Python | 753 lines | 740 code | 0 blank | 13 comment | 2 complexity | aa798f86dd37f070ed33636b08f51050 MD5 | raw file
- """
- This module acts as the only interface point between the main app and the database backend for the content.
- It exposes several convenience functions for accessing content, which fall into two broad categories:
- Topic functions - which return a limited set of fields, for use in rendering topic tree type structures.
- Content functions - which return a full set of fields, for use in rendering content or reasoning about it.
- In addition, content can either be returned in an exanded format, where all fields are directly represented on
- the dictionary, or with many of the fields collapsed into an 'extra_fields' key.
- All functions return the model data as a dictionary, in order to prevent external functions from having to know
- implementation details about the model class used in this module.
- """
- import json
- import itertools
- from peewee import Model, SqliteDatabase, CharField, TextField, BooleanField, ForeignKeyField, PrimaryKeyField, Using,\
- DoesNotExist, fn, IntegerField, OperationalError, FloatField
- from playhouse.shortcuts import model_to_dict
- from .base import available_content_databases
- from .settings import CONTENT_DATABASE_PATH, CHANNEL
- from .annotate import update_content_availability
- from django.conf import settings
- logging = settings.LOG
- # This Item is defined without a database.
- # This allows us to use a separate database for each language, so that we
- # can reduce performance cost, and keep queries simple for multiple languages.
- # In addition, we can distribute databases separately for each language pack.
- class Item(Model):
- title = CharField()
- description = TextField()
- available = BooleanField()
- files_complete = IntegerField(default=0)
- total_files = IntegerField(default=0)
- kind = CharField()
- parent = ForeignKeyField("self", default=None, null=True, index=True, related_name="children")
- id = CharField(index=True)
- pk = PrimaryKeyField(primary_key=True)
- slug = CharField()
- path = CharField(index=True, unique=True)
- extra_fields = CharField(null=True, default="")
- youtube_id = CharField(null=True, default="")
- size_on_disk = IntegerField(default=0)
- remote_size = IntegerField(default=0)
- sort_order = FloatField(default=0)
- class Meta:
- # Order by sort_order by default for all queries.
- order_by = ('sort_order',)
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- kwargs = parse_model_data(kwargs)
- super(Item, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- class AssessmentItem(Model):
- id = CharField(max_length=50)
- # looks like peewee doesn't like a primary key field that's not an integer.
- # Hence, we have a separate field for the primary key.
- pk = PrimaryKeyField(primary_key=True)
- item_data = TextField() # A serialized JSON blob
- author_names = CharField(max_length=200) # A serialized JSON list
- def parse_model_data(item):
- extra_fields = item.get("extra_fields", {})
- if type(extra_fields) is not dict:
- extra_fields = json.loads(extra_fields)
- remove_keys = []
- for key, value in item.iteritems():
- if key not in Item._meta.fields:
- extra_fields[key] = value
- remove_keys.append(key)
- for key in remove_keys:
- del item[key]
- item["extra_fields"] = json.dumps(extra_fields)
- return item
- def unparse_model_data(item):
- extra_fields = json.loads(item.get("extra_fields", "{}"))
- # Do this to ensure any model fields that have accidentally
- # been folded into extra fields are not overwritten on output
- extra_fields.update(item)
- return extra_fields
- def set_database(function):
- """
- Sets the appropriate database for the ensuing model interactions.
- """
- def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- language = kwargs.get("language", "en")
- path = kwargs.pop("database_path", None)
- if not path:
- path = CONTENT_DATABASE_PATH.format(
- channel=kwargs.get("channel", CHANNEL),
- language=language
- )
- db = SqliteDatabase(path)
- kwargs["db"] = db
- db.connect()
- # This should contain all models in the database to make them available to the wrapped function
- with Using(db, [Item, AssessmentItem]):
- try:
- output = function(*args, **kwargs)
- except DoesNotExist:
- output = None
- except OperationalError:
- logging.error("No content database file found")
- raise
- db.close()
- return output
- return wrapper
- def parse_data(function):
- """
- Parses the output of functions to be dicts (and expanded extra_fields if needed)
- """
- def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- dicts = kwargs.get("dicts", True)
- expanded = kwargs.get("expanded", True)
- output = function(*args, **kwargs)
- if dicts and output:
- try:
- if expanded:
- output = map(unparse_model_data, output.dicts())
- else:
- output = [item for item in output.dicts()]
- except (TypeError, OperationalError):
- logging.warn("No content database file found")
- output = []
- return output
- return wrapper
- @parse_data
- @set_database
- def get_random_content(kinds=None, limit=1, **kwargs):
- """
- Convenience function for returning random content nodes for use in testing
- :param kinds: A list of node kinds to select from.
- :param limit: The maximum number of items to return.
- :return: A list of randomly selected content dictionaries.
- """
- if not kinds:
- kinds = ["Video", "Audio", "Exercise", "Document"]
- return Item.select().where(Item.kind.in_(kinds)).order_by(fn.Random()).limit(limit)
- @set_database
- def get_content_item(content_id=None, topic=False, **kwargs):
- """
- Convenience function for returning a fully fleshed out content node for use in rendering content
- To save server processing, the extra_fields are fleshed out on the client side.
- By default, don't return topic nodes to avoid id collisions.
- :param content_id: The content_id to select by - caution, this is a non-unique field.
- :param topic: Return non-topic or topic nodes - default to non-topics.
- :return: A single content dictionary.
- """
- if content_id:
- # Ignore topics in case of id collision.
- if topic:
- value = Item.get(Item.id == content_id, Item.kind == "Topic")
- else:
- value = Item.get(Item.id == content_id, Item.kind != "Topic")
- return model_to_dict(value)
- @parse_data
- @set_database
- def get_content_items(ids=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Convenience function for returning multiple topic tree nodes for use in rendering content
- :param ids: A list of node ids to select - as ids are non-unique a single id may return multiple content items.
- :return: A list of content dictionaries.
- """
- if ids:
- values = Item.select().where(Item.id.in_(ids))
- else:
- values = Item.select()
- return values
- @parse_data
- @set_database
- def get_topic_nodes(parent=None, ids=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Convenience function for returning a set of topic nodes with limited fields for rendering the topic tree
- Can either pass in the parent id to return all the immediate children of a node,
- or a list of ids to return an arbitrary set of nodes with limited fields.
- :param parent: id of a parent node (always a topic).
- :param ids: A list of ids to return.
- :return: A list of content dictionaries with limited fields.
- """
- if parent:
- Parent = Item.alias()
- if parent == "root":
- selector = Parent.parent.is_null()
- else:
- selector = Parent.id == parent
- values = Item.select(
- Item.title,
- Item.description,
- Item.available,
- Item.kind,
- Item.children,
- Item.id,
- Item.path,
- Item.slug,
- ).join(Parent, on=(Item.parent == Parent.pk)).where(selector & Item.available)
- return values
- elif ids:
- values = Item.select(
- Item.title,
- Item.description,
- Item.available,
- Item.kind,
- Item.children,
- Item.id,
- Item.path,
- Item.slug,
- ).where(Item.id.in_(ids))
- return values
- @parse_data
- @set_database
- def get_topic_update_nodes(parent=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Convenience function for returning a set of topic nodes with limited fields for rendering the update topic tree
- :param parent: id of a parent node (always a topic).
- :return: A list of content dictionaries with limited fields.
- """
- if parent:
- Parent = Item.alias()
- if parent == "root":
- selector = Parent.parent.is_null()
- else:
- selector = Parent.id == parent
- values = Item.select(
- Item.title,
- Item.description,
- Item.available,
- Item.kind,
- Item.pk,
- Item.size_on_disk,
- Item.remote_size,
- Item.files_complete,
- Item.total_files,
- Item.id,
- Item.path,
- Item.youtube_id,
- ).join(Parent, on=(Item.parent == Parent.pk)).where((selector) & (Item.total_files != 0))
- return values
- @set_database
- def get_topic_node(content_id=None, topic=True, **kwargs):
- """
- Convenience function for returning a topic/content node with limited fields
- :param content_id: A list of ids to return.
- :return: A list of content dictionaries with limited fields.
- """
- if content_id:
- if topic:
- kind_selector = Item.kind == "Topic"
- else:
- kind_selector = Item.kind != "Topic"
- value = Item.select(
- Item.title,
- Item.description,
- Item.available,
- Item.kind,
- Item.children,
- Item.id,
- Item.path,
- Item.slug,
- ).where((Item.id == content_id) & (kind_selector)).get()
- return model_to_dict(value)
- @set_database
- def get_topic_nodes_with_children(parent=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Convenience function for returning a set of topic nodes with children listed as ids.
- Used for parsing and traversing the topic tree in content recommendation.
- :param parent: id of a parent node (always a topic).
- :return: A list of content dictionaries with the specified parent, with a children field as a list of ids.
- """
- if parent:
- Parent = Item.alias()
- Child = Item.alias()
- if parent == "root":
- selector = Parent.parent.is_null()
- else:
- selector = Parent.id == parent
- child_values = [item for item in Item.select(
- Child
- ).join(Child, on=(Child.parent == Item.pk)).join(Parent, on=(Item.parent == Parent.pk)).where(selector).dicts()]
- parent_values = [item for item in Item.select(
- Item
- ).join(Parent, on=(Item.parent == Parent.pk)).where(selector).dicts()]
- topics = []
- for topic in parent_values:
- output = {}
- output.update(topic)
- output["children"] = [child["id"] for child in child_values if child["parent"] == topic["pk"]]
- topics.append(output)
- return topics
- @parse_data
- @set_database
- def get_content_parents(ids=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Convenience function for returning all parent nodes of a set of content as specified by ids.
- :param ids: A list of topic ids.
- :return: A list of content dictionaries.
- """
- if ids:
- Parent = Item.alias()
- parent_values = Item.select(
- Parent
- ).join(Parent, on=(Item.parent == Parent.pk)).where(Item.id.in_(ids)).distinct()
- if parent_values is None:
- parent_values = list()
- return parent_values
- else:
- return list()
- @parse_data
- @set_database
- def get_leafed_topics(kinds=None, db=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Convenience function for returning a set of topic nodes that contain content
- """
- if not kinds:
- kinds = ["Video", "Audio", "Exercise", "Document"]
- Parent = Item.alias()
- parent_values = Item.select(
- Parent
- ).join(Parent, on=(Item.parent == Parent.pk)).where(Item.kind.in_(kinds)).distinct()
- return parent_values
- @parse_data
- @set_database
- def get_topic_contents(kinds=None, topic_id=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Convenience function for returning a set of content/leaf nodes contained within a topic
- :param kinds: A list of content kinds to select from.
- :param topic_id: The id of the topic to select within.
- :return: A list of content dictionaries.
- """
- if topic_id:
- topic_node = Item.get(Item.id == topic_id, Item.kind == "Topic")
- if not kinds:
- kinds = ["Video", "Audio", "Exercise", "Document"]
- return Item.select(Item).where(Item.kind.in_(kinds), Item.path.contains(topic_node.path))
- @set_database
- def get_download_youtube_ids(paths=None, downloaded=False, **kwargs):
- """
- Convenience function for taking a list of content ids and returning
- all associated youtube_ids for downloads, regardless of whether the input
- paths are paths for content nodes or topic nodes
- :param paths: A list of paths to nodes - used to ensure uniqueness.
- :param downloaded: Boolean to select whether to return files that have been downloaded already or not.
- :return: A unique list of youtube_ids as strings.
- """
- if paths:
- youtube_ids = dict()
- for path in paths:
- selector = (Item.kind != "Topic") & (Item.path.contains(path)) & (Item.youtube_id.is_null(False))
- if downloaded:
- selector &= Item.files_complete > 0
- else:
- selector &= Item.files_complete == 0
- youtube_ids.update(dict([item for item in Item.select(Item.youtube_id, Item.title).where(selector).tuples() if item[0]]))
- return youtube_ids
- def get_video_from_youtube_id(youtube_id):
- """
- This function is provided to ensure that the data migration 0029_set_video_id_for_realz
- in the main app is still able to be run if needed.
- It searches through every available content database in order to find the associated content id
- for a particular youtube id.
- :param youtube_id: String containing a youtube id.
- :return: A dictionary containing video metadata.
- """
- for channel, language in available_content_databases():
- video = _get_video_from_youtube_id(channel=channel, language=language, youtube_id=youtube_id)
- if video:
- return video
- @parse_data
- @set_database
- def _get_video_from_youtube_id(youtube_id=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Convenience function for returning a fully fleshed out video content node from youtube_id
- :param youtube_id: String containing a youtube id.
- :return: A dictionary containing video metadata.
- """
- if youtube_id:
- value = Item.get(Item.youtube_id == youtube_id, Item.kind == "Video")
- return model_to_dict(value)
- @set_database
- def search_topic_nodes(kinds=None, query=None, page=1, items_per_page=10, exact=True, **kwargs):
- """
- Search all nodes and return limited fields.
- :param kinds: A list of content kinds.
- :param query: Text string to search for in titles or extra fields.
- :param page: Which page of the paginated search to return.
- :param items_per_page: How many items on each page of the paginated search.
- :param exact: Flag to allow for an exact match, if false, always return more than one item.
- :return: A list of dictionaries containing content metadata.
- """
- if query:
- if not kinds:
- kinds = ["Video", "Audio", "Exercise", "Document", "Topic"]
- try:
- topic_node = Item.select(
- Item.title,
- Item.description,
- Item.available,
- Item.kind,
- Item.id,
- Item.path,
- Item.slug,
- ).where((fn.Lower(Item.title) == query) & (Item.kind.in_(kinds))).get()
- if exact:
- # If allowing an exact match, just return that one match and we're done!
- return [model_to_dict(topic_node)], True, None
- except DoesNotExist:
- topic_node = {}
- pass
- # For efficiency, don't do substring matches when we've got lots of results
- topic_nodes = Item.select(
- Item.title,
- Item.description,
- Item.available,
- Item.kind,
- Item.id,
- Item.path,
- Item.slug,
- ).where((Item.kind.in_(kinds)) & ((fn.Lower(Item.title).contains(query)) | (fn.Lower(Item.extra_fields).contains(query))))
- pages = topic_nodes.count() / items_per_page
- topic_nodes = [item for item in topic_nodes.paginate(page, items_per_page).dicts()]
- if topic_node:
- # If we got an exact match, show it first.
- topic_nodes.insert(0, model_to_dict(topic_node))
- return topic_nodes, False, pages
- @set_database
- def bulk_insert(items, **kwargs):
- """
- Insert many rows into the database at once.
- Limit to 500 items at a time for performance reasons.
- :param items: List of dictionaries containing content metadata.
- """
- if items:
- db = kwargs.get("db")
- items = map(parse_model_data, items)
- if db:
- with db.atomic():
- for idx in range(0, len(items), 500):
- Item.insert_many(items[idx:idx + 500]).execute()
- @set_database
- def create(item, **kwargs):
- """
- Wrapper around create that allows us to specify a database
- and also parse the model data to compress extra fields.
- :param item: A dictionary containing content metadata for one node.
- :return Item
- """
- if item:
- return Item.create(**parse_model_data(item))
- @set_database
- def get(item, **kwargs):
- """
- Fetch a content item, automatically choosing the correct content database (because of the set_database
- decorator).
- :param item: A dictionary containing content metadata for one node. "extra_fields" should not be inflated!
- :return: Item, or None if no such item is found
- """
- if item:
- selector = None
- for attr, value in item.iteritems():
- if not selector:
- selector = (getattr(Item, attr) == value)
- else:
- selector &= (getattr(Item, attr) == value)
- return Item.get(selector)
- @set_database
- def delete_instances(ids, **kwargs):
- """
- Given a list of Item ids, deletes all instances with that id.
- :param item: A list of `Item.id`s
- :return: None
- """
- if ids:
- for item in Item.select().where(Item.id.in_(ids)):
- item.delete_instance()
- @set_database
- def get_or_create(item, **kwargs):
- """
- Wrapper around get or create that allows us to specify a database
- and also parse the model data to compress extra fields.
- :param item: A dictionary containing content metadata for one node.
- :return tuple of Item and Boolean for whether created or not.
- """
- if item:
- return Item.create_or_get(**parse_model_data(item))
- @set_database
- def update_item(update=None, path=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Select an item by path, update fields and save.
- Updates all items that have the same id as well.
- Ids are not unique due to denormalization, yet items with the same id should have the same info.
- :param update: Dictionary of attributes to update on the model.
- :param path: Unique path for the content node to be updated. Also updates nodes with the same id.
- """
- if update and path:
- base_item = Item.get(Item.path == path)
- items = Item.select().where((Item.id == base_item.id) & (Item.kind == base_item.kind))
- for item in items:
- if any(key not in Item._meta.fields for key in update):
- item_data = unparse_model_data(item)
- item_data.update(update)
- for key, value in parse_model_data(item_data).iteritems():
- setattr(item, key, value)
- else:
- for key, value in update.iteritems():
- setattr(item, key, value)
- item.save()
- def iterator_content_items(ids=None, channel="khan", language="en", **kwargs):
- """
- Generator to iterate over content items specified by ids,
- run update content availability on that item and then yield the
- required update.
- :param update: Dictionary of attributes to update on the model.
- :yield: Tuple of unique path to item, and the update to be carried out on that item
- """
- if ids:
- items = Item.select().where(Item.id.in_(ids)).dicts().iterator()
- else:
- items = Item.select().dicts().iterator()
- mapped_items = itertools.imap(unparse_model_data, items)
- updated_mapped_items = update_content_availability(mapped_items, channel=channel, language=language)
- for path, update in updated_mapped_items:
- yield path, update
- def iterator_content_items_by_youtube_id(ids=None, channel="khan", language="en", **kwargs):
- """
- Generator to iterate over content items specified by youtube ids,
- run update content availability on that item and then yield the
- required update.
- :param update: Dictionary of attributes to update on the model.
- :yield: Tuple of unique path to item, and the update to be carried out on that item
- """
- if ids:
- items = Item.select().where(Item.youtube_id.in_(ids)).dicts().iterator()
- else:
- items = Item.select().dicts().iterator()
- mapped_items = itertools.imap(unparse_model_data, items)
- updated_mapped_items = update_content_availability(mapped_items, channel=channel, language=language)
- for path, update in updated_mapped_items:
- yield path, update
- @set_database
- def create_table(**kwargs):
- """
- Create a table in the database.
- """
- db = kwargs.get("db")
- if db:
- db.create_tables([Item, AssessmentItem])
- def annotate_content_models_by_youtube_id(channel="khan", language="en", youtube_ids=None):
- """
- Annotate content models that have the youtube ids specified in a list.
- :param channel: Channel to update.
- :param language: Language of channel to update.
- :param youtube_ids: List of youtube_ids to find content models for annotation.
- """
- annotate_content_models(channel=channel, language=language, ids=youtube_ids, iterator_content_items=iterator_content_items_by_youtube_id)
- @set_database
- def annotate_content_models(channel="khan", language="en", ids=None, iterator_content_items=iterator_content_items, **kwargs):
- """
- Annotate content models that have the ids specified in a list.
- Our ids can be duplicated at the moment, so this may be several content items per id.
- When a content item has been updated, propagate availability up the topic tree.
- :param channel: Channel to update.
- :param language: Language of channel to update.
- :param ids: List of content ids to find content models for annotation.
- :param iterator_content_items: Generator function to use to yield paths and updates.
- """
- db = kwargs.get("db")
- if db:
- content_models = iterator_content_items(ids=ids, channel=channel, language=language)
- with db.atomic() as transaction:
- def recurse_availability_up_tree(node, available):
- if not node.parent:
- return
- else:
- parent = node.parent
- Parent = Item.alias()
- children = Item.select().join(Parent, on=(Item.parent == Parent.pk)).where(Item.parent == parent.pk)
- if not available:
- children_available = children.where(Item.available == True).count() > 0
- available = children_available
- files_complete = children.aggregate(fn.SUM(Item.files_complete))
- child_remote = children.where(((Item.available == False) & (Item.kind != "Topic")) | (Item.kind == "Topic")).aggregate(fn.SUM(Item.remote_size))
- child_on_disk = children.aggregate(fn.SUM(Item.size_on_disk))
- if parent.available != available:
- parent.available = available
- if parent.files_complete != files_complete:
- parent.files_complete = files_complete
- # Ensure that the aggregate sizes are not None
- if parent.remote_size != child_remote and child_remote:
- parent.remote_size = child_remote
- # Ensure that the aggregate sizes are not None
- if parent.size_on_disk != child_on_disk and child_on_disk:
- parent.size_on_disk = child_on_disk
- if parent.is_dirty():
- parent.save()
- recurse_availability_up_tree(parent, available)
- for path, update in content_models:
- if update:
- # We have duplicates in the topic tree, make sure the stamping happens to all of them.
- item = Item.get(Item.path == path)
- if item.kind != "Topic":
- item_data = unparse_model_data(model_to_dict(item, recurse=False))
- item_data.update(update)
- item_data = parse_model_data(item_data)
- for attr, val in item_data.iteritems():
- setattr(item, attr, val)
- item.save()
- recurse_availability_up_tree(item, update.get("available", False))
- @set_database
- def update_parents(parent_mapping=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Convenience function to add parent nodes to other nodes in the database.
- Needs a mapping from item path to parent id.
- As only Topics can be parents, and we can have duplicate ids, we filter on both.
- :param update_mapping: A dictionary containing item paths as keys, with parent ids as values.
- """
- if parent_mapping:
- db = kwargs.get("db")
- if db:
- with db.atomic() as transaction:
- for key, value in parent_mapping.iteritems():
- if value:
- try:
- # Only Topics can be parent nodes
- parent = Item.get(Item.id == value, Item.kind == "Topic")
- item = Item.get(Item.path == key)
- except DoesNotExist:
- print(key, value, "Parent or Item not found")
- if item and parent:
- item.parent = parent
- item.save()
- @set_database
- def get_assessment_item_data(assessment_item_id=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Wrapper function to return assessment_item from database as a dictionary.
- :param assessment_item_id: id of the assessment item to return.
- :return: Dictionary containing assessment item data.
- """
- try:
- assessment_item = AssessmentItem.get(AssessmentItem.id == assessment_item_id)
- return model_to_dict(assessment_item)
- except OperationalError:
- return {}