Python | 125 lines | 91 code | 17 blank | 17 comment | 2 complexity | 011c1ac736ddf0b4744d4db92323666b MD5 | raw file
- # stdlib
- from mock import Mock
- # project
- from checks import AgentCheck
- from tests.checks.common import AgentCheckTest
- WinHttpAutoProxySvc_attr = { # Running Windows Service
- 'AcceptPause': False,
- 'AcceptStop': True,
- 'Caption': "WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service",
- 'CheckPoint': 0,
- 'CreationClassName': "Win32_Service",
- 'Description': "WinHTTP implements the client HTTP stack and provides developers"
- " with a Win32 API and COM Automation component for sending HTTP requests"
- " and receiving responses. In addition, WinHTTP provides support "
- " for auto-discovering a proxy configuration via its implementation"
- " of the Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD) protocol.",
- 'DesktopInteract': False,
- 'DisplayName': "WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service",
- 'ErrorControl': "Normal",
- 'ExitCode': 0,
- 'Name': "WinHttpAutoProxySvc",
- 'PathName': "C:\\Windows\\system32\\svchost.exe -k LocalService",
- 'ProcessId': 864,
- 'ServiceSpecificExitCode': 0,
- 'ServiceType': "Share Process",
- 'Started': True,
- 'StartMode': "Manual",
- 'StartName': "NT AUTHORITY\\LocalService",
- 'State': "Running",
- 'Status': "OK",
- 'SystemCreationClassName': "Win32_ComputerSystem",
- 'SystemName': "WIN-7022K3K6GF8",
- 'TagId': 0,
- 'WaitHint': 0,
- }
- WSService_attr = { # Stopped Windows Service
- 'AcceptPause': False,
- 'AcceptStop': False,
- 'Caption': "Windows Store Service (WSService)",
- 'CheckPoint': 0,
- 'CreationClassName': "Win32_Service",
- 'Description': "Provides infrastructure support for Windows Store."
- "This service is started on demand and if ded applications"
- " bought using Windows Store will not behave correctly.",
- 'DesktopInteract': False,
- 'DisplayName': "Windows Store Service (WSService)",
- 'ErrorControl': "Normal",
- 'ExitCode': 1077,
- 'Name': "WSService",
- 'PathName': "C:\\Windows\\System32\\svchost.exe -k wsappx",
- 'ProcessId': 0,
- 'ServiceSpecificExitCode': 0,
- 'ServiceType': "Share Process",
- 'Started': False,
- 'StartMode': "Manual",
- 'StartName': "LocalSystem",
- 'State': "Stopped",
- 'Status': "OK",
- 'SystemCreationClassName': "Win32_ComputerSystem",
- 'SystemName': "WIN-7022K3K6GF8",
- 'TagId': 0,
- 'WaitHint': 0,
- }
- class Mocked_Win32_Service(object):
- """
- Generate Mocked Win32 Service from given attributes
- """
- def __init__(self, **entries):
- self.__dict__.update(entries)
- class Mocked_WMI(Mock):
- """
- Mock WMI methods for test purpose
- """
- def Win32_Service(self, name):
- """
- Returns mock match Win32 Service
- """
- if name == "WinHttpAutoProxySvc":
- return [Mocked_Win32_Service(**WinHttpAutoProxySvc_attr)]
- if name == "WSService":
- return [Mocked_Win32_Service(**WSService_attr)]
- return []
- class WindowsServiceTestCase(AgentCheckTest):
- CHECK_NAME = 'windows_service'
- 'host': ".",
- 'services': ["WinHttpAutoProxySvc", "WSService"]
- }
- def test_check(self):
- """
- Returns the right service checks
- """
- # Mocking `wmi` Python package
- import sys
- sys.modules['wmi'] = Mocked_WMI()
- # Run check
- config = {
- 'instances': [self.WIN_SERVICES_CONFIG]
- }
- self.run_check(config)
- # Test service checks
- self.assertServiceCheck('windows_service.state', status=AgentCheck.OK, count=1,
- tags=[u'service:WinHttpAutoProxySvc',
- u'host:' + self.check.hostname])
- self.assertServiceCheck('windows_service.state', status=AgentCheck.CRITICAL, count=1,
- tags=[u'service:WSService',
- u'host:' + self.check.hostname])
- self.coverage_report()