either of these will help:
- ;;
- ;; - Recompile all .elc files in elpa/org-xxxx directory: "C-0 M-x byte-compile-directory"
- ;; - If that doesn't help, reload org-mode: "C-u M-x org-reload"
- org ;; Load the most recent version, don't rely on the embedded version
- org-bullets
- htmlize
- ;; Export modules
- ox-gfm ;; https://github.com/larstvei/ox-gfm (github markdown export)
- ox-pandoc ;; https://github.com/kawabata/ox-pandoc
- ;; ox-reveal ;; https://github.com/yjwen/org-reveal ;; Not working since Org 9.2
- ox-rst ;; https://github.com/masayuko/ox-rst
- ox-hugo ;; https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/ ;; https://gohugo.io/
- ;; Org-babel modules
- ob-go ;; https://github.com/pope/ob-go
- ;; Simple presentation mode for Emacs Org-mode
- ;; epresent ;; https://github.com/eschulte/epresent
- ;; https://github.com/takaxp/org-tree-slide
- ;; LaTeX
- ;;;;;;;;;;
- auctex ;; https://www.gnu.org/software/auctex
- company-auctex
- latex-extra ;; https://github.com/Malabarba/latex-extra
- ;; pdf-tools ;; https://github.com/politza/pdf-tools
- ;; ;; http://mactex-wiki.tug.org/wiki/index.php/SyncTeX
- ;; acronyms: https://florian.adamsky.it/2018/03/09/emacs-add-acronyms.html
- ;; Git
- ;;;;;;;;
- magit ;; https://github.com/magit/magit
- git-gutter
- ;; ;; https://github.com/charignon/github-review
- ;; Tools
- ;;;;;;;;;;
- rg ;; https://github.com/dajva/rg.el
- helpful ;; https://github.com/Wilfred/helpful
- powerthesaurus ;; https://github.com/SavchenkoValeriy/emacs-powerthesaurus
- shell-pop ;; https://github.com/kyagi/shell-pop-el
- ;; better-shell ;; https://github.com/killdash9/better-shell
- ;; restclient ;; https://github.com/pashky/restclient.el
- vdiff ;; https://github.com/justbur/emacs-vdiff
- ;; vdiff-magit ;; https://github.com/justbur/emacs-vdiff-magit
- command-log-mode ;; https://github.com/lewang/command-log-mode
- ;; Search the web with engine-mode. Config in navigation.el
- engine-mode ;; https://github.com/hrs/engine-mode
- ;; StackExchange for Emacs
- sx ;; https://github.com/vermiculus/sx.el
- ;; sidebar is a customizable file explorer with git integration
- ;; https://github.com/sebastiencs/sidebar.el
- neotree ;; https://github.com/jaypei/emacs-neotree
- ;; keystore-mode ;; https://github.com/peterpaul/keystore-mode for Java keystores
- ;; Database
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; http://john.mercouris.online/emacs-database-interface.html
- ;; Docker
- ;;;;;;;;;;;
- dockerfile-mode ;; https://github.com/spotify/dockerfile-mode
- docker ;; https://github.com/Silex/docker.el
- docker-tramp ;; https://github.com/emacs-pe/docker-tramp.el
- ;; Use of docker-tramp:
- ;; /docker:user@container_id:/path/to/file
- ;; http://manuel-uberti.github.io/emacs/2017/10/19/docker/
- ;; https://github.com/meqif/docker-compose-mode
- ;; https://github.com/Fuco1/eshell-bookmark
- ;; Kubernetes
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; kubernetes ;; https://github.com/chrisbarrett/kubernetes-el
- ;; k8s-mode ;; https://github.com/TxGVNN/emacs-k8s-mode
- ;; Mail
- ;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Note: mu4e.el comes not as package from elpa, but is part of the mu package
- ;; Check my-mu4e.el
- ;; Themes
- ;;;;;;;;;;;
- material-theme
- ;; NOTE: because of a problem with some functionality in org-mode,
- ;; it was necessary to fix material theme. The fixed version
- ;; is stored in .emacs.d/themes/myterial-theme.el and loaded
- ;; from there.
- ;; color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow
- ;; Other nice themes:
- ;; arjen-grey-theme, atom-one-dark-theme, afternoon-theme, spacegray-theme,
- ;; underwater-theme, smyx-theme, aurora-theme, mustard-theme, tangotango-theme,
- ;; leuven-theme, white-sand-theme, hc-zenburn-theme, solarized-theme,
- ;; idea-darkula-theme
- ;; Warning: Don't use moe-theme - It applies unwanted changes in config files
- ;; that are not owned by the package
- ;; https://pawelbx.github.io/emacs-theme-gallery/
- ;; https://github.com/purcell/color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow
- ;; http://themegallery.robdor.com/
- ))
- ;; Install packages
- (dolist (p my-packages)
- (when (not (package-installed-p p))
- (package-install p)))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Emacs Customization
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Place downloaded elisp files in ~/.emacs.d/vendor to load them
- (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/vendor")
- ;; Add customization directory to load path
- (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/customizations")
- ;; Path to special or changed themes
- (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes")
- (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes")
- ;; NOTE: All custom files have the prefix 'my' to make sure, that the
- ;; correct file will be loaded and not one from another package
- ;; Sets up exec-path-from-shell so that Emacs will use the correct
- ;; environment variables
- (load "my-shenv.el")
- ;; Load settings first
- (load "my-settings.el")
- ;; My custom functions
- (load "my-functions.el")
- ;; Simplify the navigation and configure recentf, restclient, ...
- (load "my-navigation.el")
- (load "my-projectile.el")
- (load "my-hydra.el")
- (load "my-ivy.el")
- (load "my-tools.el")
- ;; Specify the look of Emacs
- (load "my-theme.el")
- (load "my-ui.el")
- (load "my-modeline.el")
- ;; Modes
- (load "my-web.el")
- (load "my-sql.el")
- ;; Tools setup
- (load "my-git.el")
- (load "my-yasnippet.el")
- (load "my-diff.el")
- (load "my-eshell.el")
- ;; Make editing a bit nicer
- (load "my-editing.el")
- (load "my-company.el")
- ;; Langauage specific setup
- (load "my-lisp.el")
- (load "my-python.el")
- (load "my-js.el")
- (load "my-golang.el")
- ;;(load "my-cpp.el")
- ;; Text modes
- (load "my-latex.el")
- (load "my-rst.el")
- (load "my-orgmode.el")
- ;; Tools
- ;; (load "my-mu4e.el")
- ;; Note: Keys should always be the last files to load
- (load "my-keys.el")
- ;; Reset GC threshold to a smaller value after config loading
- ;; Emacs default is 800000 - I set it to 1 MiB
- (setq gc-cons-threshold (* 1 1024 1024))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Project Customization
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Load session specific settings
- (load "my-session-settings.el")
- ;; Set the window title
- (setq frame-title-format my-title-format)
- ;; Desktop is strange: Explicitely read desktop only when the config
- ;; is not "default", otherwise it does not work correctly
- (unless (string= my-use-config "default")
- (desktop-read))
- ;;; init.el ends here