Python | 1237 lines | 1118 code | 67 blank | 52 comment | 20 complexity | 83c527d3249a2badaf5e22b0f8e779e7 MD5 | raw file
- import os
- import sys
- import unicodedata
- import itertools
- from functools import partial
- import numpy as np
- from PyQt4 import QtCore
- from PyQt4 import QtGui
- from PyQt4.QtGui import (
- QListView, QAction, QIcon, QSizePolicy, QPen
- )
- from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt, QObject, QTimer, QSize, QSizeF, QPointF, QRectF
- from PyQt4.QtCore import pyqtSignal as Signal
- import pyqtgraph as pg
- import Orange.data
- from Orange.widgets import widget, gui
- from Orange.widgets.settings import Setting
- from Orange.widgets.utils import itemmodels, colorpalette
- from Orange.widgets.io import FileFormat
- from Orange.util import scale, namegen
- def indices_to_mask(indices, size):
- """
- Convert an array of integer indices into a boolean mask index.
- The elements in indices must be unique.
- :param ndarray[int] indices: Integer indices.
- :param int size: Size of the resulting mask.
- """
- mask = np.zeros(size, dtype=bool)
- mask[indices] = True
- return mask
- def split_on_condition(array, condition):
- """
- Split an array in two parts based on a boolean mask array `condition`.
- """
- return array[condition], array[~condition]
- def stack_on_condition(a, b, condition):
- """
- Inverse of `split_on_condition`.
- """
- axis = 0
- N = condition.size
- shape = list(a.shape)
- shape[axis] = N
- shape = tuple(shape)
- arr = np.empty(shape, dtype=a.dtype)
- arr[condition] = a
- arr[~condition] = b
- return arr
- # ###########################
- # Data manipulation operators
- # ###########################
- from collections import namedtuple
- if sys.version_info < (3, 4):
- # use singledispatch backports from pypi
- from singledispatch import singledispatch
- else:
- from functools import singledispatch
- # Base commands
- Append = namedtuple("Append", ["points"])
- Insert = namedtuple("Insert", ["indices", "points"])
- Move = namedtuple("Move", ["indices", "delta"])
- DeleteIndices = namedtuple("DeleteIndices", ["indices"])
- # A composite of two operators
- Composite = namedtuple("Composite", ["f", "g"])
- # Non-base commands
- # These should be `normalized` (expressed) using base commands
- AirBrush = namedtuple("AirBrush", ["pos", "radius", "intensity", "rstate"])
- Jitter = namedtuple("Jitter", ["pos", "radius", "intensity", "rstate"])
- Magnet = namedtuple("Magnet", ["pos", "radius", "density"])
- SelectRegion = namedtuple("SelectRegion", ["region"])
- DeleteSelection = namedtuple("DeleteSelection", [])
- MoveSelection = namedtuple("MoveSelection", ["delta"])
- # Transforms functions for base commands
- @singledispatch
- def transform(command, data):
- """
- Generic transform for base commands
- :param command: An instance of base command
- :param ndarray data: Input data array
- :rval:
- A (transformed_data, command) tuple of the transformed input data
- and a base command expressing the inverse operation.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- @transform.register(Append)
- def append(command, data):
- np.clip(command.points[:, :2], 0, 1, out=command.points[:, :2])
- return (np.vstack([data, command.points]),
- DeleteIndices(slice(len(data),
- len(data) + len(command.points))))
- @transform.register(Insert)
- def insert(command, data):
- indices = indices_to_mask(command.indices, len(data) + len(command.points))
- return (stack_on_condition(command.points, data, indices),
- DeleteIndices(indices))
- @transform.register(DeleteIndices)
- def delete(command, data, ):
- if isinstance(command.indices, slice):
- condition = indices_to_mask(command.indices, len(data))
- else:
- indices = np.asarray(command.indices)
- if indices.dtype == np.bool:
- condition = indices
- else:
- condition = indices_to_mask(indices, len(data))
- data, deleted = split_on_condition(data, ~condition)
- return data, Insert(command.indices, deleted)
- @transform.register(Move)
- def move(command, data):
- data[command.indices] += command.delta
- return data, Move(command.indices, -command.delta)
- @transform.register(Composite)
- def compositum(command, data):
- data, ginv = command.g(data)
- data, finv = command.f(data)
- return data, Composite(ginv, finv)
- class PaintViewBox(pg.ViewBox):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True)
- self.tool = None
- def handle(event, eventType):
- if self.tool is not None and getattr(self.tool, eventType)(event):
- event.accept()
- else:
- getattr(super(self.__class__, self), eventType)(event)
- for eventType in ('mousePressEvent', 'mouseMoveEvent', 'mouseReleaseEvent',
- 'mouseClickEvent', 'mouseDragEvent',
- 'mouseEnterEvent', 'mouseLeaveEvent'):
- setattr(self, eventType, partial(handle, eventType=eventType))
- def crosshairs(color, radius=24, circle=False):
- radius = max(radius, 16)
- pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(radius, radius)
- pixmap.fill(Qt.transparent)
- painter = QtGui.QPainter()
- painter.begin(pixmap)
- painter.setRenderHints(painter.Antialiasing)
- pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush(color), 1)
- pen.setWidthF(1.5)
- painter.setPen(pen)
- if circle:
- painter.drawEllipse(2, 2, radius - 2, radius - 2)
- painter.drawLine(radius / 2, 7, radius / 2, radius / 2 - 7)
- painter.drawLine(7, radius / 2, radius / 2 - 7, radius / 2)
- painter.end()
- return pixmap
- class DataTool(QObject):
- """
- A base class for data tools that operate on PaintViewBox.
- """
- #: Tool mouse cursor has changed
- cursorChanged = Signal(QtGui.QCursor)
- #: User started an editing operation.
- editingStarted = Signal()
- #: User ended an editing operation.
- editingFinished = Signal()
- #: Emits a data transformation command
- issueCommand = Signal(object)
- # Makes for a checkable push-button
- checkable = True
- # The tool only works if (at least) two dimensions
- only2d = True
- def __init__(self, parent, plot):
- super().__init__(parent)
- self._cursor = Qt.ArrowCursor
- self._plot = plot
- def cursor(self):
- return QtGui.QCursor(self._cursor)
- def setCursor(self, cursor):
- if self._cursor != cursor:
- self._cursor = QtGui.QCursor(cursor)
- self.cursorChanged.emit()
- def mousePressEvent(self, event):
- return False
- def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
- return False
- def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
- return False
- def mouseClickEvent(self, event):
- return False
- def mouseDragEvent(self, event):
- return False
- def hoverEnterEvent(self, event):
- return False
- def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event):
- return False
- def mapToPlot(self, point):
- """Map a point in ViewBox local coordinates into plot coordinates.
- """
- box = self._plot.getViewBox()
- return box.mapToView(point)
- def activate(self, ):
- """Activate the tool"""
- pass
- def deactivate(self, ):
- """Deactivate a tool"""
- pass
- class PutInstanceTool(DataTool):
- """
- Add a single data instance with a mouse click.
- """
- only2d = False
- def mousePressEvent(self, event):
- if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
- self.editingStarted.emit()
- pos = self.mapToPlot(event.pos())
- self.issueCommand.emit(Append([pos]))
- event.accept()
- self.editingFinished.emit()
- return True
- else:
- return super().mousePressEvent(event)
- class PenTool(DataTool):
- """
- Add points on a path specified with a mouse drag.
- """
- def mousePressEvent(self, event):
- if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
- self.editingStarted.emit()
- self.__handleEvent(event)
- return True
- else:
- return super().mousePressEvent()
- def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
- if event.buttons() & Qt.LeftButton:
- self.__handleEvent(event)
- return True
- else:
- return super().mouseMoveEvent()
- def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
- if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
- self.editingFinished.emit()
- return True
- else:
- return super().mouseReleaseEvent()
- def __handleEvent(self, event):
- pos = self.mapToPlot(event.pos())
- self.issueCommand.emit(Append([pos]))
- event.accept()
- class AirBrushTool(DataTool):
- """
- Add points with an 'air brush'.
- """
- only2d = False
- def __init__(self, parent, plot):
- super().__init__(parent, plot)
- self.__timer = QTimer(self, interval=50)
- self.__timer.timeout.connect(self.__timout)
- self.__count = itertools.count()
- self.__pos = None
- def mousePressEvent(self, event):
- if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
- self.editingStarted.emit()
- self.__pos = self.mapToPlot(event.pos())
- self.__timer.start()
- return True
- else:
- return super().mousePressEvent(event)
- def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
- if event.buttons() & Qt.LeftButton:
- self.__pos = self.mapToPlot(event.pos())
- return True
- else:
- return super().mouseMoveEvent(event)
- def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
- if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
- self.__timer.stop()
- self.editingFinished.emit()
- return True
- else:
- return super().mouseReleaseEvent(event)
- def __timout(self):
- self.issueCommand.emit(
- AirBrush(self.__pos, None, None, next(self.__count))
- )
- def random_state(rstate):
- if isinstance(rstate, np.random.RandomState):
- return rstate
- else:
- return np.random.RandomState(rstate)
- def create_data(x, y, radius, size, rstate):
- random = random_state(rstate)
- x = random.normal(x, radius / 2, size=size)
- y = random.normal(y, radius / 2, size=size)
- return np.c_[x, y]
- class MagnetTool(DataTool):
- """
- Draw points closer to the mouse position.
- """
- def __init__(self, parent, plot):
- super().__init__(parent, plot)
- self.__timer = QTimer(self, interval=50)
- self.__timer.timeout.connect(self.__timeout)
- self._radius = 20.0
- self._density = 4.0
- self._pos = None
- def mousePressEvent(self, event):
- if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
- self.editingStarted.emit()
- self._pos = self.mapToPlot(event.pos())
- self.__timer.start()
- return True
- else:
- return super().mousePressEvent(event)
- def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
- if event.buttons() & Qt.LeftButton:
- self._pos = self.mapToPlot(event.pos())
- return True
- else:
- return super().mouseMoveEvent(event)
- def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
- if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
- self.__timer.stop()
- self.editingFinished.emit()
- return True
- else:
- return super().mouseReleaseEvent(event)
- def __timeout(self):
- self.issueCommand.emit(
- Magnet(self._pos, self._radius, self._density)
- )
- class JitterTool(DataTool):
- """
- Jitter points around the mouse position.
- """
- def __init__(self, parent, plot):
- super().__init__(parent, plot)
- self.__timer = QTimer(self, interval=50)
- self.__timer.timeout.connect(self._do)
- self._pos = None
- self._radius = 20.0
- self._intensity = 5.0
- self.__count = itertools.count()
- def mousePressEvent(self, event):
- if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
- self.editingStarted.emit()
- self._pos = self.mapToPlot(event.pos())
- self.__timer.start()
- return True
- else:
- return super().mousePressEvent(event)
- def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
- if event.buttons() & Qt.LeftButton:
- self._pos = self.mapToPlot(event.pos())
- return True
- else:
- return super().mouseMoveEvent(event)
- def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
- if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
- self.__timer.stop()
- self.editingFinished.emit()
- return True
- else:
- return super().mouseReleaseEvent(event)
- def _do(self):
- self.issueCommand.emit(
- Jitter(self._pos, self._radius, self._intensity,
- next(self.__count))
- )
- class _RectROI(pg.ROI):
- def __init__(self, pos, size, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(pos, size, **kwargs)
- def setRect(self, rect):
- self.setPos(rect.topLeft(), finish=False)
- self.setSize(rect.size(), finish=False)
- def rect(self):
- return QRectF(self.pos(), QSizeF(*self.size()))
- class SelectTool(DataTool):
- cursor = Qt.ArrowCursor
- def __init__(self, parent, plot):
- super().__init__(parent, plot)
- self._item = None
- self._start_pos = None
- self._selection_rect = None
- self._mouse_dragging = False
- self._delete_action = QAction(
- "Delete", self, shortcutContext=Qt.WindowShortcut
- )
- self._delete_action.setShortcuts([QtGui.QKeySequence.Delete,
- QtGui.QKeySequence("Backspace")])
- self._delete_action.triggered.connect(self.delete)
- def setSelectionRect(self, rect):
- if self._selection_rect != rect:
- self._selection_rect = QRectF(rect)
- self._item.setRect(self._selection_rect)
- def selectionRect(self):
- return self._item.rect()
- def mousePressEvent(self, event):
- if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
- pos = self.mapToPlot(event.pos())
- if self._item.isVisible():
- if self.selectionRect().contains(pos):
- # Allow the event to propagate to the item.
- event.setAccepted(False)
- self._item.setCursor(Qt.ClosedHandCursor)
- return False
- self._mouse_dragging = True
- self._start_pos = pos
- self._item.setVisible(True)
- self._plot.addItem(self._item)
- self.setSelectionRect(QRectF(pos, pos))
- event.accept()
- return True
- else:
- return super().mousePressEvent(event)
- def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
- if event.buttons() & Qt.LeftButton:
- pos = self.mapToPlot(event.pos())
- self.setSelectionRect(QRectF(self._start_pos, pos).normalized())
- event.accept()
- return True
- else:
- return super().mouseMoveEvent(event)
- def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
- if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
- pos = self.mapToPlot(event.pos())
- self.setSelectionRect(QRectF(self._start_pos, pos).normalized())
- event.accept()
- self.issueCommand.emit(SelectRegion(self.selectionRect()))
- self._item.setCursor(Qt.OpenHandCursor)
- self._mouse_dragging = False
- return True
- else:
- return super().mouseReleaseEvent(event)
- def activate(self):
- if self._item is None:
- self._item = _RectROI((0, 0), (0, 0), pen=(25, 25, 25))
- self._item.setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt.LeftButton)
- self._item.setVisible(False)
- self._item.setCursor(Qt.OpenHandCursor)
- self._item.sigRegionChanged.connect(self._on_region_changed)
- self._item.sigRegionChangeStarted.connect(
- self._on_region_change_started)
- self._item.sigRegionChangeFinished.connect(
- self._on_region_change_finished)
- self._plot.addItem(self._item)
- self._mouse_dragging = False
- self._plot.addAction(self._delete_action)
- def deactivate(self):
- self._reset()
- self._plot.removeAction(self._delete_action)
- def _reset(self):
- self.setSelectionRect(QRectF())
- self._item.setVisible(False)
- self._mouse_dragging = False
- def delete(self):
- if not self._mouse_dragging and self._item.isVisible():
- self.issueCommand.emit(DeleteSelection())
- self._reset()
- def _on_region_changed(self):
- if not self._mouse_dragging:
- newrect = self._item.rect()
- delta = newrect.topLeft() - self._selection_rect.topLeft()
- self._selection_rect = newrect
- self.issueCommand.emit(MoveSelection(delta))
- def _on_region_change_started(self):
- if not self._mouse_dragging:
- self.editingStarted.emit()
- def _on_region_change_finished(self):
- if not self._mouse_dragging:
- self.editingFinished.emit()
- class ClearTool(DataTool):
- cursor = None
- checkable = False
- only2d = False
- def activate(self):
- self.issueCommand.emit(SelectRegion(self._plot.rect()))
- self.issueCommand.emit(DeleteSelection())
- self.editingFinished.emit()
- class SimpleUndoCommand(QtGui.QUndoCommand):
- """
- :param function redo: A function expressing a redo action.
- :param function undo: A function expressing a undo action.
- """
- def __init__(self, redo, undo, parent=None):
- super().__init__(parent)
- self.redo = redo
- self.undo = undo
- class UndoCommand(QtGui.QUndoCommand):
- """An QUndoCommand applying a data transformation operation
- """
- def __init__(self, command, model, parent=None, text=None):
- super().__init__(parent,)
- self._command = command
- self._model = model
- self._undo = None
- if text is not None:
- self.setText(text)
- def redo(self):
- self._undo = self._model.execute(self._command)
- def undo(self):
- self._model.execute(self._undo)
- def mergeWith(self, other):
- if self.id() != other.id():
- return False
- composit = Composite(self._command, other._command)
- merged_command = merge_cmd(composit)
- if merged_command is composit:
- return False
- assert other._undo is not None
- composit = Composite(other._undo, self._undo)
- merged_undo = merge_cmd(composit)
- if merged_undo is composit:
- return False
- self._command = merged_command
- self._undo = merged_undo
- return True
- def id(self):
- return 1
- def indices_eq(ind1, ind2):
- if isinstance(ind1, tuple) and isinstance(ind2, tuple):
- if len(ind1) != len(ind2):
- return False
- else:
- return all(indices_eq(i1, i2) for i1, i2 in zip(ind1, ind2))
- elif isinstance(ind1, slice) and isinstance(ind2, slice):
- return ind1 == ind2
- elif ind1 is ... and ind2 is ...:
- return True
- ind1, ind1 = np.array(ind1), np.array(ind2)
- if ind1.shape != ind2.shape or ind1.dtype != ind2.dtype:
- return False
- else:
- return (ind1 == ind2).all()
- def merge_cmd(composit):
- f = composit.f
- g = composit.g
- if isinstance(g, Composite):
- g = merge_cmd(g)
- if isinstance(f, Append) and isinstance(g, Append):
- return Append(np.vstack((f.points, g.points)))
- elif isinstance(f, Move) and isinstance(g, Move):
- if indices_eq(f.indices, g.indices):
- return Move(f.indices, f.delta + g.delta)
- else:
- # TODO: union of indices, ...
- return composit
- # elif isinstance(f, DeleteIndices) and isinstance(g, DeleteIndices):
- # indices = np.array(g.indices)
- # return DeleteIndices(indices)
- else:
- return composit
- def apply_attractor(data, point, density, radius):
- delta = data - point
- dist_sq = np.sum(delta ** 2, axis=1)
- dist = np.sqrt(dist_sq)
- dist[dist < radius] = 0
- dist_sq = dist ** 2
- valid = (dist_sq > 100 * np.finfo(dist.dtype).eps)
- assert valid.shape == (dist.shape[0],)
- df = 0.05 * density / dist_sq[valid]
- df_bound = 1 - radius / dist[valid]
- df = np.clip(df, 0, df_bound)
- dx = np.zeros_like(delta)
- dx[valid] = df.reshape(-1, 1) * delta[valid]
- return dx
- def apply_jitter(data, point, density, radius, rstate=None):
- random = random_state(rstate)
- delta = data - point
- dist_sq = np.sum(delta ** 2, axis=1)
- dist = np.sqrt(dist_sq)
- valid = dist_sq > 100 * np.finfo(dist_sq.dtype).eps
- df = 0.05 * density / dist_sq[valid]
- df_bound = 1 - radius / dist[valid]
- df = np.clip(df, 0, df_bound)
- dx = np.zeros_like(delta)
- jitter = random.normal(0, 0.1, size=(df.size, data.shape[1]))
- dx[valid, :] = df.reshape(-1, 1) * jitter
- return dx
- class ColoredListModel(itemmodels.PyListModel):
- def __init__(self, iterable, parent, flags,
- list_item_role=QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole,
- supportedDropActions=QtCore.Qt.MoveAction):
- super().__init__(iterable, parent, flags, list_item_role,
- supportedDropActions)
- self.colors = colorpalette.ColorPaletteGenerator(
- len(colorpalette.DefaultRGBColors))
- def data(self, index, role=QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole):
- if self._is_index_valid_for(index, self) and \
- role == QtCore.Qt.DecorationRole and \
- 0 <= index.row() < self.colors.number_of_colors:
- return gui.createAttributePixmap("", self.colors[index.row()])
- else:
- return super().data(index, role)
- def _i(name, icon_path="icons/paintdata",
- widg_path=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))):
- return os.path.join(widg_path, icon_path, name)
- class OWPaintData(widget.OWWidget):
- TOOLS = [
- ("Brush", "Create multiple instances", AirBrushTool, _i("brush.svg")),
- ("Put", "Put individual instances", PutInstanceTool, _i("put.svg")),
- ("Select", "Select and move instances", SelectTool,
- _i("select-transparent_42px.png")),
- ("Jitter", "Jitter instances", JitterTool, _i("jitter.svg")),
- ("Magnet", "Attract multiple instances", MagnetTool, _i("magnet.svg")),
- ("Clear", "Clear the plot", ClearTool, _i("../../../icons/Dlg_clear.png"))
- ]
- name = "Paint Data"
- description = "Create data by painting data points in the plane."
- long_description = ""
- icon = "icons/PaintData.svg"
- priority = 10
- keywords = ["data", "paint", "create"]
- outputs = [("Data", Orange.data.Table)]
- inputs = [("Data", Orange.data.Table, "set_data")]
- autocommit = Setting(False)
- table_name = Setting("Painted data")
- attr1 = Setting("x")
- attr2 = Setting("y")
- hasAttr2 = Setting(True)
- brushRadius = Setting(75)
- density = Setting(7)
- graph_name = "plot"
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- self.data = None
- self.current_tool = None
- self._selected_indices = None
- self._scatter_item = None
- self.labels = ["C1", "C2"]
- self.undo_stack = QtGui.QUndoStack(self)
- self.class_model = ColoredListModel(
- self.labels, self,
- flags=QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled |
- QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable)
- self.class_model.dataChanged.connect(self._class_value_changed)
- self.class_model.rowsInserted.connect(self._class_count_changed)
- self.class_model.rowsRemoved.connect(self._class_count_changed)
- self.data = np.zeros((0, 3))
- self.colors = colorpalette.ColorPaletteGenerator(
- len(colorpalette.DefaultRGBColors))
- self.tools_cache = {}
- self._init_ui()
- def _init_ui(self):
- namesBox = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Names")
- hbox = gui.widgetBox(namesBox, orientation='horizontal', margin=0, spacing=0)
- gui.lineEdit(hbox, self, "attr1", "Variable X ",
- controlWidth=80, orientation="horizontal",
- enterPlaceholder=True, callback=self._attr_name_changed)
- gui.separator(hbox, 18)
- hbox = gui.widgetBox(namesBox, orientation='horizontal', margin=0, spacing=0)
- attr2 = gui.lineEdit(hbox, self, "attr2", "Variable Y ",
- controlWidth=80, orientation="horizontal",
- enterPlaceholder=True, callback=self._attr_name_changed)
- gui.checkBox(hbox, self, "hasAttr2", '', disables=attr2,
- labelWidth=0,
- callback=self.set_dimensions)
- gui.separator(namesBox)
- gui.widgetLabel(namesBox, "Labels")
- self.classValuesView = listView = QListView(
- selectionMode=QListView.SingleSelection,
- sizePolicy=QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Ignored,
- QSizePolicy.Maximum)
- )
- listView.setModel(self.class_model)
- itemmodels.select_row(listView, 0)
- namesBox.layout().addWidget(listView)
- self.addClassLabel = QAction(
- "+", self,
- toolTip="Add new class label",
- triggered=self.add_new_class_label
- )
- self.removeClassLabel = QAction(
- unicodedata.lookup("MINUS SIGN"), self,
- toolTip="Remove selected class label",
- triggered=self.remove_selected_class_label
- )
- actionsWidget = itemmodels.ModelActionsWidget(
- [self.addClassLabel, self.removeClassLabel], self
- )
- actionsWidget.layout().addStretch(10)
- actionsWidget.layout().setSpacing(1)
- namesBox.layout().addWidget(actionsWidget)
- tBox = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Tools", addSpace=True)
- buttonBox = gui.widgetBox(tBox, orientation="horizontal")
- toolsBox = gui.widgetBox(buttonBox, orientation=QtGui.QGridLayout())
- self.toolActions = QtGui.QActionGroup(self)
- self.toolActions.setExclusive(True)
- self.toolButtons = []
- for i, (name, tooltip, tool, icon) in enumerate(self.TOOLS):
- action = QAction(
- name, self,
- toolTip=tooltip,
- checkable=tool.checkable,
- icon=QIcon(icon),
- )
- action.triggered.connect(partial(self.set_current_tool, tool))
- button = QtGui.QToolButton(
- iconSize=QSize(24, 24),
- toolButtonStyle=Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon,
- sizePolicy=QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding,
- QSizePolicy.Fixed)
- )
- button.setDefaultAction(action)
- self.toolButtons.append((button, tool))
- toolsBox.layout().addWidget(button, i / 3, i % 3)
- self.toolActions.addAction(action)
- for column in range(3):
- toolsBox.layout().setColumnMinimumWidth(column, 10)
- toolsBox.layout().setColumnStretch(column, 1)
- undo = self.undo_stack.createUndoAction(self)
- redo = self.undo_stack.createRedoAction(self)
- undo.setShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence.Undo)
- redo.setShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence.Redo)
- self.addActions([undo, redo])
- gui.separator(tBox)
- indBox = gui.indentedBox(tBox, sep=8)
- form = QtGui.QFormLayout(
- formAlignment=Qt.AlignLeft,
- labelAlignment=Qt.AlignLeft,
- fieldGrowthPolicy=QtGui.QFormLayout.AllNonFixedFieldsGrow
- )
- indBox.layout().addLayout(form)
- slider = gui.hSlider(
- indBox, self, "brushRadius", minValue=1, maxValue=100,
- createLabel=False
- )
- form.addRow("Radius", slider)
- slider = gui.hSlider(
- indBox, self, "density", None, minValue=1, maxValue=100,
- createLabel=False
- )
- form.addRow("Intensity", slider)
- gui.rubber(self.controlArea)
- gui.auto_commit(self.controlArea, self, "autocommit",
- "Send", "Send on change")
- # main area GUI
- viewbox = PaintViewBox(enableMouse=False)
- self.plotview = pg.PlotWidget(background="w", viewBox=viewbox)
- self.plotview.sizeHint = lambda: QSize(200, 100) # Minimum size for 1-d painting
- self.plot = self.plotview.getPlotItem()
- axis_color = self.palette().color(QtGui.QPalette.Text)
- axis_pen = QtGui.QPen(axis_color)
- tickfont = QtGui.QFont(self.font())
- tickfont.setPixelSize(max(int(tickfont.pixelSize() * 2 // 3), 11))
- axis = self.plot.getAxis("bottom")
- axis.setLabel(self.attr1)
- axis.setPen(axis_pen)
- axis.setTickFont(tickfont)
- axis = self.plot.getAxis("left")
- axis.setLabel(self.attr2)
- axis.setPen(axis_pen)
- axis.setTickFont(tickfont)
- if not self.hasAttr2:
- self.plot.hideAxis('left')
- self.plot.hideButtons()
- self.plot.setXRange(0, 1, padding=0.01)
- self.mainArea.layout().addWidget(self.plotview)
- # enable brush tool
- self.toolActions.actions()[0].setChecked(True)
- self.set_current_tool(self.TOOLS[0][2])
- self.set_dimensions()
- def set_dimensions(self):
- if self.hasAttr2:
- self.plot.setYRange(0, 1, padding=0.01)
- self.plot.showAxis('left')
- self.plotview.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Ignored, QSizePolicy.Minimum)
- else:
- self.plot.setYRange(-.5, .5, padding=0.01)
- self.plot.hideAxis('left')
- self.plotview.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Ignored, QSizePolicy.Maximum)
- self._replot()
- for button, tool in self.toolButtons:
- if tool.only2d:
- button.setDisabled(not self.hasAttr2)
- def set_data(self, data):
- if data:
- try:
- y = next(cls for cls in data.domain.class_vars if cls.is_discrete)
- except StopIteration:
- y = np.ones(X.shape[0])
- else:
- y = data[:, y].Y
- while len(self.class_model) < np.unique(y).size:
- self.add_new_class_label(undoable=False)
- X = np.array([scale(vals) for vals in data.X[:, :2].T]).T
- self.data = np.column_stack((X, y))
- self._replot()
- def add_new_class_label(self, undoable=True):
- newlabel = next(label for label in namegen('C', 1)
- if label not in self.class_model)
- command = SimpleUndoCommand(
- lambda: self.class_model.append(newlabel),
- lambda: self.class_model.__delitem__(-1)
- )
- if undoable:
- self.undo_stack.push(command)
- else:
- command.redo()
- def remove_selected_class_label(self):
- index = self.selected_class_label()
- if index is None:
- return
- label = self.class_model[index]
- mask = self.data[:, 2] == index
- move_mask = self.data[~mask][:, 2] > index
- self.undo_stack.beginMacro("Delete class label")
- self.undo_stack.push(UndoCommand(DeleteIndices(mask), self))
- self.undo_stack.push(UndoCommand(Move((move_mask, 2), -1), self))
- self.undo_stack.push(
- SimpleUndoCommand(lambda: self.class_model.__delitem__(index),
- lambda: self.class_model.insert(index, label)))
- self.undo_stack.endMacro()
- newindex = min(max(index - 1, 0), len(self.class_model) - 1)
- itemmodels.select_row(self.classValuesView, newindex)
- def _class_count_changed(self):
- self.labels = list(self.class_model)
- self.removeClassLabel.setEnabled(len(self.class_model) > 1)
- self.addClassLabel.setEnabled(
- len(self.class_model) < self.colors.number_of_colors)
- if self.selected_class_label() is None:
- itemmodels.select_row(self.classValuesView, 0)
- def _class_value_changed(self, index, _):
- index = index.row()
- newvalue = self.class_model[index]
- oldvalue = self.labels[index]
- if newvalue != oldvalue:
- self.labels[index] = newvalue
- # command = Command(
- # lambda: self.class_model.__setitem__(index, newvalue),
- # lambda: self.class_model.__setitem__(index, oldvalue),
- # )
- # self.undo_stack.push(command)
- def selected_class_label(self):
- rows = self.classValuesView.selectedIndexes()
- if rows:
- return rows[0].row()
- else:
- return None
- def set_current_tool(self, tool):
- prev_tool = self.current_tool.__class__
- if self.current_tool is not None:
- self.current_tool.deactivate()
- self.current_tool.editingStarted.disconnect(
- self._on_editing_started)
- self.current_tool.editingFinished.disconnect(
- self._on_editing_finished)
- self.current_tool = None
- self.plot.getViewBox().tool = None
- if tool not in self.tools_cache:
- newtool = tool(self, self.plot)
- newtool.editingFinished.connect(self.invalidate)
- self.tools_cache[tool] = newtool
- newtool.issueCommand.connect(self._add_command)
- self._selected_region = QRectF()
- self.current_tool = tool = self.tools_cache[tool]
- self.plot.getViewBox().tool = tool
- tool.editingStarted.connect(self._on_editing_started)
- tool.editingFinished.connect(self._on_editing_finished)
- tool.activate()
- if not tool.checkable:
- self.set_current_tool(prev_tool)
- def _on_editing_started(self):
- self.undo_stack.beginMacro("macro")
- def _on_editing_finished(self):
- self.undo_stack.endMacro()
- def execute(self, command):
- if isinstance(command, (Append, DeleteIndices, Insert, Move)):
- if isinstance(command, (DeleteIndices, Insert)):
- self._selected_indices = None
- if isinstance(self.current_tool, SelectTool):
- self.current_tool._reset()
- self.data, undo = transform(command, self.data)
- self._replot()
- return undo
- else:
- assert False, "Non normalized command"
- def _add_command(self, cmd):
- name = "Name"
- if (not self.hasAttr2 and
- isinstance(cmd, (Move, MoveSelection, Jitter, Magnet))):
- # tool only supported if both x and y are enabled
- return
- if isinstance(cmd, Append):
- cls = self.selected_class_label()
- points = np.array([(p.x(), p.y() if self.hasAttr2 else 0, cls)
- for p in cmd.points])
- self.undo_stack.push(UndoCommand(Append(points), self, text=name))
- elif isinstance(cmd, Move):
- self.undo_stack.push(UndoCommand(cmd, self, text=name))
- elif isinstance(cmd, SelectRegion):
- indices = [i for i, (x, y) in enumerate(self.data[:, :2])
- if cmd.region.contains(QPointF(x, y))]
- indices = np.array(indices, dtype=int)
- self._selected_indices = indices
- elif isinstance(cmd, DeleteSelection):
- indices = self._selected_indices
- if indices is not None and indices.size:
- self.undo_stack.push(
- UndoCommand(DeleteIndices(indices), self, text="Delete")
- )
- elif isinstance(cmd, MoveSelection):
- indices = self._selected_indices
- if indices is not None and indices.size:
- self.undo_stack.push(
- UndoCommand(
- Move((self._selected_indices, slice(0, 2)),
- np.array([cmd.delta.x(), cmd.delta.y()])),
- self, text="Move")
- )
- elif isinstance(cmd, DeleteIndices):
- self.undo_stack.push(UndoCommand(cmd, self, text="Delete"))
- elif isinstance(cmd, Insert):
- self.undo_stack.push(UndoCommand(cmd, self))
- elif isinstance(cmd, AirBrush):
- data = create_data(cmd.pos.x(), cmd.pos.y(),
- self.brushRadius / 1000,
- 1 + self.density / 20, cmd.rstate)
- self._add_command(Append([QPointF(*p) for p in zip(*data.T)]))
- elif isinstance(cmd, Jitter):
- point = np.array([cmd.pos.x(), cmd.pos.y()])
- delta = - apply_jitter(self.data[:, :2], point,
- self.density / 100.0, 0, cmd.rstate)
- self._add_command(Move((..., slice(0, 2)), delta))
- elif isinstance(cmd, Magnet):
- point = np.array([cmd.pos.x(), cmd.pos.y()])
- delta = - apply_attractor(self.data[:, :2], point,
- self.density / 100.0, 0)
- self._add_command(Move((..., slice(0, 2)), delta))
- else:
- assert False, "unreachable"
- def _replot(self):
- def pen(color):
- pen = QPen(color, 1)
- pen.setCosmetic(True)
- return pen
- if self._scatter_item is not None:
- self.plot.removeItem(self._scatter_item)
- self._scatter_item = None
- nclasses = len(self.class_model)
- pens = [pen(self.colors[i]) for i in range(nclasses)]
- self._scatter_item = pg.ScatterPlotItem(
- self.data[:, 0],
- self.data[:, 1] if self.hasAttr2 else np.zeros(self.data.shape[0]),
- symbol="+",
- pen=[pens[int(ci)] for ci in self.data[:, 2]]
- )
- self.plot.addItem(self._scatter_item)
- def _attr_name_changed(self):
- self.plot.getAxis("bottom").setLabel(self.attr1)
- self.plot.getAxis("left").setLabel(self.attr2)
- self.invalidate()
- def invalidate(self):
- self.commit()
- def commit(self):
- if self.hasAttr2:
- X, Y = self.data[:, :2], self.data[:, 2]
- attrs = (Orange.data.ContinuousVariable(self.attr1),
- Orange.data.ContinuousVariable(self.attr2))
- else:
- X, Y = self.data[:, np.newaxis, 0], self.data[:, 2]
- attrs = (Orange.data.ContinuousVariable(self.attr1),)
- if len(np.unique(Y)) >= 2:
- domain = Orange.data.Domain(
- attrs,
- Orange.data.DiscreteVariable(
- "Class", values=list(self.class_model))
- )
- data = Orange.data.Table.from_numpy(domain, X, Y)
- else:
- domain = Orange.data.Domain(attrs)
- data = Orange.data.Table.from_numpy(domain, X)
- data.name = self.table_name
- self.send("Data", data)
- def sizeHint(self):
- sh = super().sizeHint()
- return sh.expandedTo(QSize(1200, 800))
- def onDeleteWidget(self):
- self.plot.clear()
- def send_report(self):
- if self.data is None:
- return
- settings = []
- if self.attr1 != "x" or self.attr2 != "y":
- settings += [("Axis x", self.attr1), ("Axis y", self.attr2)]
- settings += [("Number of points", len(self.data))]
- self.report_items("Painted data", settings)
- self.report_plot()
- def test():
- import gc
- import sip
- app = QtGui.QApplication([])
- ow = OWPaintData()
- ow.show()
- ow.raise_()
- rval = app.exec_()
- ow.saveSettings()
- ow.onDeleteWidget()
- sip.delete(ow)
- del ow
- gc.collect()
- app.processEvents()
- return rval
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys.exit(test())