JavaScript | 521 lines | 247 code | 89 blank | 185 comment | 0 complexity | da35b323c39571235a13ed459e2a5474 MD5 | raw file
- // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
- // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- // found in the LICENSE file.
- /**
- * @fileoverview Definitions for the Chromium extensions API used by ChromeVox.
- *
- * @externs
- */
- // TODO: Move these to //third_party/closure_compiler/externs.
- // Begin auto generated externs; do not edit.
- // The following was generated from:
- //
- // python tools/json_schema_compiler/compiler.py
- // -g externs
- // chrome/common/extensions/api/automation.idl
- /**
- * @const
- */
- chrome.automation = {};
- /**
- * @enum {string}
- */
- chrome.automation.EventType = {
- activedescendantchanged: 'activedescendantchanged',
- alert: 'alert',
- ariaAttributeChanged: 'ariaAttributeChanged',
- autocorrectionOccured: 'autocorrectionOccured',
- blur: 'blur',
- checkedStateChanged: 'checkedStateChanged',
- childrenChanged: 'childrenChanged',
- focus: 'focus',
- hide: 'hide',
- hover: 'hover',
- invalidStatusChanged: 'invalidStatusChanged',
- layoutComplete: 'layoutComplete',
- liveRegionChanged: 'liveRegionChanged',
- loadComplete: 'loadComplete',
- locationChanged: 'locationChanged',
- menuEnd: 'menuEnd',
- menuListItemSelected: 'menuListItemSelected',
- menuListValueChanged: 'menuListValueChanged',
- menuPopupEnd: 'menuPopupEnd',
- menuPopupStart: 'menuPopupStart',
- menuStart: 'menuStart',
- rowCollapsed: 'rowCollapsed',
- rowCountChanged: 'rowCountChanged',
- rowExpanded: 'rowExpanded',
- scrollPositionChanged: 'scrollPositionChanged',
- scrolledToAnchor: 'scrolledToAnchor',
- selectedChildrenChanged: 'selectedChildrenChanged',
- selection: 'selection',
- selectionAdd: 'selectionAdd',
- selectionRemove: 'selectionRemove',
- show: 'show',
- textChanged: 'textChanged',
- textSelectionChanged: 'textSelectionChanged',
- treeChanged: 'treeChanged',
- valueChanged: 'valueChanged',
- };
- /**
- * @enum {string}
- */
- chrome.automation.RoleType = {
- alertDialog: 'alertDialog',
- alert: 'alert',
- annotation: 'annotation',
- application: 'application',
- article: 'article',
- banner: 'banner',
- blockquote: 'blockquote',
- busyIndicator: 'busyIndicator',
- button: 'button',
- buttonDropDown: 'buttonDropDown',
- canvas: 'canvas',
- caption: 'caption',
- cell: 'cell',
- checkBox: 'checkBox',
- client: 'client',
- colorWell: 'colorWell',
- columnHeader: 'columnHeader',
- column: 'column',
- comboBox: 'comboBox',
- complementary: 'complementary',
- contentInfo: 'contentInfo',
- date: 'date',
- dateTime: 'dateTime',
- definition: 'definition',
- descriptionListDetail: 'descriptionListDetail',
- descriptionList: 'descriptionList',
- descriptionListTerm: 'descriptionListTerm',
- desktop: 'desktop',
- details: 'details',
- dialog: 'dialog',
- directory: 'directory',
- disclosureTriangle: 'disclosureTriangle',
- div: 'div',
- document: 'document',
- embeddedObject: 'embeddedObject',
- figcaption: 'figcaption',
- figure: 'figure',
- footer: 'footer',
- form: 'form',
- grid: 'grid',
- group: 'group',
- heading: 'heading',
- iframe: 'iframe',
- iframePresentational: 'iframePresentational',
- ignored: 'ignored',
- imageMapLink: 'imageMapLink',
- imageMap: 'imageMap',
- image: 'image',
- inlineTextBox: 'inlineTextBox',
- labelText: 'labelText',
- legend: 'legend',
- lineBreak: 'lineBreak',
- link: 'link',
- listBoxOption: 'listBoxOption',
- listBox: 'listBox',
- listItem: 'listItem',
- listMarker: 'listMarker',
- list: 'list',
- locationBar: 'locationBar',
- log: 'log',
- main: 'main',
- marquee: 'marquee',
- math: 'math',
- menuBar: 'menuBar',
- menuButton: 'menuButton',
- menuItem: 'menuItem',
- menuItemCheckBox: 'menuItemCheckBox',
- menuItemRadio: 'menuItemRadio',
- menuListOption: 'menuListOption',
- menuListPopup: 'menuListPopup',
- menu: 'menu',
- meter: 'meter',
- navigation: 'navigation',
- note: 'note',
- outline: 'outline',
- pane: 'pane',
- paragraph: 'paragraph',
- popUpButton: 'popUpButton',
- pre: 'pre',
- presentational: 'presentational',
- progressIndicator: 'progressIndicator',
- radioButton: 'radioButton',
- radioGroup: 'radioGroup',
- region: 'region',
- rootWebArea: 'rootWebArea',
- rowHeader: 'rowHeader',
- row: 'row',
- ruby: 'ruby',
- ruler: 'ruler',
- svgRoot: 'svgRoot',
- scrollArea: 'scrollArea',
- scrollBar: 'scrollBar',
- seamlessWebArea: 'seamlessWebArea',
- search: 'search',
- searchBox: 'searchBox',
- slider: 'slider',
- sliderThumb: 'sliderThumb',
- spinButtonPart: 'spinButtonPart',
- spinButton: 'spinButton',
- splitter: 'splitter',
- staticText: 'staticText',
- status: 'status',
- switch: 'switch',
- tabGroup: 'tabGroup',
- tabList: 'tabList',
- tabPanel: 'tabPanel',
- tab: 'tab',
- tableHeaderContainer: 'tableHeaderContainer',
- table: 'table',
- textField: 'textField',
- time: 'time',
- timer: 'timer',
- titleBar: 'titleBar',
- toggleButton: 'toggleButton',
- toolbar: 'toolbar',
- treeGrid: 'treeGrid',
- treeItem: 'treeItem',
- tree: 'tree',
- unknown: 'unknown',
- tooltip: 'tooltip',
- webArea: 'webArea',
- webView: 'webView',
- window: 'window',
- };
- /**
- * @enum {string}
- */
- chrome.automation.StateType = {
- busy: 'busy',
- checked: 'checked',
- collapsed: 'collapsed',
- default: 'default',
- disabled: 'disabled',
- editable: 'editable',
- enabled: 'enabled',
- expanded: 'expanded',
- focusable: 'focusable',
- focused: 'focused',
- haspopup: 'haspopup',
- horizontal: 'horizontal',
- hovered: 'hovered',
- indeterminate: 'indeterminate',
- invisible: 'invisible',
- linked: 'linked',
- multiselectable: 'multiselectable',
- offscreen: 'offscreen',
- pressed: 'pressed',
- protected: 'protected',
- readOnly: 'readOnly',
- required: 'required',
- selectable: 'selectable',
- selected: 'selected',
- vertical: 'vertical',
- visited: 'visited',
- };
- /**
- * @enum {string}
- */
- chrome.automation.TreeChangeType = {
- nodeCreated: 'nodeCreated',
- subtreeCreated: 'subtreeCreated',
- nodeChanged: 'nodeChanged',
- nodeRemoved: 'nodeRemoved',
- };
- /**
- * @typedef {{
- * left: number,
- * top: number,
- * width: number,
- * height: number
- * }}
- */
- chrome.automation.Rect;
- /**
- * @typedef {{
- * role: (!chrome.automation.RoleType|undefined),
- * state: (Object|undefined),
- * attributes: (Object|undefined)
- * }}
- */
- chrome.automation.FindParams;
- /**
- * @constructor
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationEvent = function() {};
- /**
- * @typedef {{
- * target: chrome.automation.AutomationNode,
- * type: !chrome.automation.TreeChangeType
- * }}
- */
- chrome.automation.TreeChange;
- /**
- * @constructor
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode = function() {};
- /**
- * Get the automation tree for the tab with the given tabId, or the current tab
- * if no tabID is given, enabling automation if necessary. Returns a tree with a
- * placeholder root node; listen for the "loadComplete" event to get a
- * notification that the tree has fully loaded (the previous root node reference
- * will stop working at or before this point).
- * @param {number} tabId
- * @param {function(chrome.automation.AutomationNode):void} callback
- * Called when the <code>AutomationNode</code> for the page is available.
- */
- chrome.automation.getTree = function(tabId, callback) {};
- /**
- * Get the automation tree for the whole desktop which consists of all on screen
- * views. Note this API is currently only supported on Chrome OS.
- * @param {function(chrome.automation.AutomationNode):void} callback
- * Called when the <code>AutomationNode</code> for the page is available.
- */
- chrome.automation.getDesktop = function(callback) {};
- /**
- * Add a tree change observer. Tree change observers are static/global,
- * they listen to tree changes across all trees.
- * @param {function(chrome.automation.TreeChange):void} observer
- * A listener for tree changes on the <code>AutomationNode</code> tree.
- */
- chrome.automation.addTreeChangeObserver = function(observer) {};
- /**
- * Remove a tree change observer.
- * @param {function(chrome.automation.TreeChange):void} observer
- * A listener for tree changes on the <code>AutomationNode</code> tree.
- */
- chrome.automation.removeTreeChangeObserver = function(observer) {};
- //
- // End auto generated externs; do not edit.
- //
- /**
- * @type {chrome.automation.RoleType}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.role;
- /**
- * @type {!Object<chrome.automation.StateType, boolean>}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.state;
- /**
- * @type {number}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.indexInParent;
- /**
- * @type {string}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.name;
- /**
- * @type {string}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.description;
- /**
- * @type {string}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.url;
- /**
- * @type {string}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.docUrl;
- /**
- * @type {string}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.value;
- /**
- * @type {number}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.textSelStart;
- /**
- * @type {number}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.textSelEnd;
- /**
- * @type {Array<number>}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.wordStarts;
- /**
- * @type {Array<number>}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.wordEnds;
- /**
- * @type {!chrome.automation.AutomationNode}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.root;
- /**
- * @type {chrome.automation.AutomationNode}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.firstChild;
- /**
- * @type {chrome.automation.AutomationNode}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.lastChild;
- /**
- * @type {chrome.automation.AutomationNode}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.nextSibling;
- /**
- * @type {chrome.automation.AutomationNode}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.previousSibling;
- /**
- * @type {chrome.automation.AutomationNode}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.parent;
- /**
- * @type {!Array<chrome.automation.AutomationNode>}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.children;
- /**
- * @type {{top: number, left: number, height: number, width: number}}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.location;
- /**
- * @param {chrome.automation.EventType} eventType
- * @param {function(!chrome.automation.AutomationEvent) : void} callback
- * @param {boolean} capture
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.addEventListener =
- function(eventType, callback, capture) {};
- /**
- * @param {chrome.automation.EventType} eventType
- * @param {function(chrome.automation.AutomationNode) : void} callback
- * @param {boolean} capture
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.removeEventListener =
- function(eventType, callback, capture) {};
- /**
- * @type {chrome.automation.AutomationNode}
- */
- chrome.automation.TreeChange.prototype.target;
- /**
- * @type {chrome.automation.TreeChangeType}
- */
- chrome.automation.TreeChange.prototype.type;
- /**
- * @param {function(chrome.automation.TreeChange) : void}
- * callback
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.addTreeChangeObserver =
- function(callback) {};
- /**
- * @param {function(chrome.automation.TreeChange) : void}
- * callback
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.removeTreeChangeObserver =
- function(callback) {};
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.doDefault = function() {};
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.focus = function() {};
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.showContextMenu = function() {};
- /**
- * @param {number} start
- * @param {number} end
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.setSelection =
- function(start, end) {};
- /** @type {string} */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.containerLiveStatus;
- /** @type {string} */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.containerLiveRelevant;
- /** @type {boolean} */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.containerLiveAtomic;
- /** @type {boolean} */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.containerLiveBusy;
- /**
- * @param {Object} findParams
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.find = function(findParams) {};
- /**
- * @type {string}
- */
- chrome.automation.AutomationNode.prototype.inputType;