JavaScript | 1073 lines | 959 code | 113 blank | 1 comment | 14 complexity | 9e62102752bc714194041c3134dc913a MD5 | raw file
- $(document).ready(function() {
- var proxy = Backbone.Model.extend();
- var klass = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- url : function() { return '/collection'; }
- });
- var doc, collection;
- module("Backbone.Model", _.extend(new Environment, {
- setup: function() {
- Environment.prototype.setup.apply(this, arguments);
- doc = new proxy({
- id : '1-the-tempest',
- title : "The Tempest",
- author : "Bill Shakespeare",
- length : 123
- });
- collection = new klass();
- collection.add(doc);
- }
- }));
- test("initialize", 3, function() {
- var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
- initialize: function() {
- this.one = 1;
- equal(this.collection, collection);
- }
- });
- var model = new Model({}, {collection: collection});
- equal(model.one, 1);
- equal(model.collection, collection);
- });
- test("initialize with attributes and options", 1, function() {
- var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
- initialize: function(attributes, options) {
- this.one = options.one;
- }
- });
- var model = new Model({}, {one: 1});
- equal(model.one, 1);
- });
- test("initialize with parsed attributes", 1, function() {
- var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
- parse: function(obj) {
- obj.value += 1;
- return obj;
- }
- });
- var model = new Model({value: 1}, {parse: true});
- equal(model.get('value'), 2);
- });
- test("initialize with defaults", 2, function() {
- var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
- defaults: {
- first_name: 'Unknown',
- last_name: 'Unknown'
- }
- });
- var model = new Model({'first_name': 'John'});
- equal(model.get('first_name'), 'John');
- equal(model.get('last_name'), 'Unknown');
- });
- test("parse can return null", 1, function() {
- var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
- parse: function(obj) {
- obj.value += 1;
- return null;
- }
- });
- var model = new Model({value: 1}, {parse: true});
- equal(JSON.stringify(model.toJSON()), "{}");
- });
- test("url", 3, function() {
- doc.urlRoot = null;
- equal(doc.url(), '/collection/1-the-tempest');
- doc.collection.url = '/collection/';
- equal(doc.url(), '/collection/1-the-tempest');
- doc.collection = null;
- raises(function() { doc.url(); });
- doc.collection = collection;
- });
- test("url when using urlRoot, and uri encoding", 2, function() {
- var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
- urlRoot: '/collection'
- });
- var model = new Model();
- equal(model.url(), '/collection');
- model.set({id: '+1+'});
- equal(model.url(), '/collection/%2B1%2B');
- });
- test("url when using urlRoot as a function to determine urlRoot at runtime", 2, function() {
- var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
- urlRoot: function() {
- return '/nested/' + this.get('parent_id') + '/collection';
- }
- });
- var model = new Model({parent_id: 1});
- equal(model.url(), '/nested/1/collection');
- model.set({id: 2});
- equal(model.url(), '/nested/1/collection/2');
- });
- test("clone", 10, function() {
- var a = new Backbone.Model({ 'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'baz': 3});
- var b = a.clone();
- equal(a.get('foo'), 1);
- equal(a.get('bar'), 2);
- equal(a.get('baz'), 3);
- equal(b.get('foo'), a.get('foo'), "Foo should be the same on the clone.");
- equal(b.get('bar'), a.get('bar'), "Bar should be the same on the clone.");
- equal(b.get('baz'), a.get('baz'), "Baz should be the same on the clone.");
- a.set({foo : 100});
- equal(a.get('foo'), 100);
- equal(b.get('foo'), 1, "Changing a parent attribute does not change the clone.");
- var foo = new Backbone.Model({p: 1});
- var bar = new Backbone.Model({p: 2});
- bar.set(foo.clone().attributes, {unset: true});
- equal(foo.get('p'), 1);
- equal(bar.get('p'), undefined);
- });
- test("isNew", 6, function() {
- var a = new Backbone.Model({ 'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'baz': 3});
- ok(a.isNew(), "it should be new");
- a = new Backbone.Model({ 'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'baz': 3, 'id': -5 });
- ok(!a.isNew(), "any defined ID is legal, negative or positive");
- a = new Backbone.Model({ 'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'baz': 3, 'id': 0 });
- ok(!a.isNew(), "any defined ID is legal, including zero");
- ok( new Backbone.Model({ }).isNew(), "is true when there is no id");
- ok(!new Backbone.Model({ 'id': 2 }).isNew(), "is false for a positive integer");
- ok(!new Backbone.Model({ 'id': -5 }).isNew(), "is false for a negative integer");
- });
- test("get", 2, function() {
- equal(doc.get('title'), 'The Tempest');
- equal(doc.get('author'), 'Bill Shakespeare');
- });
- test("escape", 5, function() {
- equal(doc.escape('title'), 'The Tempest');
- doc.set({audience: 'Bill & Bob'});
- equal(doc.escape('audience'), 'Bill & Bob');
- doc.set({audience: 'Tim > Joan'});
- equal(doc.escape('audience'), 'Tim > Joan');
- doc.set({audience: 10101});
- equal(doc.escape('audience'), '10101');
- doc.unset('audience');
- equal(doc.escape('audience'), '');
- });
- test("has", 10, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- strictEqual(model.has('name'), false);
- model.set({
- '0': 0,
- '1': 1,
- 'true': true,
- 'false': false,
- 'empty': '',
- 'name': 'name',
- 'null': null,
- 'undefined': undefined
- });
- strictEqual(model.has('0'), true);
- strictEqual(model.has('1'), true);
- strictEqual(model.has('true'), true);
- strictEqual(model.has('false'), true);
- strictEqual(model.has('empty'), true);
- strictEqual(model.has('name'), true);
- model.unset('name');
- strictEqual(model.has('name'), false);
- strictEqual(model.has('null'), false);
- strictEqual(model.has('undefined'), false);
- });
- test("set and unset", 8, function() {
- var a = new Backbone.Model({id: 'id', foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3});
- var changeCount = 0;
- a.on("change:foo", function() { changeCount += 1; });
- a.set({'foo': 2});
- ok(a.get('foo') == 2, "Foo should have changed.");
- ok(changeCount == 1, "Change count should have incremented.");
- a.set({'foo': 2}); // set with value that is not new shouldn't fire change event
- ok(a.get('foo') == 2, "Foo should NOT have changed, still 2");
- ok(changeCount == 1, "Change count should NOT have incremented.");
- a.validate = function(attrs) {
- equal(attrs.foo, void 0, "validate:true passed while unsetting");
- };
- a.unset('foo', {validate: true});
- equal(a.get('foo'), void 0, "Foo should have changed");
- delete a.validate;
- ok(changeCount == 2, "Change count should have incremented for unset.");
- a.unset('id');
- equal(a.id, undefined, "Unsetting the id should remove the id property.");
- });
- test("#2030 - set with failed validate, followed by another set triggers change", function () {
- var attr = 0, main = 0, error = 0;
- var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
- validate: function (attr) {
- if (attr.x > 1) {
- error++;
- return "this is an error";
- }
- }
- });
- var model = new Model({x:0});
- model.on('change:x', function () { attr++; });
- model.on('change', function () { main++; });
- model.set({x:2}, {validate:true});
- model.set({x:1}, {validate:true});
- deepEqual([attr, main, error], [1, 1, 1]);
- });
- test("set triggers changes in the correct order", function() {
- var value = null;
- var model = new Backbone.Model;
- model.on('last', function(){ value = 'last'; });
- model.on('first', function(){ value = 'first'; });
- model.trigger('first');
- model.trigger('last');
- equal(value, 'last');
- });
- test("set falsy values in the correct order", 2, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model({result: 'result'});
- model.on('change', function() {
- equal(model.changed.result, void 0);
- equal(model.previous('result'), false);
- });
- model.set({result: void 0}, {silent: true});
- model.set({result: null}, {silent: true});
- model.set({result: false}, {silent: true});
- model.set({result: void 0});
- });
- test("multiple unsets", 1, function() {
- var i = 0;
- var counter = function(){ i++; };
- var model = new Backbone.Model({a: 1});
- model.on("change:a", counter);
- model.set({a: 2});
- model.unset('a');
- model.unset('a');
- equal(i, 2, 'Unset does not fire an event for missing attributes.');
- });
- test("unset and changedAttributes", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model({a: 1});
- model.on('change', function() {
- ok('a' in model.changedAttributes(), 'changedAttributes should contain unset properties');
- });
- model.unset('a');
- });
- test("using a non-default id attribute.", 5, function() {
- var MongoModel = Backbone.Model.extend({idAttribute : '_id'});
- var model = new MongoModel({id: 'eye-dee', _id: 25, title: 'Model'});
- equal(model.get('id'), 'eye-dee');
- equal(model.id, 25);
- equal(model.isNew(), false);
- model.unset('_id');
- equal(model.id, undefined);
- equal(model.isNew(), true);
- });
- test("set an empty string", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model({name : "Model"});
- model.set({name : ''});
- equal(model.get('name'), '');
- });
- test("setting an object", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model({
- custom: { foo: 1 }
- });
- model.on('change', function() {
- ok(1);
- });
- model.set({
- custom: { foo: 1 } // no change should be fired
- });
- model.set({
- custom: { foo: 2 } // change event should be fired
- });
- });
- test("clear", 3, function() {
- var changed;
- var model = new Backbone.Model({id: 1, name : "Model"});
- model.on("change:name", function(){ changed = true; });
- model.on("change", function() {
- var changedAttrs = model.changedAttributes();
- ok('name' in changedAttrs);
- });
- model.clear();
- equal(changed, true);
- equal(model.get('name'), undefined);
- });
- test("defaults", 4, function() {
- var Defaulted = Backbone.Model.extend({
- defaults: {
- "one": 1,
- "two": 2
- }
- });
- var model = new Defaulted({two: null});
- equal(model.get('one'), 1);
- equal(model.get('two'), 2);
- Defaulted = Backbone.Model.extend({
- defaults: function() {
- return {
- "one": 3,
- "two": 4
- };
- }
- });
- model = new Defaulted({two: null});
- equal(model.get('one'), 3);
- equal(model.get('two'), 4);
- });
- test("change, hasChanged, changedAttributes, previous, previousAttributes", 9, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model({name: "Tim", age: 10});
- deepEqual(model.changedAttributes(), false);
- model.on('change', function() {
- ok(model.hasChanged('name'), 'name changed');
- ok(!model.hasChanged('age'), 'age did not');
- ok(_.isEqual(model.changedAttributes(), {name : 'Rob'}), 'changedAttributes returns the changed attrs');
- equal(model.previous('name'), 'Tim');
- ok(_.isEqual(model.previousAttributes(), {name : "Tim", age : 10}), 'previousAttributes is correct');
- });
- equal(model.hasChanged(), false);
- equal(model.hasChanged(undefined), false);
- model.set({name : 'Rob'});
- equal(model.get('name'), 'Rob');
- });
- test("changedAttributes", 3, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model({a: 'a', b: 'b'});
- deepEqual(model.changedAttributes(), false);
- equal(model.changedAttributes({a: 'a'}), false);
- equal(model.changedAttributes({a: 'b'}).a, 'b');
- });
- test("change with options", 2, function() {
- var value;
- var model = new Backbone.Model({name: 'Rob'});
- model.on('change', function(model, options) {
- value = options.prefix + model.get('name');
- });
- model.set({name: 'Bob'}, {prefix: 'Mr. '});
- equal(value, 'Mr. Bob');
- model.set({name: 'Sue'}, {prefix: 'Ms. '});
- equal(value, 'Ms. Sue');
- });
- test("change after initialize", 1, function () {
- var changed = 0;
- var attrs = {id: 1, label: 'c'};
- var obj = new Backbone.Model(attrs);
- obj.on('change', function() { changed += 1; });
- obj.set(attrs);
- equal(changed, 0);
- });
- test("save within change event", 1, function () {
- var env = this;
- var model = new Backbone.Model({firstName : "Taylor", lastName: "Swift"});
- model.url = '/test';
- model.on('change', function () {
- model.save();
- ok(_.isEqual(env.syncArgs.model, model));
- });
- model.set({lastName: 'Hicks'});
- });
- test("validate after save", 2, function() {
- var lastError, model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.validate = function(attrs) {
- if (attrs.admin) return "Can't change admin status.";
- };
- model.sync = function(method, model, options) {
- options.success.call(this, this, {admin: true}, options);
- };
- model.on('invalid', function(model, error) {
- lastError = error;
- });
- model.save(null);
- equal(lastError, "Can't change admin status.");
- equal(model.validationError, "Can't change admin status.");
- });
- test("save", 2, function() {
- doc.save({title : "Henry V"});
- equal(this.syncArgs.method, 'update');
- ok(_.isEqual(this.syncArgs.model, doc));
- });
- test("save with PATCH", function() {
- doc.clear().set({id: 1, a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4});
- doc.save();
- equal(this.syncArgs.method, 'update');
- equal(this.syncArgs.options.attrs, undefined);
- doc.save({b: 2, d: 4}, {patch: true});
- equal(this.syncArgs.method, 'patch');
- equal(_.size(this.syncArgs.options.attrs), 2);
- equal(this.syncArgs.options.attrs.d, 4);
- equal(this.syncArgs.options.attrs.a, undefined);
- equal(this.ajaxSettings.data, "{\"b\":2,\"d\":4}");
- });
- test("save in positional style", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.sync = function(method, model, options) {
- options.success(model, {}, options);
- };
- model.save('title', 'Twelfth Night');
- equal(model.get('title'), 'Twelfth Night');
- });
- test("save with non-object success response", 2, function () {
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.sync = function(method, model, options) {
- options.success(model, '', options);
- options.success(model, null, options);
- };
- model.save({testing:'empty'}, {
- success: function (model) {
- deepEqual(model.attributes, {testing:'empty'});
- }
- });
- });
- test("fetch", 2, function() {
- doc.fetch();
- equal(this.syncArgs.method, 'read');
- ok(_.isEqual(this.syncArgs.model, doc));
- });
- test("destroy", 3, function() {
- doc.destroy();
- equal(this.syncArgs.method, 'delete');
- ok(_.isEqual(this.syncArgs.model, doc));
- var newModel = new Backbone.Model;
- equal(newModel.destroy(), false);
- });
- test("non-persisted destroy", 1, function() {
- var a = new Backbone.Model({ 'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'baz': 3});
- a.sync = function() { throw "should not be called"; };
- a.destroy();
- ok(true, "non-persisted model should not call sync");
- });
- test("validate", function() {
- var lastError;
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.validate = function(attrs) {
- if (attrs.admin != this.get('admin')) return "Can't change admin status.";
- };
- model.on('invalid', function(model, error) {
- lastError = error;
- });
- var result = model.set({a: 100});
- equal(result, model);
- equal(model.get('a'), 100);
- equal(lastError, undefined);
- result = model.set({admin: true});
- equal(model.get('admin'), true);
- result = model.set({a: 200, admin: false}, {validate:true});
- equal(lastError, "Can't change admin status.");
- equal(result, false);
- equal(model.get('a'), 100);
- });
- test("validate on unset and clear", 6, function() {
- var error;
- var model = new Backbone.Model({name: "One"});
- model.validate = function(attrs) {
- if (!attrs.name) {
- error = true;
- return "No thanks.";
- }
- };
- model.set({name: "Two"});
- equal(model.get('name'), 'Two');
- equal(error, undefined);
- model.unset('name', {validate: true});
- equal(error, true);
- equal(model.get('name'), 'Two');
- model.clear({validate:true});
- equal(model.get('name'), 'Two');
- delete model.validate;
- model.clear();
- equal(model.get('name'), undefined);
- });
- test("validate with error callback", 8, function() {
- var lastError, boundError;
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.validate = function(attrs) {
- if (attrs.admin) return "Can't change admin status.";
- };
- model.on('invalid', function(model, error) {
- boundError = true;
- });
- var result = model.set({a: 100}, {validate:true});
- equal(result, model);
- equal(model.get('a'), 100);
- equal(model.validationError, null);
- equal(boundError, undefined);
- result = model.set({a: 200, admin: true}, {validate:true});
- equal(result, false);
- equal(model.get('a'), 100);
- equal(model.validationError, "Can't change admin status.");
- equal(boundError, true);
- });
- test("defaults always extend attrs (#459)", 2, function() {
- var Defaulted = Backbone.Model.extend({
- defaults: {one: 1},
- initialize : function(attrs, opts) {
- equal(this.attributes.one, 1);
- }
- });
- var providedattrs = new Defaulted({});
- var emptyattrs = new Defaulted();
- });
- test("Inherit class properties", 6, function() {
- var Parent = Backbone.Model.extend({
- instancePropSame: function() {},
- instancePropDiff: function() {}
- }, {
- classProp: function() {}
- });
- var Child = Parent.extend({
- instancePropDiff: function() {}
- });
- var adult = new Parent;
- var kid = new Child;
- equal(Child.classProp, Parent.classProp);
- notEqual(Child.classProp, undefined);
- equal(kid.instancePropSame, adult.instancePropSame);
- notEqual(kid.instancePropSame, undefined);
- notEqual(Child.prototype.instancePropDiff, Parent.prototype.instancePropDiff);
- notEqual(Child.prototype.instancePropDiff, undefined);
- });
- test("Nested change events don't clobber previous attributes", 4, function() {
- new Backbone.Model()
- .on('change:state', function(model, newState) {
- equal(model.previous('state'), undefined);
- equal(newState, 'hello');
- // Fire a nested change event.
- model.set({other: 'whatever'});
- })
- .on('change:state', function(model, newState) {
- equal(model.previous('state'), undefined);
- equal(newState, 'hello');
- })
- .set({state: 'hello'});
- });
- test("hasChanged/set should use same comparison", 2, function() {
- var changed = 0, model = new Backbone.Model({a: null});
- model.on('change', function() {
- ok(this.hasChanged('a'));
- })
- .on('change:a', function() {
- changed++;
- })
- .set({a: undefined});
- equal(changed, 1);
- });
- test("#582, #425, change:attribute callbacks should fire after all changes have occurred", 9, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model;
- var assertion = function() {
- equal(model.get('a'), 'a');
- equal(model.get('b'), 'b');
- equal(model.get('c'), 'c');
- };
- model.on('change:a', assertion);
- model.on('change:b', assertion);
- model.on('change:c', assertion);
- model.set({a: 'a', b: 'b', c: 'c'});
- });
- test("#871, set with attributes property", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.set({attributes: true});
- ok(model.has('attributes'));
- });
- test("set value regardless of equality/change", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model({x: []});
- var a = [];
- model.set({x: a});
- ok(model.get('x') === a);
- });
- test("set same value does not trigger change", 0, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model({x: 1});
- model.on('change change:x', function() { ok(false); });
- model.set({x: 1});
- model.set({x: 1});
- });
- test("unset does not fire a change for undefined attributes", 0, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model({x: undefined});
- model.on('change:x', function(){ ok(false); });
- model.unset('x');
- });
- test("set: undefined values", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model({x: undefined});
- ok('x' in model.attributes);
- });
- test("hasChanged works outside of change events, and true within", 6, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model({x: 1});
- model.on('change:x', function() {
- ok(model.hasChanged('x'));
- equal(model.get('x'), 1);
- });
- model.set({x: 2}, {silent: true});
- ok(model.hasChanged());
- equal(model.hasChanged('x'), true);
- model.set({x: 1});
- ok(model.hasChanged());
- equal(model.hasChanged('x'), true);
- });
- test("hasChanged gets cleared on the following set", 4, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model;
- model.set({x: 1});
- ok(model.hasChanged());
- model.set({x: 1});
- ok(!model.hasChanged());
- model.set({x: 2});
- ok(model.hasChanged());
- model.set({});
- ok(!model.hasChanged());
- });
- test("save with `wait` succeeds without `validate`", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.url = '/test';
- model.save({x: 1}, {wait: true});
- ok(this.syncArgs.model === model);
- });
- test("`hasChanged` for falsey keys", 2, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.set({x: true}, {silent: true});
- ok(!model.hasChanged(0));
- ok(!model.hasChanged(''));
- });
- test("`previous` for falsey keys", 2, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model({0: true, '': true});
- model.set({0: false, '': false}, {silent: true});
- equal(model.previous(0), true);
- equal(model.previous(''), true);
- });
- test("`save` with `wait` sends correct attributes", 5, function() {
- var changed = 0;
- var model = new Backbone.Model({x: 1, y: 2});
- model.url = '/test';
- model.on('change:x', function() { changed++; });
- model.save({x: 3}, {wait: true});
- deepEqual(JSON.parse(this.ajaxSettings.data), {x: 3, y: 2});
- equal(model.get('x'), 1);
- equal(changed, 0);
- this.syncArgs.options.success({});
- equal(model.get('x'), 3);
- equal(changed, 1);
- });
- test("a failed `save` with `wait` doesn't leave attributes behind", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model;
- model.url = '/test';
- model.save({x: 1}, {wait: true});
- equal(model.get('x'), void 0);
- });
- test("#1030 - `save` with `wait` results in correct attributes if success is called during sync", 2, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model({x: 1, y: 2});
- model.sync = function(method, model, options) {
- options.success(model, {}, options);
- };
- model.on("change:x", function() { ok(true); });
- model.save({x: 3}, {wait: true});
- equal(model.get('x'), 3);
- });
- test("save with wait validates attributes", function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.url = '/test';
- model.validate = function() { ok(true); };
- model.save({x: 1}, {wait: true});
- });
- test("save turns on parse flag", function () {
- var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
- sync: function(method, model, options) { ok(options.parse); }
- });
- new Model().save();
- });
- test("nested `set` during `'change:attr'`", 2, function() {
- var events = [];
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.on('all', function(event) { events.push(event); });
- model.on('change', function() {
- model.set({z: true}, {silent:true});
- });
- model.on('change:x', function() {
- model.set({y: true});
- });
- model.set({x: true});
- deepEqual(events, ['change:y', 'change:x', 'change']);
- events = [];
- model.set({z: true});
- deepEqual(events, []);
- });
- test("nested `change` only fires once", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.on('change', function() {
- ok(true);
- model.set({x: true});
- });
- model.set({x: true});
- });
- test("nested `set` during `'change'`", 6, function() {
- var count = 0;
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.on('change', function() {
- switch(count++) {
- case 0:
- deepEqual(this.changedAttributes(), {x: true});
- equal(model.previous('x'), undefined);
- model.set({y: true});
- break;
- case 1:
- deepEqual(this.changedAttributes(), {x: true, y: true});
- equal(model.previous('x'), undefined);
- model.set({z: true});
- break;
- case 2:
- deepEqual(this.changedAttributes(), {x: true, y: true, z: true});
- equal(model.previous('y'), undefined);
- break;
- default:
- ok(false);
- }
- });
- model.set({x: true});
- });
- test("nested `change` with silent", 3, function() {
- var count = 0;
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.on('change:y', function() { ok(false); });
- model.on('change', function() {
- switch(count++) {
- case 0:
- deepEqual(this.changedAttributes(), {x: true});
- model.set({y: true}, {silent: true});
- model.set({z: true});
- break;
- case 1:
- deepEqual(this.changedAttributes(), {x: true, y: true, z: true});
- break;
- case 2:
- deepEqual(this.changedAttributes(), {z: false});
- break;
- default:
- ok(false);
- }
- });
- model.set({x: true});
- model.set({z: false});
- });
- test("nested `change:attr` with silent", 0, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.on('change:y', function(){ ok(false); });
- model.on('change', function() {
- model.set({y: true}, {silent: true});
- model.set({z: true});
- });
- model.set({x: true});
- });
- test("multiple nested changes with silent", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.on('change:x', function() {
- model.set({y: 1}, {silent: true});
- model.set({y: 2});
- });
- model.on('change:y', function(model, val) {
- equal(val, 2);
- });
- model.set({x: true});
- });
- test("multiple nested changes with silent", 1, function() {
- var changes = [];
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.on('change:b', function(model, val) { changes.push(val); });
- model.on('change', function() {
- model.set({b: 1});
- });
- model.set({b: 0});
- deepEqual(changes, [0, 1]);
- });
- test("basic silent change semantics", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model;
- model.set({x: 1});
- model.on('change', function(){ ok(true); });
- model.set({x: 2}, {silent: true});
- model.set({x: 1});
- });
- test("nested set multiple times", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.on('change:b', function() {
- ok(true);
- });
- model.on('change:a', function() {
- model.set({b: true});
- model.set({b: true});
- });
- model.set({a: true});
- });
- test("#1122 - clear does not alter options.", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- var options = {};
- model.clear(options);
- ok(!options.unset);
- });
- test("#1122 - unset does not alter options.", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- var options = {};
- model.unset('x', options);
- ok(!options.unset);
- });
- test("#1355 - `options` is passed to success callbacks", 3, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- var opts = {
- success: function( model, resp, options ) {
- ok(options);
- }
- };
- model.sync = function(method, model, options) {
- options.success(model, {}, options);
- };
- model.save({id: 1}, opts);
- model.fetch(opts);
- model.destroy(opts);
- });
- test("#1412 - Trigger 'sync' event.", 3, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model({id: 1});
- model.url = '/test';
- model.on('sync', function(){ ok(true); });
- Backbone.ajax = function(settings){ settings.success(); };
- model.fetch();
- model.save();
- model.destroy();
- });
- test("#1365 - Destroy: New models execute success callback.", 2, function() {
- new Backbone.Model()
- .on('sync', function() { ok(false); })
- .on('destroy', function(){ ok(true); })
- .destroy({ success: function(){ ok(true); }});
- });
- test("#1433 - Save: An invalid model cannot be persisted.", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model;
- model.validate = function(){ return 'invalid'; };
- model.sync = function(){ ok(false); };
- strictEqual(model.save(), false);
- });
- test("#1377 - Save without attrs triggers 'error'.", 1, function() {
- var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
- url: '/test/',
- sync: function(method, model, options){ options.success(); },
- validate: function(){ return 'invalid'; }
- });
- var model = new Model({id: 1});
- model.on('invalid', function(){ ok(true); });
- model.save();
- });
- test("#1545 - `undefined` can be passed to a model constructor without coersion", function() {
- var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
- defaults: { one: 1 },
- initialize : function(attrs, opts) {
- equal(attrs, undefined);
- }
- });
- var emptyattrs = new Model();
- var undefinedattrs = new Model(undefined);
- });
- asyncTest("#1478 - Model `save` does not trigger change on unchanged attributes", 0, function() {
- var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
- sync: function(method, model, options) {
- setTimeout(function(){
- options.success(model, {}, options);
- start();
- }, 0);
- }
- });
- new Model({x: true})
- .on('change:x', function(){ ok(false); })
- .save(null, {wait: true});
- });
- test("#1664 - Changing from one value, silently to another, back to original triggers a change.", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model({x:1});
- model.on('change:x', function() { ok(true); });
- model.set({x:2},{silent:true});
- model.set({x:3},{silent:true});
- model.set({x:1});
- });
- test("#1664 - multiple silent changes nested inside a change event", 2, function() {
- var changes = [];
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.on('change', function() {
- model.set({a:'c'}, {silent:true});
- model.set({b:2}, {silent:true});
- model.unset('c', {silent:true});
- });
- model.on('change:a change:b change:c', function(model, val) { changes.push(val); });
- model.set({a:'a', b:1, c:'item'});
- deepEqual(changes, ['a',1,'item']);
- deepEqual(model.attributes, {a: 'c', b: 2});
- });
- test("#1791 - `attributes` is available for `parse`", function() {
- var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
- parse: function() { this.has('a'); } // shouldn't throw an error
- });
- var model = new Model(null, {parse: true});
- expect(0);
- });
- test("silent changes in last `change` event back to original triggers change", 2, function() {
- var changes = [];
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.on('change:a change:b change:c', function(model, val) { changes.push(val); });
- model.on('change', function() {
- model.set({a:'c'}, {silent:true});
- });
- model.set({a:'a'});
- deepEqual(changes, ['a']);
- model.set({a:'a'});
- deepEqual(changes, ['a', 'a']);
- });
- test("#1943 change calculations should use _.isEqual", function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model({a: {key: 'value'}});
- model.set('a', {key:'value'}, {silent:true});
- equal(model.changedAttributes(), false);
- });
- test("#1964 - final `change` event is always fired, regardless of interim changes", 1, function () {
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.on('change:property', function() {
- model.set('property', 'bar');
- });
- model.on('change', function() {
- ok(true);
- });
- model.set('property', 'foo');
- });
- test("isValid", function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model({valid: true});
- model.validate = function(attrs) {
- if (!attrs.valid) return "invalid";
- };
- equal(model.isValid(), true);
- equal(model.set({valid: false}, {validate:true}), false);
- equal(model.isValid(), true);
- model.set({valid:false});
- equal(model.isValid(), false);
- ok(!model.set('valid', false, {validate: true}));
- });
- test("#1179 - isValid returns true in the absence of validate.", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.validate = null;
- ok(model.isValid());
- });
- test("#1961 - Creating a model with {validate:true} will call validate and use the error callback", function () {
- var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
- validate: function (attrs) {
- if (attrs.id === 1) return "This shouldn't happen";
- }
- });
- var model = new Model({id: 1}, {validate: true});
- equal(model.validationError, "This shouldn't happen");
- });
- test("toJSON receives attrs during save(..., {wait: true})", 1, function() {
- var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
- url: '/test',
- toJSON: function() {
- strictEqual(this.attributes.x, 1);
- return _.clone(this.attributes);
- }
- });
- var model = new Model;
- model.save({x: 1}, {wait: true});
- });
- test("#2034 - nested set with silent only triggers one change", 1, function() {
- var model = new Backbone.Model();
- model.on('change', function() {
- model.set({b: true}, {silent: true});
- ok(true);
- });
- model.set({a: true});
- });
- });