https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus · Java · 365 lines · 253 code · 42 blank · 70 comment · 59 complexity · 4ad3346c706c13a3da96cac79524c725 MD5 · raw file
- package net.suberic.pooka.gui.propedit;
- import java.util.*;
- import net.suberic.util.gui.propedit.*;
- import net.suberic.util.VariableBundle;
- /**
- * The controller class for the NewStoreWizard.
- */
- public class NewStoreWizardController extends WizardController {
- /**
- * Creates a NewStoreWizardController.
- */
- public NewStoreWizardController(String sourceTemplate, WizardEditorPane wep) {
- super(sourceTemplate, wep);
- }
- /**
- * Checks the state transition to make sure that we can move from
- * state to state.
- */
- public void checkStateTransition(String oldState, String newState) throws PropertyValueVetoException {
- getEditorPane().validateProperty(oldState);
- if (newState.equals("userInfo") && oldState.equals("storeConfig")) {
- // load default values into the user configuration.
- //System.err.println("moving to userInfo; setting default values.");
- String protocol = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.protocol", "imap");
- //System.err.println("protocol = " + protocol);
- if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("imap") || protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("pop3")) {
- String user = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.user", "");
- String server = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.server", "");
- //System.err.println("setting username to " + user + "@" + server);
- getManager().setTemporaryProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.from", user + "@" + server);
- PropertyEditorUI fromEditor = getManager().getPropertyEditor("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.from");
- //System.err.println("got fromEditor " + fromEditor);
- fromEditor.setOriginalValue(user + "@" + server);
- fromEditor.resetDefaultValue();
- } else {
- //System.err.println("local store");
- String username = System.getProperty("user.name");
- String hostname = "localhost";
- try {
- java.net.InetAddress localMachine = java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost();
- hostname = localMachine.getHostName();
- } catch(java.net.UnknownHostException uhe) {
- // just use 'localhost'
- }
- String address = username + "@" + hostname;
- getManager().setTemporaryProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.from", address);
- PropertyEditorUI fromEditor = getManager().getPropertyEditor("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.from");
- //System.err.println("got fromEditor " + fromEditor);
- fromEditor.setOriginalValue(address);
- fromEditor.resetDefaultValue();
- }
- } else if (newState.equals("outgoingServer") && oldState.equals("userInfo")) {
- // load default values into the smtp configuration.
- String protocol = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.protocol", "imap");
- //System.err.println("protocol = " + protocol);
- if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("imap") || protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("pop3")) {
- String user = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.user", "");
- String server = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.server", "");
- getManager().setTemporaryProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.user", user);
- PropertyEditorUI userEditor = getManager().getPropertyEditor("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.user");
- userEditor.setOriginalValue(user);
- userEditor.resetDefaultValue();
- getManager().setTemporaryProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.server", server);
- PropertyEditorUI serverEditor = getManager().getPropertyEditor("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.server");
- serverEditor.setOriginalValue(server);
- serverEditor.resetDefaultValue();
- } else {
- getManager().setTemporaryProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.server", "localhost");
- PropertyEditorUI serverEditor = getManager().getPropertyEditor("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.server");
- serverEditor.setOriginalValue("localhost");
- serverEditor.resetDefaultValue();
- }
- } else if (newState.equals("storeName")) {
- String user = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.user", "");
- String server = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.server", "");
- String storeName = user + "@" + server;
- PropertyEditorUI storeNameEditor = getManager().getPropertyEditor("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.storeName");
- setUniqueProperty(storeNameEditor, storeName, "NewStoreWizard.editors.store.storeName");
- String smtpServerName = "";
- // set the username
- String userProfileName= getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.userProfile", "__default");
- if (userProfileName.equalsIgnoreCase("__new")) {
- userProfileName = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.from", "");
- // set the smtp server name only for new users
- smtpServerName= getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.outgoingServer", "__default");
- if (smtpServerName.equalsIgnoreCase("__new")) {
- smtpServerName = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.server", "");
- } else if (smtpServerName.equalsIgnoreCase("__default")) {
- smtpServerName = getManager().getProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.outgoingServer.listMapping.__default.label", "< Global Default SMTP Server >");
- }
- } else if (userProfileName.equalsIgnoreCase("__default")) {
- userProfileName = getManager().getProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.userProfile.listMapping.__default.label", "< Global Default Profile >");
- }
- PropertyEditorUI userProfileNameEditor = getManager().getPropertyEditor("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.userName");
- setUniqueProperty(userProfileNameEditor, userProfileName, "NewStoreWizard.editors.user.userName");
- PropertyEditorUI smtpServerNameEditor = getManager().getPropertyEditor("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.smtpServerName");
- setUniqueProperty(smtpServerNameEditor, smtpServerName, "NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.smtpServerName");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gets the next state.
- */
- public String getNextState(String currentState) {
- int current = mStateList.indexOf(mState);
- if (current > -1 && current < (mStateList.size() -1)) {
- String newState = mStateList.get(current + 1);
- // if we're not creating a new user, skip the smtp server step.
- if (newState.equals("outgoingServer")) {
- String newUser = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.userProfile", ListEditorPane.SELECTION_DEFAULT);
- if (! newUser.equalsIgnoreCase(ListEditorPane.SELECTION_NEW)) {
- if (current < (mStateList.size() -2)) {
- newState = mStateList.get(current + 2);
- }
- }
- }
- return newState;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gets the state that should be displayed next from a back request.
- */
- public String getBackState(String currentState) {
- int current = mStateList.indexOf(currentState);
- if (current >= 1) {
- String newState = mStateList.get(current - 1);
- // if we're not creating a new user, skip the smtp server step.
- if (newState.equals("outgoingServer")) {
- String newUser = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.userProfile", ListEditorPane.SELECTION_DEFAULT);
- if (! newUser.equalsIgnoreCase(ListEditorPane.SELECTION_NEW)) {
- if (current >= 2) {
- newState = mStateList.get(current - 2);
- }
- }
- }
- return newState;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Saves all of the properties for this wizard.
- */
- protected void saveProperties() throws PropertyValueVetoException {
- Properties storeProperties = createStoreProperties();
- Properties userProperties = createUserProperties();
- Properties smtpProperties = createSmtpProperties();
- //getManager().clearValues();
- addAll(storeProperties);
- addAll(userProperties);
- addAll(smtpProperties);
- // now add the values to the store, user, and smtp server editors,
- // if necessary.
- String accountName = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.storeName", "testStore");
- MultiEditorPane mep = (MultiEditorPane) getManager().getPropertyEditor("Store");
- if (mep != null) {
- mep.addNewValue(accountName);
- } else {
- appendProperty("Store", accountName);
- }
- String defaultUser = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.userProfile", "__default");
- if (defaultUser.equals("__new")) {
- String userName = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.userName", "");
- mep = (MultiEditorPane) getManager().getPropertyEditor("UserProfile");
- if (mep != null) {
- mep.addNewValue(userName);
- } else {
- appendProperty("UserProfile", userName);
- }
- String defaultSmtpServer = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.outgoingServer", "__default");
- if (defaultSmtpServer.equals("__new")) {
- String smtpServerName = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.smtpServerName", "");
- mep = (MultiEditorPane) getManager().getPropertyEditor("OutgoingServer");
- if (mep != null) {
- mep.addNewValue(smtpServerName);
- } else {
- // if there's no editor, then set the value itself.
- appendProperty("OutgoingServer", smtpServerName);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Finsihes the wizard.
- */
- public void finishWizard() throws PropertyValueVetoException {
- saveProperties();
- getEditorPane().getWizardContainer().closeWizard();
- }
- /**
- * Creates the storeProperties from the wizard values.
- */
- public Properties createStoreProperties() {
- Properties returnValue = new Properties();
- String accountName = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.storeName", "testStore");
- String protocol = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.protocol", "imap");
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".protocol", protocol);
- if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("imap")) {
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".server", getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.server", ""));
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".user", getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.user", ""));
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".password", getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.password", ""));
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".port", getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.port", ""));
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".useSubscribed", "true");
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".SSL", getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.SSL", "none"));
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".cacheMode", getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.cacheMode", "headersOnly"));
- } else if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("pop3")) {
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".server", getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.server", ""));
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".user", getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.user", ""));
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".password", getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.password", ""));
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".port", getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.port", ""));
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".SSL", getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.SSL", "none"));
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".useMaildir", "true");
- /*
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".leaveMessagesOnServer", getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.leaveOnServer", "true"));
- if (manager.getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.leaveOnServer", "true").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".deleteOnServerOnLocalDelete", "true");
- }
- */
- } else if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("mbox")) {
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".inboxLocation", getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.inboxLocation", "/var/spool/mail/" + System.getProperty("user.name")));
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".mailDirectory", getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.mailDirectory", getManager().getCurrentProperty("Pooka.cacheDirectory", "${pooka.root}" + java.io.File.separator + ".pooka")));
- } else if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("maildir")) {
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".mailDir", getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.mailDir", "${pooka.root}" + java.io.File.separator + "Maildir"));
- }
- /*
- List<String> storeList = getManager().getPropertyAsList("Store", "");
- storeList.add(accountName);
- returnValue.setProperty("Store", net.suberic.util.VariableBundle.convertToString(storeList));
- */
- return returnValue;
- }
- /**
- * Creates the userProperties from the wizard values.
- */
- public Properties createUserProperties() {
- Properties returnValue = new Properties();
- String storeName = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.storeName", "testStore");
- String defaultUser = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.userProfile", "__default");
- if (defaultUser.equals("__new")) {
- String from = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.from", "test@example.com");
- String fromPersonal = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.fromPersonal", "");
- String replyTo = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.replyTo", "");
- String replyToPersonal = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.replyToPersonal", "");
- String userName = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.userName", from);
- returnValue.setProperty("UserProfile." + userName + ".mailHeaders.From", from );
- returnValue.setProperty("UserProfile." + userName + ".mailHeaders.FromPersonal", fromPersonal);
- returnValue.setProperty("UserProfile." + userName + ".mailHeaders.ReplyTo", replyTo);
- returnValue.setProperty("UserProfile." + userName + ".mailHeaders.ReplyToPersonal", replyToPersonal);
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + storeName + ".defaultProfile", userName);
- } else {
- returnValue.setProperty("Store." + storeName + ".defaultProfile", defaultUser);
- }
- return returnValue;
- }
- /**
- * Creates the smtpProperties from the wizard values.
- */
- public Properties createSmtpProperties() {
- Properties returnValue = new Properties();
- String defaultUser = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.userProfile", "__default");
- // only make smtp server changes if there's a new user.
- if (defaultUser.equals("__new")) {
- String userName = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.user.userName", "newuser");
- String defaultSmtpServer = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.outgoingServer", "__default");
- if (defaultSmtpServer.equals("__new")) {
- String serverName = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.smtpServerName", "newSmtpServer");
- String server = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.server", "");
- String port = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.port", "");
- String authenticated = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.authenticated", "");
- String user = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.user", "");
- String password = getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.smtp.password", "");
- returnValue.setProperty("OutgoingServer." + serverName + ".server", server);
- returnValue.setProperty("OutgoingServer." + serverName + ".port", port);
- returnValue.setProperty("OutgoingServer." + serverName + ".authenticated", authenticated);
- if (authenticated.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
- returnValue.setProperty("OutgoingServer." + serverName + ".user", user );
- returnValue.setProperty("OutgoingServer." + serverName + ".password", password);
- }
- returnValue.setProperty("UserProfile." + userName + ".mailServer", serverName);
- } else {
- returnValue.setProperty("UserProfile." + userName + ".mailServer", defaultSmtpServer);
- }
- }
- return returnValue;
- }
- /**
- * Adds all of the values from the given Properties to the
- * PropertyEditorManager.
- */
- void addAll(Properties props) {
- Set<String> names = props.stringPropertyNames();
- for (String name: names) {
- getManager().setProperty(name, props.getProperty(name));
- }
- }
- public void setUniqueProperty(PropertyEditorUI editor, String originalValue, String propertyName) {
- String value = originalValue;
- boolean success = false;
- for (int i = 0 ; ! success && i < 10; i++) {
- if (i != 0) {
- value = originalValue + "_" + i;
- }
- try {
- editor.setOriginalValue(value);
- editor.resetDefaultValue();
- getManager().setTemporaryProperty(propertyName, value);
- success = true;
- } catch (PropertyValueVetoException pvve) {
- // on an exception, just start over.
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Appends the given value to the property.
- */
- public void appendProperty(String property, String value) {
- List<String> current = getManager().getPropertyAsList(property, "");
- current.add(value);
- getManager().setProperty(property, VariableBundle.convertToString(current));
- }
- }