Python | 227 lines | 196 code | 18 blank | 13 comment | 32 complexity | 2dc03c1938cb94951fc232a56c472280 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """
- hybrid-suite
- """
- __author__ = "Tassia Camoes Araujo <tassia@gmail.com>"
- __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2011 Tassia Camoes Araujo"
- __license__ = """
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- """
- import Gnuplot
- import numpy
- import os
- import random
- import sys
- sys.path.insert(0, '../')
- from config import Config
- from recommender import Recommender, RecommendationResult
- from evaluation import Evaluation, Precision, F_score
- from user import User, PopconSystem
- # hybrid_strategies = ['knnco','knnco_eset']
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- print "Usage: hybrid strategy sample_file"
- exit(1)
- iterations = 20
- profile_size = [10, 40, 70, 100, 170, 240]
- neighbor_size = [3, 10, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200]
- # iterations = 1
- # profile_size = [10,20,30]
- # neighbor_size = [10,20,30]
- cfg = Config()
- population_sample = []
- strategy = sys.argv[1]
- sample_file = sys.argv[2]
- sample_str = sample_file.split('/')[-1]
- with open(sample_file, 'r') as f:
- for line in f.readlines():
- user_id = line.strip('\n')
- population_sample.append(
- os.path.join(cfg.popcon_dir, user_id[:2], user_id))
- sample_dir = ("results/hybrid/%s/%s" % (sample_str, strategy))
- if not os.path.exists(sample_dir):
- os.makedirs(sample_dir)
- cfg.strategy = strategy
- p_10_summary = {}
- f05_100_summary = {}
- c_10 = {}
- c_100 = {}
- log_file = os.path.join(sample_dir, sample_str + "-" + cfg.strategy)
- graph_10 = {}
- graph_100 = {}
- graph_10_jpg = {}
- graph_100_jpg = {}
- comment_10 = {}
- comment_100 = {}
- for k in neighbor_size:
- graph_10[k] = log_file + ("-neighborhood%.3d-010.png" % k)
- graph_100[k] = log_file + ("-neighborhood%.3d-100.png" % k)
- graph_10_jpg[k] = graph_10[k].strip(".png") + ".jpg"
- graph_100_jpg[k] = graph_100[k].strip(".png") + ".jpg"
- comment_10[k] = graph_10_jpg[k] + ".comment"
- comment_100[k] = graph_100_jpg[k] + ".comment"
- with open(comment_10[k], 'w') as f:
- f.write("# %s\n" % sample_str)
- f.write("# strategy %s\n# threshold 10\n# iterations %d\n\n" %
- (cfg.strategy, iterations))
- f.write("# neighborhood\tprofile\tmean_p_10\tdev_p_10\tc_10\n\n")
- with open(comment_100[k], 'w') as f:
- f.write("# %s\n" % sample_str)
- f.write("# strategy %s\n# threshold 100\n# iterations %d\n\n" %
- (cfg.strategy, iterations))
- f.write(
- '# neighborhood\tprofile\tmean_f05_100\tdev_f05_100\tc_100\n\n') # noqa
- c_10[k] = {}
- c_100[k] = {}
- p_10_summary[k] = {}
- f05_100_summary[k] = {}
- for size in profile_size:
- c_10[k][size] = set()
- c_100[k][size] = set()
- p_10_summary[k][size] = []
- f05_100_summary[k][size] = []
- with open(log_file + "-neighborhood%.3d-profile%.3d" % (k, size),
- 'w') as f:
- f.write("# %s\n" % sample_str)
- f.write("# strategy %s-neighborhood%.3d-profile%.3d\n\n" %
- (cfg.strategy, k, size))
- f.write("# p_10\t\tf05_100\n\n")
- # main loop per user
- for submission_file in population_sample:
- user = PopconSystem(submission_file)
- user.filter_pkg_profile(cfg.pkgs_filter)
- user.maximal_pkg_profile()
- for k in neighbor_size:
- cfg.k_neighbors = k
- for size in profile_size:
- cfg.profile_size = size
- rec = Recommender(cfg)
- repo_size = rec.items_repository.get_doccount()
- p_10 = []
- f05_100 = []
- for n in range(iterations):
- # Fill sample profile
- profile_len = len(user.pkg_profile)
- item_score = {}
- for pkg in user.pkg_profile:
- item_score[pkg] = user.item_score[pkg]
- sample = {}
- sample_size = int(profile_len * 0.9)
- for i in range(sample_size):
- key = random.choice(item_score.keys())
- sample[key] = item_score.pop(key)
- iteration_user = User(item_score)
- recommendation = rec.get_recommendation(
- iteration_user, repo_size)
- if hasattr(recommendation, "ranking"):
- ranking = recommendation.ranking
- real = RecommendationResult(sample)
- predicted_10 = RecommendationResult(
- dict.fromkeys(ranking[:10], 1))
- evaluation = Evaluation(predicted_10, real, repo_size)
- p_10.append(evaluation.run(Precision()))
- predicted_100 = RecommendationResult(
- dict.fromkeys(ranking[:100], 1))
- evaluation = Evaluation(predicted_100, real, repo_size)
- f05_100.append(evaluation.run(F_score(0.5)))
- c_10[k][size] = c_10[k][size].union(
- recommendation.ranking[:10])
- c_100[k][size] = c_100[k][size].union(
- recommendation.ranking[:100])
- # save summary
- if p_10:
- p_10_summary[k][size].append(numpy.mean(p_10))
- if f05_100:
- f05_100_summary[k][size].append(numpy.mean(f05_100))
- path = log_file + "-neighborhood%.3d-profile%.3d" % (k, size)
- with open(path, 'a') as f:
- f.write("%.4f\t\t%.4f\n" %
- (numpy.mean(p_10), numpy.mean(f05_100)))
- # back to main flow
- coverage_10 = {}
- coverage_100 = {}
- for k in neighbor_size:
- coverage_10[k] = {}
- coverage_100[k] = {}
- with open(comment_10[k], 'a') as f:
- for size in profile_size:
- coverage_10[k][size] = len(c_10[k][size]) / float(repo_size)
- f.write("%3d\t\t%3d\t\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%.4f\n" %
- (k, size, numpy.mean(p_10_summary[k][size]),
- numpy.std(p_10_summary[k][size]),
- coverage_10[k][size]))
- with open(comment_100[k], 'a') as f:
- for size in profile_size:
- coverage_100[k][size] = len(c_100[k][size]) / float(repo_size)
- f.write("%3d\t\t%3d\t\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%.4f\n" %
- (k, size, numpy.mean(f05_100_summary[k][size]),
- numpy.std(f05_100_summary[k][size]),
- coverage_100[k][size]))
- for k in neighbor_size:
- # plot results summary
- g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot()
- g('set style data lines')
- g('set yrange [0:1.0]')
- g.xlabel('Profile size')
- g.title("Setup: %s-neighborhood%3d (threshold 10)" % (cfg.strategy, k))
- g.plot(Gnuplot.Data(sorted([[i, numpy.mean(p_10_summary[k][i]),
- numpy.std(p_10_summary[k][i])]
- for i in p_10_summary[k].keys(
- )]), title="Precision"),
- Gnuplot.Data(sorted([[i, numpy.mean(p_10_summary[k][i]),
- numpy.std(p_10_summary[k][i])]
- for i in p_10_summary[k].keys(
- )]), title="Deviation",
- with_="yerrorbar lt 2 pt 6"), Gnuplot.Data(
- sorted(
- [[i, coverage_10[k][i]] for i in coverage_10[k].keys()]),
- title="Coverage"))
- g.hardcopy(graph_10[k], terminal="png")
- g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot()
- g('set style data lines')
- g('set yrange [0:1.0]')
- g.xlabel('Profile size')
- g.title("Setup: %s-neighborhood%3d (threshold 100)" %
- (cfg.strategy, k))
- g.plot(Gnuplot.Data(sorted([[i, numpy.mean(f05_100_summary[k][i]),
- numpy.std(f05_100_summary[k][i])]
- for i in f05_100_summary[k].keys(
- )]), title="F05"),
- Gnuplot.Data(sorted([[i, numpy.mean(f05_100_summary[k][i]),
- numpy.std(f05_100_summary[k][i])]
- for i in f05_100_summary[k].keys(
- )]), title="Deviation",
- with_="yerrorbar lt 2 pt 6"), Gnuplot.Data(
- sorted(
- [[i, coverage_100[k][i]] for i in coverage_100[k].keys()]),
- title="Coverage"))
- g.hardcopy(graph_100[k], terminal="png")