JavaScript | 202 lines | 192 code | 7 blank | 3 comment | 30 complexity | fbea784a34645426bf2be31a08246661 MD5 | raw file
- ;(function ($) {
- "use strict";
- $.LP_Course_Item = function () {
- }
- $.LP_Course_Item.Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
- url : function () {
- return this.rootUrl
- },
- rootUrl : '',
- initialize: function (data) {
- this.rootUrl = data.rootUrl;
- },
- load : function (callback) {
- var that = this,
- _completed = function (response, success) {
- var $html = $(response || ''),
- $lesson = $html.find('#learn-press-course-lesson');
- if ($lesson.length == 0) {
- $lesson = $('<div id="learn-press-course-lesson" />');
- }
- if (LearnPress.Hook.applyFilters('learn_press_update_item_content', $lesson, that) !== false) {
- that.set('content', $lesson);
- $(document).trigger('learn_press_course_item_content_replaced', $lesson, that);
- $('.course-item.item-current')
- .removeClass('item-current');
- $('.course-item.course-item-' + that.get('id'))
- .addClass('item-current');
- }
- $.isFunction(callback) && callback.call(that, response);
- };
- $.ajax({
- url : this.url(),
- dataType: 'html',
- success : function (response) {
- _completed(response, true);
- },
- error : function () {
- _completed('', false)
- }
- })
- },
- complete : function (args) {
- var that = this;
- args = $.extend({
- data : null,
- success: null
- }, args || {});
- $.ajax({
- url : LearnPress_Settings.ajax,
- dataType: 'html',
- data : $.extend({
- action: 'learnpress_complete_lesson',
- id : this.get('id')
- }, args.data || {}),
- success : function (response) {
- response = LearnPress.parseJSON(response);
- $.isFunction(args.success) && args.success.call(that, $.extend(response, {id: that.get('id')}))
- }
- })
- }
- });
- $.LP_Course_Item.View = Backbone.View.extend({
- el : '#learn-press-course-lesson',
- events : {
- 'click .complete-lesson-button': '_completeLesson'
- },
- initialize : function () {
- _.bindAll(this, 'updateItem', '_completeLesson');
- this.model.on('change', this.updateItem, this);
- if (LearnPress.Hook.applyFilters('learn_press_before_load_item', this) !== false) {
- if (this.model.get('id') && this.$('input[name="learn-press-lesson-viewing"]').val() != this.model.get('id')) {
- if (this.model.get('content')) {
- this.updateItem();
- } else {
- this.model.load();
- }
- } else if (this.model.get('content')) {
- LearnPress.Hook.doAction('learn_press_item_content_loaded', this.model.get('content'), this);
- }
- }
- },
- updateItem : function () {
- var $content = this.model.get('content');
- this.$el.replaceWith($content);
- this.setElement($content);
- var url = LearnPress.Hook.applyFilters('learn_press_set_item_url', this.model.get('rootUrl'), this);
- if (url) {
- LearnPress.setUrl(url);
- }
- LearnPress.Hook.doAction('learn_press_item_content_loaded', $content, this);
- },
- _autoNextItem : function (item, delay) {
- var $link = this.$('.course-item-next a[data-id="' + item + '"]');
- if (!$link.length) {
- return;
- }
- var duration = 3,
- $span = $('<span>Auto next in ' + duration + 's</span>').insertAfter(this.$('.complete-lesson-button'));
- setInterval(function () {
- duration--;
- $span.html('Auto next in ' + duration + 's');
- if (duration == 0) {
- $link.trigger('click')
- }
- }, 1000);
- },
- _completeLesson: function (e) {
- var that = this;
- this.model.complete({
- data : $(e.target).data(),
- success: function (response) {
- response = LearnPress.Hook.applyFilters('learn_press_user_complete_lesson_response', response);
- if (response.next_item) {
- //that._autoNextItem(response.next_item, 3);
- }
- LearnPress.Hook.doAction('learn_press_user_completed_lesson', response, that);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- $.LP_Course_Item.Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- model : $.LP_Course_Item.Model,
- current : 0,
- initialize: function () {
- var that = this;
- _.bindAll(this, 'initItems', 'loadItem');
- this.initItems();
- },
- initItems : function () {
- var that = this;
- $('.section-content .course-item').each(function () {
- var $li = $(this),
- $link = $li.find('a'),
- id = parseInt($link.attr('data-id')),
- args = {
- id : id,
- nonce : {
- complete: $link.attr('data-complete-nonce')
- },
- rootUrl: $link.attr('href'),
- type : $li.data('type')
- };
- if ($li.hasClass('item-current')) {
- that.current = id;
- args.content = $('#learn-press-course-lesson')
- }
- var model = new $.LP_Course_Item.Model(args);
- that.add(model);
- });
- },
- loadItem : function (item, link) {
- if ($.isNumeric(item)) {
- item = this.findWhere({id: item});
- } else if ($.type(item) == 'string') {
- item = this.findWhere({rootUrl: item});
- }
- if (LearnPress.Hook.applyFilters('learn_press_load_item_content', true, item, link) !== false) {
- if (item) {
- if (this.view) {
- this.view.undelegateEvents();
- //this.view.model.set('content', this.view.$el);
- $('.course-item.item-current')
- .removeClass('item-current');
- $('.course-item.course-item-' + item.get('id'))
- .addClass('item-current');
- }
- if (link) {
- item.set('rootUrl', link);
- item.rootUrl = link;
- }
- this.view = new $.LP_Course_Item.View({model: item});
- }
- }
- }
- });
- $.LP_Course_Item_List_View = Backbone.View.extend({
- model : $.LP_Course_Item.Collection,
- el : 'body',
- events : {
- 'click .section-content .course-item': '_loadItem',
- 'click .course-item-nav a' : '_loadItem'
- },
- initialize: function (args) {
- _.bindAll(this, '_loadItem');
- //this.model.loadItem(this.model.current);
- },
- _loadItem : function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- var $item = $(e.target),
- id = parseInt($item.attr('data-id')),
- link = $item.attr('href');
- this.model.loadItem(id ? id : link, link);
- }
- });
- })(jQuery);