
https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus · Java · 976 lines · 482 code · 191 blank · 303 comment · 31 complexity · 81ee964a731335f1e251fd4f7d4e7f1f MD5 · raw file

  1. /******************************************************************************
  2. * Product: Compiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
  3. * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Compiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
  4. * This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
  5. * under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
  6. * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
  7. * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied *
  9. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
  10. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
  11. * with this program, if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
  12. * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
  13. * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us at *
  14. * Compiere, Inc., 3600 Bridge Parkway #102, Redwood City, CA 94065, USA *
  15. * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
  16. *****************************************************************************/
  17. package org.compiere.model;
  18. /** Generated Model - DO NOT CHANGE */
  19. import java.sql.*;
  20. import org.compiere.framework.*;
  21. import org.compiere.util.*;
  22. /** Generated Model for AD_WF_Node
  23. * @author Jorg Janke (generated)
  24. * @version Release 3.2.2_Dev - $Id$ */
  25. public class X_AD_WF_Node extends PO
  26. {
  27. /** Standard Constructor
  28. @param ctx context
  29. @param AD_WF_Node_ID id
  30. @param trx transaction
  31. */
  32. public X_AD_WF_Node (Ctx ctx, int AD_WF_Node_ID, Trx trx)
  33. {
  34. super (ctx, AD_WF_Node_ID, trx);
  35. /* The following are the mandatory fields for this object.
  36. if (AD_WF_Node_ID == 0)
  37. {
  38. setAD_WF_Node_ID (0);
  39. setAD_Workflow_ID (0);
  40. setAction (null); // N
  41. setDuration (0);
  42. setDurationLimit (0);
  43. setEntityType (null); // U
  44. setIsCentrallyMaintained (true); // Y
  45. setJoinElement (null); // X
  46. setName (null);
  47. setSplitElement (null); // X
  48. setValue (null);
  49. setWaitingTime (0);
  50. setXPosition (0);
  51. setYPosition (0);
  52. }
  53. */
  54. }
  55. /** Load Constructor
  56. @param ctx context
  57. @param rs result set
  58. @param trx transaction
  59. */
  60. public X_AD_WF_Node (Ctx ctx, ResultSet rs, Trx trx)
  61. {
  62. super (ctx, rs, trx);
  63. }
  64. /** Serial Version No */
  65. private static final long serialVersionUID = 27495261242789L;
  66. /** Last Updated Timestamp 2008-06-10 15:12:06.0 */
  67. public static final long updatedMS = 1213135926000L;
  68. /** AD_Table_ID=129 */
  69. public static final int Table_ID=129;
  70. /** TableName=AD_WF_Node */
  71. public static final String Table_Name="AD_WF_Node";
  72. protected static KeyNamePair Model = new KeyNamePair(Table_ID,"AD_WF_Node");
  73. /**
  74. * Get AD Table ID.
  75. * @return AD_Table_ID
  76. */
  77. @Override public int get_Table_ID()
  78. {
  79. return Table_ID;
  80. }
  81. /** Set Column.
  82. @param AD_Column_ID Column in the table */
  83. public void setAD_Column_ID (int AD_Column_ID)
  84. {
  85. if (AD_Column_ID <= 0) set_Value ("AD_Column_ID", null);
  86. else
  87. set_Value ("AD_Column_ID", Integer.valueOf(AD_Column_ID));
  88. }
  89. /** Get Column.
  90. @return Column in the table */
  91. public int getAD_Column_ID()
  92. {
  93. return get_ValueAsInt("AD_Column_ID");
  94. }
  95. /** Set Special Form.
  96. @param AD_Form_ID Special Form */
  97. public void setAD_Form_ID (int AD_Form_ID)
  98. {
  99. if (AD_Form_ID <= 0) set_Value ("AD_Form_ID", null);
  100. else
  101. set_Value ("AD_Form_ID", Integer.valueOf(AD_Form_ID));
  102. }
  103. /** Get Special Form.
  104. @return Special Form */
  105. public int getAD_Form_ID()
  106. {
  107. return get_ValueAsInt("AD_Form_ID");
  108. }
  109. /** Set Image.
  110. @param AD_Image_ID Image or Icon */
  111. public void setAD_Image_ID (int AD_Image_ID)
  112. {
  113. if (AD_Image_ID <= 0) set_Value ("AD_Image_ID", null);
  114. else
  115. set_Value ("AD_Image_ID", Integer.valueOf(AD_Image_ID));
  116. }
  117. /** Get Image.
  118. @return Image or Icon */
  119. public int getAD_Image_ID()
  120. {
  121. return get_ValueAsInt("AD_Image_ID");
  122. }
  123. /** Set Process.
  124. @param AD_Process_ID Process or Report */
  125. public void setAD_Process_ID (int AD_Process_ID)
  126. {
  127. if (AD_Process_ID <= 0) set_Value ("AD_Process_ID", null);
  128. else
  129. set_Value ("AD_Process_ID", Integer.valueOf(AD_Process_ID));
  130. }
  131. /** Get Process.
  132. @return Process or Report */
  133. public int getAD_Process_ID()
  134. {
  135. return get_ValueAsInt("AD_Process_ID");
  136. }
  137. /** Set OS Task.
  138. @param AD_Task_ID Operation System Task */
  139. public void setAD_Task_ID (int AD_Task_ID)
  140. {
  141. if (AD_Task_ID <= 0) set_Value ("AD_Task_ID", null);
  142. else
  143. set_Value ("AD_Task_ID", Integer.valueOf(AD_Task_ID));
  144. }
  145. /** Get OS Task.
  146. @return Operation System Task */
  147. public int getAD_Task_ID()
  148. {
  149. return get_ValueAsInt("AD_Task_ID");
  150. }
  151. /** Set Workflow Block.
  152. @param AD_WF_Block_ID Workflow Transaction Execution Block */
  153. public void setAD_WF_Block_ID (int AD_WF_Block_ID)
  154. {
  155. if (AD_WF_Block_ID <= 0) set_Value ("AD_WF_Block_ID", null);
  156. else
  157. set_Value ("AD_WF_Block_ID", Integer.valueOf(AD_WF_Block_ID));
  158. }
  159. /** Get Workflow Block.
  160. @return Workflow Transaction Execution Block */
  161. public int getAD_WF_Block_ID()
  162. {
  163. return get_ValueAsInt("AD_WF_Block_ID");
  164. }
  165. /** Set Node.
  166. @param AD_WF_Node_ID Workflow Node (activity), step or process */
  167. public void setAD_WF_Node_ID (int AD_WF_Node_ID)
  168. {
  169. if (AD_WF_Node_ID < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("AD_WF_Node_ID is mandatory.");
  170. set_ValueNoCheck ("AD_WF_Node_ID", Integer.valueOf(AD_WF_Node_ID));
  171. }
  172. /** Get Node.
  173. @return Workflow Node (activity), step or process */
  174. public int getAD_WF_Node_ID()
  175. {
  176. return get_ValueAsInt("AD_WF_Node_ID");
  177. }
  178. /** Set Workflow Responsible.
  179. @param AD_WF_Responsible_ID Responsible for Workflow Execution */
  180. public void setAD_WF_Responsible_ID (int AD_WF_Responsible_ID)
  181. {
  182. if (AD_WF_Responsible_ID <= 0) set_Value ("AD_WF_Responsible_ID", null);
  183. else
  184. set_Value ("AD_WF_Responsible_ID", Integer.valueOf(AD_WF_Responsible_ID));
  185. }
  186. /** Get Workflow Responsible.
  187. @return Responsible for Workflow Execution */
  188. public int getAD_WF_Responsible_ID()
  189. {
  190. return get_ValueAsInt("AD_WF_Responsible_ID");
  191. }
  192. /** Set Window.
  193. @param AD_Window_ID Data entry or display window */
  194. public void setAD_Window_ID (int AD_Window_ID)
  195. {
  196. if (AD_Window_ID <= 0) set_Value ("AD_Window_ID", null);
  197. else
  198. set_Value ("AD_Window_ID", Integer.valueOf(AD_Window_ID));
  199. }
  200. /** Get Window.
  201. @return Data entry or display window */
  202. public int getAD_Window_ID()
  203. {
  204. return get_ValueAsInt("AD_Window_ID");
  205. }
  206. /** Set Workflow.
  207. @param AD_Workflow_ID Workflow or combination of tasks */
  208. public void setAD_Workflow_ID (int AD_Workflow_ID)
  209. {
  210. if (AD_Workflow_ID < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("AD_Workflow_ID is mandatory.");
  211. set_ValueNoCheck ("AD_Workflow_ID", Integer.valueOf(AD_Workflow_ID));
  212. }
  213. /** Get Workflow.
  214. @return Workflow or combination of tasks */
  215. public int getAD_Workflow_ID()
  216. {
  217. return get_ValueAsInt("AD_Workflow_ID");
  218. }
  219. /** Action AD_Reference_ID=302 */
  220. public static final int ACTION_AD_Reference_ID=302;
  221. /** User Workbench = B */
  222. public static final String ACTION_UserWorkbench = X_Ref_WF_Action.USER_WORKBENCH.getValue();
  223. /** User Choice = C */
  224. public static final String ACTION_UserChoice = X_Ref_WF_Action.USER_CHOICE.getValue();
  225. /** Document Action = D */
  226. public static final String ACTION_DocumentAction = X_Ref_WF_Action.DOCUMENT_ACTION.getValue();
  227. /** Sub Workflow = F */
  228. public static final String ACTION_SubWorkflow = X_Ref_WF_Action.SUB_WORKFLOW.getValue();
  229. /** EMail = M */
  230. public static final String ACTION_EMail = X_Ref_WF_Action.E_MAIL.getValue();
  231. /** Apps Process = P */
  232. public static final String ACTION_AppsProcess = X_Ref_WF_Action.APPS_PROCESS.getValue();
  233. /** Apps Report = R */
  234. public static final String ACTION_AppsReport = X_Ref_WF_Action.APPS_REPORT.getValue();
  235. /** Apps Task = T */
  236. public static final String ACTION_AppsTask = X_Ref_WF_Action.APPS_TASK.getValue();
  237. /** Set Variable = V */
  238. public static final String ACTION_SetVariable = X_Ref_WF_Action.SET_VARIABLE.getValue();
  239. /** User Window = W */
  240. public static final String ACTION_UserWindow = X_Ref_WF_Action.USER_WINDOW.getValue();
  241. /** User Form = X */
  242. public static final String ACTION_UserForm = X_Ref_WF_Action.USER_FORM.getValue();
  243. /** Wait (Sleep) = Z */
  244. public static final String ACTION_WaitSleep = X_Ref_WF_Action.WAIT_SLEEP.getValue();
  245. /** Is test a valid value.
  246. @param test testvalue
  247. @return true if valid **/
  248. public static boolean isActionValid(String test)
  249. {
  250. return X_Ref_WF_Action.isValid(test);
  251. }
  252. /** Set Action.
  253. @param Action Indicates the Action to be performed */
  254. public void setAction (String Action)
  255. {
  256. if (Action == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Action is mandatory");
  257. if (!isActionValid(Action))
  258. throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Action Invalid value - " + Action + " - Reference_ID=302 - B - C - D - F - M - P - R - T - V - W - X - Z");
  259. set_Value ("Action", Action);
  260. }
  261. /** Get Action.
  262. @return Indicates the Action to be performed */
  263. public String getAction()
  264. {
  265. return (String)get_Value("Action");
  266. }
  267. /** Set Attribute Name.
  268. @param AttributeName Name of the Attribute */
  269. public void setAttributeName (String AttributeName)
  270. {
  271. set_Value ("AttributeName", AttributeName);
  272. }
  273. /** Get Attribute Name.
  274. @return Name of the Attribute */
  275. public String getAttributeName()
  276. {
  277. return (String)get_Value("AttributeName");
  278. }
  279. /** Set Attribute Value.
  280. @param AttributeValue Value of the Attribute */
  281. public void setAttributeValue (String AttributeValue)
  282. {
  283. set_Value ("AttributeValue", AttributeValue);
  284. }
  285. /** Get Attribute Value.
  286. @return Value of the Attribute */
  287. public String getAttributeValue()
  288. {
  289. return (String)get_Value("AttributeValue");
  290. }
  291. /** Set Cost.
  292. @param Cost Cost information */
  293. public void setCost (java.math.BigDecimal Cost)
  294. {
  295. set_Value ("Cost", Cost);
  296. }
  297. /** Get Cost.
  298. @return Cost information */
  299. public java.math.BigDecimal getCost()
  300. {
  301. return get_ValueAsBigDecimal("Cost");
  302. }
  303. /** Set Description.
  304. @param Description Optional short description of the record */
  305. public void setDescription (String Description)
  306. {
  307. set_Value ("Description", Description);
  308. }
  309. /** Get Description.
  310. @return Optional short description of the record */
  311. public String getDescription()
  312. {
  313. return (String)get_Value("Description");
  314. }
  315. /** DocAction AD_Reference_ID=135 */
  316. public static final int DOCACTION_AD_Reference_ID=135;
  317. /** <None> = -- */
  318. public static final String DOCACTION_None = X_Ref__Document_Action.NONE.getValue();
  319. /** Approve = AP */
  320. public static final String DOCACTION_Approve = X_Ref__Document_Action.APPROVE.getValue();
  321. /** Close = CL */
  322. public static final String DOCACTION_Close = X_Ref__Document_Action.CLOSE.getValue();
  323. /** Complete = CO */
  324. public static final String DOCACTION_Complete = X_Ref__Document_Action.COMPLETE.getValue();
  325. /** Invalidate = IN */
  326. public static final String DOCACTION_Invalidate = X_Ref__Document_Action.INVALIDATE.getValue();
  327. /** Post = PO */
  328. public static final String DOCACTION_Post = X_Ref__Document_Action.POST.getValue();
  329. /** Prepare = PR */
  330. public static final String DOCACTION_Prepare = X_Ref__Document_Action.PREPARE.getValue();
  331. /** Reverse - Accrual = RA */
  332. public static final String DOCACTION_Reverse_Accrual = X_Ref__Document_Action.REVERSE__ACCRUAL.getValue();
  333. /** Reverse - Correct = RC */
  334. public static final String DOCACTION_Reverse_Correct = X_Ref__Document_Action.REVERSE__CORRECT.getValue();
  335. /** Re-activate = RE */
  336. public static final String DOCACTION_Re_Activate = X_Ref__Document_Action.RE__ACTIVATE.getValue();
  337. /** Reject = RJ */
  338. public static final String DOCACTION_Reject = X_Ref__Document_Action.REJECT.getValue();
  339. /** Void = VO */
  340. public static final String DOCACTION_Void = X_Ref__Document_Action.VOID.getValue();
  341. /** Wait Complete = WC */
  342. public static final String DOCACTION_WaitComplete = X_Ref__Document_Action.WAIT_COMPLETE.getValue();
  343. /** Unlock = XL */
  344. public static final String DOCACTION_Unlock = X_Ref__Document_Action.UNLOCK.getValue();
  345. /** Is test a valid value.
  346. @param test testvalue
  347. @return true if valid **/
  348. public static boolean isDocActionValid(String test)
  349. {
  350. return X_Ref__Document_Action.isValid(test);
  351. }
  352. /** Set Document Action.
  353. @param DocAction The targeted status of the document */
  354. public void setDocAction (String DocAction)
  355. {
  356. if (!isDocActionValid(DocAction))
  357. throw new IllegalArgumentException ("DocAction Invalid value - " + DocAction + " - Reference_ID=135 - -- - AP - CL - CO - IN - PO - PR - RA - RC - RE - RJ - VO - WC - XL");
  358. set_Value ("DocAction", DocAction);
  359. }
  360. /** Get Document Action.
  361. @return The targeted status of the document */
  362. public String getDocAction()
  363. {
  364. return (String)get_Value("DocAction");
  365. }
  366. /** Set Duration.
  367. @param Duration Normal Duration in Duration Unit */
  368. public void setDuration (int Duration)
  369. {
  370. set_Value ("Duration", Integer.valueOf(Duration));
  371. }
  372. /** Get Duration.
  373. @return Normal Duration in Duration Unit */
  374. public int getDuration()
  375. {
  376. return get_ValueAsInt("Duration");
  377. }
  378. /** Set Duration Limit.
  379. @param DurationLimit Maximum Duration in Duration Unit */
  380. public void setDurationLimit (int DurationLimit)
  381. {
  382. set_Value ("DurationLimit", Integer.valueOf(DurationLimit));
  383. }
  384. /** Get Duration Limit.
  385. @return Maximum Duration in Duration Unit */
  386. public int getDurationLimit()
  387. {
  388. return get_ValueAsInt("DurationLimit");
  389. }
  390. /** Set Dynamic Priority Change.
  391. @param DynPriorityChange Change of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for user */
  392. public void setDynPriorityChange (java.math.BigDecimal DynPriorityChange)
  393. {
  394. set_Value ("DynPriorityChange", DynPriorityChange);
  395. }
  396. /** Get Dynamic Priority Change.
  397. @return Change of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for user */
  398. public java.math.BigDecimal getDynPriorityChange()
  399. {
  400. return get_ValueAsBigDecimal("DynPriorityChange");
  401. }
  402. /** DynPriorityUnit AD_Reference_ID=221 */
  403. public static final int DYNPRIORITYUNIT_AD_Reference_ID=221;
  404. /** Day = D */
  405. public static final String DYNPRIORITYUNIT_Day = X_Ref__Frequency_Type.DAY.getValue();
  406. /** Hour = H */
  407. public static final String DYNPRIORITYUNIT_Hour = X_Ref__Frequency_Type.HOUR.getValue();
  408. /** Minute = M */
  409. public static final String DYNPRIORITYUNIT_Minute = X_Ref__Frequency_Type.MINUTE.getValue();
  410. /** Is test a valid value.
  411. @param test testvalue
  412. @return true if valid **/
  413. public static boolean isDynPriorityUnitValid(String test)
  414. {
  415. return X_Ref__Frequency_Type.isValid(test);
  416. }
  417. /** Set Dynamic Priority Unit.
  418. @param DynPriorityUnit Change of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for user */
  419. public void setDynPriorityUnit (String DynPriorityUnit)
  420. {
  421. if (!isDynPriorityUnitValid(DynPriorityUnit))
  422. throw new IllegalArgumentException ("DynPriorityUnit Invalid value - " + DynPriorityUnit + " - Reference_ID=221 - D - H - M");
  423. set_Value ("DynPriorityUnit", DynPriorityUnit);
  424. }
  425. /** Get Dynamic Priority Unit.
  426. @return Change of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for user */
  427. public String getDynPriorityUnit()
  428. {
  429. return (String)get_Value("DynPriorityUnit");
  430. }
  431. /** Set EMail Address.
  432. @param EMail Electronic Mail Address */
  433. public void setEMail (String EMail)
  434. {
  435. set_Value ("EMail", EMail);
  436. }
  437. /** Get EMail Address.
  438. @return Electronic Mail Address */
  439. public String getEMail()
  440. {
  441. return (String)get_Value("EMail");
  442. }
  443. /** EMailRecipient AD_Reference_ID=363 */
  444. public static final int EMAILRECIPIENT_AD_Reference_ID=363;
  445. /** Document Business Partner = B */
  446. public static final String EMAILRECIPIENT_DocumentBusinessPartner = X_Ref_AD_WF_Node_EMailRecipient.DOCUMENT_BUSINESS_PARTNER.getValue();
  447. /** Document Owner = D */
  448. public static final String EMAILRECIPIENT_DocumentOwner = X_Ref_AD_WF_Node_EMailRecipient.DOCUMENT_OWNER.getValue();
  449. /** WF Responsible = R */
  450. public static final String EMAILRECIPIENT_WFResponsible = X_Ref_AD_WF_Node_EMailRecipient.WF_RESPONSIBLE.getValue();
  451. /** Is test a valid value.
  452. @param test testvalue
  453. @return true if valid **/
  454. public static boolean isEMailRecipientValid(String test)
  455. {
  456. return X_Ref_AD_WF_Node_EMailRecipient.isValid(test);
  457. }
  458. /** Set EMail Recipient.
  459. @param EMailRecipient Recipient of the EMail */
  460. public void setEMailRecipient (String EMailRecipient)
  461. {
  462. if (!isEMailRecipientValid(EMailRecipient))
  463. throw new IllegalArgumentException ("EMailRecipient Invalid value - " + EMailRecipient + " - Reference_ID=363 - B - D - R");
  464. set_Value ("EMailRecipient", EMailRecipient);
  465. }
  466. /** Get EMail Recipient.
  467. @return Recipient of the EMail */
  468. public String getEMailRecipient()
  469. {
  470. return (String)get_Value("EMailRecipient");
  471. }
  472. /** EntityType AD_Reference_ID=389 */
  473. public static final int ENTITYTYPE_AD_Reference_ID=389;
  474. /** Set Entity Type.
  475. @param EntityType Dictionary Entity Type;
  476. Determines ownership and synchronization */
  477. public void setEntityType (String EntityType)
  478. {
  479. set_Value ("EntityType", EntityType);
  480. }
  481. /** Get Entity Type.
  482. @return Dictionary Entity Type;
  483. Determines ownership and synchronization */
  484. public String getEntityType()
  485. {
  486. return (String)get_Value("EntityType");
  487. }
  488. /** FinishMode AD_Reference_ID=303 */
  489. public static final int FINISHMODE_AD_Reference_ID=303;
  490. /** Automatic = A */
  491. public static final String FINISHMODE_Automatic = X_Ref_WF_Start_Finish_Mode.AUTOMATIC.getValue();
  492. /** Manual = M */
  493. public static final String FINISHMODE_Manual = X_Ref_WF_Start_Finish_Mode.MANUAL.getValue();
  494. /** Is test a valid value.
  495. @param test testvalue
  496. @return true if valid **/
  497. public static boolean isFinishModeValid(String test)
  498. {
  499. return X_Ref_WF_Start_Finish_Mode.isValid(test);
  500. }
  501. /** Set Finish Mode.
  502. @param FinishMode Workflow Activity Finish Mode */
  503. public void setFinishMode (String FinishMode)
  504. {
  505. if (!isFinishModeValid(FinishMode))
  506. throw new IllegalArgumentException ("FinishMode Invalid value - " + FinishMode + " - Reference_ID=303 - A - M");
  507. set_Value ("FinishMode", FinishMode);
  508. }
  509. /** Get Finish Mode.
  510. @return Workflow Activity Finish Mode */
  511. public String getFinishMode()
  512. {
  513. return (String)get_Value("FinishMode");
  514. }
  515. /** Set Comment.
  516. @param Help Comment, Help or Hint */
  517. public void setHelp (String Help)
  518. {
  519. set_Value ("Help", Help);
  520. }
  521. /** Get Comment.
  522. @return Comment, Help or Hint */
  523. public String getHelp()
  524. {
  525. return (String)get_Value("Help");
  526. }
  527. /** Set Centrally maintained.
  528. @param IsCentrallyMaintained Information maintained in System Element table */
  529. public void setIsCentrallyMaintained (boolean IsCentrallyMaintained)
  530. {
  531. set_Value ("IsCentrallyMaintained", Boolean.valueOf(IsCentrallyMaintained));
  532. }
  533. /** Get Centrally maintained.
  534. @return Information maintained in System Element table */
  535. public boolean isCentrallyMaintained()
  536. {
  537. return get_ValueAsBoolean("IsCentrallyMaintained");
  538. }
  539. /** JoinElement AD_Reference_ID=301 */
  540. public static final int JOINELEMENT_AD_Reference_ID=301;
  541. /** AND = A */
  542. public static final String JOINELEMENT_AND = X_Ref_WF_Join_Split.AND.getValue();
  543. /** XOR = X */
  544. public static final String JOINELEMENT_XOR = X_Ref_WF_Join_Split.XOR.getValue();
  545. /** Is test a valid value.
  546. @param test testvalue
  547. @return true if valid **/
  548. public static boolean isJoinElementValid(String test)
  549. {
  550. return X_Ref_WF_Join_Split.isValid(test);
  551. }
  552. /** Set Join Element.
  553. @param JoinElement Semantics for multiple incoming Transitions */
  554. public void setJoinElement (String JoinElement)
  555. {
  556. if (JoinElement == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("JoinElement is mandatory");
  557. if (!isJoinElementValid(JoinElement))
  558. throw new IllegalArgumentException ("JoinElement Invalid value - " + JoinElement + " - Reference_ID=301 - A - X");
  559. set_Value ("JoinElement", JoinElement);
  560. }
  561. /** Get Join Element.
  562. @return Semantics for multiple incoming Transitions */
  563. public String getJoinElement()
  564. {
  565. return (String)get_Value("JoinElement");
  566. }
  567. /** Set Name.
  568. @param Name Alphanumeric identifier of the entity */
  569. public void setName (String Name)
  570. {
  571. if (Name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Name is mandatory.");
  572. set_Value ("Name", Name);
  573. }
  574. /** Get Name.
  575. @return Alphanumeric identifier of the entity */
  576. public String getName()
  577. {
  578. return (String)get_Value("Name");
  579. }
  580. /** Get Record ID/ColumnName
  581. @return ID/ColumnName pair */
  582. public KeyNamePair getKeyNamePair()
  583. {
  584. return new KeyNamePair(get_ID(), getName());
  585. }
  586. /** Set Priority.
  587. @param Priority Indicates if this request is of a high, medium or low priority. */
  588. public void setPriority (int Priority)
  589. {
  590. set_Value ("Priority", Integer.valueOf(Priority));
  591. }
  592. /** Get Priority.
  593. @return Indicates if this request is of a high, medium or low priority. */
  594. public int getPriority()
  595. {
  596. return get_ValueAsInt("Priority");
  597. }
  598. /** Set Mail Template.
  599. @param R_MailText_ID Text templates for mailings */
  600. public void setR_MailText_ID (int R_MailText_ID)
  601. {
  602. if (R_MailText_ID <= 0) set_Value ("R_MailText_ID", null);
  603. else
  604. set_Value ("R_MailText_ID", Integer.valueOf(R_MailText_ID));
  605. }
  606. /** Get Mail Template.
  607. @return Text templates for mailings */
  608. public int getR_MailText_ID()
  609. {
  610. return get_ValueAsInt("R_MailText_ID");
  611. }
  612. /** SplitElement AD_Reference_ID=301 */
  613. public static final int SPLITELEMENT_AD_Reference_ID=301;
  614. /** AND = A */
  615. public static final String SPLITELEMENT_AND = X_Ref_WF_Join_Split.AND.getValue();
  616. /** XOR = X */
  617. public static final String SPLITELEMENT_XOR = X_Ref_WF_Join_Split.XOR.getValue();
  618. /** Is test a valid value.
  619. @param test testvalue
  620. @return true if valid **/
  621. public static boolean isSplitElementValid(String test)
  622. {
  623. return X_Ref_WF_Join_Split.isValid(test);
  624. }
  625. /** Set Split Element.
  626. @param SplitElement Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions */
  627. public void setSplitElement (String SplitElement)
  628. {
  629. if (SplitElement == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("SplitElement is mandatory");
  630. if (!isSplitElementValid(SplitElement))
  631. throw new IllegalArgumentException ("SplitElement Invalid value - " + SplitElement + " - Reference_ID=301 - A - X");
  632. set_Value ("SplitElement", SplitElement);
  633. }
  634. /** Get Split Element.
  635. @return Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions */
  636. public String getSplitElement()
  637. {
  638. return (String)get_Value("SplitElement");
  639. }
  640. /** StartMode AD_Reference_ID=303 */
  641. public static final int STARTMODE_AD_Reference_ID=303;
  642. /** Automatic = A */
  643. public static final String STARTMODE_Automatic = X_Ref_WF_Start_Finish_Mode.AUTOMATIC.getValue();
  644. /** Manual = M */
  645. public static final String STARTMODE_Manual = X_Ref_WF_Start_Finish_Mode.MANUAL.getValue();
  646. /** Is test a valid value.
  647. @param test testvalue
  648. @return true if valid **/
  649. public static boolean isStartModeValid(String test)
  650. {
  651. return X_Ref_WF_Start_Finish_Mode.isValid(test);
  652. }
  653. /** Set Start Mode.
  654. @param StartMode Workflow Activity Start Mode */
  655. public void setStartMode (String StartMode)
  656. {
  657. if (!isStartModeValid(StartMode))
  658. throw new IllegalArgumentException ("StartMode Invalid value - " + StartMode + " - Reference_ID=303 - A - M");
  659. set_Value ("StartMode", StartMode);
  660. }
  661. /** Get Start Mode.
  662. @return Workflow Activity Start Mode */
  663. public String getStartMode()
  664. {
  665. return (String)get_Value("StartMode");
  666. }
  667. /** SubflowExecution AD_Reference_ID=307 */
  668. public static final int SUBFLOWEXECUTION_AD_Reference_ID=307;
  669. /** Asynchronously = A */
  670. public static final String SUBFLOWEXECUTION_Asynchronously = X_Ref_WF_SubFlow_Execution.ASYNCHRONOUSLY.getValue();
  671. /** Synchronously = S */
  672. public static final String SUBFLOWEXECUTION_Synchronously = X_Ref_WF_SubFlow_Execution.SYNCHRONOUSLY.getValue();
  673. /** Is test a valid value.
  674. @param test testvalue
  675. @return true if valid **/
  676. public static boolean isSubflowExecutionValid(String test)
  677. {
  678. return X_Ref_WF_SubFlow_Execution.isValid(test);
  679. }
  680. /** Set Subflow Execution.
  681. @param SubflowExecution Mode how the sub-workflow is executed */
  682. public void setSubflowExecution (String SubflowExecution)
  683. {
  684. if (!isSubflowExecutionValid(SubflowExecution))
  685. throw new IllegalArgumentException ("SubflowExecution Invalid value - " + SubflowExecution + " - Reference_ID=307 - A - S");
  686. set_Value ("SubflowExecution", SubflowExecution);
  687. }
  688. /** Get Subflow Execution.
  689. @return Mode how the sub-workflow is executed */
  690. public String getSubflowExecution()
  691. {
  692. return (String)get_Value("SubflowExecution");
  693. }
  694. /** Set Search Key.
  695. @param Value Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique */
  696. public void setValue (String Value)
  697. {
  698. if (Value == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Value is mandatory.");
  699. set_Value ("Value", Value);
  700. }
  701. /** Get Search Key.
  702. @return Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique */
  703. public String getValue()
  704. {
  705. return (String)get_Value("Value");
  706. }
  707. /** Set Wait Time.
  708. @param WaitTime Time in minutes to wait (sleep) */
  709. public void setWaitTime (int WaitTime)
  710. {
  711. set_Value ("WaitTime", Integer.valueOf(WaitTime));
  712. }
  713. /** Get Wait Time.
  714. @return Time in minutes to wait (sleep) */
  715. public int getWaitTime()
  716. {
  717. return get_ValueAsInt("WaitTime");
  718. }
  719. /** Set Waiting Time.
  720. @param WaitingTime Workflow Simulation Waiting time */
  721. public void setWaitingTime (int WaitingTime)
  722. {
  723. set_Value ("WaitingTime", Integer.valueOf(WaitingTime));
  724. }
  725. /** Get Waiting Time.
  726. @return Workflow Simulation Waiting time */
  727. public int getWaitingTime()
  728. {
  729. return get_ValueAsInt("WaitingTime");
  730. }
  731. /** Workflow_ID AD_Reference_ID=174 */
  732. public static final int WORKFLOW_ID_AD_Reference_ID=174;
  733. /** Set Workflow.
  734. @param Workflow_ID Workflow or tasks */
  735. public void setWorkflow_ID (int Workflow_ID)
  736. {
  737. if (Workflow_ID <= 0) set_Value ("Workflow_ID", null);
  738. else
  739. set_Value ("Workflow_ID", Integer.valueOf(Workflow_ID));
  740. }
  741. /** Get Workflow.
  742. @return Workflow or tasks */
  743. public int getWorkflow_ID()
  744. {
  745. return get_ValueAsInt("Workflow_ID");
  746. }
  747. /** Set Working Time.
  748. @param WorkingTime Workflow Simulation Execution Time */
  749. public void setWorkingTime (int WorkingTime)
  750. {
  751. set_Value ("WorkingTime", Integer.valueOf(WorkingTime));
  752. }
  753. /** Get Working Time.
  754. @return Workflow Simulation Execution Time */
  755. public int getWorkingTime()
  756. {
  757. return get_ValueAsInt("WorkingTime");
  758. }
  759. /** Set X Position.
  760. @param XPosition Absolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inch */
  761. public void setXPosition (int XPosition)
  762. {
  763. set_Value ("XPosition", Integer.valueOf(XPosition));
  764. }
  765. /** Get X Position.
  766. @return Absolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inch */
  767. public int getXPosition()
  768. {
  769. return get_ValueAsInt("XPosition");
  770. }
  771. /** Set Y Position.
  772. @param YPosition Absolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inch */
  773. public void setYPosition (int YPosition)
  774. {
  775. set_Value ("YPosition", Integer.valueOf(YPosition));
  776. }
  777. /** Get Y Position.
  778. @return Absolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inch */
  779. public int getYPosition()
  780. {
  781. return get_ValueAsInt("YPosition");
  782. }
  783. }