JavaScript | 125 lines | 87 code | 17 blank | 21 comment | 3 complexity | 6aebc98be7bf9c2c3046975d839a65c2 MD5 | raw file
- window.ScratchpadRevision = Backbone.Model.extend({
- parse: function(resp, xhr) {
- // resp.created comes down from the server as an RFC date string (see
- // api/jsonify.py). We want it as a native JS Date object.
- resp.created = new Date(resp.created);
- return resp;
- }
- });
- window.Scratchpad = Backbone.Model.extend({
- urlRoot: "/api/labs/scratchpads",
- showUrl: function() {
- return "/explore/" + this.get("slug") + "/" + this.get("id");
- },
- // This is called whenever data is pulled down via fetch or save.
- //
- // We want to add a revision key with another backbone model (since backbone
- // doesn't support nested .set and .get out of the box
- parse: function(resp, xhr) {
- resp.revision = new ScratchpadRevision(resp.revision, {parse: true});
- return resp;
- },
- // Returns a copy of the Scratchpad with origin_scratchpad_id and
- // origin_revision_id set, and with the id stripped out
- fork: function() {
- // Clone the scratchpad and revision, but strip out the ids, and
- // all developer-only attributes
- var forkedScratchpad = this.clone()
- .unset("id")
- .unset("category")
- .unset("difficulty")
- .unset("youtube_id")
- .set({
- revision: this.get("revision").clone().unset("id"),
- origin_scratchpad_id: this.get("id"),
- origin_revision_id: this.get("revision").get("id")
- });
- return forkedScratchpad;
- },
- save: function(attributes, options) {
- // TODO(jlfwong): Fix these issues on the serverside instead
- // (this is gross)
- // These properties are not assignable properties of Scratchpads, so we
- // want to strip them out before saving
- this
- .unset("kind")
- .unset("slug")
- .get("revision")
- .unset("created")
- .unset("kind")
- .unset("scratchpad_id");
- if (!this.isNew()) {
- // These properties are immutable once set, so we
- // want to strip them out before trying to do an update
- this
- .unset("origin_revision_id")
- .unset("origin_scratchpad_id")
- .unset("user_id")
- .get("revision")
- .unset("id");
- }
- return Scratchpad.__super__.save.call(this, attributes, options);
- }
- }, {
- // Static Properties
- difficultyMapping: {
- "10": "Getting Started",
- "20": "Easy",
- "30": "Intermediate",
- "40": "Expert"
- }
- });
- window.ScratchpadList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- model: Scratchpad,
- fetchForUser: function(options) {
- return this.fetch($.extend({
- url: "/api/labs/user/scratchpads"
- }, options));
- }
- });
- window.ScratchpadListView = Backbone.View.extend({
- template: Templates.get("shared.scratchpad-list"),
- render: function() {
- var scratchpads = this.collection
- .chain()
- // Sort using the provided key function, or just use the
- // scratchpads' natural sort order if none is provided.
- .sortBy(this.options.sortBy || _.identity)
- .map(function(scratchpad) {
- var difficulty = scratchpad.get("difficulty");
- var category = scratchpad.get("category");
- return {
- // TODO(jlfwong): Switch this to use the published flag
- // See: http://phabricator.khanacademy.org/T44
- displayDifficulty: (difficulty !== -1 &&
- (category === "tutorial" || category === "official")),
- difficulty: difficulty,
- difficultyText: Scratchpad.difficultyMapping[difficulty],
- imageUrl: scratchpad.showUrl() + "/image.png",
- showUrl: scratchpad.showUrl(),
- title: scratchpad.get("title")
- };
- })
- .value();
- this.$el.html(this.template({
- scratchpads: scratchpads
- }));
- }
- });