Ruby | 699 lines | 599 code | 57 blank | 43 comment | 5 complexity | 6112c36faac96e1806141d03683afff9 MD5 | raw file
- require 'test/unit'
- #
- # NOTICE: These tests assume that your local time zone is *not* GMT.
- #
- class T # ZenTest SKIP
- attr :orig
- attr :amt
- attr :result
- def initialize(a1, anAmt, a2)
- @orig = a1
- @amt = anAmt
- @result = a2
- end
- def to_s
- @orig.join("-")
- end
- end
- class TestTime < Test::Unit::TestCase
- ONEDAYSEC = 60 * 60 * 24
- #
- # Test month name to month number
- #
- @@months = {
- 'Jan' => 1,
- 'Feb' => 2,
- 'Mar' => 3,
- 'Apr' => 4,
- 'May' => 5,
- 'Jun' => 6,
- 'Jul' => 7,
- 'Aug' => 8,
- 'Sep' => 9,
- 'Oct' => 10,
- 'Nov' => 11,
- 'Dec' => 12
- }
- #
- # A random selection of interesting dates
- #
- @@dates = [
- # Source + amt == dest
- T.new([1999, 12, 31, 23,59,59], 1, [2000, 1, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2036, 12, 31, 23,59,59], 1, [2037, 1, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2000, 2, 28, 23,59,59], 1, [2000, 2, 29, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([1970, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0], ONEDAYSEC, [1970, 2, 2, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2000, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0], 32 * ONEDAYSEC, [2000, 8, 2, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], 366 * ONEDAYSEC, [2001, 1, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], 365 * ONEDAYSEC, [2002, 1, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2000, 1, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2000, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2000, 2, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2000, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2000, 3, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2000, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2000, 4, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2000, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2000, 5, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2000, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2000, 6, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2000, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2000, 7, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2000, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2000, 8, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2000, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2000, 9, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2000, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2000, 10, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2000, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2000, 11, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2000, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2000, 12, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2001, 1, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2001, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2001, 2, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2001, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2001, 3, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2001, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2001, 4, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2001, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2001, 5, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2001, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2001, 6, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2001, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2001, 7, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2001, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2001, 8, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2001, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2001, 9, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2001, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2001, 10, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2001, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2001, 11, 1, 0,0,0]),
- T.new([2001, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0], 0, [2001, 12, 1, 0,0,0]),
- ]
- def setup
- @orig_zone = ENV['TZ']
- ENV['TZ'] = 'PST8PDT'
- @utc = Time.utc(2001, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
- @loc = Time.local(2001, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
- @zone = @loc.zone
- end
- def teardown
- ENV['TZ'] = @orig_zone
- end
- ##
- # Check a particular date component -- m is the method (day, month, etc)
- # and i is the index in the date specifications above.
- def util_check_component(m, i)
- @@dates.each do |x|
- assert_equal(x.orig[i], Time.local(*x.orig).send(m))
- assert_equal(x.result[i], Time.local(*x.result).send(m))
- assert_equal(x.orig[i], Time.gm(*x.orig).send(m))
- assert_equal(x.result[i], Time.gm(*x.result).send(m))
- end
- end
- def util_class_now(method)
- min = 0.1
- max = min * 3.0 # some ruby impls will be SLOOOW
- t1 = Time.send(method)
- sleep min
- t2 = Time.send(method)
- delta = t2.to_f - t1.to_f
- assert(delta >= min, "time difference must be at least #{min}")
- assert(max >= delta, "time difference should not be more than #{max}")
- end
- def util_os_specific_epoch
- "Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970"
- end
- ##
- # If this test is failing, you've got big problems. Start with Time::at,
- # Time::utc and Time::local before looking at bugs in any of your other
- # code.
- def test_00sanity # ZenTest SKIP
- assert_equal(Time.at(981173106), Time.utc(2001, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
- "If this test fails, don't bother debugging anything else.")
- assert_equal(Time.at(981201906), Time.local(2001, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
- "If this test fails, don't bother debugging anything else.")
- end
- # Class methods:
- def test_class__load
- # TODO: raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_class__load'
- end
- def test_class_at
- sec = @loc.to_i
- assert_equal(0, Time.at(0).to_i)
- assert_equal(@loc, Time.at(@loc))
- assert_in_delta(Time.at(sec,1_000_000).to_f, Time.at(sec).to_f, 1.0)
- # no arguments ==> error
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- Time.at
- end
- # one integer argument ==> seconds
- t = Time.at(1_234_567)
- assert_equal(1_234_567, t.tv_sec)
- assert_equal( 0, t.tv_usec)
- # two integer arguments ==> seconds & microseconds
- t = Time.at(1_234_567, 888_999)
- assert_equal(1_234_567, t.tv_sec)
- assert_equal( 888_999, t.tv_usec)
- # float argument ==> second & rounded microseconds
- t = Time.at(1_234_567.5)
- assert_equal(1_234_567, t.tv_sec)
- assert_equal( 500_000, t.tv_usec)
- # float + integer arguments ==> rounded seconds & microseconds
- t = Time.at(1_234_567.5, 300_000)
- assert_equal(1_234_567, t.tv_sec)
- assert_equal( 300_000, t.tv_usec)
- # Time argument
- t1 = Time.at(1_234_567, 888_999)
- t2 = Time.at(t1)
- assert_equal(1_234_567, t2.tv_sec)
- assert_equal( 888_999, t2.tv_usec)
- end
- def test_class_at_utc
- utc1 = @utc
- utc2 = Time.at(@utc)
- assert(utc1.utc?)
- assert(utc2.utc?)
- assert_equal(utc1.to_i, utc2.to_i)
- end
- def test_class_gm
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.gm }
- assert_not_equal(Time.gm(2000), Time.local(2000))
- assert_equal(Time.gm(2000), Time.gm(2000,1,1,0,0,0))
- assert_equal(Time.gm(2000,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil), Time.gm(2000,1,1,0,0,0))
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.gm(2000,0) }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.gm(2000,13) }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.gm(2000,1,1,24) }
- Time.gm(2000,1,1,23)
- @@months.each do |month, num|
- assert_equal(Time.gm(2000,month), Time.gm(2000,num,1,0,0,0))
- assert_equal(Time.gm(1970,month), Time.gm(1970,num,1,0,0,0))
- assert_equal(Time.gm(2037,month), Time.gm(2037,num,1,0,0,0))
- end
- t = Time.gm(2000,1,1)
- a = t.to_a
- assert_equal(Time.gm(*a),t)
- end
- def test_class_local
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.local }
- assert_not_equal(Time.gm(2000), Time.local(2000))
- assert_equal(Time.local(2000), Time.local(2000,1,1,0,0,0))
- assert_equal(Time.local(2000,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil), Time.local(2000,1,1,0,0,0))
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.local(2000,0) }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.local(2000,13) }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.local(2000,1,1,24) }
- Time.local(2000,1,1,23)
- @@months.each do |month, num|
- assert_equal(Time.local(2000,month), Time.local(2000,num,1,0,0,0))
- assert_equal(Time.local(1971,month), Time.local(1971,num,1,0,0,0))
- assert_equal(Time.local(2037,month), Time.local(2037,num,1,0,0,0))
- end
- t = Time.local(2000,1,1)
- a = t.to_a
- assert_equal(Time.local(*a),t)
- end
- def test_class_mktime
- #
- # Test insufficient arguments
- #
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.mktime }
- assert_not_equal(Time.gm(2000), Time.mktime(2000))
- assert_equal(Time.mktime(2000), Time.mktime(2000,1,1,0,0,0))
- assert_equal(Time.mktime(2000,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil), Time.mktime(2000,1,1,0,0,0))
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.mktime(2000,0) }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.mktime(2000,13) }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.mktime(2000,1,1,24) }
- Time.mktime(2000,1,1,23)
- #
- # Make sure spelled-out month names work
- #
- @@months.each do |month, num|
- assert_equal(Time.mktime(2000,month), Time.mktime(2000,num,1,0,0,0))
- assert_equal(Time.mktime(1971,month), Time.mktime(1971,num,1,0,0,0))
- assert_equal(Time.mktime(2037,month), Time.mktime(2037,num,1,0,0,0))
- end
- t = Time.mktime(2000,1,1)
- a = t.to_a
- assert_equal(Time.mktime(*a),t)
- end
- def test_class_now
- util_class_now(:now) # Time.now
- end
- def test_class_times
- assert_instance_of(Struct::Tms, Process.times)
- end
- def test_class_utc
- test_class_gm # TODO: refactor to ensure they really are synonyms
- end
- # Instance Methods:
- def test__dump
- # TODO: raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test__dump'
- end
- def test_asctime
- expected = util_os_specific_epoch
- assert_equal(expected, Time.at(0).gmtime.asctime)
- end
- def test_clone
- for taint in [ false, true ]
- for frozen in [ false, true ]
- a = @loc.dup
- a.taint if taint
- a.freeze if frozen
- b = a.clone
- assert_equal(a, b)
- assert_not_equal(a.__id__, b.__id__)
- assert_equal(a.frozen?, b.frozen?)
- assert_equal(a.tainted?, b.tainted?)
- end
- end
- end
- def test_ctime
- expected = util_os_specific_epoch
- assert_equal(expected, Time.at(0).gmtime.ctime)
- end
- def test_day
- util_check_component(:day, 2)
- end
- def test_dst_eh
- test_isdst # TODO: refactor to test that they really are the same
- end
- def test_eql_eh
- t1 = @loc
- t2 = Time.at(t1)
- t3 = t1 + 2e-6
- t4 = t1 + 1
- assert(t1.eql?(t1))
- assert(t1.eql?(t2))
- assert(!t1.eql?(t3))
- assert(!t1.eql?(t4))
- assert(t1.eql?(t1.getutc))
- end
- def test_getgm
- # TODO: this only tests local -> gm
- t1 = @loc
- loc = Time.at(t1)
- assert(!t1.gmt?)
- t2 = t1.getgm
- assert(!t1.gmt?)
- assert(t2.gmt?)
- assert_equal(t1, loc)
- assert_equal(t1.asctime, loc.asctime)
- assert_not_equal(t2.asctime, loc.asctime)
- assert_not_equal(t1.asctime, t2.asctime)
- assert_equal(t1, t2)
- end
- def test_getlocal
- # TODO: this only tests gm -> local
- t1 = @utc
- utc = Time.at(t1)
- assert(t1.gmt?)
- t2 = t1.getlocal
- assert(t1.gmt?)
- assert(!t2.gmt?)
- assert_equal(t1, utc)
- assert_equal(t1.asctime, utc.asctime)
- assert_not_equal(t2.asctime, utc.asctime)
- assert_not_equal(t1.asctime, t2.asctime)
- assert_equal(t1, t2)
- end
- def test_getutc
- test_getgm # REFACTOR to test both calls
- end
- def test_gmt_eh
- assert(!@loc.gmt?)
- assert(@utc.gmt?)
- assert(!Time.local(2000).gmt?)
- assert(Time.gm(2000).gmt?)
- end
- def test_gmt_offset
- test_utc_offset # REFACTOR to test both methods
- end
- def test_gmtime
- # TODO: this only tests local -> gm
- t = @loc
- loc = Time.at(t)
- assert(!t.gmt?)
- t.gmtime
- assert(t.gmt?)
- assert_not_equal(t.asctime, loc.asctime)
- end
- def test_gmtoff
- test_utc_offset # REFACTOR to test both methods
- end
- def test_hash
- t1 = @utc
- t2 = Time.at(t1)
- t3 = @utc + 1
- assert_equal(t1.hash, t2.hash)
- assert_not_equal(t1.hash, t3.hash)
- end
- def test_hour
- util_check_component(:hour, 3)
- end
- def test_initialize
- util_class_now(:new) # Time.new
- end
- def test_inspect
- assert_equal("Sat Feb 03 04:05:06 UTC 2001", @utc.inspect)
- assert_equal("Sat Feb 03 04:05:06 -0800 2001", @loc.inspect)
- end
- def test_isdst
- # This code is problematic: how do I find out the exact
- # date and time of the dst switch for all the possible
- # timezones in which this code runs? For now, I'll just check
- # midvalues, and add boundary checks for the US. I know this won't
- # work in some parts of the US, even, so I'm looking for
- # better ideas
- # Are we in the US?
- if ["EST", "EDT",
- "CST", "CDT",
- "MST", "MDT",
- "PST", "PDT"].include? @zone
- dtest = [
- [false, 2000, 1, 1],
- [true, 2000, 7, 1],
- [true, 2000, 4, 2, 4],
- [false, 2000, 10, 29, 4],
- [false, 2000, 4,2,1,59], # Spring forward
- [true, 2000, 4,2,3,0],
- [true, 2000, 10,29,0,59], # Fall back
- [false, 2000, 10,29,2,0]
- ]
- dtest.each do |x|
- result = x.shift
- assert_equal(result, Time.local(*x).isdst,
- "\nExpected Time.local(#{x.join(',')}).isdst == #{result}")
- end
- else
- skipping("Don't know how to do timezones");
- end
- end
- def test_localtime
- # TODO: this only tests gm -> local
- t = @utc
- utc = Time.at(t)
- assert(t.gmt?)
- t.localtime
- assert(!t.gmt?)
- assert_not_equal(t.asctime, utc.asctime)
- end
- def test_mday
- util_check_component(:mday, 2)
- end
- def test_min
- util_check_component(:min, 4)
- end
- def test_minus # '-'
- @@dates.each do |x|
- # Check subtracting an amount in seconds
- assert_equal(Time.local(*x.result) - x.amt, Time.local(*x.orig))
- assert_equal(Time.gm(*x.result) - x.amt, Time.gm(*x.orig))
- # Check subtracting two times
- assert_equal(Time.local(*x.result) - Time.local(*x.orig), x.amt)
- assert_equal(Time.gm(*x.result) - Time.gm(*x.orig), x.amt)
- end
- # integer argument
- t1 = Time.at(1_234_567, 500_000)
- t2 = t1 - 567
- assert_equal( 1_234_000, t2.tv_sec)
- assert_equal( 500_000, t2.tv_usec)
- # float argument with fractional part
- t1 = Time.at(1_234_567, 500_000)
- t2 = t1 - 566.75
- assert_equal( 1_234_000, t2.tv_sec)
- assert_equal( 750_000, t2.tv_usec)
- # Time argument
- t1 = Time.at(1_234_000, 750_000)
- t2 = Time.at(1_234_567, 500_000)
- diff = t2 - t1
- assert_equal( 566.75, diff)
- end
- def test_mon
- util_check_component(:mon, 1)
- end
- def test_month
- util_check_component(:month, 1)
- end
- def test_plus # '+'
- @@dates.each do |x|
- assert_equal(Time.local(*x.orig) + x.amt, Time.local(*x.result))
- assert_equal(Time.gm(*x.orig) + x.amt, Time.gm(*x.result))
- end
- # integer argument
- t1 = Time.at(1_234_567, 500_000)
- t2 = t1 + 433
- assert_equal( 1_235_000, t2.tv_sec)
- assert_equal( 500_000, t2.tv_usec)
- # float argument with fractional part
- t1 = Time.at(1_234_567, 500_000)
- t2 = t1 + 433.25
- assert_equal( 1_235_000, t2.tv_sec)
- assert_equal( 750_000, t2.tv_usec)
- end
- def test_sec
- util_check_component(:sec, 5)
- end
- def test_spaceship # '<=>'
- @@dates.each do |x|
- if (x.amt != 0)
- assert_equal(1, Time.local(*x.result) <=> Time.local(*x.orig),
- "#{x.result} should be > #{x.orig}")
- assert_equal(-1, Time.local(*x.orig) <=> Time.local(*x.result))
- assert_equal(0, Time.local(*x.orig) <=> Time.local(*x.orig))
- assert_equal(0, Time.local(*x.result) <=> Time.local(*x.result))
- assert_equal(1,Time.gm(*x.result) <=> Time.gm(*x.orig))
- assert_equal(-1,Time.gm(*x.orig) <=> Time.gm(*x.result))
- assert_equal(0,Time.gm(*x.orig) <=> Time.gm(*x.orig))
- assert_equal(0,Time.gm(*x.result) <=> Time.gm(*x.result))
- end
- end
- # microsecond diffs
- assert_equal( 1, Time.at(10_000, 500_000) <=> Time.at(10_000, 499_999))
- assert_equal( 0, Time.at(10_000, 500_000) <=> Time.at(10_000, 500_000))
- assert_equal(-1, Time.at(10_000, 500_000) <=> Time.at(10_000, 500_001))
- # second diff & microsecond diffs
- assert_equal(-1, Time.at(10_000, 500_000) <=> Time.at(10_001, 499_999))
- assert_equal(-1, Time.at(10_000, 500_000) <=> Time.at(10_001, 500_000))
- assert_equal(-1, Time.at(10_000, 500_000) <=> Time.at(10_001, 500_001))
- # non-Time object gives nil
- assert_nil(Time.at(10_000) <=> Object.new)
- end
- def test_strftime
- # Sat Jan 1 14:58:42 2000
- t = Time.local(2000,1,1,14,58,42)
- stest = {
- '%a' => 'Sat',
- '%A' => 'Saturday',
- '%b' => 'Jan',
- '%B' => 'January',
- #'%c', The preferred local date and time representation,
- '%d' => '01',
- '%H' => '14',
- '%I' => '02',
- '%j' => '001',
- '%m' => '01',
- '%M' => '58',
- '%p' => 'PM',
- '%S' => '42',
- '%U' => '00',
- '%W' => '00',
- '%w' => '6',
- #'%x', Preferred representation for the date alone, no time\\
- #'%X', Preferred representation for the time alone, no date\\
- '%y' => '00',
- '%Y' => '2000',
- #'%Z', Time zone name\\
- '%%' => '%',
- }
- stest.each {|flag,val|
- assert_equal("Got "+val,t.strftime("Got " + flag))
- }
- end
- def test_succ
- t1 = @loc
- t2 = t1 + 1
- t3 = t1.succ
- assert_equal(t2, t3)
- end
- def test_to_a
- t = @loc
- a = t.to_a
- assert_equal(t.sec, a[0])
- assert_equal(t.min, a[1])
- assert_equal(t.hour, a[2])
- assert_equal(t.day, a[3])
- assert_equal(t.month,a[4])
- assert_equal(t.year, a[5])
- assert_equal(t.wday, a[6])
- assert_equal(t.yday, a[7])
- assert_equal(t.isdst,a[8])
- assert_equal(t.zone, a[9])
- end
- def test_to_f
- t = Time.at(10000,1066)
- assert_in_delta(10000.001066, t.to_f, 1e-7)
- end
- def test_to_i
- t = Time.at(0)
- assert_equal(0, t.to_i)
- t = Time.at(10000)
- assert_equal(10000, t.to_i)
- end
- def test_to_s
- assert_equal("Sat Feb 03 04:05:06 UTC 2001", @utc.to_s)
- assert_equal("Sat Feb 03 04:05:06 -0800 2001", @loc.to_s)
- end
- def test_tv_sec
- t = Time.at(0)
- assert_equal(0,t.tv_sec)
- t = Time.at(10000)
- assert_equal(10000,t.tv_sec)
- end
- def util_usec(s, u, method)
- t = Time.at(s,u)
- assert_equal(u,t.send(method))
- end
- def test_tv_usec
- util_usec(10000, 1066, :tv_usec)
- util_usec(10000, 0, :tv_usec)
- end
- def test_usec
- util_usec(10000, 1066, :usec)
- util_usec(10000, 0, :usec)
- end
- def test_utc
- test_gmtime # REFACTOR to test both methods
- end
- def test_utc_eh
- test_gmt_eh # REFACTOR to test both methods
- end
- def test_utc_offset
- # TODO: figure out the year, month, & day edgecase setups
- off = @utc - @loc
- assert_equal(0, @utc.utc_offset)
- assert_equal(off, @loc.utc_offset)
- end
- def test_wday
- t = Time.local(2001, 4, 1)
- 7.times { |i|
- assert_equal(i,t.wday)
- }
- end
- def test_yday
- # non-leap 1/1, 2/28, 3/1, 12/31
- # leap 1/1, 2/28, 2/29, 3/1, 12/31
- # leap century (2000)
- # want to do a non-leap century, but they are out of range.
- # any others?
- # non-leap year:
- assert_equal( 1, Time.local(1999, 1, 1).yday)
- assert_equal( 59, Time.local(1999, 2, 28).yday)
- assert_equal( 60, Time.local(1999, 3, 1).yday)
- assert_equal(365, Time.local(1999, 12, 31).yday)
- # leap century:
- assert_equal( 1, Time.local(2000, 1, 1).yday)
- assert_equal( 59, Time.local(2000, 2, 28).yday)
- assert_equal( 60, Time.local(2000, 2, 29).yday)
- assert_equal( 61, Time.local(2000, 3, 1).yday)
- assert_equal(366, Time.local(2000, 12, 31).yday)
- # leap year:
- assert_equal( 1, Time.local(2004, 1, 1).yday)
- assert_equal( 59, Time.local(2004, 2, 28).yday)
- assert_equal( 60, Time.local(2004, 2, 29).yday)
- assert_equal( 61, Time.local(2004, 3, 1).yday)
- assert_equal(366, Time.local(2004, 12, 31).yday)
- end
- def test_year
- util_check_component(:year, 0)
- end
- def test_zone
- gmt = "UTC"
- t = @utc
- assert_equal(gmt, t.zone)
- t = @loc
- assert_not_equal(gmt, t.zone)
- end
- end