C++ | 508 lines | 389 code | 77 blank | 42 comment | 86 complexity | ee42c31d53763216bc2e70185e0e191a MD5 | raw file
- // Copyright 2009 Boris Babenko (bbabenko@cs.ucsd.edu | http://vision.ucsd.edu/~bbabenko). Distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- // (see the included gpl.txt and lgpl.txt files). Use at own risk. Please send me your feedback/suggestions/bugs.
- #include "Matrix.h"
- template<> float Matrixu::ii ( const int row, const int col, const int depth ) const
- {
- return (float) ((Ipp32f*)_iidata[depth])[row*_iipixStep + col];
- }
- template<> float Matrixu::dii_dx(uint x, uint y, uint channel)
- {
- if( !isInitII() ) abortError(__LINE__,__FILE__,"cannot take dii/dx, ii is not init");
- if( (x+1) > (uint)cols() || x < 1 ) return 0.0f;
- //0.5*(GET3(ii,y,(x+1),bin,rows,cols) - GET3(ii,y,(x-1),bin,rows,cols));
- return 0.5f * ( ii(y,(x+1),channel) - ii(y,(x-1),channel) );
- }
- template<> float Matrixu::dii_dy(uint x, uint y, uint channel)
- {
- if( !isInitII() ) abortError(__LINE__,__FILE__,"cannot take dii/dx, ii is not init");
- if( (y+1) > (uint)rows() || y < 1 ) return 0.0f;
- //0.5*(GET3(ii,y,(x+1),bin,rows,cols) - GET3(ii,y,(x-1),bin,rows,cols));
- return 0.5f * ( ii((y+1),x,channel) - ii((y-1),x,channel) );
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template<> void Matrixu::initII()
- {
- bool err=false;
- _iidata.resize(_depth);
- for( uint k=0; k<_data.size(); k++ ){
- if( _iidata[k] == NULL )
- _iidata[k] = ippiMalloc_32f_C1(_cols+1,_rows+1,&(_iidataStep));
- if( _iidata[k] == NULL ) abortError(__LINE__,__FILE__,"OUT OF MEMORY!");
- _iipixStep = _iidataStep/sizeof(Ipp32f);
- IppStatus is = ippiIntegral_8u32f_C1R((Ipp8u*)_data[k], _dataStep, (Ipp32f*)_iidata[k], _iidataStep, _roi, 0);
- assert( is == ippStsNoErr );
- err = err || _data[k] == NULL;
- }
- _ii_init = true;
- }
- template<> float Matrixu::sumRect(const IppiRect &rect, int channel) const
- {
- // debug checks
- assert(_ii_init);
- assert( rect.x >= 0 && rect.y >= 0 && (rect.y+rect.height) <= _rows
- && (rect.x+rect.width) <= _cols && channel < _depth);
- int maxy = (rect.y+rect.height)*_iipixStep;
- int maxx = rect.x+rect.width;
- int y = rect.y*_iipixStep;
- float tl = ((Ipp32f*)_iidata[channel])[y + rect.x];
- float tr = ((Ipp32f*)_iidata[channel])[y + maxx];
- float br = ((Ipp32f*)_iidata[channel])[maxy + maxx];
- float bl = ((Ipp32f*)_iidata[channel])[maxy + rect.x];
- return br + tl - tr - bl;
- //return ii(maxy,maxx,channel) + ii(rect.y,rect.x,channel)
- // - ii(rect.y,maxx,channel) - ii(maxy,rect.x,channel);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template<> void Matrixu::LoadImage(const char *filename, bool color)
- {
- IplImage *img;
- img = cvLoadImage(filename,(int)color);
- if( img == NULL )
- abortError(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Error loading file");
- Resize(img->height, img->width, img->nChannels);
- if( color )
- IplImage2Matrix(img);
- else{
- for( int row=0; row<_rows; row++ )
- for( int k=0; k<_cols; k++ ){
- ((Ipp8u*)_data[0])[row*_dataStep+k] = img->imageData[row*img->widthStep+k];
- }
- }
- cvReleaseImage(&img);
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::SaveImage(const char *filename)
- {
- createIpl();
- int success = cvSaveImage( filename, _iplimg );
- freeIpl();
- }
- template<> bool Matrixu::CaptureImage(CvCapture* capture, Matrixu &res, int color)
- {
- IplImage *img;
- if( capture == NULL ) return false;
- img = cvQueryFrame( capture );
- if( img == NULL ) return false;
- res.Resize(img->height, img->width, 1+2*color);
- if( color ){
- //res.Resize(img->height, img->width, 3);
- res.IplImage2Matrix(img);
- }
- else{
- static IplImage *img2;
- if( img2 == NULL ) img2 = cvCreateImage( cvSize(res._cols, res._rows), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
- cvCvtColor( img, img2, CV_RGB2GRAY );
- img2->origin = 0;
- res.GrayIplImage2Matrix(img2);
- }
- img = NULL;
- return true;
- }
- template<> bool Matrixu::WriteFrame(CvVideoWriter* w, Matrixu &img)
- {
- img.createIpl();
- if( w != NULL ){
- IplImage* iplimg = img.getIpl();
- iplimg->origin = 1;
- cvWriteFrame( w, iplimg );
- return true;
- }else
- return false;
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::PlayCam(int color, const char* fname)
- {
- CvCapture* capture = cvCreateCameraCapture( 0 );
- if( capture==NULL ) abortError(__LINE__,__FILE__,"camera not found!");
- CvVideoWriter* w = NULL;
- Matrixu frame;
- frame._keepIpl = false;
- cout << "Press q to quit" << endl;
- StopWatch sw(true);
- double ttime=0.0;
- for( int cnt=0; true; cnt++ )
- {
- CaptureImage(capture,frame,color);
- // initialize video output
- if( fname != NULL && w == NULL)
- w = cvCreateVideoWriter( fname, CV_FOURCC('I','Y', 'U', 'V'), 10, cvSize(frame.cols(), frame.rows()), 3 );
- // output (both screen and possibly to file)
- frame._keepIpl=true;
- frame.display(1); char q = cvWaitKey(1);
- WriteFrame(w, frame);
- frame._keepIpl=false; frame.freeIpl();
- // check key input
- if( q=='q' ) break;
- // timing
- ttime = sw.Elapsed(true);
- fprintf(stderr,"%s%d Frames/%f sec = %f FPS",ERASELINE,cnt,ttime,((double)cnt)/ttime);
- }
- cvReleaseCapture( &capture );
- if( w != NULL )
- cvReleaseVideoWriter( &w );
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::PlayCamOpenCV()
- {
- CvCapture* capture = cvCaptureFromCAM( -1 );
- if( capture == NULL )
- abortError(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Error finding cam");
- cout << "Press q to quit" << endl;
- IplImage *img;
- cvNamedWindow( "Cam", 0/*CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE*/ );
- StopWatch sw(true);
- double ttime=0.0;
- for( int cnt=0; true; cnt++ )
- {
- img = cvQueryFrame( capture );
- cvShowImage( "Cam", img );
- ttime = sw.Elapsed(true);
- fprintf(stderr,"%s%d Frames/%f sec = %f FPS",ERASELINE,cnt,ttime,((double)cnt)/ttime);
- char q = cvWaitKey(1);
- if( q=='q' ) break;
- }
- cvReleaseCapture( &capture );
- cout << endl << "Ending PlayCam" << endl;
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::createIpl(bool force)
- {
- if( _iplimg != NULL && !force) return;
- if( _iplimg != NULL ) cvReleaseImage(&_iplimg);
- CvSize sz; sz.width = _cols; sz.height = _rows;
- int depth = 3;
- _iplimg = cvCreateImageHeader( sz, IPL_DEPTH_8U, depth );
- //_iplimg->align = 32;
- //_iplimg->widthStep = (((_iplimg->width * _iplimg->nChannels *
- // (_iplimg->depth & ~IPL_DEPTH_SIGN) + 7)/8)+ _iplimg->align - 1) & (~(_iplimg->align - 1));
- //_iplimg->widthStep = _dataStep*depth;
- //_iplimg->imageSize = _iplimg->height*_iplimg->widthStep;
- cvCreateData(_iplimg);
- //cvInitImageHeader( _iplimg, sz, IPL_DEPTH_8U, _depth, IPL_ORIGIN_TL, 16 );
- //IplImage *_iplimg = cvCreateImage( sz, IPL_DEPTH_8U, _depth );
- //assert( _depth==1 ? _iplimg->widthStep == _dataStep : _iplimg->widthStep/3 == _dataStep ); // should always be the same (multiple of 32)
- if( _depth == 1 )
- for( int row=0; row<_rows; row++ )
- for( int k=0; k<_cols*3; k+=3 ){
- _iplimg->imageData[row*_iplimg->widthStep+k+2]=((Ipp8u*)_data[0])[row*_dataStep+k/3];
- _iplimg->imageData[row*_iplimg->widthStep+k+1]=((Ipp8u*)_data[0])[row*_dataStep+k/3];
- _iplimg->imageData[row*_iplimg->widthStep+k ]=((Ipp8u*)_data[0])[row*_dataStep+k/3];
- }
- else
- //for( int k=0; k<_rows*_dataStep*3; k+=3 ){
- // _iplimg->imageData[k+2] = ((Ipp8u*)_data[0])[k/3]; // B
- // _iplimg->imageData[k+1] = ((Ipp8u*)_data[1])[k/3]; // G
- // _iplimg->imageData[k ] = ((Ipp8u*)_data[2])[k/3]; // R
- //}
- for( int row=0; row<_rows; row++ )
- for( int k=0; k<_cols*3; k+=3 ){
- _iplimg->imageData[row*_iplimg->widthStep+k+2]=((Ipp8u*)_data[0])[row*_dataStep+k/3];
- _iplimg->imageData[row*_iplimg->widthStep+k+1]=((Ipp8u*)_data[1])[row*_dataStep+k/3];
- _iplimg->imageData[row*_iplimg->widthStep+k ]=((Ipp8u*)_data[2])[row*_dataStep+k/3];
- }
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::freeIpl()
- {
- if( !_keepIpl && _iplimg != NULL) cvReleaseImage(&_iplimg);
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::IplImage2Matrix(IplImage *img)
- {
- //Resize(img->height, img->width, img->nChannels);
- bool origin = img->origin==1;
- if( _depth == 1 )
- for( int row=0; row<_rows; row++ )
- for( int k=0; k<_cols*3; k+=3 )
- if( origin )
- ((Ipp8u*)_data[0])[(_rows - row - 1)*_dataStep+k/3] = img->imageData[row*img->widthStep+k];
- else
- ((Ipp8u*)_data[0])[row*_dataStep+k/3] = img->imageData[row*img->widthStep+k];
- else
- #pragma omp parallel for
- for( int row=0; row<_rows; row++ )
- for( int k=0; k<_cols*3; k+=3 ){
- if( origin ){
- ((Ipp8u*)_data[0])[(_rows - row - 1)*_dataStep+k/3] = img->imageData[row*img->widthStep+k+2];
- ((Ipp8u*)_data[1])[(_rows - row - 1)*_dataStep+k/3] = img->imageData[row*img->widthStep+k+1];
- ((Ipp8u*)_data[2])[(_rows - row - 1)*_dataStep+k/3] = img->imageData[row*img->widthStep+k];
- }
- else{
- ((Ipp8u*)_data[0])[row*_dataStep+k/3] = img->imageData[row*img->widthStep+k+2];
- ((Ipp8u*)_data[1])[row*_dataStep+k/3] = img->imageData[row*img->widthStep+k+1];
- ((Ipp8u*)_data[2])[row*_dataStep+k/3] = img->imageData[row*img->widthStep+k];
- }
- }
- if( _keepIpl )
- _iplimg = img;
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::GrayIplImage2Matrix(IplImage *img)
- {
- //Resize(img->height, img->width, img->nChannels);
- bool origin = img->origin==1;
- if( _depth == 1 )
- for( int row=0; row<_rows; row++ )
- for( int k=0; k<_cols; k++ )
- if( origin )
- ((Ipp8u*)_data[0])[(_rows - row - 1)*_dataStep+k] = img->imageData[row*img->widthStep+k];
- else
- ((Ipp8u*)_data[0])[row*_dataStep+k] = img->imageData[row*img->widthStep+k];
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::display(int fignum, float p)
- {
- assert(size() > 0);
- createIpl();
- char name[1024];
- sprintf_s(name,"Figure %d",fignum);
- cvNamedWindow( name, 0/*CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE*/ );
- cvShowImage( name, _iplimg );
- cvResizeWindow( name, max((int)(_cols*p),200), (int)max((int)(_rows*p),_rows*(200.0f/_cols)) );
- //cvWaitKey(0);//DEBUG
- freeIpl();
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::drawRect(IppiRect rect, int lineWidth, int R, int G, int B )
- {
- createIpl();
- CvPoint p1, p2;
- p1 = cvPoint(rect.x, rect.y);
- p2 = cvPoint(rect.x+rect.width,rect.y+rect.height);
- cvDrawRect(_iplimg, p1, p2, CV_RGB(R, G, B), lineWidth);
- IplImage2Matrix(_iplimg);
- freeIpl();
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::drawRect(float width, float height, float x,float y, float sc, float th, int lineWidth, int R, int G, int B)
- {
- sc = 1.0f/sc;
- th = -th;
- double cth = cos(th)*sc;
- double sth = sin(th)*sc;
- CvPoint p1, p2, p3, p4;
- p1.x = (int)(-cth*width/2 + sth*height/2 + width/2 + x);
- p1.y = (int)(-sth*width/2 - cth*height/2 + height/2 + y);
- p2.x = (int)(cth*width/2 + sth*height/2 + width/2 + x);
- p2.y = (int)(sth*width/2 - cth*height/2 + height/2 + y);
- p3.x = (int)(cth*width/2 - sth*height/2 + width/2 + x);
- p3.y = (int)(sth*width/2 + cth*height/2 + height/2 + y);
- p4.x = (int)(-cth*width/2 - sth*height/2 + width/2 + x);
- p4.y = (int)(-sth*width/2 + cth*height/2 + height/2 + y);
- //cout << p1.x << " " << p1.y << endl;
- //cout << p2.x << " " << p2.y << endl;
- //cout << p3.x << " " << p3.y << endl;
- //cout << p4.x << " " << p4.y << endl;
- createIpl();
- cvLine( _iplimg, p1, p2, CV_RGB( R, G, B), lineWidth, CV_AA );
- cvLine( _iplimg, p2, p3, CV_RGB( R, G, B), lineWidth, CV_AA );
- cvLine( _iplimg, p3, p4, CV_RGB( R, G, B), lineWidth, CV_AA );
- cvLine( _iplimg, p4, p1, CV_RGB( R, G, B), lineWidth, CV_AA );
- IplImage2Matrix(_iplimg);
- freeIpl();
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::drawEllipse(float height, float width, float x,float y, int lineWidth, int R, int G, int B)
- {
- createIpl();
- CvPoint p = cvPoint((int)x,(int)y);
- CvSize s = cvSize((int)width, (int)height);
- cvEllipse( _iplimg, p, s, 0, 0, 365, CV_RGB( R, G, B), lineWidth );
- IplImage2Matrix(_iplimg);
- freeIpl();
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::drawEllipse(float height, float width, float x,float y, float startang, float endang, int lineWidth, int R, int G, int B)
- {
- createIpl();
- CvPoint p = cvPoint((int)x,(int)y);
- CvSize s = cvSize((int)width, (int)height);
- cvEllipse( _iplimg, p, s, 0, startang, endang, CV_RGB( R, G, B), lineWidth );
- IplImage2Matrix(_iplimg);
- freeIpl();
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::drawText(const char* txt, float x, float y, int R, int G, int B)
- {
- createIpl();
- CvFont font;
- cvInitFont( &font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, 1, 0, 2, 8 );
- CvPoint p = cvPoint((int)x,(int)y);
- cvPutText( _iplimg, txt, p, &font, CV_RGB( R, G, B) );
- IplImage2Matrix(_iplimg);
- freeIpl();
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::warp(Matrixu &res,uint rows, uint cols, float x, float y, float sc, float th, float sr, float phi)
- {
- res.Resize(rows,cols,_depth);
- double coeffs[2][3];
- double quad[4][2];
- double cth = cos(th)*sc;
- double sth = sin(th)*sc;
- quad[0][0] = -cth*cols/2 + sth*rows/2 + cols/2;
- quad[0][1] = -sth*cols/2 - cth*rows/2 + rows/2;
- quad[1][0] = cth*cols/2 + sth*rows/2 + cols/2;
- quad[1][1] = sth*cols/2 - cth*rows/2 + rows/2;
- quad[2][0] = cth*cols/2 - sth*rows/2 + cols/2;
- quad[2][1] = sth*cols/2 + cth*rows/2 + rows/2;
- quad[3][0] = -cth*cols/2 - sth*rows/2 + cols/2;
- quad[3][1] = -sth*cols/2 + cth*rows/2 + rows/2;
- //cout << quad[0][0]+x << " " << quad[0][1]+y << endl;
- //cout << quad[1][0]+x << " " << quad[1][1]+y << endl;
- //cout << quad[2][0]+x << " " << quad[2][1]+y << endl;
- //cout << quad[3][0]+x << " " << quad[3][1]+y << endl << endl;
- IppiRect r;
- r.x = (int)x;
- r.y = (int)y;
- r.width = cols;
- r.height = rows;
- IppStatus ii = ippiGetAffineTransform(r, quad, coeffs);
- //#pragma omp parallel for
- for( int k=0; k<_depth; k++ )
- ippiWarpAffine_8u_C1R((Ipp8u*)_data[k],_roi, _dataStep, _roirect, (Ipp8u*)res._data[k],res._dataStep, res._roirect, coeffs, IPPI_INTER_LINEAR);
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::warpAll(uint rows, uint cols, vector<vectorf> params, vector<Matrixu> &res)
- {
- res.resize(params[0].size());
- #pragma omp parallel for
- for( int k=0; k<(int)params[0].size(); k++ )
- warp(res[k],rows,cols,params[0][k],params[1][k],params[2][k],params[3][k]);
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::computeGradChannels()
- {
- Ipp32s kernel[3] = {-1, 0, 1};
- IppiSize r = _roi;
- r.width-=3;
- r.height-=3;
- ippiFilterRow_8u_C1R((Ipp8u*)_data[0], _dataStep, (Ipp8u*)_data[_depth-2], _dataStep, r, kernel, 3, 2, -1);
- ippiFilterColumn_8u_C1R((Ipp8u*)_data[0], _dataStep, (Ipp8u*)_data[_depth-1], _dataStep, r, kernel, 3, 2, -1);
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::SaveImages(std::vector<Matrixu> imgs, const char *dirname, float resize)
- {
- char fname[1024];
- for( uint k=0; k<imgs.size(); k++ ){
- sprintf_s(fname,"%s/img%05d.png",dirname,k);
- if( resize == 1.0f )
- imgs[k].SaveImage(fname);
- else{
- imgs[k].imResize(resize).SaveImage(fname);
- }
- }
- }
- template<> Matrixu Matrixu::imResize(float r, float c)
- {
- float pr, pc; int nr, nc;
- if( c<0 ){
- pr = r; pc = r;
- nr = (int)(r*_rows);
- nc = (int)(r*_cols);
- }else{
- pr = r/_rows; pc = c/_cols;
- nr = (int)r;
- nc = (int)c;
- }
- Matrixu res((int)(nr), (int)(nc), _depth);
- IppStatus ippst;
- for( int k=0; k<_depth; k++ )
- ippst = ippiResize_8u_C1R((Ipp8u*)_data[k],_roi, _dataStep, _roirect, (Ipp8u*)res._data[k], res._dataStep, res._roi, pc, pr, IPPI_INTER_LINEAR);
- return res;
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::conv2RGB(Matrixu &res)
- {
- res.Resize(_rows,_cols,3);
- for( int k=0; k<_rows*_dataStep; k++ )
- {
- ((Ipp8u*)res._data[0])[k] = ((Ipp8u*)_data[0])[k];
- ((Ipp8u*)res._data[1])[k] = ((Ipp8u*)_data[0])[k];
- ((Ipp8u*)res._data[2])[k] = ((Ipp8u*)_data[0])[k];
- }
- }
- template<> void Matrixu::conv2BW(Matrixu &res)
- {
- res.Resize(_rows,_cols,1);
- double t;
- for( int k=0; k<(int)size(); k++ )
- {
- t = (double) ((Ipp8u*)_data[0])[k];
- t+= (double) ((Ipp8u*)_data[1])[k];
- t+= (double) ((Ipp8u*)_data[2])[k];
- ((Ipp8u*)res._data[0])[k] = (Ipp8u) (t/3.0);
- }
- if( res._keepIpl ) res.freeIpl();
- }
- template<> float Matrixf::Dot(const Matrixf &x)
- {
- assert( this->size() == x.size() );
- float sum = 0.0f;
- #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+: sum)
- for( int i=0; i<(int)size(); i++ )
- sum += (*this)(i)*x(i);
- return sum;
- }