Java | 1732 lines | 1071 code | 141 blank | 520 comment | 245 complexity | b786fbb645f858eb9a90dd0e6c214010 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * $Source: /cvsroot2/open/projects/WebARTS/ca/bc/webarts/widgets/Util.java,v $
- * $Name: $
- *
- * $Revision: 1.21 $
- * $Date: 2005-04-10 11:53:16 -0700 (Sun, 10 Apr 2005) $
- * $Locker: $
- *
- *
- * Written by Tom Gutwin - WebARTS Design.
- * Copyright (C) 2001 WebARTS Design, North Vancouver Canada
- * http://www.webarts.bc.ca
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- package ca.bc.webarts.widgets;
- import ca.bc.webarts.tools.Log;
- import ca.bc.webarts.tools.StreamGobbler;
- import gnu.regexp.RE;
- import gnu.regexp.REException;
- import java.awt.Component;
- import java.awt.Frame;
- import java.awt.Image;
- import java.awt.Toolkit;
- import java.io.BufferedReader;
- import java.io.File;
- import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
- import java.io.FileOutputStream;
- import java.io.FileReader;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.io.InputStream;
- import java.io.PrintStream;
- import java.net.InetAddress;
- import java.net.MalformedURLException;
- import java.net.URL;
- import java.net.UnknownHostException;
- import java.text.DecimalFormat;
- import java.util.Calendar;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.Enumeration;
- import java.util.Hashtable;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Vector;
- import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
- import java.util.jar.JarFile;
- import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
- import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
- import javax.swing.JFrame;
- import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
- import javax.swing.UIManager;
- import java.io.*;
- import org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileUtils;
- import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Replace;
- /**
- * A set of useful utility methods/functions for reuse.
- *
- * @author Tom Gutwin P.Eng
- */
- public class Util
- {
- /** A holder for this clients System File Separator. */
- public final static String SYSTEM_FILE_SEPERATOR = File.separator;
- /** A holder for this clients System line termination separator. */
- public final static String SYSTEM_LINE_SEPERATOR =
- System.getProperty("line.separator");
- /**
- * A constant to specify which dialog to open with the chooseFileDialog.
- */
- public final static short OPEN_DIALOG = 0;
- /**
- * A constant to specify which dialog to open with the chooseFileDialog.
- */
- public final static short SAVE_DIALOG = 1;
- /** The VM classpath (used in some methods).. */
- public static String CLASSPATH = System.getProperty("class.path");
- /** The users home ditrectory. */
- public static String USERHOME = System.getProperty("user.home");
- /** The users pwd ditrectory. */
- public static String USERDIR = System.getProperty("user.dir");
- /** A holder This classes name (used when logging). */
- private static String CLASSNAME = "ca.bc.webarts.widgets.Util";
- /**
- * the Metal LookAndFeel CONSTANT.
- */
- public static final short METAL_LOOKANDFEEL = 0;
- /**
- * the Windoze LookAndFeel CONSTANT.
- */
- public static final short WINDOZE_LOOKANDFEEL = 1;
- /**
- * the Motif LookAndFeel CONSTANT.
- */
- public static final short MOTIF_LOOKANDFEEL = 2;
- /**
- * the Mac LookAndFeel CONSTANT.
- */
- public static final short MAC_LOOKANDFEEL = 3;
- /**
- */
- public static final short DEFAULT_LOOKANDFEEL = METAL_LOOKANDFEEL;
- /**
- * the Mac LookAndFeel class name
- */
- public static String macClassName =
- "com.sun.java.swing.plaf.mac.MacLookAndFeel";
- /**
- * the Java LookAndFeel class name
- */
- public static String metalClassName =
- "javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel";
- /**
- * the motif LookAndFeel class name
- */
- public static String motifClassName =
- "com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel";
- /**
- * the Windoze LookAndFeel class name
- */
- public static String windowsClassName =
- "com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel";
- /** Gets a Log instance in case any calling classes are using it. */
- private static Log log_ = Log.getInstance();
- /** Class flag signifying if the initUtil method has been called */
- private static boolean initUtil = false;
- /** Class flag for the threadWatchdog method to enable the calling user
- * to stop the watch. */
- public static boolean watchdogReset = false;
- /** Inits the log and some other vars.*/
- private static synchronized void initUtil()
- {
- final String methodName = CLASSNAME + ": initUtil()";
- if (!initUtil || log_ == null)
- {
- //System.out.println("Into the init block");
- log_ = Log.getInstance();
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.setLogLevel(Log.MAJOR);
- log_.startMethod(methodName);
- }
- CLASSPATH = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
- //System.out.println("In "+methodName);
- initUtil = true;
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.endMethod();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Ensures that a folder exists.
- *
- * <TR>
- *
- * <TDCOLSPAN="2">
- * <H2>Ensures that a folder exists</H2>
- * </TD>
- *
- * </TR>
- *
- * <TR>
- *
- * <TDCOLSPAN="2">
- * <BR>
- * <B>Description:</B> <BR>
- * use it like this: <br>
- * ensureFolderExists(new File(fileName).getParentFile());
- * </TD>
- *
- * </TR>
- *
- * </TABLE>
- *
- *
- * @param folder The File object to check.
- */
- public static void ensureFolderExists(File folder)
- {
- //System.out.println(" 1 Making Dir: "+folder.getAbsolutePath());
- if ((folder != null) && !(folder.isDirectory() ))
- {
- //System.out.println(" 2 Making Dir: "+folder.getAbsolutePath());
- ensureFolderExists(folder.getParentFile());
- //System.out.print(" 3 Making Dir: "+folder.getAbsolutePath());
- boolean suc = folder.mkdir();
- //System.out.println(" -->"+(suc?"Successful":"Failed"));
- }
- }
- public static void ensureFolderExists(String foldername)
- {
- if (foldername != null && !foldername.equals(""))
- {
- File folder = new File(foldername);
- ensureFolderExists(folder);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Moves the specified file to the specified directory. It will create
- * the target dir if it does not exist.
- *
- * @param filename is the absoulte pathname of the file to move.
- * @param foldername is the directory to move it to.
- **/
- public static boolean moveFile(String filename, String foldername)
- {
- boolean retVal = false;
- if (foldername != null && !foldername.equals("") &&
- filename != null && !filename.equals(""))
- {
- File fromFile = new File(filename);
- if (fromFile != null && fromFile.exists())
- {
- File folder = new File(foldername);
- ensureFolderExists(folder);
- File toFile = new File(foldername+File.separator+fromFile.getName());
- retVal = fromFile.renameTo(toFile);
- if (!retVal)
- {
- // Try Native move call
- String [] ss = {filename,foldername};
- String ret = executeNativeApp("/bin/mv",ss,false);
- System.out.println(" Native mv: "+ ret);
- }
- }
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * A simple byte to Hex String converter.
- *
- * @param b The byte to convert
- * @return The resultant Hex String
- */
- public static String toHEXString(byte b)
- {
- return ("" + "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(0xf & b >> 4) +
- "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(b & 0xF));
- }
- /**
- * SetsIcon for the passed in Frame
- *
- * @param imageFilename - is the filename for the new icon
- * @param appFrame The new iconForApp value
- */
- public static void setIconForApp(JFrame appFrame, String imageFilename)
- {
- setIconForApp(appFrame, Util.class.getResource(imageFilename));
- }
- // end of setIconForApp
- /**
- * SetsIcon for the passed in Frame
- *
- * @param imageUrl - is the URL for the new icon
- * @param appFrame The new iconForApp value
- */
- public static void setIconForApp(JFrame appFrame, URL imageUrl)
- {
- ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon(imageUrl);
- appFrame.setIconImage(image.getImage());
- image = null;
- }
- // end of setIconForApp
- /**
- * Creates a timestamp for the current date. It is in the form of 'year +
- * "-" + month "-" + date "-" + hour "-" + seconds<br>
- * For example: 2003-245
- *
- * @return The CurrentDateTime value.
- */
- public static String createCurrentDateTime()
- {
- Calendar calendar_ = Calendar.getInstance();
- return ""+ calendar_.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "-" +
- calendar_.get(Calendar.MONTH)+ "-" +
- calendar_.get(Calendar.DATE)+ "-" +
- calendar_.get(Calendar. HOUR_OF_DAY )+ "-" +
- calendar_.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a timestamp for the current date. It is in the form of 'year +
- * "-" + dayNum <br>
- * For example: 2003-245
- *
- * @return The CurrentTimeStamp value.
- */
- public static String createCurrentDateStamp()
- {
- Calendar calendar_ = Calendar.getInstance();
- return ""+ calendar_.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "-" +
- calendar_.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a timestamp for the current date and time. It is in the form of 'year +
- * "-" + dayNum + "-" + hour + "-" + min + "-" + sec + "-" + millis'.<br>
- * For example: 2003-245-14-34-52-224
- *
- * @return The CurrentTimeStamp value.
- */
- public static String createCurrentDateTimeStamp()
- {
- Calendar calendar_ = Calendar.getInstance();
- return ""+ calendar_.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "-" +
- calendar_.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) + "-" +createCurrentTimeStamp();
- }
- /**
- * Creates a timestamp for the current time in the form of 'hour + "-" + min
- * + "-" + sec + "-" + millis'.
- *
- * @return The CurrentTimeStamp value.
- */
- public static String createCurrentTimeStamp()
- {
- String value = "";
- Calendar calendar_ = Calendar.getInstance();
- int currMillis = calendar_.get(calendar_.MILLISECOND);
- String millis = String.valueOf(currMillis);
- if (currMillis < 10)
- {
- millis = "00" + currMillis;
- }
- else if (currMillis < 100)
- {
- millis = "0" + currMillis;
- }
- int currSec = calendar_.get(calendar_.SECOND);
- String sec = String.valueOf(currSec);
- if (currSec < 10)
- {
- sec = "0" + currSec;
- }
- int currMin = calendar_.get(calendar_.MINUTE);
- String min = String.valueOf(currMin);
- if (currMin < 10)
- {
- min = "0" + currMin;
- }
- int currHr = calendar_.get(calendar_.HOUR_OF_DAY);
- String hour = String.valueOf(currHr);
- if (currHr < 10)
- {
- hour = "0" + currHr;
- }
- return (String) hour + "-" + min + "-" + sec + "-" + millis;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a Timer timestamp from the current time to the passed startTime
- * in the form of <BR>
- * 'hour + "-" + min + "-" + sec + "-" + millis'.
- *
- *
- * @return The Timer Timestamp value.
- */
- public static String createTimerTimeStamp(int startTimeMillis)
- {
- String value = "";
- Calendar calendar_ = Calendar.getInstance();
- int currMillis = calendar_.get(calendar_.MILLISECOND) - startTimeMillis;
- String millis = String.valueOf(currMillis);
- int currSec = calendar_.get(calendar_.SECOND);
- String sec = String.valueOf(currSec);
- int currMin = calendar_.get(calendar_.MINUTE);
- String min = String.valueOf(currMin);
- int currHr = calendar_.get(calendar_.HOUR_OF_DAY);
- String hour = String.valueOf(currHr);
- if (currMillis < 10)
- {
- millis = "00" + currMillis;
- }
- else if (currMillis < 100)
- {
- millis = "0" + currMillis;
- }
- if (currSec < 10)
- {
- sec = "0" + currSec;
- }
- if (currMin < 10)
- {
- min = "0" + currMin;
- }
- if (currHr < 10)
- {
- hour = "0" + currHr;
- }
- return (String) hour + "-" + min + "-" + sec + "-" + millis;
- }
- /**
- * A simple String token replacement routine. Replaces all occurences of the
- * token parameter with the replacement value in the passed in sentence
- * parameter.
- *
- * @param sentence The String to perform the token replacement on
- * @param token the token String to seartch for and replace
- * @param replacement the tokens replacement value
- * @return The new token replaced string
- */
- public static String tokenReplace(String sentence,
- String token,
- String replacement)
- {
- initUtil();
- final String methodName = CLASSNAME + ": tokenReplace(" +
- sentence + " " + token + " " + replacement;
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.startMethod(methodName);
- }
- int a = 0;
- String retVal = "";
- while ((a = sentence.indexOf(token)) > -1)
- {
- retVal += sentence.substring(0, a) + replacement;
- sentence = sentence.substring(a + token.length());
- // System.out.println(wort);
- }
- // if a > -1
- retVal += sentence;
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.endMethod();
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * Recursively deletes all the files in the spec'd directory and
- * subdirectories, and then removes the dir.
- *
- * @param fileName The filename of the directory to delete.
- */
- public static boolean removeDir(String fileName)
- {
- initUtil();
- boolean retVal = false;
- File dirToDel = initDirFile(fileName);
- if (dirToDel != null)
- {
- String[] files = dirToDel.list();
- File tempFile;
- //loop through all the files in the dir DELETING them
- for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
- {
- tempFile = new File(fileName + File.separator + files[i]);
- if (tempFile.isDirectory())
- {
- // recurse on the subdirectory
- removeDir(fileName + File.separator + files[i]);
- }
- else
- {
- // Delete all the files
- tempFile.delete();
- }
- }
- retVal = dirToDel.delete();
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a file.
- *
- * @param fileName The filename to delete.
- */
- public static boolean removeFile(String fileName)
- {
- initUtil();
- boolean retVal = false;
- if (fileName != null)
- {
- File tempFile = new File(fileName);
- if (tempFile != null && tempFile.exists())
- retVal = tempFile.delete();
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * Deletes all files in the spec'd dir that are older than the spec'd
- * number of days.
- *
- * @param dirName The directory to parse for files to delete.
- * @param numDays The age of the files to delete.
- * @param recurse Do the removal recursively.
- */
- public static boolean removeOldFiles(String dirName,
- int numDays,
- boolean recurse)
- {
- initUtil();
- boolean retVal = false;
- final String methodName = CLASSNAME + ": removeOldFiles()";
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.startMethod(methodName);
- }
- File dirFile = new File(dirName);
- if (dirFile.isDirectory() && dirFile.canRead())
- {
- String[] waste = dirFile.list();
- File tempFile = null;
- for (int i = 0; i < waste.length; i++)
- {
- tempFile = new File(dirName + File.separator + waste[i]);
- if (tempFile != null && !tempFile.isDirectory())
- {
- // if file is older than numDays... delete it
- long fileAge = tempFile.lastModified();
- Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance();
- long rightNowInMillis = rightNow.getTimeInMillis();
- long numDaysInMillis = (new java.lang.Integer(numDays)).longValue() *
- 24l * 60l * 60l * 1000l;
- if (rightNowInMillis - fileAge > numDaysInMillis)
- {
- //delete the file
- System.out.println("Deleting file "+ tempFile.getPath());
- tempFile.delete();
- }
- }
- else if (tempFile != null && recurse)
- {
- removeOldFiles(dirName + File.separator + waste[i], numDays, recurse);
- }
- }
- }
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.endMethod();
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * Obtains the bytes of data contained in all files in this dir
- * (and subdirs).
- *
- * @param fileName The filename of the directory to delete.
- *
- * @return the size of the dir in bytes.
- */
- public static long dirSize(String fileName, boolean recurseSubdirs)
- {
- initUtil();
- long retVal = 0L;
- File dirToCalc = initDirFile(fileName);
- if (dirToCalc != null)
- {
- String[] files = dirToCalc.list();
- File tempFile;
- //loop through all the files in the dir
- if (files != null)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
- {
- tempFile = new File(fileName + File.separator + files[i]);
- if (tempFile.isDirectory() && recurseSubdirs)
- {
- // recurse on the subdirectory
- retVal += dirSize(fileName + File.separator + files[i], true);
- }
- else
- {
- // add its size
- retVal += tempFile.length();
- }
- }
- }
- else
- log_.minor("Problem reading Directory "+fileName);
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * Helper method to copy a file
- *
- * @param from the from filename
- * @param to the to filename
- **/
- public static void copyFile(String from, String to) throws IOException
- {
- File newFile = new File(to);
- if (newFile != null && newFile.exists())
- newFile.delete();
- (FileUtils.newFileUtils()).copyFile(from, to);
- }
- /**
- * Token replace method for a given filename and then saves the file with the
- * swapped tokens. If you don't want to overwrite the original file make a
- * copy 1st and then call this method on the copy.
- *
- * @param file The file(name) to act on
- * @param token The search token (that will get replaced)
- * @param value The replacement string.
- */
- public static void tokenReplaceInFile(String file, String token, String value)
- {
- Replace replace = new Replace();
- replace.setProject(new org.apache.tools.ant.Project());
- replace.setFile(new File(file));
- replace.setToken(token);
- replace.setValue(value);
- replace.execute();
- }// -- tokenReplaceInFile()
- /**
- * Abstracts the reading of a file and returns the contents as a String.
- *
- * @param fileName is the file naem to read into a String
- * @return the Text file contents as a String
- **/
- public static String readFileToString(String fileName)
- {
- String stringLine;
- BufferedReader in;
- StringBuffer stringOut = new StringBuffer();
- try
- {
- in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
- while ((stringLine = in.readLine()) != null)
- {
- stringOut.append(stringLine);
- stringOut.append(SYSTEM_LINE_SEPERATOR);
- }
- }
- catch (FileNotFoundException fnfEx)
- {
- System.out.println("Cannot find file: "+fileName);
- }
- catch (IOException ioEx)
- {
- System.out.println("Error Reading File to String: "+fileName);
- }
- return stringOut.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Searches the provided file for the search String.
- *
- * @param searchStr The searchString/regexp to search for.
- * @param filename The filename to search through.
- * @param verbose true will produce output to System.out just like the
- * UNIX find cmd
- *
- * @return an array of the matched lines
- */
- public static String [] searchInFile(String searchStr, String filename,
- boolean verbose)
- {
- initUtil();
- Vector retVal = new Vector();
- BufferedReader in;
- RE expression = null;
- String s;
- int regExFlags = RE.REG_ICASE;
- int numExtraBeforeLines = 2;
- String [] extraBeforeLines = new String [numExtraBeforeLines];
- int currLineNumber = 0;
- for (int i=0; i< numExtraBeforeLines ; i++)
- extraBeforeLines[i] = "";
- File rootFile = new File(filename);
- if (rootFile != null && !rootFile.isDirectory())
- {
- if(rootFile.canRead())
- {
- try
- {
- in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
- currLineNumber = 0;
- while ((s = in.readLine()) != null)
- {
- currLineNumber++;
- expression = new RE(searchStr, regExFlags);
- if (expression.getMatch(s)!=null)
- {
- if ( verbose )
- {
- System.out.println("FILE: "+filename);
- for (int i=0; i< numExtraBeforeLines ; i++)
- System.out.println(" "+currLineNumber+extraBeforeLines[i]);
- System.out.println(" "+currLineNumber + " "+s);
- System.out.println();
- }
- retVal.addElement(s);
- }
- for (int i=0; i< numExtraBeforeLines-1 ; i++)
- extraBeforeLines[i] = extraBeforeLines[i+1];
- extraBeforeLines[numExtraBeforeLines-1] = s;
- }
- in.close();
- }
- catch (REException reEx)
- {
- reEx.printStackTrace();
- }
- catch (FileNotFoundException fEx)
- {
- fEx.printStackTrace();
- }
- catch (IOException ioEx)
- {
- ioEx.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
- String [] rets = new String [retVal.size()];
- for (int i=0; i < retVal.size(); i++)
- {
- rets[i] = (String) retVal.elementAt(i);
- }
- return rets;
- }
- /**
- * Searches the provided file/directory (and subdirs) for the search String.
- *
- * @param searchStr The searchString/regexp to search for.
- * @param filename The filename/directoryName to search through.
- * @param recurseSubdirs Flags if the sub-dirs are searched.
- * @param fileRegExp Flags if 'fileName' should be regarded as a regular
- * expression.
- * @param verbose true will produce output to System.out just like the
- * UNIX find cmd
- *
- * @return a hash of the full cannoical paths/and a Vector of the lineNumbers
- * in that file
- */
- public static Hashtable searchInFile(String searchStr, String filename,
- boolean recurseSubdirs, boolean fileRegExp,
- boolean verbose)
- {
- initUtil();
- Hashtable retVal = new Hashtable();
- Vector fileLineNumbers = new Vector();
- BufferedReader in;
- RE expression = null;
- String s;
- int regExFlags = RE.REG_ICASE;
- int numExtraBeforeLines = 2;
- String [] extraBeforeLines = new String [numExtraBeforeLines];
- String currFilename;
- int currLineNumber = 0;
- for (int i=0; i< numExtraBeforeLines ; i++)
- extraBeforeLines[i] = "";
- File rootFile = new File(filename);
- if (rootFile != null && !rootFile.isDirectory())
- {
- if(rootFile.canRead())
- {
- currFilename = filename;
- try
- {
- in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(currFilename));
- fileLineNumbers.clear();
- currLineNumber = 0;
- while ((s = in.readLine()) != null)
- {
- currLineNumber++;
- expression = new RE(searchStr, regExFlags);
- if (expression.getMatch(s)!=null)
- {
- if ( verbose )
- {
- System.out.println("FILE: "+currFilename);
- for (int i=0; i< numExtraBeforeLines ; i++)
- System.out.println(" "+currLineNumber+extraBeforeLines[i]);
- System.out.println(" "+currLineNumber + " "+s);
- System.out.println();
- }
- fileLineNumbers.add(new Integer(currLineNumber));
- }
- for (int i=0; i< numExtraBeforeLines-1 ; i++)
- extraBeforeLines[i] = extraBeforeLines[i+1];
- extraBeforeLines[numExtraBeforeLines-1] = s;
- }
- in.close();
- if (fileLineNumbers.size() > 0)
- retVal.put(currFilename, fileLineNumbers.clone());
- }
- catch (REException reEx)
- {
- reEx.printStackTrace();
- }
- catch (FileNotFoundException fEx)
- {
- fEx.printStackTrace();
- }
- catch (IOException ioEx)
- {
- ioEx.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // it is a directory so recurse on files if recursing flag is set
- if (recurseSubdirs)
- {
- String[] files = rootFile.list();
- File tempFile;
- //if ( verbose )
- //{
- // System.out.println("Recursing into "+filename);
- //}
- //loop through all the files in the dir
- Hashtable recursedHash = null;
- for (int i = 0; files != null && i < files.length; i++)
- {
- recursedHash = null;
- recursedHash = searchInFile(searchStr,
- filename + File.separator + files[i],
- recurseSubdirs, fileRegExp, verbose);
- if (recursedHash != null ) retVal.putAll(recursedHash);
- }
- }
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * Searches the provided directory (and subdirs) for the requested file.
- *
- * @param fileName The filename/regexp to search for.
- * @param directory The filename of the directory to delete.
- * @param recurseSubdirs Flags if the sub-dirs are searched.
- * @param regExp Flags if 'fileName' should be regarded as a regular
- * expression.
- * @param verbose true will produce output to System.out just like the
- * UNIX find cmd
- *
- * @return the full cannoical paths to the found files.
- */
- public static Vector findFile(String fileName, String directory,
- boolean recurseSubdirs, boolean regExp, boolean verbose)
- {
- initUtil();
- final String methodName = CLASSNAME + ": findFile(" +
- fileName + " " + directory + " " + recurseSubdirs+ " " + regExp+ " " + verbose+ " )";
- if (log_ != null) log_.startMethod(methodName);
- Vector retVal = new Vector();
- File dirToSearch = initDirFile(directory);
- if (dirToSearch != null)
- {
- String[] files = dirToSearch.list();
- File tempFile;
- if ( files!= null) log_.debug("Searching "+files.length +" files&dirs");
- //loop through all the files in the dir
- for (int i = 0; files != null && i < files.length; i++)
- {
- tempFile = new File(directory + File.separator + files[i]);
- if (tempFile.isDirectory() && recurseSubdirs)
- {
- // recurse on the subdirectory
- retVal.addAll(findFile(fileName, directory + File.separator + files[i],
- recurseSubdirs, regExp, verbose));
- }
- else if (!tempFile.isDirectory())
- {
- // does it match
- String absPath = tempFile.getAbsolutePath();
- log_.debug("Searching "+absPath);
- if (regExp)
- {
- try
- {
- RE expression = new RE(fileName);
- if (expression.isMatch(files[i]))
- {
- retVal.add(absPath);
- if (verbose) System.out.println(absPath);
- }
- }
- catch (REException reExp)
- {
- reExp.printStackTrace();
- break;
- }
- }
- else if (files[i].trim().indexOf(fileName) >= 0)
- {
- retVal.add(absPath);
- if (verbose)System.out.println(absPath);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (log_ != null) log_.endMethod(methodName);
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * Initisalizes File only if it is directory.It is represented by the passed
- * in String.
- *
- * @param s the directory name to init as a File
- * @return An instatiated File object if the passed string is a dir, null
- * if not
- */
- public static File initDirFile(String s)
- {
- initUtil();
- File retVal = null;
- File dirFile = new File(s);
- if (dirFile.isDirectory() && dirFile.canRead())
- {
- retVal = dirFile;
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * Renames files to a more URL friendly format.
- * <P>It goes through each file in the specified directory and renames them
- * using the spacesToCapsInFileName method of renaming.
- *
- * @see #spacesToCapsInFileName(String)
- * @see #dirFile
- **/
- public static void spacesToCapsInDir(String dirName)
- {
- spacesToCapsInDir(dirName, true);
- }
- /**
- * Renames files to a more URL friendly format.
- * <P>It goes through each file in the specified directory and renames them
- * using the spacesToCapsInFileName method of renaming.
- *
- * @see #spacesToCapsInFileName(String)
- * @see #dirFile
- **/
- public static void spacesToCapsInDir(String dirName, boolean doUnderscores)
- {
- File dirFile = initDirFile(dirName);
- String newDirName = dirName;
- boolean succeeded = false;
- // check and rename the initial dir
- if (dirFile.toString().indexOf(" ") != -1 ||
- dirFile.toString().indexOf("_") != -1)
- {
- newDirName = spacesToCapsInString(dirFile.toString(), doUnderscores);
- System.out.println("Renaming "+dirFile.toString()+" -> "+newDirName);
- //System.out.println(" "+dirFile.getAbsolutePath()+" "+spacesToCapsInString(dirFile.toString(), true));
- succeeded = dirFile.renameTo(new File(newDirName));
- }
- if (succeeded)
- {
- succeeded = false;
- dirFile = initDirFile(newDirName);
- String [] fileName = dirFile.list();
- System.out.print("Formatting dir="+dirFile.toString());
- System.out.println(" It has "+fileName.length + " files.");
- if (dirFile != null &&
- dirFile.isDirectory() &&
- dirFile.canRead() &&
- newDirName != null )
- {
- File tempFile;
- for (int i=0;i< fileName.length;i++)
- {
- tempFile = new File(newDirName+File.separator+fileName[i]);
- // do a depth first file rename of the subdir files
- if (tempFile != null && tempFile.isDirectory())
- spacesToCapsInDir(tempFile.toString(), doUnderscores);
- String newName = spacesToCapsInString(fileName[i], doUnderscores);
- //System.out.println(fileName[i] +" .. " +newName);
- try
- {
- if (newName !="" && fileName[i].length() != newName.length())
- {
- //System.out.println(i+".1) "+tempFile.toString());
- //System.out.print(i+".2) "+newDirName+File.separator+newName);
- succeeded = tempFile.renameTo(
- new File(newDirName+File.separator+newName));
- if (succeeded)
- System.out.println(" succeeded.");
- else
- System.out.println("");
- File tempFile2 = new File(newDirName+File.separator+fileName[i]);
- if (tempFile2.exists() &&
- tempFile.exists() &&
- !newName.toUpperCase().equals(fileName[i].toUpperCase()))
- {
- tempFile2.delete();
- }
- }
- }
- catch (SecurityException ex)
- {
- System.err.println("SecurityException " + ex);
- }
- catch (NullPointerException ex)
- {
- System.err.println("NullPointerException " + ex);
- }
- } //loop
- }
- }
- else
- {
- System.err.println("Could not rename "+dirName +" to "+newDirName);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Removes any space chars ' ' from a filename and Capitalizes the next char.
- * <P><B>NOTE:</B> The file is expected to be in
- * the current working directorydirectory
- *
- * @param fName a string representing the file to perform the action
- * @return the new filename representation
- **/
- public static String spacesToCapsInFileName(String fName)
- {
- String newName = "";
- File tempFile;
- if (fName != null){
- tempFile = new File(USERDIR+File.separator+fName);
- if(!tempFile.isDirectory())
- {
- newName = spacesToCapsInString(fName);
- }
- }
- return newName;
- }
- /**
- * Removes any space chars ' ' from a String and Capitalizes the next char.
- *
- * @param fName a string perform the action
- * @return the new representation
- **/
- public static String spacesToCapsInString(String fName)
- {
- return spacesToCapsInString(fName, false);
- }
- /**
- * Removes any space chars ' ' from a String and Capitalizes the next char.
- *
- * @param fName a string perform the action
- * @param includeUnderscoreflag if '_' are also removed
- * @return the new representation
- **/
- public static String spacesToCapsInString(String fName, boolean includeUnderscore)
- {
- initUtil();
- String newName = "";
- boolean space = false;
- for (int j=0; j< fName.length(); j++)
- {
- char newChar = fName.charAt(j);
- if (newChar == ' ' || (newChar == '_' && includeUnderscore))
- {
- // set the space flag so the next char can be cap'd
- space = true;
- }
- else
- {
- if (space) // was the last char a space???
- {
- newName += String.valueOf(Character.toUpperCase(newChar));
- }
- else
- {
- newName += String.valueOf(newChar);
- }
- space = false;
- }
- }
- return newName;
- }
- /**
- * Takes a string and adds a space in front of any capitalized char.
- * Basically the reverse of the method spacesToCapsInString.
- *
- * @param fName a string perform the action
- * @return the new representation
- **/
- public static String capsToSpacesInString(String fName)
- {
- initUtil();
- StringBuffer newName = new StringBuffer();
- char newChar;
- for (int j=0; j< fName.length(); j++)
- {
- newChar = fName.charAt(j);
- if (Character.isLetter(newChar) && Character.isUpperCase(newChar))
- {
- newName.append(" ");
- }
- newName.append(String.valueOf(newChar));
- }
- return newName.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Takes a string and adds a space in front of any capitalized char.
- * Basically the reverse of the method spacesToCapsInString.
- *
- * @param fName a string perform the action
- * @return the new representation
- **/
- public static String capsToUndersInString(String fName)
- {
- initUtil();
- StringBuffer newName = new StringBuffer();
- char newChar;
- for (int j=0; j< fName.length(); j++)
- {
- newChar = fName.charAt(j);
- if (Character.isLetter(newChar) && Character.isUpperCase(newChar))
- {
- newName.append("_");
- }
- newName.append(String.valueOf(newChar));
- }
- return newName.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Searches the classpath for the specified filename and then returns the
- * full path that is used for it.
- *
- * @param filename to look for in the classpath
- * @param fallBack if the file is not found in classpath
- * @return the path description of the passed filename as found in
- * the classpath.
- */
- public static String getFilePathFromClasspath(String filename, String fallBack)
- {
- initUtil();
- final String methodName = CLASSNAME +
- ": getFilePathFromClasspath(String, String)";
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.startMethod(methodName);
- }
- String retVal = getFilePathFromClasspath(filename);
- //System.out.println("File In Classpath="+retVal);
- if (retVal == null || retVal.equals(""))
- {
- retVal = fallBack;
- }
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.endMethod();
- }
- //System.out.println("File In Classpath="+retVal);
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * Searches the classpath for the specified filename and then returns the
- * full path that is used for it.
- *
- * @param filename the filename to look for
- * @return the path description of the passed filename as found in
- * the classpath.
- */
- public static String getFilePathFromClasspath(String filename)
- {
- initUtil();
- final String methodName = CLASSNAME + ": getFilePathFromClasspath";
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.startMethod(methodName);
- }
- String retVal = "";
- String pathSep = System.getProperty("path.separator");
- if (CLASSPATH == null)
- {
- return "";
- }
- int fileIndex = CLASSPATH.indexOf(filename);
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.debug("Searching the Classpath for " + filename +
- " " + fileIndex);
- }
- if (fileIndex >= 0)
- {
- int startSpot = 0;
- int nextSpot = CLASSPATH.indexOf(pathSep);
- // the fileName is in the classpath
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.debug("Start Looking at (" + startSpot + "," + nextSpot + ")");
- }
- while ((nextSpot < fileIndex) && nextSpot != -1)
- {
- startSpot = nextSpot;
- nextSpot = CLASSPATH.indexOf(pathSep, startSpot + 1);
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.debug(", (" + startSpot + "," + nextSpot + ")");
- }
- }
- if (startSpot <= 0)
- {
- startSpot = -1;
- }
- if (nextSpot <= 0)
- {
- nextSpot = CLASSPATH.length();
- }
- retVal = CLASSPATH.substring(startSpot + 1, nextSpot);
- }
- else
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.minor(filename + " cannot be found in classpath.");
- }
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.endMethod();
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * This method seeks out and returns the Parent Frame for a given component.
- *
- * @param c The Component to be used as the basis of the frame search
- * @return Frame The Frame that eventually holds the giuven Component.
- */
- public static Frame getAncestorFrame(Component c) {
- Frame retVal = null;
- while ((c = c.getParent()) != null)
- if (c instanceof Frame) {
- retVal = (Frame) c;
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * Calls the User Interface Manager and sets the look and feel setting based
- * on the parameter it is passed.
- *
- * @param i The new TheLookAndFeel value
- */
- public static void setTheLookAndFeel(short i, Component comp) {
- /* Force SwingSet to come up in the Cross Platform L&F */
- try {
- switch ((int)i){
- // If you want the Java L&F
- UIManager.setLookAndFeel(metalClassName);
- log_.debug("Setting the Java L&F");
- break;
- // If you want the System L&F
- UIManager.setLookAndFeel(windowsClassName);//UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());
- log_.debug("Setting the System L&F");
- break;
- // If you want the Motif L&F
- UIManager.setLookAndFeel(motifClassName);
- log_.debug("Setting the Motif L&F");
- break;
- // If you want the Mac L&F
- UIManager.setLookAndFeel(macClassName);
- log_.debug("Setting the Mac L&F");
- break;
- default:
- // defaults to Java L&F
- UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName());
- log_.debug("Setting the Java L&F");
- }
- SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(Util.getAncestorFrame(comp));
- }
- catch (Exception exc)
- {
- System.err.println("Error loading L&F: " + exc);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Loads the requested Image filename from the specified jarfile.
- *
- * @param imageFilename the filename in the jarfile to use as the basis for
- * the Image to retrieve.
- * @param jarFilename the jar file to look through for the image.
- * @return Image the Image loaded from the filename spec'd as
- * an imput param, It returns null if it cannot retrieve the Image.
- */
- public static Image loadImage(String imageFilename, String jarFilename)
- {
- initUtil();
- final String methodName = CLASSNAME + ": loadImage(String, String)";
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.startMethod(methodName);
- }
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.debug("Loading Imagename " + imageFilename);
- }
- Image retVal = (new ImageIcon(Util.class.getResource("/" + imageFilename))).
- getImage();
- /*
- * String iconJarFileName = jarFilename; //getFilePathFromClasspath(jarFilename);
- * if(log_!=null) log_.debug("Loading Imagename "+imageFilename+" from Jarfile "+jarFilename);
- * InputStream in = null;
- * JarEntry tempJarEntry = null;
- * byte [] imageBytes;
- * long imageFileSize = 0l;
- * int bytesRead = 0;
- * try
- * {
- * JarFile jar = new JarFile(iconJarFileName, false);
- * tempJarEntry = jar.getJarEntry(imageFilename);
- * in = jar.getInputStream(tempJarEntry);
- * imageFileSize = tempJarEntry.getSize();
- * imageBytes = new byte[(int)imageFileSize];
- * for (int j=0;j<imageFileSize;j++)
- * imageBytes[j] = new Integer(in.read()).byteValue();
- * if(log_!=null) log_.debug("Loaded "+imageFileSize+" Bytes.");
- * retVal = (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).createImage(imageBytes);
- * }
- * catch (NullPointerException fEx)
- * {
- * System.out.println("No graphicJarEntry NullPointerException " +
- * imageFilename);
- * }
- * catch (FileNotFoundException fEx)
- * {
- * System.out.println("graphic FileNotFoundException " +imageFilename);
- * }
- * catch (IOException ioEx)
- * {
- * System.out.println("graphic FileNotFoundException " +imageFilename);
- * }
- * catch (SecurityException secEx)
- * {
- * System.out.println("graphic SecurityException " +imageFilename);
- * }
- */
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.endMethod();
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * Loads the requested Image filename from the classpath.
- *
- * @param imageFilename the filename in the jarfile to use as the basis for
- * the Image to retrieve.
- * @return Image the Image loaded from the filename spec'd as
- * an imput param, It returns null if it cannot retrieve the Image.
- */
- public static Image loadImage(String imageFilename)
- {
- initUtil();
- final String methodName = CLASSNAME + ": loadImage()";
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.startMethod(methodName);
- }
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.debug("Loading Imagename " + imageFilename);
- }
- //System.out.println("Loading Imagename "+imageFilename);
- URL resourceUrl = Util.class.getResource(imageFilename);
- Image retVal = null;
- if (resourceUrl != null)
- {
- retVal = (new ImageIcon(resourceUrl)).getImage();
- }
- else
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.minor("DID NOT Got the Resource URL for :" + imageFilename);
- }
- if (retVal == null)
- {
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.minor("Could NOT create Image for " + imageFilename);
- }
- }
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.endMethod();
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * A method to simply abstract the Try/Catch required to put the current
- * thread to sleep for the specified time in ms.
- *
- * @param waitTime the sleep time in milli seconds (ms).
- * @return boolean value specifying if the sleep completed (true) or
- * was interupted (false).
- */
- public static boolean sleep(long waitTime)
- {
- final String methodName = CLASSNAME + ": sleep(Long)";
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.startMethod(methodName);
- }
- boolean retVal = true;
- /*
- * BLOCK for the spec'd time
- */
- try
- {
- Thread.sleep(waitTime);
- }
- catch (InterruptedException iex)
- {
- retVal = false;
- }
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.endMethod();
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * Encapsulates the showing of the FileChooser dialog and returns a String
- * representing the absolute path. <P>
- *
- * NO file filters will be used and NO directory selection is allowed.
- *
- * @param parent the owner of this dialog (generally just send this)
- * @param startPath the dir to start the file chooser dialog from
- * @return the absolute path of the chosen file.
- */
- public static String chooseAFilename(Component parent, String startPath)
- {
- initUtil();
- final String methodName = CLASSNAME + ": chooseAFilename(String)";
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.startMethod(methodName);
- }
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.endMethod();
- }
- return chooseAFilename(parent, startPath, null, false);
- }
- /**
- * Encapsulates the showing of the FileChooser dialog and returns a String
- * representing the absolute path.<P>
- *
- * This method requires all the config parms specified by the
- * ExampleFileFilter.
- *
- * @param parent the owner of this dialog (generally just send this)
- * @param startPath the dir to start the file chooser dialog from
- * @param filters an array holding the Filters to use in the dialog
- * @param filesAndDirs specs if the user will be allowed to choose both
- * files or dirs.
- * @return the absolute path of the chosen file.
- */
- public static String chooseAFilename(Component parent,
- String startPath,
- ExampleFileFilter[] filters,
- boolean filesAndDirs
- )
- {
- return chooseAFilename(parent, startPath, filters,
- filesAndDirs, Util.OPEN_DIALOG);
- }
- /**
- * Encapsulates the showing of the FileChooser dialog and returns a String
- * representing the absolute path.<P>
- *
- * This method requires all the config parms specified by the
- * ExampleFileFilter.
- *
- * @param parent the owner of this dialog (generally just send this)
- * @param startPath the dir to start the file chooser dialog from
- * @param filters an array holding the Filters to use in the dialog
- * @param filesAndDirs specs if the user will be allowed to choose both
- * files or dirs.
- * @param openOrClose Description of the Parameter
- * @return the absolute path of the chosen file.
- */
- public static String chooseAFilename(Component parent,
- String startPath,
- ExampleFileFilter[] filters,
- boolean filesAndDirs,
- short openOrClose)
- {
- initUtil();
- final String methodName = CLASSNAME +
- ": chooseAFilename(String,ExampleFileFilter[],boolean)";
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.startMethod(methodName);
- }
- String retVal = "";
- JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
- if (filters != null && filters.length > 0)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < filters.length; i++)
- {
- chooser.addChoosableFileFilter(filters[i]);
- }
- chooser.setFileFilter(filters[0]);
- }
- if (filesAndDirs)
- {
- chooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES);
- }
- if (openOrClose == SAVE_DIALOG)
- {
- if (chooser.showSaveDialog(parent) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
- {
- retVal = chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();
- System.out.println("You chose this file: " + retVal);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (chooser.showOpenDialog(parent) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
- {
- retVal = chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();
- System.out.println("You chose this file: " + retVal);
- }
- }
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.endMethod();
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * Converts an Absolute path to a relative path from the VM Working Dir.
- *
- * @param absPath is the File to use to to convert
- * @return null if can't be done, otherwise it returns the relative path.
- */
- public static String absoluteToPwdRelativePath(File absPath)
- {
- String retVal = null;
- if (absPath !=null)
- retVal = absoluteToPwdRelativePath(absPath.getAbsolutePath());
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * Converts an Absolute path to a relative path from the VM Working Dir.
- *
- * @param absPath is the absolute path to convert
- * @return null if can't be done, otherwise it returns the relative path.
- */
- public static String absoluteToPwdRelativePath(String absPath)
- {
- initUtil();
- final String methodName = CLASSNAME + ": getFileDir(String)";
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.startMethod(methodName);
- }
- String retVal = null;
- String pwd = System.getProperty("user.dir");
- if (absPath != null && absPath.indexOf(pwd) != -1)
- {
- // Found It
- retVal = absPath.substring(pwd.length()+1);
- }
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.endMethod();
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * Removes a '/..' from the filename string and returns the corrected dir
- * name reference. For Example : pass it "/a/b/c/../d" it returns "/a/b/d".
- *
- * @param path is the absolute path to convert
- * @return null if can't be done, otherwise it returns the corrected path.
- */
- public static String removeParentRelativeReference(String path)
- {
- initUtil();
- final String methodName = CLASSNAME + ": removeParentRelativeReference(String)";
- if (log_ != null)
- {
- log_.startMethod(methodName);
- }
- String retVal = path;
- String parentRefString = SYSTEM_FILE_SEPERATOR+"..";
- int spot = -1;
- int removeSpot = -1;
- //System.out.println("Path = "+path);
- //System.out.println("parentRef = "+parentRefString);
- if