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  27. var t = $$("#pkgs_list");
  28. var i = $$("input[name=pkgs_file]");
  29. if (!i.val() && ( !t.val() || t.val() == "Write your list App here or send a file list this icon:")) {
  30. alert("Please select a local file containing the list of installed packages.");
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  66. >Write your list App here or send a file list this icon:</textarea></label>
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  70. <fieldset>
  71. <p>
  72. <label title="Upload file">Installed packages: <input type="file" name="pkgs_file" size="20" /></label>
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  75. <p>
  76. Format: one package per line or the popularity-contest log file.
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  87. <label class="special"><input type="text" name="limit" value="10" size="4"></label>
  88. </div>
  89. <div>
  90. <label><input type="hidden">Weighting:</label>
  91. <label class="special"><input type="radio" name="weight" value="BM25" checked="checked"> BM25</label>
  92. <label class="special"><input type="radio" name="weight" value="trad"> Traditional</label>
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