Python | 185 lines | 121 code | 34 blank | 30 comment | 3 complexity | cb8b6a5717d96afc6678ca48273123e1 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- import unittest
- import httpclient
- import platformsettings
- class RealHttpFetchTest(unittest.TestCase):
- # Initialize test data
- CONTENT_TYPE = 'content-type: image/x-icon'
- COOKIE_1 = ('Set-Cookie: GMAIL_IMP=EXPIRED; '
- 'Expires=Thu, 12-Jul-2012 22:41:22 GMT; '
- 'Path=/mail; Secure')
- COOKIE_2 = ('Set-Cookie: GMAIL_STAT_205a=EXPIRED; '
- 'Expires=Thu, 12-Jul-2012 22:42:24 GMT; '
- 'Path=/mail; Secure')
- FIRST_LINE = 'fake-header: first line'
- SECOND_LINE = ' second line'
- THIRD_LINE = '\tthird line'
- BAD_HEADER = 'this is a bad header'
- def test__GetHeaderNameValueBasic(self):
- """Test _GetHeaderNameValue with normal header."""
- real_http_fetch = httpclient.RealHttpFetch
- name_value = real_http_fetch._GetHeaderNameValue(self.CONTENT_TYPE)
- self.assertEqual(name_value, ('content-type', 'image/x-icon'))
- def test__GetHeaderNameValueLowercasesName(self):
- """_GetHeaderNameValue lowercases header name."""
- real_http_fetch = httpclient.RealHttpFetch
- header = 'X-Google-Gfe-Backend-Request-Info: eid=1KMAUMeiK4eMiAL52YyMBg'
- expected = ('x-google-gfe-backend-request-info',
- 'eid=1KMAUMeiK4eMiAL52YyMBg')
- name_value = real_http_fetch._GetHeaderNameValue(header)
- self.assertEqual(name_value, expected)
- def test__GetHeaderNameValueBadLineGivesNone(self):
- """_GetHeaderNameValue returns None for a header in wrong format."""
- real_http_fetch = httpclient.RealHttpFetch
- name_value = real_http_fetch._GetHeaderNameValue(self.BAD_HEADER)
- self.assertIsNone(name_value)
- def test__ToTuplesBasic(self):
- """Test _ToTuples with normal input."""
- real_http_fetch = httpclient.RealHttpFetch
- headers = [self.CONTENT_TYPE, self.COOKIE_1, self.FIRST_LINE]
- result = real_http_fetch._ToTuples(headers)
- expected = [('content-type', 'image/x-icon'),
- ('set-cookie', self.COOKIE_1[12:]),
- ('fake-header', 'first line')]
- self.assertEqual(result, expected)
- def test__ToTuplesMultipleHeadersWithSameName(self):
- """Test mulitple headers with the same name."""
- real_http_fetch = httpclient.RealHttpFetch
- headers = [self.CONTENT_TYPE, self.COOKIE_1, self.COOKIE_2, self.FIRST_LINE]
- result = real_http_fetch._ToTuples(headers)
- expected = [('content-type', 'image/x-icon'),
- ('set-cookie', self.COOKIE_1[12:]),
- ('set-cookie', self.COOKIE_2[12:]),
- ('fake-header', 'first line')]
- self.assertEqual(result, expected)
- def test__ToTuplesAppendsContinuationLine(self):
- """Test continuation line is handled."""
- real_http_fetch = httpclient.RealHttpFetch
- headers = [self.CONTENT_TYPE, self.COOKIE_1, self.FIRST_LINE,
- result = real_http_fetch._ToTuples(headers)
- expected = [('content-type', 'image/x-icon'),
- ('set-cookie', self.COOKIE_1[12:]),
- ('fake-header', 'first line\n second line\n third line')]
- self.assertEqual(result, expected)
- def test__ToTuplesIgnoresBadHeader(self):
- """Test bad header is ignored."""
- real_http_fetch = httpclient.RealHttpFetch
- bad_headers = [self.CONTENT_TYPE, self.BAD_HEADER, self.COOKIE_1]
- expected = [('content-type', 'image/x-icon'),
- ('set-cookie', self.COOKIE_1[12:])]
- result = real_http_fetch._ToTuples(bad_headers)
- self.assertEqual(result, expected)
- def test__ToTuplesIgnoresMisplacedContinuationLine(self):
- """Test misplaced continuation line is ignored."""
- real_http_fetch = httpclient.RealHttpFetch
- misplaced_headers = [self.THIRD_LINE, self.CONTENT_TYPE,
- self.COOKIE_1, self.FIRST_LINE, self.SECOND_LINE]
- result = real_http_fetch._ToTuples(misplaced_headers)
- expected = [('content-type', 'image/x-icon'),
- ('set-cookie', self.COOKIE_1[12:]),
- ('fake-header', 'first line\n second line')]
- self.assertEqual(result, expected)
- class RealHttpFetchGetConnectionTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """Test that a connection is made with request IP/port or proxy IP/port."""
- def setUp(self):
- def real_dns_lookup(host):
- return {
- 'example.com': '',
- 'proxy.com': '',
- }[host]
- self.fetch = httpclient.RealHttpFetch(real_dns_lookup)
- self.https_proxy = None
- self.http_proxy = None
- def get_proxy(is_ssl):
- return self.https_proxy if is_ssl else self.http_proxy
- self.fetch._get_system_proxy = get_proxy
- def set_http_proxy(self, host, port):
- self.http_proxy = platformsettings.SystemProxy(host, port)
- def set_https_proxy(self, host, port):
- self.https_proxy = platformsettings.SystemProxy(host, port)
- def test_get_connection_without_proxy_connects_to_host_ip(self):
- """HTTP connection with no proxy connects to host IP."""
- self.set_http_proxy(host=None, port=None)
- connection = self.fetch._get_connection('example.com', None, is_ssl=False)
- self.assertEqual('', connection.host)
- self.assertEqual(80, connection.port) # default HTTP port
- def test_get_connection_without_proxy_uses_nondefault_request_port(self):
- """HTTP connection with no proxy connects with request port."""
- self.set_https_proxy(host=None, port=None)
- connection = self.fetch._get_connection('example.com', 8888, is_ssl=False)
- self.assertEqual('', connection.host)
- self.assertEqual(8888, connection.port) # request HTTP port
- def test_get_connection_with_proxy_uses_proxy_port(self):
- """HTTP connection with proxy connects used proxy port."""
- self.set_http_proxy(host='proxy.com', port=None)
- connection = self.fetch._get_connection('example.com', 8888, is_ssl=False)
- self.assertEqual('', connection.host) # proxy IP
- self.assertEqual(80, connection.port) # proxy port (default HTTP)
- def test_ssl_get_connection_without_proxy_connects_to_host_ip(self):
- """HTTPS (SSL) connection with no proxy connects to host IP."""
- self.set_https_proxy(host=None, port=None)
- connection = self.fetch._get_connection('example.com', None, is_ssl=True)
- self.assertEqual('', connection.host)
- self.assertEqual(443, connection.port) # default SSL port
- def test_ssl_get_connection_with_proxy_connects_to_proxy_ip(self):
- """HTTPS (SSL) connection with proxy connects to proxy IP."""
- self.set_https_proxy(host='proxy.com', port=8443)
- connection = self.fetch._get_connection('example.com', None, is_ssl=True)
- self.assertEqual('', connection.host) # proxy IP
- self.assertEqual(8443, connection.port) # SSL proxy port
- def test_ssl_get_connection_with_proxy_tunnels_to_host(self):
- """HTTPS (SSL) connection with proxy tunnels to target host."""
- self.set_https_proxy(host='proxy.com', port=8443)
- connection = self.fetch._get_connection('example.com', None, is_ssl=True)
- self.assertEqual('example.com', connection._tunnel_host) # host name
- self.assertEqual(None, connection._tunnel_port) # host port
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()