C++ | 261 lines | 214 code | 17 blank | 30 comment | 23 complexity | ff86abf93988e934f617caa3e3eb8130 MD5 | raw file
- #include "OpenCVImage.h"
- using namespace cv;
- /*Integration of image reading process*/
- void ReadJPGImage(const char *fname,RgbImage *&rgbImage,int paddedX,int paddedY,unsigned char *&img,int &ncols,int &nrows)
- {
- //We use the information computed in gaussian border for padding the image border
- ReadColorImage(fname,rgbImage,paddedX,paddedY);
- IplImage *image=rgbImage->getIplImage();
- ncols=image->width;
- nrows=image->height;
- if(img==NULL)//have not allocated memory space for img
- {
- img=(unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*ncols*nrows);
- }
- ConvertToUnChar(rgbImage,img);
- }
- /*Read a color image from a file and may allocate space for object*/
- void ReadColorImage(const char *fname,RgbImage *&rgbImage,int paddedX,int paddedY)
- {
- IplImage *image,*image_b;
- image=cvLoadImage(fname);
- if(image==NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Cannot load image %s\n",fname);
- assert(image!=NULL);
- }
- image_b=cvCreateImage(cvSize(image->width+paddedX*2,image->height+paddedY*2),image->depth,image->nChannels);//the padded image
- CvPoint offset=cvPoint(paddedX,paddedY);
- cvCopyMakeBorder(image,image_b, offset, IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE, cvScalarAll(0));
- if(rgbImage==NULL)//We should allocate space for it
- rgbImage=new RgbImage(image_b);//Note how we allocate space (pass by value)
- else
- *rgbImage=image_b;
- cvReleaseImage(&image);//Release the original image
- }
- /*Write the modified image to the file with the specific file name*/
- void WriteColorImage(const char *fname,const RgbImage *rgbImage)
- {
- assert(rgbImage!=NULL&&rgbImage->getIplImage()!=NULL);
- IplImage *image=rgbImage->getIplImage();
- if(!cvSaveImage(fname,image))
- fprintf(stderr,"Error in saving the image %s\n",fname);
- }
- /*Free the rgbImage object and the image it has loaded*/
- void FreeImgObj(RgbImage *&rgbImage)
- {
- if(rgbImage!=NULL)
- delete rgbImage;
- rgbImage=NULL;
- }
- /*Convert a rgbImage into 1D unsigned char array (into gray image)*/
- void ConvertToUnChar(RgbImage *rgbImage,unsigned char *img)
- {
- assert(rgbImage!=NULL&&img!=NULL);
- IplImage *iplImg=rgbImage->getIplImage();
- IplImage *greyImg=cvCreateImage(cvSize(iplImg->width,iplImg->height),iplImg->depth,1);
- cvCvtColor(iplImg,greyImg,CV_BGR2GRAY);//Convert to greyscale image
- int height = greyImg->height;
- int width = greyImg->width;
- int step = greyImg->widthStep/sizeof(uchar);
- uchar* data = (uchar *)greyImg->imageData;
- for(int i=0;i<height;++i)
- {
- for(int j=0;j<width;++j)
- img[j+i*width]=data[i*step+j];//store the values to img
- }
- cvReleaseImage(&greyImg);
- }
- /*Draw line with color rgb*/
- void DrawLine(IplImage *image, int neighLen, int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, const uchar rgb[3])
- {
- CvScalar color=CV_RGB(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2]);
- CvPoint pt1=cvPoint(x0,y0);
- CvPoint pt2=cvPoint(x1,y1);
- cvLine(image,pt1,pt2,color,neighLen);
- }
- /*Draw a rectangle*/
- void DrawRectangle(cv::Mat &image, const cv::Rect &r, const uchar rgb[3])
- {
- rectangle(image, r.tl(), r.br(), cv::Scalar(rgb[2],rgb[1],rgb[0]), 4);
- }
- /*Generate image path centered at <x,y> with window_height * window_width*/
- RgbImage *GenerateImagePatches(const RgbImage *rgbImage,int x,int y,int window_height,int window_width)
- {
- if(rgbImage!=NULL&&rgbImage->getIplImage()!=NULL)
- {
- IplImage *patch=cvCreateImage(cvSize(window_width,window_height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);
- CvPoint2D32f center=cvPoint2D32f(x,y);//col,row
- cvGetRectSubPix(rgbImage->getIplImage(),patch,center);
- return new RgbImage(patch);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- /*Return the histogram vetor with n_bins for an image patch centered at <x,y>,
- with window_width * window_height
- Also we compute the mean & variance for each color plane*/
- void ComputeHistogramPatch(const RgbImage* Patch, int n_bins,float histVector[],float mean[],float variance[])//The caller must make sure that the space for spaceVector has been allocated
- {
- assert(Patch!=NULL);
- IplImage *patch=Patch->getIplImage();
- assert(patch!=NULL&&histVector!=NULL);
- IplImage *plane[3];//for r,g,b color plane respectively
- int totalPix=patch->width*patch->height;
- for(int k=0;k<3;k++)
- {
- plane[k]=cvCreateImage(cvSize(patch->width,patch->height),patch->depth,1);
- }
- float range[]={0,255};
- float *rarray[]={range};
- CvHistogram *hist[3];
- cvCvtPixToPlane(patch,plane[0],plane[1],plane[2],NULL);
- //int *histVector=(int*)malloc(n_bins*3*sizeof(int));//3 color planes combined into one vector
- int step=plane[0]->widthStep/sizeof(uchar);
- for(int k=0;k<3;k++)
- {
- float sum=0,sum2=0;
- hist[k]=cvCreateHist(1,&n_bins,CV_HIST_ARRAY,rarray,1);
- cvCalcHist(plane+k,hist[k]);
- uchar *data=(uchar*)plane[k]->imageData;
- for(int i=0;i<plane[k]->height;i++)
- {
- for(int j=0;j<plane[k]->width;j++)
- {
- sum+=data[i*step+j];
- }
- }
- mean[k]=sum/totalPix;//calculate the mean value
- for(int i=0;i<plane[k]->height;i++)
- {
- for(int j=0;j<plane[k]->width;j++)
- {
- sum2+=pow(data[i*step+j]-mean[k],2);
- }
- }
- variance[k]=sum2/totalPix;//Calculate the variance value
- }
- /*extract the value*/
- for(int k=0;k<3;k++)
- {
- for(int i=0;i<n_bins;i++)
- {
- float number=cvQueryHistValue_1D(hist[k],i);
- histVector[i+n_bins*k]=number;
- //printf("number=%g\n",number);
- }
- cvReleaseImage(plane+k);//Release the resources
- cvReleaseHist(hist+k);
- }
- }
- /*Compute the Chi-square distance between two histogrames
- length = 3* number of bins*/
- float CompHistAffinity(const float histi[],const float histj[],int length)
- {
- assert(histi!=NULL&&histj!=NULL);
- float sum=0;
- for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
- {
- float avg=(histi[i]+histj[i])/2;
- assert(histi[i]>=0&&histj[i]>=0);
- float delta=pow((histi[i]-avg),2)/(avg+1);
- sum+=delta;
- }
- return sum;
- /*float sum=0;
- for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
- {
- float up=fabs(histi[i]-histj[i]);
- float down=histi[i]+histj[i]+1;
- sum+=up/down;
- }
- return sum;*/
- }
- /*Calculate the average intensity value (RGB/3) at (center_y,center_x)*/
- float GetAvgIntensityValue(const IplImage *image, size_t center_x, size_t center_y, size_t width, size_t height)
- {
- assert(image!=NULL);
- Mat img(image);
- size_t width_h=width/2;//half size
- size_t height_h=height/2;
- float sum(0);
- for(size_t i=center_x-width_h;i<=center_x+width_h;++i)
- {
- for(size_t j=center_y-height_h;j<=center_y+width_h;++j)
- {
- if(i>=0&&i<img.cols&&j>=0&&j<img.rows)
- {
- Vec3b value=img.at<Vec3b>(j,i);//value at jth row, ith col
- uchar blue=value.val[0];
- uchar green=value.val[1];
- uchar red=value.val[2];
- float intensity=(blue+green+red)/3.0f;
- sum+=intensity;
- }
- }
- }
- float avg_value = sum/(width*height);
- return avg_value;
- }
- /*Check whether the pixel at (ceneter_y,center_y) is considered as background pixel*/
- bool CheckBackGroundPixel(const float *mean_app, const IplImage *cur_image,
- size_t center_x, size_t center_y, size_t width, size_t height, float threshold)
- {
- float appValue = GetAvgIntensityValue(cur_image, center_x, center_y, width, height);
- int img_width = cur_image->width;
- int img_height = cur_image->height;
- int index = center_x + center_y*img_width;
- float mean_app_value = mean_app[index];
- if(fabs(appValue-mean_app_value)<threshold)//non-significant change
- {
- return true;//a background pixel
- }else//there is significant change on that position
- return false;//foreground pixel
- }
- /*Get overlapping percentage of two rectangles*/
- float GetOverLapPercentage(const cv::Rect &rect1, const cv::Rect &rect2)
- {
- Rect intersection = rect1 & rect2;
- int area_intersect = intersection.area();
- if(area_intersect==0)
- return 0;
- int area_union = rect1.area() + rect2.area() - area_intersect;
- float score = area_intersect/(float)(area_union);
- if (score<=0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- assert(score>0);
- return score;
- }
- /*Get center of rectangle*/
- Point GetRectCenter(const Rect &rect)
- {
- return Point(rect.x+rect.width/2,rect.y+rect.height/2);
- }
- /*Average two rectangles*/
- cv::Rect AvgRectPair(const cv::Rect &r1, const cv::Rect &r2, float weight1, float weight2)
- {
- float center_1[] = {float(r1.x + r1.width/2.0f + 0.5f), float(r1.y + r2.height/2.0f + 0.5f)};
- float center_2[] = {float(r2.x + r2.width/2.0f + 0.5f), float(r2.y + r2.height/2.0f + 0.5f)};
- float avg_center[] = {center_1[0]*weight1 + center_2[0]*weight2, center_1[1]*weight1 + center_2[1]*weight2};
- float avg_scale[] = {r1.width*weight1 + r2.width*weight2, r1.height*weight1 + r2.height*weight2};
- cv::Rect final(int(avg_center[0] - avg_scale[0]/2 + 0.5f), int(avg_center[1] - avg_scale[1]/2 + 0.5f), int(avg_scale[0] + 0.5f), int(avg_scale[1] + 0.5f));
- return final;
- }