https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus · Java · 418 lines · 221 code · 42 blank · 155 comment · 83 complexity · 36bff481e173c2157a9b7bd50f3bc2ef MD5 · raw file
- /*
- * Copyright 2006 The National Library of New Zealand
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.webcurator.ui.common.validation;
- import java.text.DateFormat;
- import java.text.ParseException;
- import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import java.util.List;
- import org.webcurator.core.permissionmapping.UrlUtils;
- import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
- import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MalformedPatternException;
- import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Compiler;
- import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Matcher;
- import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Pattern;
- import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
- import org.springframework.validation.Errors;
- import org.webcurator.core.common.Constants;
- import org.webcurator.core.harvester.coordinator.HarvestCoordinator;
- import org.webcurator.core.scheduler.TargetInstanceManager;
- import org.webcurator.core.targets.TargetManager;
- import org.webcurator.core.util.ApplicationContextFactory;
- import org.webcurator.domain.HarvestCoordinatorDAO;
- import org.webcurator.domain.model.core.BandwidthRestriction;
- import org.webcurator.domain.model.core.TargetInstance;
- import org.webcurator.ui.agent.command.BandwidthRestrictionsCommand;
- /**
- * Utility class providing useful validation methods.
- * @author nwaight
- */
- public final class ValidatorUtil {
- public final static String EMAIL_VALIDATION_REGEX =
- "^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4})$";
- /**
- * Helper function to validate that a number is greater than the
- * low limit value.
- * @param aErrors the errors object to populate
- * @param aNumber the number to check
- * @param aLowLimit the low limit
- * @param aErrorCode the error code to use
- * @param aValues the values to set in the error message
- * @param aFailureMessage the default error message
- */
- public static void validateMinNumber(Errors aErrors, Number aNumber, Number aLowLimit, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aFailureMessage) {
- if (aNumber != null) {
- if (aNumber.doubleValue() <= aLowLimit.doubleValue()) {
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Helper function to validate the length of a string input field.
- * @param aErrors the errors object to populate
- * @param aField the field to check the length of
- * @param aMaxLength the length to check against
- * @param aErrorCode the code for the message resource value
- * @param aValues the list of values to replace in the i8n messages
- * @param aFailureMessage the default failure message
- */
- public static void validateStringMaxLength(Errors aErrors, String aField, int aMaxLength, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aFailureMessage) {
- if (aField != null && !aField.trim().equals("")) {
- if (aField.length() > aMaxLength) {
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Helper function to validate the length of a string input field.
- * @param aErrors the errors object to populate
- * @param aField the field to check the length of
- * @param aMinLength the length to check against
- * @param aErrorCode the code for the message resource value
- * @param aValues the list of values to replace in the i8n messages
- * @param aFailureMessage the default failure message
- */
- public static void validateStringMinLength(Errors aErrors, String aField, int aMinLength, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aFailureMessage) {
- if (aField != null && !aField.trim().equals("")) {
- if (aField.length() < aMinLength) {
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Helper method used to check two string values match.
- * @param aErrors the errors object to populate
- * @param val1 String value 1
- * @param val2 String value 2
- * @param aErrorCode the error code
- * @param aValues the values
- * @param aFailureMessage the default message
- */
- public static void validateValueMatch(Errors aErrors, String val1, String val2, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aFailureMessage) {
- if (val1 != null && val2 != null) {
- if (val1.equals(val2) == true) {
- return;
- }
- }
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- }
- /**
- * Helper method used to check two string values are different.
- * @param aErrors the errors object to populate
- * @param val1 String value 1
- * @param val2 String value 2
- * @param aErrorCode the error code
- * @param aValues the values
- * @param aFailureMessage the default message
- */
- public static void validateValuesDifferent(Errors aErrors, String val1, String val2, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aFailureMessage) {
- if (val1 != null && val2 != null) {
- if (val1.equals(val2) == false) {
- return;
- }
- }
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- }
- /**
- * Helper method to validated that a start time is before and
- * not the same as an end time.
- * @param aErrors the errors object to populate
- * @param aStart the start time
- * @param aEnd the end time
- * @param aErrorCode the error code
- * @param aValues the values to set in the error message
- * @param aFailureMessage the default failure message
- */
- public static void validateStartBeforeEndTime(Errors aErrors, Date aStart, Date aEnd, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aFailureMessage) {
- if (aStart != null && aEnd != null) {
- if (aStart.after(aEnd)) {
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- }
- if (aStart.equals(aEnd)) {
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Helper method to validated that a start time is before or equal to the
- * end time.
- * @param aErrors the errors object to populate
- * @param aStart the start time
- * @param aEnd the end time
- * @param aErrorCode the error code
- * @param aValues the values to set in the error message
- * @param aFailureMessage the default failure message
- */
- public static void validateStartBeforeOrEqualEndTime(Errors aErrors, Date aStart, Date aEnd, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aFailureMessage) {
- if (aStart != null && aEnd != null) {
- if (aStart.after(aEnd)) {
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Helper method to validated that a start time is before and
- * not the same as an end time for a specified bandwidth restriction.
- * @param aErrors the errors object to populate
- * @param aCmd the bandwidth restriction command
- * @param aErrorCode the error code
- * @param aValues the values to set in the error message
- * @param aFailureMessage the default failure message
- */
- public static void validateNoBandwidthPeriodOverlaps(Errors aErrors, BandwidthRestrictionsCommand aCmd, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aFailureMessage) {
- if (aCmd != null && aCmd.getStart() != null && aCmd.getEnd() != null && aCmd.getDay() != null) {
- ApplicationContext context = ApplicationContextFactory.getWebApplicationContext();
- HarvestCoordinatorDAO hcDao = (HarvestCoordinatorDAO) context.getBean(Constants.BEAN_HARVEST_COORDINATOR_DAO);
- HashMap<String, List<BandwidthRestriction>> allRestrictions = hcDao.getBandwidthRestrictions();
- List restrictions = allRestrictions.get(aCmd.getDay());
- if (restrictions != null && !restrictions.isEmpty()) {
- BandwidthRestriction newBr = new BandwidthRestriction();
- newBr.setStartTime(aCmd.getStart());
- newBr.setEndTime(aCmd.getEnd());
- BandwidthRestriction element = null;
- Iterator it = restrictions.iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- element = (BandwidthRestriction) it.next();
- if (aCmd.getOid() == null || !aCmd.getOid().equals(element.getOid())) {
- if (newBr.getStartTime().after(element.getStartTime()) && newBr.getStartTime().before(element.getEndTime())) {
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- return;
- }
- if (newBr.getEndTime().after(element.getStartTime()) && newBr.getEndTime().before(element.getEndTime())) {
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- return;
- }
- if (newBr.getStartTime().equals(element.getStartTime()) || newBr.getStartTime().equals(element.getEndTime())) {
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- return;
- }
- if (newBr.getEndTime().equals(element.getStartTime()) && newBr.getEndTime().equals(element.getEndTime())) {
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public static void validateIsDate(Errors errors, String aDate, String aDateFormat, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aDefaultMessage) {
- DateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(aDateFormat);
- try {
- simpleDateFormat.parse(aDate);
- }
- catch (ParseException e) {
- errors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aDefaultMessage);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Helper method to check to see if adding the new target instance will mean that
- * this or any other running harvest has a bandwidth setting below the minimum
- * @param aErrors the errors object to populate
- * @param aTargetInstanceOid the target instance id to check
- * @param aErrorCode the error code for a vaildation failure
- * @param aValues the values to set for a failure
- * @param aFailureMessage the default failure message
- */
- public static void validateMinimumBandwidthAvailable(Errors aErrors, Long aTargetInstanceOid, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aFailureMessage) {
- if (aTargetInstanceOid != null) {
- ApplicationContext context = ApplicationContextFactory.getWebApplicationContext();
- TargetInstanceManager targetInstanceManager = (TargetInstanceManager) context.getBean(Constants.BEAN_TARGET_INSTANCE_MNGR);
- HarvestCoordinator harvestCoordinator = (HarvestCoordinator) context.getBean(Constants.BEAN_HARVEST_COORDINATOR);
- TargetInstance ti = targetInstanceManager.getTargetInstance(aTargetInstanceOid);
- if (!harvestCoordinator.isMiniumBandwidthAvailable(ti)) {
- // failure bandwidth setting is too low.
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Helper method to check to see if the bandwidth percentage setting is
- * less than or equal to the maximum
- * @param aErrors the errors object to populate
- * @param aErrorCode the error code for a vaildation failure
- * @param aPercentage the percentage to check.
- */
- public static void validateMaxBandwidthPercentage(Errors aErrors, int aPercentage, String aErrorCode) {
- ApplicationContext context = ApplicationContextFactory.getWebApplicationContext();
- HarvestCoordinator harvestCoordinator = (HarvestCoordinator) context.getBean(Constants.BEAN_HARVEST_COORDINATOR);
- if (aPercentage > harvestCoordinator.getMaxBandwidthPercent()) {
- // failure bandwidth percentage setting is too high.
- Object[] vals = new Object[1];
- vals[0] = harvestCoordinator.getMaxBandwidthPercent();
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, vals, "max bandwidth percentage exeeded");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Helper method to check to see if the Target of a target instance is approved for harvest.
- * @param aErrors the errors object to populate
- * @param aTargetInstanceOid the target instance to check
- * @param aErrorCode the error code for a vaildation failure
- */
- public static void validateTargetApproved(Errors aErrors, Long aTargetInstanceOid, String aErrorCode) {
- ApplicationContext context = ApplicationContextFactory.getWebApplicationContext();
- TargetInstanceManager tiManager = (TargetInstanceManager) context.getBean(Constants.BEAN_TARGET_INSTANCE_MNGR);
- TargetManager targetManager = (TargetManager) context.getBean(Constants.BEAN_TARGET_MNGR);
- TargetInstance ti = tiManager.getTargetInstance(aTargetInstanceOid);
- if (!targetManager.isTargetHarvestable(ti)) {
- // failure target is not approved to be harvested.
- Object[] vals = new Object[1];
- vals[0] = ti.getTarget().getOid().toString();
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, vals, "target instance is not approved for harvest");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Helper method to validate the specified string does not contain anything other than
- * that specified by the regular expression
- * @param aErrors The errors object to populate
- * @param aValue the string to check
- * @param aRegEx the Perl based regular expression to check the value against
- * @param aErrorCode the error code for getting the i8n failure message
- * @param aValues the list of values to replace in the i8n messages
- * @param aFailureMessage the default error message
- */
- public static void validateRegEx(Errors aErrors, String aValue, String aRegEx, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aFailureMessage) {
- if (aValue != null && aRegEx != null && !aRegEx.equals("") && !aValue.trim().equals("")) {
- Perl5Compiler ptrnCompiler = new Perl5Compiler();
- Perl5Matcher matcher = new Perl5Matcher();
- try {
- Perl5Pattern aCharPattern = (Perl5Pattern) ptrnCompiler.compile(aRegEx);
- if (!matcher.contains(aValue, aCharPattern)) {
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- return;
- }
- }
- catch (MalformedPatternException e) {
- LogFactory.getLog(ValidatorUtil.class).fatal("Perl pattern malformed: pattern used was "+aRegEx +" : "+ e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Helper method to validate a supplied URL is correctly formatted
- * @param aErrors The errors object to populate
- * @param aURL The URL to check
- * @param aErrorCode the error code for getting the i8n failure message
- * @param aValues the list of values to replace in the i8n messages
- * @param aFailureMessage the default error message
- */
- public static void validateURL(Errors aErrors, String aURL, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aFailureMessage) {
- if(!UrlUtils.isUrl(aURL)) {
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Helper method to validate a new password for a user id.
- * @param aErrors The errors object to populate
- * @param aNewPwd the new password for the user id
- * @param aErrorCode the error code
- * @param aValues the values
- * @param aFailureMessage the default message
- */
- public static void validateNewPassword(Errors aErrors, String aNewPwd, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aFailureMessage) {
- if (aNewPwd != null && !aNewPwd.trim().equals("")) {
- Perl5Compiler ptrnCompiler = new Perl5Compiler();
- Perl5Matcher matcher = new Perl5Matcher();
- try {
- Perl5Pattern lcCharPattern = (Perl5Pattern) ptrnCompiler.compile("[a-z]");
- Perl5Pattern ucCharPattern = (Perl5Pattern) ptrnCompiler.compile("[A-Z]");
- Perl5Pattern numericPattern = (Perl5Pattern) ptrnCompiler.compile("[0-9]");
- if (aNewPwd.length() < 6) {
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- return;
- }
- if (!matcher.contains(aNewPwd, lcCharPattern)) {
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- return;
- }
- if (!matcher.contains(aNewPwd, ucCharPattern)) {
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- return;
- }
- if (!matcher.contains(aNewPwd, numericPattern)) {
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- return;
- }
- }
- catch (MalformedPatternException e) {
- LogFactory.getLog(ValidatorUtil.class).fatal("Perl patterns malformed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Helper method used to check string value 1 does not contain value 2.
- * @param aErrors the errors object to populate
- * @param val1 String value 1
- * @param val2 String value 2
- * @param aErrorCode the error code
- * @param aValues the values
- * @param aFailureMessage the default message
- */
- public static void validateValueNotContained(Errors aErrors, String val1, String val2, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aFailureMessage) {
- if (val1 != null && val2 != null) {
- if (val1.contains(val2) == false) {
- return;
- }
- }
- aErrors.reject(aErrorCode, aValues, aFailureMessage);
- }
- /** private constructor. */
- private ValidatorUtil() {
- super();
- }
- }