https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus · Java · 364 lines · 266 code · 48 blank · 50 comment · 26 complexity · db5b5c33629238d1dd55ff04184a8779 MD5 · raw file
- package net.roarsoftware.lastfm;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.Collections;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import net.roarsoftware.xml.DomElement;
- /**
- * Contains user information and provides bindings to the methods in the user. namespace.
- *
- * @author Janni Kovacs
- */
- public class User extends ImageHolder {
- private String name;
- private String url;
- private String language;
- private String country;
- private int age;
- private String gender;
- private boolean subscriber;
- private int numPlaylists;
- private int playcount;
- public User(String name, String url) {
- this.name = name;
- this.url = url;
- }
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- public String getUrl() {
- return url;
- }
- public int getAge() {
- return age;
- }
- public String getCountry() {
- return country;
- }
- public String getGender() {
- return gender;
- }
- public String getLanguage() {
- return language;
- }
- public int getNumPlaylists() {
- return numPlaylists;
- }
- public int getPlaycount() {
- return playcount;
- }
- public boolean isSubscriber() {
- return subscriber;
- }
- public String getImageURL() {
- return getImageURL(ImageSize.MEDIUM);
- }
- public static Collection<User> getFriends(String user, String apiKey) {
- return getFriends(user, false, 100, apiKey);
- }
- public static Collection<User> getFriends(String user, boolean recenttracks, int limit, String apiKey) {
- Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getFriends", apiKey, "user", user, "recenttracks",
- String.valueOf(recenttracks ? 1 : 0), "limit", String.valueOf(limit));
- if (!result.isSuccessful())
- return Collections.emptyList();
- DomElement element = result.getContentElement();
- List<User> friends = new ArrayList<User>();
- for (DomElement domElement : element.getChildren("user")) {
- friends.add(userFromElement(domElement));
- }
- return friends;
- }
- public static Collection<User> getNeighbours(String user, String apiKey) {
- return getFriends(user, false, 100, apiKey);
- }
- public static Collection<User> getNeighbours(String user, int limit, String apiKey) {
- Result result = Caller.getInstance()
- .call("user.getNeighbours", apiKey, "user", user, "limit", String.valueOf(limit));
- if (!result.isSuccessful())
- return Collections.emptyList();
- DomElement element = result.getContentElement();
- List<User> friends = new ArrayList<User>();
- for (DomElement domElement : element.getChildren("user")) {
- friends.add(userFromElement(domElement));
- }
- return friends;
- }
- public static Collection<Track> getRecentTracks(String user, String apiKey) {
- return getRecentTracks(user, 10, apiKey);
- }
- public static Collection<Track> getRecentTracks(String user, int limit, String apiKey) {
- Result result = Caller.getInstance()
- .call("user.getRecentTracks", apiKey, "user", user, "limit", String.valueOf(limit));
- if (!result.isSuccessful())
- return Collections.emptyList();
- DomElement element = result.getContentElement();
- List<Track> tracks = new ArrayList<Track>();
- for (DomElement e : element.getChildren("track")) {
- tracks.add(Track.trackFromElement(e));
- }
- return tracks;
- }
- public static Collection<Album> getTopAlbums(String user, String apiKey) {
- return getTopAlbums(user, Period.OVERALL, apiKey);
- }
- private static Collection<Album> getTopAlbums(String user, Period period, String apiKey) {
- Result result = Caller.getInstance()
- .call("user.getTopAlbums", apiKey, "user", user, "period", period.getString());
- if (!result.isSuccessful())
- return Collections.emptyList();
- DomElement element = result.getContentElement();
- List<Album> albums = new ArrayList<Album>();
- for (DomElement domElement : element.getChildren("album")) {
- albums.add(Album.albumFromElement(domElement));
- }
- return albums;
- }
- public static Collection<Artist> getTopArtists(String user, String apiKey) {
- return getTopArtists(user, Period.OVERALL, apiKey);
- }
- private static Collection<Artist> getTopArtists(String user, Period period, String apiKey) {
- Result result = Caller.getInstance()
- .call("user.getTopArtists", apiKey, "user", user, "period", period.getString());
- if (!result.isSuccessful())
- return Collections.emptyList();
- DomElement element = result.getContentElement();
- List<Artist> artists = new ArrayList<Artist>();
- for (DomElement domElement : element.getChildren("artist")) {
- artists.add(Artist.artistFromElement(domElement));
- }
- return artists;
- }
- public static Collection<Track> getTopTracks(String user, String apiKey) {
- return getTopTracks(user, Period.OVERALL, apiKey);
- }
- private static Collection<Track> getTopTracks(String user, Period period, String apiKey) {
- Result result = Caller.getInstance()
- .call("user.getTopTracks", apiKey, "user", user, "period", period.getString());
- if (!result.isSuccessful())
- return Collections.emptyList();
- DomElement element = result.getContentElement();
- List<Track> tracks = new ArrayList<Track>();
- for (DomElement domElement : element.getChildren("track")) {
- tracks.add(Track.trackFromElement(domElement));
- }
- return tracks;
- }
- public static Collection<String> getTopTags(String user, String apiKey) {
- return getTopTags(user, -1, apiKey);
- }
- private static Collection<String> getTopTags(String user, int limit, String apiKey) {
- Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
- params.put("user", user);
- if (limit != -1) {
- params.put("limit", String.valueOf(limit));
- }
- Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getTopTags", apiKey, params);
- if (!result.isSuccessful())
- return Collections.emptyList();
- DomElement element = result.getContentElement();
- List<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>();
- for (DomElement domElement : element.getChildren("tag")) {
- tags.add(domElement.getChildText("name"));
- }
- return tags;
- }
- public static Chart<Album> getWeeklyAlbumChart(String user, String apiKey) {
- return getWeeklyAlbumChart(user, null, null, -1, apiKey);
- }
- public static Chart<Album> getWeeklyAlbumChart(String user, int limit, String apiKey) {
- return getWeeklyAlbumChart(user, null, null, limit, apiKey);
- }
- public static Chart<Album> getWeeklyAlbumChart(String user, String from, String to, int limit, String apiKey) {
- return Chart.getChart("user.getWeeklyAlbumChart", "user", user, "album", from, to, limit, apiKey);
- }
- public static Chart<Artist> getWeeklyArtistChart(String user, String apiKey) {
- return getWeeklyArtistChart(user, null, null, -1, apiKey);
- }
- public static Chart<Artist> getWeeklyArtistChart(String user, int limit, String apiKey) {
- return getWeeklyArtistChart(user, null, null, limit, apiKey);
- }
- public static Chart<Artist> getWeeklyArtistChart(String user, String from, String to, int limit, String apiKey) {
- return Chart.getChart("user.getWeeklyArtistChart", "user", user, "artist", from, to, limit, apiKey);
- }
- public static Chart<Track> getWeeklyTrackChart(String user, String apiKey) {
- return getWeeklyTrackChart(user, null, null, -1, apiKey);
- }
- public static Chart<Track> getWeeklyTrackChart(String user, int limit, String apiKey) {
- return getWeeklyTrackChart(user, null, null, limit, apiKey);
- }
- public static Chart<Track> getWeeklyTrackChart(String user, String from, String to, int limit, String apiKey) {
- return Chart.getChart("user.getWeeklyTrackChart", "user", user, "track", from, to, limit, apiKey);
- }
- public static LinkedHashMap<String, String> getWeeklyChartList(String user, String apiKey) {
- return Chart.getWeeklyChartList("user", user, apiKey);
- }
- public static Collection<Chart> getWeeklyChartListAsCharts(String user, String apiKey) {
- return Chart.getWeeklyChartListAsCharts("user", user, apiKey);
- }
- /**
- * GetS a list of upcoming events that this user is attending.
- *
- * @param user The user to fetch the events for.
- * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key.
- * @return a list of upcoming events
- */
- public static Collection<Event> getEvents(String user, String apiKey) {
- Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getEvents", apiKey, "user", user);
- if (!result.isSuccessful())
- return Collections.emptyList();
- DomElement element = result.getContentElement();
- List<Event> events = new ArrayList<Event>();
- for (DomElement domElement : element.getChildren("event")) {
- events.add(Event.eventFromElement(domElement));
- }
- return events;
- }
- /**
- * Get the first page of a paginated result of all events a user has attended in the past.
- *
- * @param user The username to fetch the events for.
- * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key.
- * @return a list of past {@link Event}s
- */
- public static PaginatedResult<Event> getPastEvents(String user, String apiKey) {
- return getPastEvents(user, 1, 0, apiKey);
- }
- /**
- * Gets a paginated list of all events a user has attended in the past.
- *
- * @param user The username to fetch the events for.
- * @param page The page number to scan to.
- * @param limit The number of events to return per page.
- * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key.
- * @return a list of past {@link Event}s
- */
- public static PaginatedResult<Event> getPastEvents(String user, int page, int limit, String apiKey) {
- Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getPastEvents", apiKey, "user", user, "page",
- String.valueOf(page), "limit", String.valueOf(limit));
- if (!result.isSuccessful())
- return new PaginatedResult<Event>(0, 0, Collections.<Event>emptyList());
- DomElement element = result.getContentElement();
- List<Event> events = new ArrayList<Event>();
- for (DomElement domElement : element.getChildren("event")) {
- events.add(Event.eventFromElement(domElement));
- }
- int currentPage = Integer.valueOf(element.getAttribute("page"));
- int totalPages = Integer.valueOf(element.getAttribute("totalPages"));
- return new PaginatedResult<Event>(currentPage, totalPages, events);
- }
- /**
- * Gets a list of a user's playlists on Last.fm. Note that this method only fetches metadata regarding the user's
- * playlists. If you want to retrieve the list of tracks in a playlist use
- * {@link Playlist#fetch(String, String) Playlist.fetch()}.
- *
- * @param user The last.fm username to fetch the playlists of.
- * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key.
- * @return a list of Playlists
- */
- public static Collection<Playlist> getPlaylists(String user, String apiKey) {
- Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getPlaylists", apiKey, "user", user);
- if (!result.isSuccessful())
- return Collections.emptyList();
- Collection<Playlist> playlists = new ArrayList<Playlist>();
- for (DomElement element : result.getContentElement().getChildren("playlist")) {
- playlists.add(Playlist.playlistFromElement(element));
- }
- return playlists;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the last 50 tracks loved by a user.
- *
- * @param user The user name to fetch the loved tracks for.
- * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key.
- * @return the loved tracks
- */
- public static Collection<Track> getLovedTracks(String user, String apiKey) {
- Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getLovedTracks", apiKey, "user", user);
- if (!result.isSuccessful())
- return Collections.emptyList();
- DomElement element = result.getContentElement();
- Collection<Track> tracks = new ArrayList<Track>();
- for (DomElement domElement : element.getChildren("track")) {
- tracks.add(Track.trackFromElement(domElement));
- }
- return tracks;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves profile information about the current authenticated user.
- *
- * @param session A Session instance
- * @return User info
- */
- public static User getInfo(Session session) {
- Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("User.getInfo", session);
- if (!result.isSuccessful())
- return null;
- DomElement element = result.getContentElement();
- return userFromElement(element);
- }
- static User userFromElement(DomElement element) {
- User user = new User(element.getChildText("name"), element.getChildText("url"));
- ImageHolder.loadImages(user, element);
- if (element.hasChild("lang")) { // extended user information
- user.language = element.getChildText("lang");
- user.country = element.getChildText("country");
- user.age = Integer.parseInt(element.getChildText("age"));
- user.gender = element.getChildText("gender");
- user.subscriber = "1".equals(element.getChildText("subscriber"));
- user.playcount = Integer.parseInt(element.getChildText("playcount"));
- user.numPlaylists = Integer.parseInt(element.getChildText("playlists"));
- }
- return user;
- }
- }