https://gitlab.com/akkhil2012/swagger-codegen · TypeScript · 382 lines · 241 code · 73 blank · 68 comment · 36 complexity · 4f2b04a6b52a2849ab72efe452c8b7dd MD5 · raw file
- /// <reference path="api.d.ts" />
- /* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */
- namespace API.Client {
- 'use strict';
- export class PetApi {
- protected basePath = 'http://petstore.swagger.io/v2';
- public defaultHeaders : any = {};
- static $inject: string[] = ['$http', '$httpParamSerializer'];
- constructor(protected $http: ng.IHttpService, protected $httpParamSerializer?: (d: any) => any, basePath?: string) {
- if (basePath) {
- this.basePath = basePath;
- }
- }
- private extendObj<T1,T2>(objA: T1, objB: T2) {
- for(let key in objB){
- if(objB.hasOwnProperty(key)){
- objA[key] = objB[key];
- }
- }
- return <T1&T2>objA;
- }
- /**
- * Add a new pet to the store
- *
- * @param body Pet object that needs to be added to the store
- */
- public addPet (body?: Pet, extraHttpRequestParams?: any ) : ng.IHttpPromise<{}> {
- const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/pet';
- let queryParameters: any = {};
- let headerParams: any = this.extendObj({}, this.defaultHeaders);
- let httpRequestParams: any = {
- method: 'POST',
- url: localVarPath,
- json: true,
- data: body,
- params: queryParameters,
- headers: headerParams
- };
- if (extraHttpRequestParams) {
- httpRequestParams = this.extendObj(httpRequestParams, extraHttpRequestParams);
- }
- return this.$http(httpRequestParams);
- }
- /**
- * Fake endpoint to test byte array in body parameter for adding a new pet to the store
- *
- * @param body Pet object in the form of byte array
- */
- public addPetUsingByteArray (body?: string, extraHttpRequestParams?: any ) : ng.IHttpPromise<{}> {
- const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/pet?testing_byte_array=true';
- let queryParameters: any = {};
- let headerParams: any = this.extendObj({}, this.defaultHeaders);
- let httpRequestParams: any = {
- method: 'POST',
- url: localVarPath,
- json: true,
- data: body,
- params: queryParameters,
- headers: headerParams
- };
- if (extraHttpRequestParams) {
- httpRequestParams = this.extendObj(httpRequestParams, extraHttpRequestParams);
- }
- return this.$http(httpRequestParams);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a pet
- *
- * @param petId Pet id to delete
- * @param apiKey
- */
- public deletePet (petId: number, apiKey?: string, extraHttpRequestParams?: any ) : ng.IHttpPromise<{}> {
- const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/pet/{petId}'
- .replace('{' + 'petId' + '}', String(petId));
- let queryParameters: any = {};
- let headerParams: any = this.extendObj({}, this.defaultHeaders);
- // verify required parameter 'petId' is set
- if (!petId) {
- throw new Error('Missing required parameter petId when calling deletePet');
- }
- headerParams['api_key'] = apiKey;
- let httpRequestParams: any = {
- method: 'DELETE',
- url: localVarPath,
- json: true,
- params: queryParameters,
- headers: headerParams
- };
- if (extraHttpRequestParams) {
- httpRequestParams = this.extendObj(httpRequestParams, extraHttpRequestParams);
- }
- return this.$http(httpRequestParams);
- }
- /**
- * Finds Pets by status
- * Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings
- * @param status Status values that need to be considered for query
- */
- public findPetsByStatus (status?: Array<string>, extraHttpRequestParams?: any ) : ng.IHttpPromise<Array<Pet>> {
- const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/pet/findByStatus';
- let queryParameters: any = {};
- let headerParams: any = this.extendObj({}, this.defaultHeaders);
- if (status !== undefined) {
- queryParameters['status'] = status;
- }
- let httpRequestParams: any = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: localVarPath,
- json: true,
- params: queryParameters,
- headers: headerParams
- };
- if (extraHttpRequestParams) {
- httpRequestParams = this.extendObj(httpRequestParams, extraHttpRequestParams);
- }
- return this.$http(httpRequestParams);
- }
- /**
- * Finds Pets by tags
- * Muliple tags can be provided with comma seperated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing.
- * @param tags Tags to filter by
- */
- public findPetsByTags (tags?: Array<string>, extraHttpRequestParams?: any ) : ng.IHttpPromise<Array<Pet>> {
- const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/pet/findByTags';
- let queryParameters: any = {};
- let headerParams: any = this.extendObj({}, this.defaultHeaders);
- if (tags !== undefined) {
- queryParameters['tags'] = tags;
- }
- let httpRequestParams: any = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: localVarPath,
- json: true,
- params: queryParameters,
- headers: headerParams
- };
- if (extraHttpRequestParams) {
- httpRequestParams = this.extendObj(httpRequestParams, extraHttpRequestParams);
- }
- return this.$http(httpRequestParams);
- }
- /**
- * Find pet by ID
- * Returns a pet when ID < 10. ID > 10 or nonintegers will simulate API error conditions
- * @param petId ID of pet that needs to be fetched
- */
- public getPetById (petId: number, extraHttpRequestParams?: any ) : ng.IHttpPromise<Pet> {
- const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/pet/{petId}'
- .replace('{' + 'petId' + '}', String(petId));
- let queryParameters: any = {};
- let headerParams: any = this.extendObj({}, this.defaultHeaders);
- // verify required parameter 'petId' is set
- if (!petId) {
- throw new Error('Missing required parameter petId when calling getPetById');
- }
- let httpRequestParams: any = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: localVarPath,
- json: true,
- params: queryParameters,
- headers: headerParams
- };
- if (extraHttpRequestParams) {
- httpRequestParams = this.extendObj(httpRequestParams, extraHttpRequestParams);
- }
- return this.$http(httpRequestParams);
- }
- /**
- * Fake endpoint to test inline arbitrary object return by 'Find pet by ID'
- * Returns a pet when ID < 10. ID > 10 or nonintegers will simulate API error conditions
- * @param petId ID of pet that needs to be fetched
- */
- public getPetByIdInObject (petId: number, extraHttpRequestParams?: any ) : ng.IHttpPromise<InlineResponse200> {
- const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/pet/{petId}?response=inline_arbitrary_object'
- .replace('{' + 'petId' + '}', String(petId));
- let queryParameters: any = {};
- let headerParams: any = this.extendObj({}, this.defaultHeaders);
- // verify required parameter 'petId' is set
- if (!petId) {
- throw new Error('Missing required parameter petId when calling getPetByIdInObject');
- }
- let httpRequestParams: any = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: localVarPath,
- json: true,
- params: queryParameters,
- headers: headerParams
- };
- if (extraHttpRequestParams) {
- httpRequestParams = this.extendObj(httpRequestParams, extraHttpRequestParams);
- }
- return this.$http(httpRequestParams);
- }
- /**
- * Fake endpoint to test byte array return by 'Find pet by ID'
- * Returns a pet when ID < 10. ID > 10 or nonintegers will simulate API error conditions
- * @param petId ID of pet that needs to be fetched
- */
- public petPetIdtestingByteArraytrueGet (petId: number, extraHttpRequestParams?: any ) : ng.IHttpPromise<string> {
- const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/pet/{petId}?testing_byte_array=true'
- .replace('{' + 'petId' + '}', String(petId));
- let queryParameters: any = {};
- let headerParams: any = this.extendObj({}, this.defaultHeaders);
- // verify required parameter 'petId' is set
- if (!petId) {
- throw new Error('Missing required parameter petId when calling petPetIdtestingByteArraytrueGet');
- }
- let httpRequestParams: any = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: localVarPath,
- json: true,
- params: queryParameters,
- headers: headerParams
- };
- if (extraHttpRequestParams) {
- httpRequestParams = this.extendObj(httpRequestParams, extraHttpRequestParams);
- }
- return this.$http(httpRequestParams);
- }
- /**
- * Update an existing pet
- *
- * @param body Pet object that needs to be added to the store
- */
- public updatePet (body?: Pet, extraHttpRequestParams?: any ) : ng.IHttpPromise<{}> {
- const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/pet';
- let queryParameters: any = {};
- let headerParams: any = this.extendObj({}, this.defaultHeaders);
- let httpRequestParams: any = {
- method: 'PUT',
- url: localVarPath,
- json: true,
- data: body,
- params: queryParameters,
- headers: headerParams
- };
- if (extraHttpRequestParams) {
- httpRequestParams = this.extendObj(httpRequestParams, extraHttpRequestParams);
- }
- return this.$http(httpRequestParams);
- }
- /**
- * Updates a pet in the store with form data
- *
- * @param petId ID of pet that needs to be updated
- * @param name Updated name of the pet
- * @param status Updated status of the pet
- */
- public updatePetWithForm (petId: string, name?: string, status?: string, extraHttpRequestParams?: any ) : ng.IHttpPromise<{}> {
- const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/pet/{petId}'
- .replace('{' + 'petId' + '}', String(petId));
- let queryParameters: any = {};
- let headerParams: any = this.extendObj({}, this.defaultHeaders);
- let formParams: any = {};
- // verify required parameter 'petId' is set
- if (!petId) {
- throw new Error('Missing required parameter petId when calling updatePetWithForm');
- }
- headerParams['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
- formParams['name'] = name;
- formParams['status'] = status;
- let httpRequestParams: any = {
- method: 'POST',
- url: localVarPath,
- json: false,
- data: this.$httpParamSerializer(formParams),
- params: queryParameters,
- headers: headerParams
- };
- if (extraHttpRequestParams) {
- httpRequestParams = this.extendObj(httpRequestParams, extraHttpRequestParams);
- }
- return this.$http(httpRequestParams);
- }
- /**
- * uploads an image
- *
- * @param petId ID of pet to update
- * @param additionalMetadata Additional data to pass to server
- * @param file file to upload
- */
- public uploadFile (petId: number, additionalMetadata?: string, file?: any, extraHttpRequestParams?: any ) : ng.IHttpPromise<{}> {
- const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/pet/{petId}/uploadImage'
- .replace('{' + 'petId' + '}', String(petId));
- let queryParameters: any = {};
- let headerParams: any = this.extendObj({}, this.defaultHeaders);
- let formParams: any = {};
- // verify required parameter 'petId' is set
- if (!petId) {
- throw new Error('Missing required parameter petId when calling uploadFile');
- }
- headerParams['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
- formParams['additionalMetadata'] = additionalMetadata;
- formParams['file'] = file;
- let httpRequestParams: any = {
- method: 'POST',
- url: localVarPath,
- json: false,
- data: this.$httpParamSerializer(formParams),
- params: queryParameters,
- headers: headerParams
- };
- if (extraHttpRequestParams) {
- httpRequestParams = this.extendObj(httpRequestParams, extraHttpRequestParams);
- }
- return this.$http(httpRequestParams);
- }
- }
- }