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Python | 334 lines | 285 code | 15 blank | 34 comment | 7 complexity | d46eaee9a8c04bbc7a8af6083be5f992 MD5 | raw file
  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
  3. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
  4. # found in the LICENSE file.
  5. """Runs the WebDriver Java acceptance tests.
  6. This script is called from chrome/test/chromedriver/ and reports
  7. results using the buildbot annotation scheme.
  8. For ChromeDriver documentation, refer to
  9. """
  10. import optparse
  11. import os
  12. import shutil
  13. import sys
  14. import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
  15. _THIS_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
  16. sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(_THIS_DIR, os.pardir))
  17. import chrome_paths
  18. import test_environment
  19. import util
  20. if util.IsLinux():
  21. sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(chrome_paths.GetSrc(), 'build', 'android'))
  22. from pylib import constants
  23. class TestResult(object):
  24. """A result for an attempted single test case."""
  25. def __init__(self, name, time, failure):
  26. """Initializes a test result.
  27. Args:
  28. name: the full name of the test.
  29. time: the amount of time the test ran, in seconds.
  30. failure: the test error or failure message, or None if the test passed.
  31. """
  32. self._name = name
  33. self._time = time
  34. self._failure = failure
  35. def GetName(self):
  36. """Returns the test name."""
  37. return self._name
  38. def GetTime(self):
  39. """Returns the time it took to run the test."""
  40. return self._time
  41. def IsPass(self):
  42. """Returns whether the test passed."""
  43. return self._failure is None
  44. def GetFailureMessage(self):
  45. """Returns the test failure message, or None if the test passed."""
  46. return self._failure
  47. def _Run(java_tests_src_dir, test_filter,
  48. chromedriver_path, chrome_path, log_path, android_package_key,
  49. verbose, debug):
  50. """Run the WebDriver Java tests and return the test results.
  51. Args:
  52. java_tests_src_dir: the java test source code directory.
  53. test_filter: the filter to use when choosing tests to run. Format is same
  54. as Google C++ Test format.
  55. chromedriver_path: path to ChromeDriver exe.
  56. chrome_path: path to Chrome exe.
  57. log_path: path to server log.
  58. android_package_key: name of Chrome's Android package.
  59. verbose: whether the output should be verbose.
  60. debug: whether the tests should wait until attached by a debugger.
  61. Returns:
  62. A list of |TestResult|s.
  63. """
  64. test_dir = util.MakeTempDir()
  65. keystore_path = ('java', 'client', 'test', 'keystore')
  66. required_dirs = [keystore_path[:-1],
  67. ('javascript',),
  68. ('third_party', 'closure', 'goog'),
  69. ('third_party', 'js')]
  70. for required_dir in required_dirs:
  71. os.makedirs(os.path.join(test_dir, *required_dir))
  72. test_jar = 'test-standalone.jar'
  73. class_path = test_jar
  74. shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(java_tests_src_dir, 'keystore'),
  75. os.path.join(test_dir, *keystore_path))
  76. util.Unzip(os.path.join(java_tests_src_dir, ''), test_dir)
  77. shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(java_tests_src_dir, test_jar),
  78. os.path.join(test_dir, test_jar))
  79. sys_props = ['selenium.browser=chrome',
  80. '' + os.path.abspath(chromedriver_path)]
  81. if chrome_path:
  82. sys_props += ['' + os.path.abspath(chrome_path)]
  83. if log_path:
  84. sys_props += ['' + log_path]
  85. if android_package_key:
  86. android_package = constants.PACKAGE_INFO[android_package_key].package
  87. sys_props += ['' + android_package]
  88. if android_package_key == 'chromedriver_webview_shell':
  89. android_activity = constants.PACKAGE_INFO[android_package_key].activity
  90. android_process = '%s:main' % android_package
  91. sys_props += ['' + android_activity]
  92. sys_props += ['' + android_process]
  93. if test_filter:
  94. # Test jar actually takes a regex. Convert from glob.
  95. test_filter = test_filter.replace('*', '.*')
  96. sys_props += ['filter=' + test_filter]
  97. jvm_args = []
  98. if debug:
  99. transport = 'dt_socket'
  100. if util.IsWindows():
  101. transport = 'dt_shmem'
  102. jvm_args += ['-agentlib:jdwp=transport=%s,server=y,suspend=y,'
  103. 'address=33081' % transport]
  104. # Unpack the sources into the test directory and add to the class path
  105. # for ease of debugging, particularly with jdb.
  106. util.Unzip(os.path.join(java_tests_src_dir, 'test-nodeps-srcs.jar'),
  107. test_dir)
  108. class_path += ':' + test_dir
  109. return _RunAntTest(
  110. test_dir, '',
  111. class_path, sys_props, jvm_args, verbose)
  112. def _RunAntTest(test_dir, test_class, class_path, sys_props, jvm_args, verbose):
  113. """Runs a single Ant JUnit test suite and returns the |TestResult|s.
  114. Args:
  115. test_dir: the directory to run the tests in.
  116. test_class: the name of the JUnit test suite class to run.
  117. class_path: the Java class path used when running the tests, colon delimited
  118. sys_props: Java system properties to set when running the tests.
  119. jvm_args: Java VM command line args to use.
  120. verbose: whether the output should be verbose.
  121. Returns:
  122. A list of |TestResult|s.
  123. """
  124. def _CreateBuildConfig(test_name, results_file, class_path, junit_props,
  125. sys_props, jvm_args):
  126. def _SystemPropToXml(prop):
  127. key, value = prop.split('=')
  128. return '<sysproperty key="%s" value="%s"/>' % (key, value)
  129. def _JvmArgToXml(arg):
  130. return '<jvmarg value="%s"/>' % arg
  131. return '\n'.join([
  132. '<project>',
  133. ' <target name="test">',
  134. ' <junit %s>' % ' '.join(junit_props),
  135. ' <formatter type="xml"/>',
  136. ' <classpath>',
  137. ' <pathelement path="%s"/>' % class_path,
  138. ' </classpath>',
  139. ' ' + '\n '.join(map(_SystemPropToXml, sys_props)),
  140. ' ' + '\n '.join(map(_JvmArgToXml, jvm_args)),
  141. ' <test name="%s" outfile="%s"/>' % (test_name, results_file),
  142. ' </junit>',
  143. ' </target>',
  144. '</project>'])
  145. def _ProcessResults(results_path):
  146. doc = minidom.parse(results_path)
  147. tests = []
  148. for test in doc.getElementsByTagName('testcase'):
  149. name = test.getAttribute('classname') + '.' + test.getAttribute('name')
  150. time = test.getAttribute('time')
  151. failure = None
  152. error_nodes = test.getElementsByTagName('error')
  153. failure_nodes = test.getElementsByTagName('failure')
  154. if error_nodes:
  155. failure = error_nodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue
  156. elif failure_nodes:
  157. failure = failure_nodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue
  158. tests += [TestResult(name, time, failure)]
  159. return tests
  160. junit_props = ['printsummary="yes"',
  161. 'fork="yes"',
  162. 'haltonfailure="no"',
  163. 'haltonerror="no"']
  164. if verbose:
  165. junit_props += ['showoutput="yes"']
  166. ant_file = open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'build.xml'), 'w')
  167. ant_file.write(_CreateBuildConfig(
  168. test_class, 'results', class_path, junit_props, sys_props, jvm_args))
  169. ant_file.close()
  170. if util.IsWindows():
  171. ant_name = 'ant.bat'
  172. else:
  173. ant_name = 'ant'
  174. code = util.RunCommand([ant_name, 'test'], cwd=test_dir)
  175. if code != 0:
  176. print 'FAILED to run java tests of %s through ant' % test_class
  177. return
  178. return _ProcessResults(os.path.join(test_dir, 'results.xml'))
  179. def PrintTestResults(results):
  180. """Prints the given results in a format recognized by the buildbot."""
  181. failures = []
  182. failure_names = []
  183. for result in results:
  184. if not result.IsPass():
  185. failures += [result]
  186. failure_names += ['.'.join(result.GetName().split('.')[-2:])]
  187. print 'Ran %s tests' % len(results)
  188. print 'Failed %s:' % len(failures)
  189. util.AddBuildStepText('failed %s/%s' % (len(failures), len(results)))
  190. for result in failures:
  191. print '=' * 80
  192. print '=' * 10, result.GetName(), '(%ss)' % result.GetTime()
  193. print result.GetFailureMessage()
  194. if len(failures) < 10:
  195. util.AddBuildStepText('.'.join(result.GetName().split('.')[-2:]))
  196. print 'Rerun failing tests with filter:', ':'.join(failure_names)
  197. return len(failures)
  198. def main():
  199. parser = optparse.OptionParser()
  200. parser.add_option(
  201. '', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False,
  202. help='Whether output should be verbose')
  203. parser.add_option(
  204. '', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False,
  205. help='Whether to wait to be attached by a debugger')
  206. parser.add_option(
  207. '', '--chromedriver', type='string', default=None,
  208. help='Path to a build of the chromedriver library(REQUIRED!)')
  209. parser.add_option(
  210. '', '--chrome', type='string', default=None,
  211. help='Path to a build of the chrome binary')
  212. parser.add_option(
  213. '', '--log-path',
  214. help='Output verbose server logs to this file')
  215. parser.add_option(
  216. '', '--chrome-version', default='HEAD',
  217. help='Version of chrome. Default is \'HEAD\'')
  218. parser.add_option(
  219. '', '--android-package', help='Android package key')
  220. parser.add_option(
  221. '', '--filter', type='string', default=None,
  222. help='Filter for specifying what tests to run, "*" will run all. E.g., '
  223. '*testShouldReturnTitleOfPageIfSet')
  224. parser.add_option(
  225. '', '--also-run-disabled-tests', action='store_true', default=False,
  226. help='Include disabled tests while running the tests')
  227. parser.add_option(
  228. '', '--isolate-tests', action='store_true', default=False,
  229. help='Relaunch the jar test harness after each test')
  230. options, _ = parser.parse_args()
  231. options.chromedriver = util.GetAbsolutePathOfUserPath(options.chromedriver)
  232. if options.chromedriver is None or not os.path.exists(options.chromedriver):
  233. parser.error('chromedriver is required or the given path is invalid.' +
  234. 'Please run "%s --help" for help' % __file__)
  235. if options.android_package:
  236. if options.android_package not in constants.PACKAGE_INFO:
  237. parser.error('Invalid --android-package')
  238. if options.chrome_version != 'HEAD':
  239. parser.error('Android does not support the --chrome-version argument.')
  240. environment = test_environment.AndroidTestEnvironment(
  241. options.android_package)
  242. else:
  243. environment = test_environment.DesktopTestEnvironment(
  244. options.chrome_version)
  245. try:
  246. environment.GlobalSetUp()
  247. # Run passed tests when filter is not provided.
  248. if options.isolate_tests:
  249. test_filters = environment.GetPassedJavaTests()
  250. else:
  251. if options.filter:
  252. test_filter = options.filter
  253. else:
  254. test_filter = '*'
  255. if not options.also_run_disabled_tests:
  256. if '-' in test_filter:
  257. test_filter += ':'
  258. else:
  259. test_filter += '-'
  260. test_filter += ':'.join(environment.GetDisabledJavaTestMatchers())
  261. test_filters = [test_filter]
  262. java_tests_src_dir = os.path.join(chrome_paths.GetSrc(), 'chrome', 'test',
  263. 'chromedriver', 'third_party',
  264. 'java_tests')
  265. if (not os.path.exists(java_tests_src_dir) or
  266. not os.listdir(java_tests_src_dir)):
  267. java_tests_url = (''
  268. '/webdriver')
  269. print ('"%s" is empty or it doesn\'t exist. ' % java_tests_src_dir +
  270. 'Need to map <chrome-svn>/trunk/deps/third_party/webdriver to '
  271. 'chrome/test/chromedriver/third_party/java_tests in .gclient.\n'
  272. 'Alternatively, do:\n'
  273. ' $ cd chrome/test/chromedriver/third_party\n'
  274. ' $ svn co %s java_tests' % java_tests_url)
  275. return 1
  276. results = []
  277. for filter in test_filters:
  278. results += _Run(
  279. java_tests_src_dir=java_tests_src_dir,
  280. test_filter=filter,
  281. chromedriver_path=options.chromedriver,
  282. chrome_path=util.GetAbsolutePathOfUserPath(,
  283. log_path=options.log_path,
  284. android_package_key=options.android_package,
  285. verbose=options.verbose,
  286. debug=options.debug)
  287. return PrintTestResults(results)
  288. finally:
  289. environment.GlobalTearDown()
  290. if __name__ == '__main__':
  291. sys.exit(main())