Python | 116 lines | 30 code | 11 blank | 75 comment | 3 complexity | 19bf357a233ca2735ee950539540e601 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Tutorial 3
- Kernel-class
- After importing/defining everything in the Survey and FID classes the kernel
- class is used for the computation of the kernel functions.
- If a simple synthetic case is constructed the class is never seen, however
- to know how it works and what it does really helps to understand how COMET is
- working.
- """
- # comet packages
- from comet import pyhed as ph
- from comet import snmr
- # numerics
- import numpy as np
- # plotting
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # set log level to 20 == Info level
- ph.log.setLevel(20)
- # %%
- # Quickly initialize some default stuff covered by the first two tutorials
- # =========================================================================
- # three half overlapping loops, 1D earth + earth magnetic field
- # init all 9 combinations for FID's
- loop0 = ph.loop.buildRectangle([[-40, -20], [0, 20]], max_length=2)
- loop1 = ph.loop.buildRectangle([[-20, -20], [20, 20]], max_length=2)
- loop2 = ph.loop.buildRectangle([[0, -20], [40, 20]], max_length=2)
- site = snmr.survey.Survey()
- site.addLoop([loop0, loop1, loop2])
- site.setEarth(mag=48000e-9, incl=60, decl=0)
- config = ph.config(rho=[1000, 10], d=[10], f=site.earth.larmor)
- site.setLoopConfig(config)
- for tx_i in range(3):
- for rx_i in range(3):
- site.createSounding(tx=tx_i, rx=rx_i)
- # %%
- # Now the kernel class
- # =========================================================================
- # get 1D kernel for the first fid
- kern = site.createKernel(fid=0, dimension=1)
- # that's basically all you need to generate a valid working kernel class
- # let's take a look
- print(kern)
- # The kernel class itself has only references to the survey, loops and FID
- # Changes of parameters like pulses, loop turns etc are made there and
- # piped to the kernel.
- # However the kernel class comes with some features too.
- # The z discretization for a 1D kernel for example.
- kern.createZVector(90, -60, min_thk=0.5)
- # z-vector in 90 steps up to 60 meter depth.
- # the layers are spaced using a sinus hyperbolicus function (more linear
- # compared to log, which is nicer in larger depth)
- # The min_thk specifies the thickness of the final kernel discretization.
- # Small layers around z = 0 are combined until each layer is at least 0.5
- # thick. That is nice for inversions later. The kernel values are summed up
- # for the small thicknesses to have a more accurate kernel function in the
- # swallow subsurface.
- # Bye the way kern.setZVector() is also possible.
- # With this a mesh can be generated.
- # The mesh generation tool has a lot of flexibility, however
- # we will explain the different values elsewhere, here we just build the
- # default mesh.
- kern.create1DKernelMesh()
- # with this discretization we can calculate the kernel function
- # we will allow the usage of up to 4 CPUs (depending on the hardware)
- kern.calculate(num_cpu=4)
- # if we do this right here, the kernel is requesting a magnetic field
- # first, however there is none. Following the principle of supply and
- # demand, the magnetic field calculation routine of the loop (in this case)
- # loop 0 tries to get a magnetic field. Next thing, there is no mesh yet,
- # so further traceback will result in the creation of a mesh for the first
- # loop in order to calculate a magnetic field.
- # So with calling "kern.calculate(num_cpu=4)" first a mesh of loop 0, then
- # a magnetic field and last a kernel for FID 0 is computed.
- # In fact even the manual call of "kern.create1DKernelMesh()"
- # or even "kern.createZVector(...)" is not needed, however internally only
- # the default input parameter are used, which in some cases may not b
- # enough.
- # overview in the console
- print(kern)
- # and show
- kern.show(toplot=['real', 'imag', '0D'])
- # Save and load
- # =========================================================================
- kern.save(savename='kern_fid_0')
- # saves kernel class including mesh and kernel matrix, but excluding survey
- # and FID (just the references are saved == indices to the correct loops
- # and the FID). A backup of the pulse moments is saved with the kernel but
- # discarded once the survey is loaded and connected back to the kernel.
- kern2 = snmr.kernel.Kernel(name='kern_fid_0')
- print(kern2)
- # you see an empty survey class and a None as FID!, no loops are known
- # plotting would be possible, inversions too, but a recalculation would
- # fail
- # Let's fix this by reconnecting with survey and FID
- kern2.setSurvey(site, fid=0)
- print(kern2)
- # now we are back online, "kern2" is now basically exact the same as "kern"
- plt.show()
- # The End