Java | 325 lines | 247 code | 44 blank | 34 comment | 36 complexity | a32e7faffed326b437a94a046ab22aab MD5 | raw file
- /*
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- specific language governing permissions and limitations
- under the License.
- */
- package org.apache.cordova.file;
- import android.net.Uri;
- import java.io.File;
- import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
- import java.io.FilterInputStream;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.io.InputStream;
- import java.io.OutputStream;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Arrays;
- import org.apache.cordova.CordovaResourceApi;
- import org.json.JSONArray;
- import org.json.JSONException;
- import org.json.JSONObject;
- public abstract class Filesystem {
- protected final Uri rootUri;
- protected final CordovaResourceApi resourceApi;
- public final String name;
- private JSONObject rootEntry;
- public Filesystem(Uri rootUri, String name, CordovaResourceApi resourceApi) {
- this.rootUri = rootUri;
- this.name = name;
- this.resourceApi = resourceApi;
- }
- public interface ReadFileCallback {
- public void handleData(InputStream inputStream, String contentType) throws IOException;
- }
- public static JSONObject makeEntryForURL(LocalFilesystemURL inputURL, Uri nativeURL) {
- try {
- String path = inputURL.path;
- int end = path.endsWith("/") ? 1 : 0;
- String[] parts = path.substring(0, path.length() - end).split("/+");
- String fileName = parts[parts.length - 1];
- JSONObject entry = new JSONObject();
- entry.put("isFile", !inputURL.isDirectory);
- entry.put("isDirectory", inputURL.isDirectory);
- entry.put("name", fileName);
- entry.put("fullPath", path);
- // The file system can't be specified, as it would lead to an infinite loop,
- // but the filesystem name can be.
- entry.put("filesystemName", inputURL.fsName);
- // Backwards compatibility
- entry.put("filesystem", "temporary".equals(inputURL.fsName) ? 0 : 1);
- String nativeUrlStr = nativeURL.toString();
- if (inputURL.isDirectory && !nativeUrlStr.endsWith("/")) {
- nativeUrlStr += "/";
- }
- entry.put("nativeURL", nativeUrlStr);
- return entry;
- } catch (JSONException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- public JSONObject makeEntryForURL(LocalFilesystemURL inputURL) {
- Uri nativeUri = toNativeUri(inputURL);
- return nativeUri == null ? null : makeEntryForURL(inputURL, nativeUri);
- }
- public JSONObject makeEntryForNativeUri(Uri nativeUri) {
- LocalFilesystemURL inputUrl = toLocalUri(nativeUri);
- return inputUrl == null ? null : makeEntryForURL(inputUrl, nativeUri);
- }
- public JSONObject getEntryForLocalURL(LocalFilesystemURL inputURL) throws IOException {
- return makeEntryForURL(inputURL);
- }
- public JSONObject makeEntryForFile(File file) {
- return makeEntryForNativeUri(Uri.fromFile(file));
- }
- abstract JSONObject getFileForLocalURL(LocalFilesystemURL inputURL, String path,
- JSONObject options, boolean directory) throws FileExistsException, IOException, TypeMismatchException, EncodingException, JSONException;
- abstract boolean removeFileAtLocalURL(LocalFilesystemURL inputURL) throws InvalidModificationException, NoModificationAllowedException;
- abstract boolean recursiveRemoveFileAtLocalURL(LocalFilesystemURL inputURL) throws FileExistsException, NoModificationAllowedException;
- abstract LocalFilesystemURL[] listChildren(LocalFilesystemURL inputURL) throws FileNotFoundException;
- public final JSONArray readEntriesAtLocalURL(LocalFilesystemURL inputURL) throws FileNotFoundException {
- LocalFilesystemURL[] children = listChildren(inputURL);
- JSONArray entries = new JSONArray();
- if (children != null) {
- for (LocalFilesystemURL url : children) {
- entries.put(makeEntryForURL(url));
- }
- }
- return entries;
- }
- abstract JSONObject getFileMetadataForLocalURL(LocalFilesystemURL inputURL) throws FileNotFoundException;
- public Uri getRootUri() {
- return rootUri;
- }
- public boolean exists(LocalFilesystemURL inputURL) {
- try {
- getFileMetadataForLocalURL(inputURL);
- } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- public Uri nativeUriForFullPath(String fullPath) {
- Uri ret = null;
- if (fullPath != null) {
- String encodedPath = Uri.fromFile(new File(fullPath)).getEncodedPath();
- if (encodedPath.startsWith("/")) {
- encodedPath = encodedPath.substring(1);
- }
- ret = rootUri.buildUpon().appendEncodedPath(encodedPath).build();
- }
- return ret;
- }
- public LocalFilesystemURL localUrlforFullPath(String fullPath) {
- Uri nativeUri = nativeUriForFullPath(fullPath);
- if (nativeUri != null) {
- return toLocalUri(nativeUri);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Removes multiple repeated //s, and collapses processes ../s.
- */
- protected static String normalizePath(String rawPath) {
- // If this is an absolute path, trim the leading "/" and replace it later
- boolean isAbsolutePath = rawPath.startsWith("/");
- if (isAbsolutePath) {
- rawPath = rawPath.replaceFirst("/+", "");
- }
- ArrayList<String> components = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(rawPath.split("/+")));
- for (int index = 0; index < components.size(); ++index) {
- if (components.get(index).equals("..")) {
- components.remove(index);
- if (index > 0) {
- components.remove(index-1);
- --index;
- }
- }
- }
- StringBuilder normalizedPath = new StringBuilder();
- for(String component: components) {
- normalizedPath.append("/");
- normalizedPath.append(component);
- }
- if (isAbsolutePath) {
- return normalizedPath.toString();
- } else {
- return normalizedPath.toString().substring(1);
- }
- }
- public abstract Uri toNativeUri(LocalFilesystemURL inputURL);
- public abstract LocalFilesystemURL toLocalUri(Uri inputURL);
- public JSONObject getRootEntry() {
- if (rootEntry == null) {
- rootEntry = makeEntryForNativeUri(rootUri);
- }
- return rootEntry;
- }
- public JSONObject getParentForLocalURL(LocalFilesystemURL inputURL) throws IOException {
- Uri parentUri = inputURL.uri;
- String parentPath = new File(inputURL.uri.getPath()).getParent();
- if (!"/".equals(parentPath)) {
- parentUri = inputURL.uri.buildUpon().path(parentPath + '/').build();
- }
- return getEntryForLocalURL(LocalFilesystemURL.parse(parentUri));
- }
- protected LocalFilesystemURL makeDestinationURL(String newName, LocalFilesystemURL srcURL, LocalFilesystemURL destURL, boolean isDirectory) {
- // I know this looks weird but it is to work around a JSON bug.
- if ("null".equals(newName) || "".equals(newName)) {
- newName = srcURL.uri.getLastPathSegment();;
- }
- String newDest = destURL.uri.toString();
- if (newDest.endsWith("/")) {
- newDest = newDest + newName;
- } else {
- newDest = newDest + "/" + newName;
- }
- if (isDirectory) {
- newDest += '/';
- }
- return LocalFilesystemURL.parse(newDest);
- }
- /* Read a source URL (possibly from a different filesystem, srcFs,) and copy it to
- * the destination URL on this filesystem, optionally with a new filename.
- * If move is true, then this method should either perform an atomic move operation
- * or remove the source file when finished.
- */
- public JSONObject copyFileToURL(LocalFilesystemURL destURL, String newName,
- Filesystem srcFs, LocalFilesystemURL srcURL, boolean move) throws IOException, InvalidModificationException, JSONException, NoModificationAllowedException, FileExistsException {
- // First, check to see that we can do it
- if (move && !srcFs.canRemoveFileAtLocalURL(srcURL)) {
- throw new NoModificationAllowedException("Cannot move file at source URL");
- }
- final LocalFilesystemURL destination = makeDestinationURL(newName, srcURL, destURL, srcURL.isDirectory);
- Uri srcNativeUri = srcFs.toNativeUri(srcURL);
- CordovaResourceApi.OpenForReadResult ofrr = resourceApi.openForRead(srcNativeUri);
- OutputStream os = null;
- try {
- os = getOutputStreamForURL(destination);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- ofrr.inputStream.close();
- throw e;
- }
- // Closes streams.
- resourceApi.copyResource(ofrr, os);
- if (move) {
- srcFs.removeFileAtLocalURL(srcURL);
- }
- return getEntryForLocalURL(destination);
- }
- public OutputStream getOutputStreamForURL(LocalFilesystemURL inputURL) throws IOException {
- return resourceApi.openOutputStream(toNativeUri(inputURL));
- }
- public void readFileAtURL(LocalFilesystemURL inputURL, long start, long end,
- ReadFileCallback readFileCallback) throws IOException {
- CordovaResourceApi.OpenForReadResult ofrr = resourceApi.openForRead(toNativeUri(inputURL));
- if (end < 0) {
- end = ofrr.length;
- }
- long numBytesToRead = end - start;
- try {
- if (start > 0) {
- ofrr.inputStream.skip(start);
- }
- InputStream inputStream = ofrr.inputStream;
- if (end < ofrr.length) {
- inputStream = new LimitedInputStream(inputStream, numBytesToRead);
- }
- readFileCallback.handleData(inputStream, ofrr.mimeType);
- } finally {
- ofrr.inputStream.close();
- }
- }
- abstract long writeToFileAtURL(LocalFilesystemURL inputURL, String data, int offset,
- boolean isBinary) throws NoModificationAllowedException, IOException;
- abstract long truncateFileAtURL(LocalFilesystemURL inputURL, long size)
- throws IOException, NoModificationAllowedException;
- // This method should return null if filesystem urls cannot be mapped to paths
- abstract String filesystemPathForURL(LocalFilesystemURL url);
- abstract LocalFilesystemURL URLforFilesystemPath(String path);
- abstract boolean canRemoveFileAtLocalURL(LocalFilesystemURL inputURL);
- protected class LimitedInputStream extends FilterInputStream {
- long numBytesToRead;
- public LimitedInputStream(InputStream in, long numBytesToRead) {
- super(in);
- this.numBytesToRead = numBytesToRead;
- }
- @Override
- public int read() throws IOException {
- if (numBytesToRead <= 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- numBytesToRead--;
- return in.read();
- }
- @Override
- public int read(byte[] buffer, int byteOffset, int byteCount) throws IOException {
- if (numBytesToRead <= 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- int bytesToRead = byteCount;
- if (byteCount > numBytesToRead) {
- bytesToRead = (int)numBytesToRead; // Cast okay; long is less than int here.
- }
- int numBytesRead = in.read(buffer, byteOffset, bytesToRead);
- numBytesToRead -= numBytesRead;
- return numBytesRead;
- }
- }
- }