Python | 407 lines | 354 code | 14 blank | 39 comment | 4 complexity | c59eec99b0f9450ed3cd1e2980dfc0cf MD5 | raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # This file is part of Glances.
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2015 Nicolargo <nicolas@nicolargo.com>
- #
- # Glances is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # Glances is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- """The stats manager."""
- import collections
- import os
- import re
- import sys
- import threading
- from glances.core.glances_globals import exports_path, plugins_path, sys_path
- from glances.core.glances_logging import logger
- # SNMP OID regexp pattern to short system name dict
- oid_to_short_system_name = {'.*Linux.*': 'linux',
- '.*Darwin.*': 'mac',
- '.*BSD.*': 'bsd',
- '.*Windows.*': 'windows',
- '.*Cisco.*': 'cisco',
- '.*VMware ESXi.*': 'esxi',
- '.*NetApp.*': 'netapp'}
- class GlancesStats(object):
- """This class stores, updates and gives stats."""
- def __init__(self, config=None, args=None):
- # Set the argument instance
- self.args = args
- # Set the config instance
- self.config = config
- # Init the plugin list dict
- self._plugins = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- # Load the plugins
- self.load_plugins(args=args)
- # Init the export modules list dict
- self._exports = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- # Load the plugins
- self.load_exports(args=args)
- # Load the limits
- self.load_limits(config)
- def __getattr__(self, item):
- """Overwrite the getattr method in case of attribute is not found.
- The goal is to dynamically generate the following methods:
- - getPlugname(): return Plugname stat in JSON format
- """
- # Check if the attribute starts with 'get'
- if item.startswith('get'):
- # Get the plugin name
- plugname = item[len('get'):].lower()
- # Get the plugin instance
- plugin = self._plugins[plugname]
- if hasattr(plugin, 'get_stats'):
- # The method get_stats exist, return it
- return getattr(plugin, 'get_stats')
- else:
- # The method get_stats is not found for the plugin
- raise AttributeError(item)
- else:
- # Default behavior
- raise AttributeError(item)
- def load_plugins(self, args=None):
- """Load all plugins in the 'plugins' folder."""
- header = "glances_"
- for item in os.listdir(plugins_path):
- if (item.startswith(header) and
- item.endswith(".py") and
- item != (header + "plugin.py")):
- # Import the plugin
- plugin = __import__(os.path.basename(item)[:-3])
- # Add the plugin to the dictionary
- # The key is the plugin name
- # for example, the file glances_xxx.py
- # generate self._plugins_list["xxx"] = ...
- plugin_name = os.path.basename(item)[len(header):-3].lower()
- if plugin_name == 'help':
- self._plugins[plugin_name] = plugin.Plugin(args=args, config=self.config)
- else:
- self._plugins[plugin_name] = plugin.Plugin(args=args)
- # Log plugins list
- logger.debug("Available plugins list: {0}".format(self.getAllPlugins()))
- def load_exports(self, args=None):
- """Load all exports module in the 'exports' folder."""
- if args is None:
- return False
- header = "glances_"
- # Transform the arguments list into a dict
- # The aim is to chec if the export module should be loaded
- args_var = vars(locals()['args'])
- for item in os.listdir(exports_path):
- export_name = os.path.basename(item)[len(header):-3].lower()
- if (item.startswith(header) and
- item.endswith(".py") and
- item != (header + "export.py") and
- item != (header + "history.py") and
- args_var['export_' + export_name] is not None and
- args_var['export_' + export_name] is not False):
- # Import the export module
- export_module = __import__(os.path.basename(item)[:-3])
- # Add the export to the dictionary
- # The key is the module name
- # for example, the file glances_xxx.py
- # generate self._exports_list["xxx"] = ...
- self._exports[export_name] = export_module.Export(args=args, config=self.config)
- # Log plugins list
- logger.debug("Available exports modules list: {0}".format(self.getExportList()))
- return True
- def getAllPlugins(self):
- """Return the plugins list."""
- return [p for p in self._plugins]
- def getExportList(self):
- """Return the exports modules list."""
- return [p for p in self._exports]
- def load_limits(self, config=None):
- """Load the stats limits."""
- # For each plugins, call the init_limits method
- for p in self._plugins:
- # logger.debug("Load limits for %s" % p)
- self._plugins[p].load_limits(config)
- def update(self):
- """Wrapper method to update the stats."""
- # For standalone and server modes
- # For each plugins, call the update method
- for p in self._plugins:
- # logger.debug("Update %s stats" % p)
- self._plugins[p].update()
- def export(self, input_stats=None):
- """Export all the stats.
- Each export module is ran in a dedicated thread.
- """
- # threads = []
- input_stats = input_stats or {}
- for e in self._exports:
- logger.debug("Export stats using the %s module" % e)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=self._exports[e].update,
- args=(input_stats,))
- # threads.append(thread)
- thread.start()
- def getAll(self):
- """Return all the stats (list)."""
- return [self._plugins[p].get_raw() for p in self._plugins]
- def getAllExports(self):
- """
- Return all the stats to be exported (list).
- Default behavor is to export all the stat
- """
- return [self._plugins[p].get_export() for p in self._plugins]
- def getAllAsDict(self):
- """Return all the stats (dict)."""
- # Python > 2.6
- # {p: self._plugins[p].get_raw() for p in self._plugins}
- ret = {}
- for p in self._plugins:
- ret[p] = self._plugins[p].get_raw()
- return ret
- def getAllLimits(self):
- """Return the plugins limits list."""
- return [self._plugins[p].limits for p in self._plugins]
- def getAllLimitsAsDict(self):
- """Return all the stats limits (dict)."""
- ret = {}
- for p in self._plugins:
- ret[p] = self._plugins[p].limits
- return ret
- def getAllViews(self):
- """Return the plugins views."""
- return [self._plugins[p].get_views() for p in self._plugins]
- def getAllViewsAsDict(self):
- """Return all the stats views (dict)."""
- ret = {}
- for p in self._plugins:
- ret[p] = self._plugins[p].get_views()
- return ret
- def get_plugin_list(self):
- """Return the plugin list."""
- return self._plugins
- def get_plugin(self, plugin_name):
- """Return the plugin name."""
- if plugin_name in self._plugins:
- return self._plugins[plugin_name]
- else:
- return None
- def end(self):
- """End of the Glances stats."""
- # Close export modules
- for e in self._exports:
- self._exports[e].exit()
- # Close plugins
- for p in self._plugins:
- self._plugins[p].exit()
- class GlancesStatsServer(GlancesStats):
- """This class stores, updates and gives stats for the server."""
- def __init__(self, config=None):
- # Init the stats
- GlancesStats.__init__(self, config)
- # Init the all_stats dict used by the server
- # all_stats is a dict of dicts filled by the server
- self.all_stats = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- def update(self, input_stats=None):
- """Update the stats."""
- input_stats = input_stats or {}
- # Force update of all the stats
- GlancesStats.update(self)
- # Build all_stats variable (concatenation of all the stats)
- self.all_stats = self._set_stats(input_stats)
- def _set_stats(self, input_stats):
- """Set the stats to the input_stats one."""
- # Build the all_stats with the get_raw() method of the plugins
- ret = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- for p in self._plugins:
- ret[p] = self._plugins[p].get_raw()
- return ret
- def getAll(self):
- """Return the stats as a list."""
- return self.all_stats
- def getAllAsDict(self):
- """Return the stats as a dict."""
- # Python > 2.6
- # return {p: self.all_stats[p] for p in self._plugins}
- ret = {}
- for p in self._plugins:
- ret[p] = self.all_stats[p]
- return ret
- class GlancesStatsClient(GlancesStats):
- """This class stores, updates and gives stats for the client."""
- def __init__(self, config=None, args=None):
- """Init the GlancesStatsClient class."""
- # Init the plugin list dict
- self._plugins = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- # Init the configuration
- self.config = config
- # Init the arguments
- self.args = args
- # Init the export modules list dict
- self._exports = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- # Load the plugins
- self.load_exports(args=args)
- def set_plugins(self, input_plugins):
- """Set the plugin list according to the Glances server."""
- header = "glances_"
- for item in input_plugins:
- # Import the plugin
- plugin = __import__(header + item)
- # Add the plugin to the dictionary
- # The key is the plugin name
- # for example, the file glances_xxx.py
- # generate self._plugins_list["xxx"] = ...
- logger.debug("Server uses {0} plugin".format(item))
- self._plugins[item] = plugin.Plugin()
- # Restoring system path
- sys.path = sys_path
- def update(self, input_stats):
- """Update all the stats."""
- # For Glances client mode
- for p in input_stats:
- # Update plugin stats with items sent by the server
- self._plugins[p].set_stats(input_stats[p])
- # Update the views for the updated stats
- self._plugins[p].update_views()
- class GlancesStatsClientSNMP(GlancesStats):
- """This class stores, updates and gives stats for the SNMP client."""
- def __init__(self, config=None, args=None):
- # Init the plugin list dict
- self._plugins = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- # Init the configuration
- self.config = config
- # Init the arguments
- self.args = args
- # OS name is used because OID is differents between system
- self.os_name = None
- # Load plugins
- self.load_plugins(args=self.args)
- # Init the export modules list dict
- self._exports = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- # Load the plugins
- self.load_exports(args=args)
- def check_snmp(self):
- """Chek if SNMP is available on the server."""
- # Import the SNMP client class
- from glances.core.glances_snmp import GlancesSNMPClient
- # Create an instance of the SNMP client
- clientsnmp = GlancesSNMPClient(host=self.args.client,
- port=self.args.snmp_port,
- version=self.args.snmp_version,
- community=self.args.snmp_community,
- user=self.args.snmp_user,
- auth=self.args.snmp_auth)
- # If we cannot grab the hostname, then exit...
- ret = clientsnmp.get_by_oid("") != {}
- if ret:
- # Get the OS name (need to grab the good OID...)
- oid_os_name = clientsnmp.get_by_oid("")
- try:
- self.system_name = self.get_system_name(oid_os_name[''])
- logger.info("SNMP system name detected: {0}".format(self.system_name))
- except KeyError:
- self.system_name = None
- logger.warning("Cannot detect SNMP system name")
- return ret
- def get_system_name(self, oid_system_name):
- """Get the short os name from the OS name OID string."""
- short_system_name = None
- if oid_system_name == '':
- return short_system_name
- # Find the short name in the oid_to_short_os_name dict
- try:
- iteritems = oid_to_short_system_name.iteritems()
- except AttributeError:
- # Correct issue #386
- iteritems = oid_to_short_system_name.items()
- for r, v in iteritems:
- if re.search(r, oid_system_name):
- short_system_name = v
- break
- return short_system_name
- def update(self):
- """Update the stats using SNMP."""
- # For each plugins, call the update method
- for p in self._plugins:
- # Set the input method to SNMP
- self._plugins[p].input_method = 'snmp'
- self._plugins[p].short_system_name = self.system_name
- try:
- self._plugins[p].update()
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error("Update {0} failed: {1}".format(p, e))