Haxe | 181 lines | 110 code | 22 blank | 49 comment | 4 complexity | 36a3f7114306a312bfd08a9fd733e63c MD5 | raw file
- /**
- * @author Jefferson González
- * @copyright 2010 Jefferson González
- *
- * @license
- * This file is part of Jaris FLV Player.
- *
- * Jaris FLV Player is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License or GNU LESSER GENERAL
- * PUBLIC LICENSE as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
- * 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Jaris FLV Player is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
- * GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE along with Jaris FLV Player. If not,
- * see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- package jaris.display;
- import flash.display.MovieClip;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.display.Stage;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.Lib;
- /**
- * Draws a loading bar
- */
- class Loader extends Sprite
- {
- private var _stage:Stage;
- private var _movieClip:MovieClip;
- private var _background:Sprite;
- private var _loaderTrack:Sprite;
- private var _loaderThumb:Sprite;
- private var _visible:Bool;
- private var _brightColor:UInt;
- private var _controlColor:UInt;
- private var _forward:Bool;
- public function new()
- {
- super();
- _stage = Lib.current.stage;
- _movieClip = Lib.current;
- _background = new Sprite();
- addChild(_background);
- _loaderTrack = new Sprite();
- addChild(_loaderTrack);
- _loaderThumb = new Sprite();
- addChild(_loaderThumb);
- _brightColor = 0x4c4c4c;
- _controlColor = 0xFFFFFF;
- _forward = true;
- _visible = true;
- addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
- _stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onResize);
- drawLoader();
- }
- /**
- * Animation of a thumb moving on the track
- * @param event
- */
- private function onEnterFrame(event:Event):Void
- {
- if (_visible)
- {
- if (_forward)
- {
- if ((_loaderThumb.x + _loaderThumb.width) >= (_loaderTrack.x + _loaderTrack.width))
- {
- _forward = false;
- }
- else
- {
- _loaderThumb.x += 10;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (_loaderThumb.x <= _loaderTrack.x)
- {
- _forward = true;
- }
- else
- {
- _loaderThumb.x -= 10;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Redraws the loader to match new stage size
- * @param event
- */
- private function onResize(event:Event):Void
- {
- drawLoader();
- }
- /**
- * Draw loader graphics
- */
- private function drawLoader():Void
- {
- //Clear graphics
- _background.graphics.clear();
- _loaderTrack.graphics.clear();
- _loaderThumb.graphics.clear();
- //Draw background
- var backgroundWidth:Float = (65 / 100) * _stage.stageWidth;
- var backgroundHeight:Float = 30;
- _background.x = (_stage.stageWidth / 2) - (backgroundWidth / 2);
- _background.y = (_stage.stageHeight / 2) - (backgroundHeight / 2);
- _background.graphics.lineStyle();
- _background.graphics.beginFill(_brightColor, 0.5);
- _background.graphics.drawRoundRect(0, 0, backgroundWidth, backgroundHeight, 6, 6);
- _background.graphics.endFill();
- //Draw track
- var trackWidth:Float = (50 / 100) * _stage.stageWidth;
- var trackHeight:Float = 15;
- _loaderTrack.x = (_stage.stageWidth / 2) - (trackWidth / 2);
- _loaderTrack.y = (_stage.stageHeight / 2) - (trackHeight / 2);
- _loaderTrack.graphics.lineStyle(2, _controlColor);
- _loaderTrack.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, trackWidth, trackHeight);
- //Draw thumb
- _loaderThumb.x = _loaderTrack.x;
- _loaderThumb.y = _loaderTrack.y;
- _loaderThumb.graphics.lineStyle();
- _loaderThumb.graphics.beginFill(_controlColor, 1);
- _loaderThumb.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, trackHeight, trackHeight);
- }
- /**
- * Stops drawing the loader
- */
- public function hide():Void
- {
- this.visible = false;
- _visible = false;
- }
- /**
- * Starts drawing the loader
- */
- public function show():Void
- {
- this.visible = true;
- _visible = true;
- }
- /**
- * Set loader colors
- * @param colors
- */
- public function setColors(colors:Array<String>):Void
- {
- _brightColor = colors[0].length > 0? Std.parseInt("0x" + colors[0]) : 0x4c4c4c;
- _controlColor = colors[1].length > 0? Std.parseInt("0x" + colors[1]) : 0xFFFFFF;
- drawLoader();
- }
- }