JavaScript | 656 lines | 433 code | 158 blank | 65 comment | 59 complexity | 3ed8d9359e520e95378b08e9abf329b9 MD5 | raw file
- var Backbone = require("base/backbone");
- var _ = require("underscore");
- var seeded_shuffle = require("utils/shuffle");
- var get_params = require("utils/get_params");
- var seedrandom = require("seedrandom");
- var ContentModels = require("content/models");
- var ds = window.ds || {};
- var ExerciseParams = {
- STREAK_CORRECT_NEEDED: (ds.distributed || {}).streak_correct_needed || 8,
- FIXED_BLOCK_EXERCISES: (ds.distributed || {}).fixed_block_exercises || 0
- };
- var ExerciseDataModel = ContentModels.ContentDataModel.extend({
- /*
- Contains data about an exercise itself, with no user-specific data.
- */
- defaults: {
- basepoints: 0,
- description: "",
- title: "",
- name: "",
- seconds_per_fast_problem: 0,
- author_name: "",
- related_videos: [],
- file_name: ""
- },
- initialize: function() {
- _.bindAll(this, "url", "update_if_needed_then", "as_user_exercise", "get_framework");
- var self = this;
- // store the provided seed as an object attribute, so it will be available after a fetch
- this.listenTo(this, "change:seed", function() { self.seed = self.get("seed") || self.seed; });
- },
- update_if_needed_then: function(callback) {
- // TODO(jamalex): use a better method for checking status of lazy loading
- if (this.get("id") !== this.get("name")) {
- this.fetch().then(callback);
- } else {
- _.defer(callback);
- }
- },
- // convert this data into the structure needed by khan-exercises
- as_user_exercise: function () {
- return {
- "basepoints": this.get("basepoints"),
- "description": this.get("description"),
- "title": this.get("display_name"),
- "seed": this.seed,
- "lastCountHints": 0, // TODO: could store and pass down number of hints used
- "exerciseModel": {
- "displayName": this.get("display_name"),
- "name": this.get("name"),
- "secondsPerFastProblem": this.get("seconds_per_fast_problem"),
- "authorName": this.get("author_name"),
- "relatedVideos": this.get("related_videos"),
- "fileName": this.get("file_name")
- },
- "exerciseProgress": {
- "level": "" // needed to keep khan-exercises from blowing up
- }
- };
- },
- get_framework: function() {
- return this.get("uses_assessment_items") ? "perseus" : "khan-exercises";
- }
- });
- var AssessmentItemModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
- urlRoot: function() {
- var base = window.sessionModel.get("ALL_ASSESSMENT_ITEMS_URL"); // Has a trailing '/'
- return base.slice(0, base.length - 1); // Remove it so the url can be properly built.
- },
- get_item_data: function() {
- return JSON.parse(this.get("item_data"));
- }
- });
- var ExerciseLogModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
- /*
- Contains summary data about the user's history of interaction with the current exercise.
- */
- defaults: {
- streak_progress: 0,
- points: 0,
- attempts: 0
- },
- initialize: function() {
- _.bindAll(this, "save", "attempts_since_completion", "fixed_block_questions_remaining");
- },
- save: function() {
- var self = this;
- var already_complete = this.get("complete");
- if (this.get("attempts") > 20 && !this.get("complete")) {
- this.set("struggling", true);
- }
- this.set("complete", this.get("streak_progress") >= 100);
- if (!already_complete && this.get("complete")) {
- this.set({
- "struggling": false,
- "completion_timestamp": window.statusModel.get_server_time(),
- "attempts_before_completion": this.get("attempts")
- }, {silent: true});
- }
- this.set("latest_activity_timestamp", window.statusModel.get_server_time(), {silent: true});
- // call the super method that will actually do the saving
- return Backbone.Model.prototype.save.call(this);
- },
- attempts_since_completion: function() {
- if (!this.get("complete")) {
- return 0;
- }
- return this.get("attempts") - this.get("attempts_before_completion");
- },
- fixed_block_questions_remaining: function() {
- return ExerciseParams.FIXED_BLOCK_EXERCISES - this.attempts_since_completion();
- },
- urlRoot: function() {
- return window.sessionModel.get("GET_EXERCISE_LOGS_URL");
- },
- });
- var ExerciseLogCollection = ContentModels.ContentLogCollection.extend({
- model: ExerciseLogModel,
- model_id_key: "exercise_id",
- get_first_log_or_new_log: function() {
- if (this.length > 0) {
- return this.at(0);
- } else { // create a new exercise log if none existed
- var data = {
- "user": window.statusModel.get("user_uri")
- };
- data[this.model_id_key] = this.content_model.get("id");
- return new this.model(data);
- }
- }
- });
- var AttemptLogModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
- /*
- Contains data about the user's response to a particular exercise instance.
- */
- urlRoot: function() {
- return window.sessionModel.get("GET_ATTEMPT_LOGS_URL");
- },
- defaults: {
- complete: false,
- points: 0,
- context_type: "",
- context_id: "",
- response_count: 0
- },
- to_object: function() {
- return _.clone(this.attributes);
- },
- add_response_log_event: function(ev) {
- var response_log = this.get("response_log") || [];
- // set the timestamp to the current time
- ev.timestamp = window.statusModel.get_server_time();
- // add the event to the response log list
- response_log.push(ev);
- this.set("response_log", response_log);
- },
- parse: function(response) {
- if (response) {
- if (response.response_log) {
- response.response_log = JSON.parse(response.response_log);
- }
- }
- return response;
- },
- toJSON: function(options) {
- var output = Backbone.Model.prototype.toJSON.call(this);
- if (output.response_log) {
- output.response_log = JSON.stringify(output.response_log);
- }
- return output;
- }
- });
- var AttemptLogCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- model: AttemptLogModel,
- initialize: function(models, options) {
- this.filters = $.extend({
- "user": window.statusModel.get("user_id"),
- "limit": ExerciseParams.STREAK_WINDOW
- }, options);
- },
- url: function() {
- return get_params.setGetParamDict(this.model.prototype.urlRoot(), this.filters);
- },
- to_objects: function() {
- return this.map(function(model){ return model.to_object(); });
- },
- add_new: function(attemptlog) {
- if (this.length == ExerciseParams.STREAK_WINDOW) {
- this.pop();
- }
- this.unshift(attemptlog);
- },
- get_streak_progress: function() {
- var count = 0;
- this.forEach(function(model) {
- count += model.get("correct") ? 1 : 0;
- });
- return count;
- },
- get_streak_progress_percent: function() {
- var streak_progress = this.get_streak_progress();
- return Math.min((streak_progress / ExerciseParams.STREAK_CORRECT_NEEDED) * 100, 100);
- },
- get_streak_points: function() {
- // only include attempts that were correct (others won't have points)
- var filtered_attempts = this.filter(function(attempt) { return attempt.get("correct"); });
- // add up and return the total number of points represented by these attempts
- // (only include the latest STREAK_CORRECT_NEEDED attempts, so the user doesn't get too many points)
- var total = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(ExerciseParams.STREAK_CORRECT_NEEDED, filtered_attempts.length); i++) {
- total += filtered_attempts[i].get("points");
- }
- return total;
- },
- calculate_points_per_question: function(basepoints) {
- // for comparability with the original algorithm (when a streak of 10 was needed),
- // we calibrate the points awarded for each question (note that there are no random bonuses now)
- return Math.round((basepoints * 10) / ExerciseParams.STREAK_CORRECT_NEEDED);
- }
- });
- var TestDataModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
- /*
- Contains data about a particular student test.
- */
- url: function() {
- return "/test/api/test/" + this.get("test_id") + "/";
- }
- });
- var TestLogModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
- /*
- Contains summary data about the user's history of interaction with the current test.
- */
- defaults: {
- index: 0,
- complete: false,
- started: false
- },
- init: function(options) {
- _.bindAll(this, "get_item_data", "save");
- },
- get_item_data: function(test_data_model) {
- /*
- This function is designed to give a deterministic test sequence for an individual, based
- on their userModel URI. As such, each individual will always have the same generated test
- sequence, but it is, for all intents and purposes, randomized across individuals.
- */
- /*
- Seed random generator here so that it increments all seed randomization blocks.
- If seeded inside each call to the function, then the blocks of seeds for each user
- would be identically shuffled.
- */
- // TODO (rtibbles): qUnit or other javascript unit testing to set up tests for this code.
- if(typeof(test_data_model)==="object"){
- var random = seedrandom(this.get("user"));
- var items = $.parseJSON(test_data_model.get("ids"));
- var initial_seed = test_data_model.get("seed");
- var repeats = test_data_model.get("repeats");
- // Final seed and item sequences.
- this.seed_sequence = [];
- this.item_sequence = [];
- /*
- Loop over every repeat, adding each exercise_id in turn to item_sequence.
- Increment initial_seed on each inner iteration to give unique seeds across
- all exercises. This will prevent similarly generated exercises from appearing identical.
- This will have the net effect of a fixed sequence of exercise_ids, repeating
- 'repeats' times. Build seed sequences per item, so that sequence of seeds can be shuffled
- per item, giving the net result that across tests, the seed/item pairs are matched, but the
- order the seeds appear in within the item repeat blocks is different for each test taker.
- */
- var item_seed_sequence = [];
- for(j=0; j < repeats; j++){
- for(i=0; i < items.length; i++){
- if(j===0){
- item_seed_sequence[i] = [];
- }
- this.item_sequence.push(items[i]);
- item_seed_sequence[i].push(initial_seed);
- initial_seed+=1;
- }
- }
- for(i=0; i < items.length; i++){
- item_seed_sequence[i] = seeded_shuffle(item_seed_sequence[i], random);
- }
- for(j=0; j < repeats; j++){
- for(i=0; i < items.length; i++){
- this.seed_sequence.push(item_seed_sequence[i][j]);
- }
- }
- }
- return {
- seed: this.seed_sequence[this.get("index")],
- exercise_id: this.item_sequence[this.get("index")]
- };
- },
- save: function() {
- var self = this;
- var already_complete = this.get("complete");
- if(this.item_sequence){
- if(!this.get("total_number")){
- this.set({
- total_number: this.item_sequence.length
- });
- }
- if((this.get("index") == this.item_sequence.length) && !already_complete){
- this.set({
- complete: true
- });
- this.trigger("complete");
- }
- }
- Backbone.Model.prototype.save.call(this);
- },
- urlRoot: "/test/api/testlog/"
- });
- var TestLogCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- model: TestLogModel,
- initialize: function(models, options) {
- this.test_id = options.test_id;
- },
- url: function() {
- return "/test/api/testlog/?" + $.param({
- "test": this.test_id,
- "user": window.statusModel.get("user_id")
- });
- },
- get_first_log_or_new_log: function() {
- if (this.length > 0) {
- return this.at(0);
- } else { // create a new exercise log if none existed
- return new TestLogModel({
- "user": window.statusModel.get("user_uri"),
- "test": this.test_id
- });
- }
- }
- });
- var QuizDataModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
- defaults: {
- repeats: (ds.distributed || {}).quiz_repeats || 3
- },
- initialize: function() {
- this.set({
- ids: this.get_exercise_ids_from_playlist_entry(this.get("entry")),
- quiz_id: this.get("entry").get("entity_id"),
- seed: this.get("entry").get("seed") || null
- });
- },
- get_exercise_ids_from_playlist_entry: function(entry) {
- var temp_collection = entry.collection.slice(0, _.indexOf(entry.collection, entry));
- var left_index = _.reduceRight(entry.collection.slice(0, _.indexOf(entry.collection, entry)), function(memo, value, index){
- if(!memo && value.get("entity_kind")==="Quiz"){
- return index;
- } else {
- return memo;
- }
- }, 0);
- return _.map(new Backbone.Collection(temp_collection.slice(left_index)).where({"entity_kind": "Exercise"}), function(value){return value.get("entity_id");});
- }
- });
- var QuizLogModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
- /*
- Contains summary data about the user's history of interaction with the current test.
- */
- defaults: {
- index: 0,
- complete: false,
- attempts: 0,
- total_correct: 0
- },
- init: function(options) {
- _.bindAll(this, "get_item_data", "save", "add_response_log_item", "get_latest_response_log_item");
- var self = this;
- },
- get_item_data: function(quiz_data_model) {
- /*
- This function is designed to give a deterministic quiz sequence for an individual, based
- on their userModel URI. As such, each individual will always have the same generated quiz
- sequence, but it is, for all intents and purposes, randomized across individuals.
- */
- /*
- Seed random generator here so that it increments all seed randomization blocks.
- If seeded inside each call to the function, then the blocks of seeds for each user
- would be identically shuffled.
- */
- if(typeof(quiz_data_model)==="object"){
- var random = seedrandom(this.get("user") + this.get("attempts"));
- var items = quiz_data_model.get("ids");
- var repeats = quiz_data_model.get("repeats");
- var initial_seed = seedrandom(this.get("user") + this.get("attempts"))()*1000;
- this.item_sequence = [];
- this.seed_sequence = [];
- for(j=0; j < repeats; j++){
- this.item_sequence.push(items);
- for(i=0; i < items.length; i++){
- this.seed_sequence.push(initial_seed);
- initial_seed+=1;
- }
- }
- this.item_sequence = _.flatten(this.item_sequence);
- this.item_sequence = seeded_shuffle(this.item_sequence, random);
- }
- return {
- exercise_id: this.item_sequence[this.get("index")],
- seed: this.seed_sequence[this.get("index")]
- };
- },
- save: function() {
- var self = this;
- var already_complete = this.get("complete");
- if(this.item_sequence){
- if(!this.get("total_number")){
- this.set({
- total_number: this.item_sequence.length
- });
- }
- if((this.get("index") == this.item_sequence.length)){
- this.set({
- index: 0,
- attempts: this.get("attempts") + 1
- });
- if(!already_complete) {
- this.set({
- complete: true
- });
- }
- this.trigger("complete");
- }
- }
- Backbone.Model.prototype.save.call(this);
- },
- add_response_log_item: function(data) {
- // inflate the stored JSON if needed
- if (!this._response_log_cache) {
- this._response_log_cache = JSON.parse(this.get("response_log") || "[]");
- }
- if(!this._response_log_cache[this.get("attempts")]){
- this._response_log_cache.push(0);
- }
- // add the event to the response log list
- if(data.correct){
- this._response_log_cache[this.get("attempts")] += 1;
- if(this.get("attempts")===0) {
- this.set({
- total_correct: this.get("total_correct") + 1
- });
- }
- }
- // deflate the response log list so it will be saved along with the model later
- this.set("response_log", JSON.stringify(this._response_log_cache));
- },
- get_latest_response_log_item: function() {
- // inflate the stored JSON if needed
- if (!this._response_log_cache) {
- this._response_log_cache = JSON.parse(this.get("response_log") || "[]");
- }
- // add the event to the response log list
- return this._response_log_cache[this.get("attempts")-1];
- },
- urlRoot: "/api/playlists/quizlog/"
- });
- var QuizLogCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- model: QuizLogModel,
- initialize: function(models, options) {
- this.quiz = options.quiz;
- },
- url: function() {
- return "/api/playlists/quizlog/?" + $.param({
- "quiz": this.quiz,
- "user": window.statusModel.get("user_id")
- });
- },
- get_first_log_or_new_log: function() {
- if (this.length > 0) {
- return this.at(0);
- } else { // create a new exercise log if none existed
- return new QuizLogModel({
- "user": window.statusModel.get("user_uri"),
- "quiz": this.quiz
- });
- }
- }
- });
- module.exports = {
- ExerciseParams: ExerciseParams,
- ExerciseDataModel: ExerciseDataModel,
- ExerciseLogModel: ExerciseLogModel,
- ExerciseLogCollection: ExerciseLogCollection,
- AssessmentItemModel: AssessmentItemModel,
- AttemptLogModel: AttemptLogModel,
- AttemptLogCollection: AttemptLogCollection,
- TestDataModel: TestDataModel,
- TestLogModel: TestLogModel,
- TestLogCollection: TestLogCollection,
- QuizDataModel: QuizDataModel,
- QuizLogModel: QuizLogModel,
- QuizLogCollection: QuizLogCollection
- };