Python | 265 lines | 213 code | 42 blank | 10 comment | 0 complexity | 0ba8047a910bed825883210dda0627ab MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # Copyright 2012 Steven Watanabe
- # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
- # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
- import BoostBuild
- t = BoostBuild.Tester(use_test_config=False)
- # Test a header loop that depends on (but does not contain) a generated header.
- t.write("test.cpp", '#include "header1.h"\n')
- t.write("header1.h", """\
- #ifndef HEADER1_H
- #define HEADER1_H
- #include "header2.h"
- #endif
- """)
- t.write("header2.h", """\
- #ifndef HEADER2_H
- #define HEADER2_H
- #include "header1.h"
- #include "header3.h"
- #endif
- """)
- t.write("header3.in", "/* empty file */\n")
- t.write("jamroot.jam", """\
- import common ;
- make header3.h : header3.in : @common.copy ;
- obj test : test.cpp : <implicit-dependency>header3.h ;
- """)
- t.run_build_system(["-j2"])
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/header3.h")
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/test.obj")
- t.expect_nothing_more()
- t.rm(".")
- # Test a linear sequence of generated headers.
- t.write("test.cpp", '#include "header1.h"\n')
- t.write("header1.in", """\
- #ifndef HEADER1_H
- #define HEADER1_H
- #include "header2.h"
- #endif
- """)
- t.write("header2.in", """\
- #ifndef HEADER2_H
- #define HEADER2_H
- #include "header3.h"
- #endif
- """)
- t.write("header3.in", "/* empty file */\n")
- t.write("jamroot.jam", """\
- import common ;
- make header1.h : header1.in : @common.copy ;
- make header2.h : header2.in : @common.copy ;
- make header3.h : header3.in : @common.copy ;
- obj test : test.cpp :
- <implicit-dependency>header1.h
- <implicit-dependency>header2.h
- <implicit-dependency>header3.h ;
- """)
- t.run_build_system(["-j2", "test"])
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/header1.h")
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/header2.h")
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/header3.h")
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/test.obj")
- t.expect_nothing_more()
- t.rm(".")
- # Test a loop in generated headers.
- t.write("test.cpp", '#include "header1.h"\n')
- t.write("header1.in", """\
- #ifndef HEADER1_H
- #define HEADER1_H
- #include "header2.h"
- #endif
- """)
- t.write("header2.in", """\
- #ifndef HEADER2_H
- #define HEADER2_H
- #include "header3.h"
- #endif
- """)
- t.write("header3.in", """\
- #ifndef HEADER2_H
- #define HEADER2_H
- #include "header1.h"
- #endif
- """)
- t.write("jamroot.jam", """\
- import common ;
- actions copy {
- sleep 1
- cp $(>) $(<)
- }
- make header1.h : header1.in : @common.copy ;
- make header2.h : header2.in : @common.copy ;
- make header3.h : header3.in : @common.copy ;
- obj test : test.cpp :
- <implicit-dependency>header1.h
- <implicit-dependency>header2.h
- <implicit-dependency>header3.h ;
- """)
- t.run_build_system(["-j2", "test"])
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/header1.h")
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/header2.h")
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/header3.h")
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/test.obj")
- t.expect_nothing_more()
- t.rm(".")
- # Test that all the dependencies of a loop are updated before any of the
- # dependents.
- t.write("test1.cpp", '#include "header1.h"\n')
- t.write("test2.cpp", """\
- #include "header2.h"
- int main() {}
- """)
- t.write("header1.h", """\
- #ifndef HEADER1_H
- #define HEADER1_H
- #include "header2.h"
- #endif
- """)
- t.write("header2.h", """\
- #ifndef HEADER2_H
- #define HEADER2_H
- #include "header1.h"
- #include "header3.h"
- #endif
- """)
- t.write("header3.in", "\n")
- t.write("sleep.bat", """\
- ::@timeout /T %1 /NOBREAK >nul
- @ping -n 2 -w 1000 >nul
- @ping -n %1 -w 1000 >nul
- @exit /B 0
- """)
- t.write("jamroot.jam", """\
- import common ;
- import os ;
- if [ os.name ] = NT
- {
- SLEEP = call sleep.bat ;
- }
- else
- {
- SLEEP = sleep ;
- }
- rule copy { common.copy $(<) : $(>) ; }
- actions copy { $(SLEEP) 1 }
- make header3.h : header3.in : @copy ;
- exe test : test2.cpp test1.cpp : <implicit-dependency>header3.h ;
- """)
- t.run_build_system(["-j2", "test"])
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/header3.h")
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/test1.obj")
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/test2.obj")
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/test.exe")
- t.expect_nothing_more()
- t.touch("header3.in")
- t.run_build_system(["-j2", "test"])
- t.expect_touch("bin/$toolset/debug/header3.h")
- t.expect_touch("bin/$toolset/debug/test1.obj")
- t.expect_touch("bin/$toolset/debug/test2.obj")
- t.expect_touch("bin/$toolset/debug/test.exe")
- t.expect_nothing_more()
- t.rm(".")
- # Test a loop that includes a generated header
- t.write("test1.cpp", '#include "header1.h"\n')
- t.write("test2.cpp", """\
- #include "header2.h"
- int main() {}
- """)
- t.write("header1.h", """\
- #ifndef HEADER1_H
- #define HEADER1_H
- #include "header2.h"
- #endif
- """)
- t.write("header2.in", """\
- #ifndef HEADER2_H
- #define HEADER2_H
- #include "header3.h"
- #endif
- """)
- t.write("header3.h", """\
- #ifndef HEADER3_H
- #define HEADER3_H
- #include "header1.h"
- #endif
- """)
- t.write("sleep.bat", """\
- ::@timeout /T %1 /NOBREAK >nul
- @ping -n 2 -w 1000 >nul
- @ping -n %1 -w 1000 >nul
- @exit /B 0
- """)
- t.write("jamroot.jam", """\
- import common ;
- import os ;
- if [ os.name ] = NT
- {
- SLEEP = call sleep.bat ;
- }
- else
- {
- SLEEP = sleep ;
- }
- rule copy { common.copy $(<) : $(>) ; }
- actions copy { $(SLEEP) 1 }
- make header2.h : header2.in : @copy ;
- exe test : test2.cpp test1.cpp : <implicit-dependency>header2.h <include>. ;
- """)
- t.run_build_system(["-j2", "test"])
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/header2.h")
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/test1.obj")
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/test2.obj")
- t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug/test.exe")
- t.expect_nothing_more()
- t.cleanup()