Python | 473 lines | 310 code | 36 blank | 127 comment | 25 complexity | 802f1d0a90526aef683ce91bf09dd07c MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # NOTE: Documentation is intended to be processed by epydoc and contains
- # epydoc markup.
- '''
- Introduction
- ============
- The ``grizzled.file.includer`` module contains a class that can be used to
- process includes within a text file, returning a file-like object. It also
- contains some utility functions that permit using include-enabled files in
- other contexts.
- Include Syntax
- ==============
- The *include* syntax is defined by a regular expression; any line that matches
- the regular expression is treated as an *include* directive. The default
- regular expression matches include directives like this::
- %include "/absolute/path/to/file"
- %include "../relative/path/to/file"
- %include "local_reference"
- %include "http://localhost/path/to/my.config"
- Relative and local file references are relative to the including file or URL.
- That, if an ``Includer`` is processing file "/home/bmc/foo.txt" and encounters
- an attempt to include file "bar.txt", it will assume "bar.txt" is to be found
- in "/home/bmc".
- Similarly, if an ``Includer`` is processing URL "http://localhost/bmc/foo.txt"
- and encounters an attempt to include file "bar.txt", it will assume "bar.txt"
- is to be found at "http://localhost/bmc/bar.txt".
- Nested includes are permitted; that is, an included file may, itself, include
- other files. The maximum recursion level is configurable and defaults to 100.
- The include syntax can be changed by passing a different regular expression to
- the ``Includer`` class constructor.
- Usage
- =====
- This module provides an ``Includer`` class, which processes include directives
- in a file and behaves like a file-like object. See the class documentation for
- more details.
- The module also provides a ``preprocess()`` convenience function that can be
- used to preprocess a file; it returns the path to the resulting preprocessed
- file.
- Examples
- ========
- Preprocess a file containing include directives, then read the result:
- .. python::
- import includer
- import sys
- inc = includer.Includer(path)
- for line in inc:
- sys.stdout.write(line)
- Use an include-enabled file with the standard Python logging module:
- .. python::
- import logging
- import includer
- logging.fileConfig(includer.preprocess("mylog.cfg"))
- '''
- __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
- __all__ = ['Includer', 'IncludeError', 'preprocess']
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Imports
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- import logging
- import os
- import sys
- import re
- import tempfile
- import atexit
- import urllib2
- import urlparse
- import grizzled.exception
- from grizzled.file import unlink_quietly
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Exports
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- __all__ = ['IncludeError', 'Includer', 'preprocess']
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Logging
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- log = logging.getLogger('includer')
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Public classes
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class IncludeError(grizzled.exception.ExceptionWithMessage):
- """
- Thrown by ``Includer`` when an error occurs while processing the file.
- An ``IncludeError`` object always contains a single string value that
- contains an error message describing the problem.
- """
- pass
- class Includer(object):
- '''
- An ``Includer`` object preprocesses a path or file-like object,
- expanding include references. The resulting ``Includer`` object is a
- file-like object, offering the same methods and capabilities as an open
- file.
- By default, ``Includer`` supports this include syntax::
- %include "path"
- %include "url"
- However, the include directive syntax is controlled by a regular
- expression, so it can be configured.
- See the module documentation for details.
- '''
- def __init__(self,
- source,
- include_regex='^%include\s"([^"]+)"',
- max_nest_level=100,
- output=None):
- """
- Create a new ``Includer`` object.
- :Parameters:
- source : file or str
- The source to be read and expanded. May be an open file-like
- object, a path name, or a URL string.
- include_regex : str
- Regular expression defining the include syntax. Must contain a
- single parenthetical group that can be used to extract the
- included file or URL.
- max_nest_level : int
- Maximum include nesting level. Exceeding this level will cause
- ``Includer`` to throw an ``IncludeError``.
- output : str or file
- A string (path name) or file-like object to which to save the
- expanded output.
- :raise IncludeError: On error
- """
- if isinstance(source, str):
- f, is_url, name = self.__open(source, None, False)
- else:
- # Assume file-like object.
- f = source
- is_url = False
- try:
- name = source.name
- except AttributeError:
- name = None
- self.closed = False
- self.mode = None
- self.__include_pattern = re.compile(include_regex)
- self.__name = name
- if output == None:
- from cStringIO import StringIO
- output = StringIO()
- self.__maxnest = max_nest_level
- self.__nested = 0
- self.__process_includes(f, name, is_url, output)
- self.__f = output
- self.__f.seek(0)
- @property
- def name(self):
- """
- Get the name of the file being processed.
- """
- return self.__name
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def next(self):
- """A file object is its own iterator.
- :rtype: string
- :return: the next line from the file
- :raise StopIteration: end of file
- :raise IncludeError: on error
- """
- line = self.readline()
- if (line == None) or (len(line) == 0):
- raise StopIteration
- return line
- def close(self):
- """Close the includer, preventing any further I/O operations."""
- if not self.closed:
- self.closed = true
- self.__f.close()
- del self.__f
- def fileno(self):
- """
- Get the file descriptor. Returns the descriptor of the file being
- read.
- :rtype: int
- :return: the file descriptor of the file being read
- """
- _complain_if_closed(self.closed)
- return self.__f.fileno()
- def isatty(self):
- """
- Determine whether the file being processed is a TTY or not.
- :return: ``True`` or ``False``
- """
- _complain_if_closed(self.closed)
- return self.__f.isatty()
- def seek(self, pos, mode=0):
- """
- Seek to the specified file offset in the include-processed file.
- :Parameters:
- pos : int
- file offset
- mode : int
- the seek mode, as specified to a Python file's ``seek()``
- method
- """
- self.__f.seek(pos, mode)
- def tell(self):
- """
- Get the current file offset.
- :rtype: int
- :return: current file offset
- """
- _complain_if_closed(self.closed)
- return self.__f.tell()
- def read(self, n=-1):
- """
- Read *n* bytes from the open file.
- :Parameters:
- n : int
- Number of bytes to read. A negative number instructs
- the method to read all remaining bytes.
- :return: the bytes read
- """
- _complain_if_closed(self.closed)
- return self.__f.read(n)
- def readline(self, length=-1):
- """
- Read the next line from the file.
- :Parameters:
- length : int
- a length hint, or negative if you don't care
- :rtype: str
- :return: the line read
- """
- _complain_if_closed(self.closed)
- return self.__f.readline(length)
- def readlines(self, sizehint=0):
- """
- Read all remaining lines in the file.
- :rtype: array
- :return: array of lines
- """
- _complain_if_closed(self.closed)
- return self.__f.readlines(sizehint)
- def truncate(self, size=None):
- """Not supported, since ``Includer`` objects are read-only."""
- raise IncludeError, 'Includers are read-only file objects.'
- def write(self, s):
- """Not supported, since ``Includer`` objects are read-only."""
- raise IncludeError, 'Includers are read-only file objects.'
- def writelines(self, iterable):
- """Not supported, since ``Includer`` objects are read-only."""
- raise IncludeError, 'Includers are read-only file objects.'
- def flush(self):
- """No-op."""
- pass
- def getvalue(self):
- """
- Retrieve the entire contents of the file, which includes expanded,
- at any time before the ``close()`` method is called.
- :rtype: string
- :return: a single string containing the contents of the file
- """
- return ''.join(self.readlines())
- def __process_includes(self, file_in, filename, is_url, file_out):
- log.debug('Processing includes in "%s", is_url=%s' % (filename, is_url))
- for line in file_in:
- match = self.__include_pattern.search(line)
- if match:
- if self.__nested >= self.__maxnest:
- raise IncludeError, 'Exceeded maximum include recursion ' \
- 'depth of %d' % self.__maxnest
- inc_name = match.group(1)
- logging.debug('Found include directive: %s' % line[:-1])
- f, included_is_url, included_name = self.__open(inc_name,
- filename,
- is_url)
- self.__nested += 1
- self.__process_includes(f, filename, is_url, file_out)
- self.__nested -= 1
- else:
- file_out.write(line)
- def __open(self, name_to_open, enclosing_file, enclosing_file_is_url):
- is_url = False
- openFunc = None
- parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(name_to_open)
- # Account for Windows drive letters.
- if (parsed_url.scheme != '') and (len(parsed_url.scheme) > 1):
- openFunc = urllib2.urlopen
- is_url = True
- else:
- # It's not a URL. What we do now depends on the including file.
- if enclosing_file_is_url:
- # Use the parent URL as the base URL.
- name_to_open = urlparse.urljoin(enclosing_file, name_to_open)
- open_func = urllib2.urlopen
- is_url = True
- elif not os.path.isabs(name_to_open):
- # Not an absolute file. Base it on the parent.
- enclosing_dir = None
- if enclosing_file == None:
- enclosing_dir = os.getcwd()
- else:
- enclosing_dir = os.path.dirname(enclosing_file)
- name_to_open = os.path.join(enclosing_dir, name_to_open)
- open_func = open
- else:
- open_func = open
- assert(name_to_open != None)
- assert(open_func != None)
- try:
- log.debug('Opening "%s"' % name_to_open)
- f = open_func(name_to_open)
- except:
- raise IncludeError, 'Unable to open "%s" as a file or a URL' %\
- name_to_open
- return (f, is_url, name_to_open)
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Public functions
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def preprocess(file_or_url, output=None, temp_suffix='.txt', temp_prefix='inc'):
- """
- Process all include directives in the specified file, returning a path
- to a temporary file that contains the results of the expansion. The
- temporary file is automatically removed when the program exits, though
- the caller is free to remove it whenever it is no longer needed.
- :Parameters:
- file_or_url : file or str
- URL or path to file to be expanded; or, a file-like object
- output : file
- A file or file-like object to receive the output.
- temp_suffix : str
- suffix to use with temporary file that holds preprocessed output
- temp_prefix : str
- prefix to use with temporary file that holds preprocessed output
- :rtype: string
- :return: ``output``, if ``output`` is not ``None``; otherwise, the path to
- temporary file containing expanded content
- """
- result = None
- path = None
- if not output:
- fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=temp_suffix, prefix=temp_prefix)
- output = open(path, 'w')
- atexit.register(unlink_quietly, path)
- os.close(fd)
- result = path
- else:
- result = output
- Includer(file_or_url, output=output)
- return result
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Private functions
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _complain_if_closed(closed):
- if closed:
- raise IncludeError, "I/O operation on closed file"
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Main program (for testing)
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- format = '%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s'
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=format)
- for file in sys.argv[1:]:
- import cStringIO as StringIO
- out = StringIO.StringIO()
- preprocess(file, output=out)
- header = 'File: %s, via preprocess()'
- sep = '-' * len(header)
- print '\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (sep, header, sep)
- for line in out.readlines():
- sys.stdout.write(line)
- print sep
- inc = Includer(file)
- header = 'File: %s, via Includer'
- sep = '-' * len(header)
- print '\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (sep, header, sep)
- for line in inc:
- sys.stdout.write(line)
- print '%s' % sep