Lua | 650 lines | 440 code | 50 blank | 160 comment | 91 complexity | ede843162f4521ad1a13fa9e7d9268ca MD5 | raw file
- local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize()
- CURVE = 45 --45
- CONTROLS = {"vehicle_left","vehicle_right","brake_reverse","accelerate","handbrake","horn"}
- addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(),
- function()
- triggerServerEvent("onPlayerFinishedDownloadTraffic", _local)
- outputChatBox("Press X to warp you in the next traffic vehicle", 0, 255, 0)
- end
- )
- -- Process all peds
- addEventHandler ( "onClientPreRender", _root, function ()
- -- Only in this resource and only streamed in
- for i, ped in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "ped", getResourceRootElement(), true ) ) do
- if _peds[ped] and _peds[ped].parked ~= true then
- local veh = getElementParent(ped)
- local sync = isElementSyncer(veh)
- if _peds[ped].sync == sync then
- if sync then
- pedProcessSyncer(ped)
- else
- pedProcess(ped)
- end
- elseif sync then
- -- _peds[ped] = getElementData(veh,"trafficSettings")
- local node = pathsNodeFindClosest(getElementPosition(veh))
- local next = getNode(getElementData(veh, "next")) or pedGetNextNode(ped, node)
- pedFormQueue(ped, next, node)
- pedProcessSyncer(ped)
- -- if DEBUG then
- -- outputDebugString("syncerChange node = "..tostring(node.id).." next = "..tostring(next.id))
- -- end
- -- elseif not sync then
- -- triggerServerEvent("onSyncerLost", veh)
- end
- _peds[ped].sync = sync
- end
- end
- end )
- -- addEvent ( "onSyncerChange", true )
- -- addEventHandler ( "onSyncerChange", _root,
- -- function (node, next)
- -- local ped = getVehicleController(source)
- -- if _peds[ped] then
- -- if DEBUG then
- -- outputDebugString("onSyncerChange client end: node = "..tostring(node).." next = "..tostring(next))
- -- end
- -- pedInitialize(ped, node, next)
- -- local node = pathsNodeFindClosest(getElementPosition(source))
- -- local next = pedGetNextNode(ped, node, node)
- -- pedFormQueue(ped, next, node)
- -- pedProcessSyncer(ped)
- -- end
- -- end
- -- )
- -- addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerQuit", _root, function ()
- -- for i, ped in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "ped", getResourceRootElement(), true ) ) do
- -- if ( _peds[ped] ) then
- -- local veh = getElementParent(ped)
- -- if isElementSyncer(veh) then
- -- triggerServerEvent("onSyncerChange", veh, _peds[ped].queue[1].id, _peds[ped].queue[2].id)
- -- if DEBUG then
- -- outputDebugString("onSyncerChange client start on quit")
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end )
- addEvent ( VEH_CREATED, true )
- addEventHandler ( VEH_CREATED, _root, function ( node, next )
- if not _peds[source] then
- pedInitialize ( source, node, next )
- end
- end )
- addEventHandler ( "onClientElementDestroy", getResourceRootElement(), function()
- if ( _peds[source] ) then
- _peds[source] = nil
- end
- end )
- function pedProcessSyncer ( ped )
- local vehicle = getElementParent ( ped )
- if not vehicle then
- return
- end
- -- if DEBUG then
- -- _peds[ped].processed = true
- -- end
- local next = pedGetTargetNode ( ped )
- if not next then return end
- if _peds[ped].parked then
- next = _peds[ped].parked
- end
- local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( vehicle )
- local nx, ny, nz = next.x, next.y, next.z
- if DEBUG then
- dxDrawLine3D ( x, y, z, nx, ny, nz, tocolor ( 255, 0, 255, 255 ), 10 )
- end
- local stop
- local controls = {}
- local limit = SPEED_LIMIT[_peds[ped].nodes[1].type]
- local rot = ( 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( nx - x ), ( ny - y ) ) ) ) % 360
- local _, _, vrot = getElementRotation ( vehicle )
- local vrot = vrot or 0
- local trot = ( rot - vrot ) % 360
- if ( _peds[ped].panic ) then
- limit = limit + PANIC_SPEED
- end
- if _peds[ped].queue[1].flags then
- if _peds[ped].queue[1].flags.highway then
- limit = limit + HIGHWAY_SPEED
- end
- if _peds[ped].queue[1].flags.parking then
- _peds[ped].parked = _peds[ped].queue[1]
- stop = true
- limit = 1
- end
- end
- local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, nx, ny, nz)
- _peds[ped].distance = math.floor(distance)
- if distance > NODE_LOSTDISTANCE or NODE_LOSTTIME < getTickCount() - _peds[ped].findNodeStartTime then
- local node = pathsNodeFindClosest(x, y, z)
- pedFormQueue(ped, node, pedGetNextNode(ped, node))
- return
- end
- local accuracy = distance < 7 and 20 or 6
- if ( trot > -accuracy and trot < accuracy ) then
- controls["vehicle_left"] = false
- controls["vehicle_right"] = false
- elseif ( trot <= 360 and trot >= 180 ) then
- limit = SPEED_TURNING[_peds[ped].nodes[1].type]
- controls["vehicle_left"] = false
- controls["vehicle_right"] = true
- elseif ( trot >= 0 and trot <= 180 ) then
- limit = SPEED_TURNING[_peds[ped].nodes[1].type]
- controls["vehicle_right"] = false
- controls["vehicle_left"] = true
- end
- if ( getVehicleSpeed ( vehicle ) > limit ) then
- controls["accelerate"] = false
- -- outputChatBox("limit: "..limit)
- else
- controls["brake_reverse"] = false
- controls["accelerate"] = true
- end
- local horn = false
- local sightLength = math.pow(getVehicleSpeed(vehicle)/10, 2)
- sightLength = sightLength < 4 and 4 or sightLength
- sightLength = sightLength > 30 and 30 or sightLength
- if 1500 > getTickCount() - _peds[ped].stopStartTime then
- sightLength = _peds[ped].stopLength or sightLength
- end
- local matrix = getElementMatrix(vehicle)
- -- dxDrawLine3D( matrix[4][1], matrix[4][2], matrix[4][3], matrix[4][1] + matrix[1][1], matrix[4][2] + matrix[2][1], matrix[4][3] + matrix[3][1], tocolor ( 0, 255, 0), 3)
- -- dxDrawLine3D( matrix[4][1], matrix[4][2], matrix[4][3], matrix[4][1] + matrix[1][2], matrix[4][2] + matrix[2][2], matrix[4][3] + matrix[3][2], tocolor ( 0, 255, 0), 3)
- -- dxDrawLine3D( matrix[4][1], matrix[4][2], matrix[4][3], matrix[4][1] + matrix[1][3], matrix[4][2] + matrix[2][3], matrix[4][3] + matrix[3][3], tocolor ( 0, 255, 0), 3)
- local distanceToGround = getElementDistanceFromCentreOfMassToBaseOfModel(vehicle) - 0.25
- local tx, ty, tz
- local process = {}
- local sideLineDistance = getVehicleType(vehicle) == "Bike" and 0.5 or 1
- for i=-sideLineDistance, sideLineDistance, 0.5 do
- for j=-distanceToGround, distanceToGround, distanceToGround do
- x, y, z = getMatrixOffsets(matrix, i, 0, j)
- tx, ty, tz = getMatrixOffsets(matrix, i, sightLength, j)
- local _, _, _, _, elem = processLineOfSight( x, y, z, tx, ty, tz, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, vehicle )
- table.insert(process, elem)
- if DEBUG then
- dxDrawLine3D( x, y, z, tx, ty, tz, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255), 3)
- end
- end
- end
- local hitElement = process[1]
- -- for _,elem in ipairs(process) do
- -- if elem then
- -- hitElement = elem
- -- break
- -- end
- -- end
- if hitElement then
- stop = not _peds[ped].panic
- -- outputChatBox(tostring(seeElement).." "..getElementType(seeElement))
- if getElementType(hitElement) == "vehicle" then
- stop = getVehicleController(hitElement)
- -- if _peds[occupant] then
- -- if next.leftlanes == 2 or next.rightlanes == 2 then
- -- lane = 0
- -- nextlanes = 5
- -- stop = false
- -- end
- -- end
- end
- else
- HORN_STARTTIME[ped] = getTickCount()
- end
- if ( stop ) then
- _peds[ped].stopStartTime = getTickCount()
- _peds[ped].stopLength = sightLength
- controls["accelerate"] = false
- -- controls["vehicle_left"] = false
- -- controls["vehicle_right"] = false
- controls["vehicle_left"] = controls["vehicle_right"]
- controls["vehicle_right"] = controls["vehicle_left"]
- if getVehicleSpeed( vehicle ) < 3 then
- controls["brake_reverse"] = false
- else
- controls["brake_reverse"] = true
- end
- controls["handbrake"] = true
- if horn then
- controls["horn"] = true
- if not HORN_STARTTIME[ped] then
- HORN_STARTTIME[ped] = getTickCount()
- end
- if HORN_TIME <= getTickCount() - HORN_STARTTIME[ped] then
- controls["horn"] = true
- HORN_STARTTIME[ped] = getTickCount()
- elseif HORN_TIME <= getTickCount() - HORN_STARTTIME[ped] + 500 then
- controls["horn"] = false
- end
- end
- if not HORN_STARTTIMELONG[ped] then
- HORN_STARTTIMELONG[ped] = getTickCount()
- end
- if 3*HORN_TIME <= getTickCount() - HORN_STARTTIMELONG[ped] then
- HORN_STARTTIMELONG[ped] = getTickCount()
- elseif 3*HORN_TIME <= getTickCount() - HORN_STARTTIMELONG[ped] + 1000 then
- -- outputChatBox("drive backwards")
- controls["handbrake"] = false
- controls["brake_reverse"] = true
- end
- else
- controls["brake_reverse"] = false
- controls["handbrake"] = false
- controls["horn"] = false
- end
- local naechsteKurve, kommendeKurve = 0, 0
- if #_peds[ped].queue >= 3 then
- naechsteKurve = math.abs( math.deg(math.atan2(_peds[ped].queue[3].y - _peds[ped].queue[2].y, _peds[ped].queue[3].x - _peds[ped].queue[2].x)) - math.deg(math.atan2(_peds[ped].queue[2].y - _peds[ped].queue[1].y, _peds[ped].queue[2].x - _peds[ped].queue[1].x)) )
- if #_peds[ped].queue >= 4 then
- kommendeKurve = math.abs( math.deg(math.atan2(_peds[ped].queue[4].y - _peds[ped].queue[3].y, _peds[ped].queue[4].x - _peds[ped].queue[3].x)) - math.deg(math.atan2(_peds[ped].queue[3].y - _peds[ped].queue[2].y, _peds[ped].queue[3].x - _peds[ped].queue[2].x)) )
- end
- end
- -- if not _peds[ped].queue[1].neighbours or kommendeKurve > CURVE or naechsteKurve > CURVE then
- if not _peds[ped].queue[1].nbs or kommendeKurve > CURVE or naechsteKurve > CURVE then
- if ( getVehicleSpeed ( vehicle ) > 35 ) then
- controls["brake_reverse"] = true
- controls["accelerate"] = false
- elseif ( getVehicleSpeed ( vehicle ) > 20 ) then
- controls["brake_reverse"] = false
- controls["accelerate"] = false
- end
- end
- sightLength = getVehicleType(vehicle) == "Bike" and 2 or 4
- sideLineDistance = getVehicleType(vehicle) == "Bike" and 0 or 1
- for i=-sideLineDistance, sideLineDistance, 0.5 do
- x, y, z = getMatrixOffsets(matrix, i, 0, 0)
- tx, ty, tz = getMatrixOffsets(matrix, i, sightLength, 0)
- local collideGTABuilding = processLineOfSight( x, y, z, tx, ty, tz, true, false, false, true, false, false, false, true, vehicle )
- if DEBUG then
- dxDrawLine3D( x, y, z, tx, ty, tz, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0), 3)
- end
- if collideGTABuilding then
- if getVehicleOccupant(vehicle,1) then
- dxDrawText ( "COLLIDE FRONT", sx - 200, sy/2 - 15, sx - 200, sy/2 - 15, tocolor(255,0,0), 2 )
- end
- _peds[ped].collideStartTimeFront = getTickCount()
- break
- end
- end
- if 750 >= getTickCount() - _peds[ped].collideStartTimeFront then
- controls["accelerate"] = false
- controls["brake_reverse"] = getVehicleSpeed ( vehicle ) < 10 and true or getVehicleSpeed ( vehicle ) > 15 and true or false
- controls["vehicle_left"] = controls["vehicle_right"]
- controls["vehicle_right"] = controls["vehicle_left"]
- end
- for i=-sideLineDistance, sideLineDistance, 0.5 do
- x, y, z = getMatrixOffsets(matrix, i, 0, 0)
- tx, ty, tz = getMatrixOffsets(matrix, i, -sightLength, 0)
- local collideGTABuilding = processLineOfSight( x, y, z, tx, ty, tz, true, false, false, true, false, false, false, true, vehicle )
- if DEBUG then
- dxDrawLine3D( x, y, z, tx, ty, tz, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0), 3)
- end
- if collideGTABuilding then
- if getVehicleOccupant(vehicle,1) then
- dxDrawText ( "COLLIDE BACK", sx - 200, sy/2 - 5, sx - 200, sy/2 - 5, tocolor(255,0,0), 2 )
- end
- _peds[ped].collideStartTimeBack = getTickCount()
- break
- end
- end
- if 750 >= getTickCount() - _peds[ped].collideStartTimeBack then
- controls["accelerate"] = getVehicleSpeed ( vehicle ) < 10 and true or getVehicleSpeed ( vehicle ) > 15 and true or false
- controls["brake_reverse"] = false
- controls["vehicle_left"] = controls["vehicle_right"]
- controls["vehicle_right"] = controls["vehicle_left"]
- end
- sightLength = sightLength/2
- sideLineDistance = sideLineDistance*2
- for i=-sideLineDistance, sideLineDistance, 1 do
- x, y, z = getMatrixOffsets(matrix, 0, i, 0)
- tx, ty, tz = getMatrixOffsets(matrix, sightLength, i, 0)
- local collideGTABuilding = processLineOfSight( x, y, z, tx, ty, tz, true, false, false, true, false, false, false, true, vehicle )
- if DEBUG then
- dxDrawLine3D( x, y, z, tx, ty, tz, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0), 3)
- end
- if collideGTABuilding then
- if getVehicleOccupant(vehicle,1) then
- dxDrawText ( "COLLIDE RIGHT", sx - 200, sy/2 + 5, sx - 200, sy/2 + 5, tocolor(255,0,0), 2 )
- end
- controls["vehicle_left"] = true
- controls["vehicle_right"] = false
- break
- end
- end
- for i=-sideLineDistance, sideLineDistance, 1 do
- x, y, z = getMatrixOffsets(matrix, 0, i, 0)
- tx, ty, tz = getMatrixOffsets(matrix, -sightLength, i, 0)
- local collideGTABuilding = processLineOfSight( x, y, z, tx, ty, tz, true, false, false, true, false, false, false, true, vehicle )
- if DEBUG then
- dxDrawLine3D( x, y, z, tx, ty, tz, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0), 3)
- end
- if collideGTABuilding then
- if getVehicleOccupant(vehicle,1) then
- dxDrawText ( "COLLIDE LEFT", sx - 200, sy/2 + 15, sx - 200, sy/2 + 15, tocolor(255,0,0), 2 )
- end
- controls["vehicle_left"] = false
- controls["vehicle_right"] = true
- break
- end
- end
- setElementData(vehicle, "next", next.id)
- if _peds[ped].parked and distance < 3 then
- for control in pairs(controls) do
- controls[control] = false
- end
- controls["handbrake"] = true
- setVehicleEngineState(vehicle, false)
- _peds[ped].parked = true
- end
- for control, state in pairs(controls) do
- if _peds[ped].controls[control] ~= state then
- setPedControlState(ped, control, state)
- setElementData(vehicle, control, state)
- end
- end
- _peds[ped].controls = controls
- -- setElementData(vehicle, "trafficSettings", _peds[ped])
- end
- function pedProcess(ped)
- for i, control in pairs(CONTROLS) do
- setPedControlState(ped, control, getElementData(getElementParent(ped), control))
- end
- end
- addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWeaponFire", _root, function()
- local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( source )
- for i, ped in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "ped", getResourceRootElement() ) ) do
- if ( _peds[ped] ) then
- local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( ped )
- if ( getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x, y, z, px, py, pz ) <= PANIC_DIST ) then
- if ( not _peds[ped].panic ) then
- _peds[ped].panic = true
- setTimer ( pedStopPanic, PANIC_TIME, 1, ped )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end )
- function pedStopPanic ( ped )
- _peds[ped].panic = false
- end
- -- SHOWNODES = 70
- addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", _root, function()
- -- if SHOWNODES then
- -- local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( _local )
- -- local areaID = getAreaFromPos(x,y,z)
- -- for _, node in pairs (AREA_PATHS[areaID]) do
- -- if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( node.x, node.y, node.z, x,y,z ) < SHOWNODES then
- -- -- dxDrawLine3D( node.x, node.y, node.z, node.x, node.y, node.z+2, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0), 3)
- -- local dx, dy = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( node.x, node.y, node.z )
- -- if ( dx and dy ) then
- -- -- var_dump(node)
- -- local neighbours = ""
- -- for i,v in pairs(node.neighbours) do
- -- neighbours = neighbours..tostring(i).."("..tostring(v)..")"..", "
- -- end
- -- dxDrawText (
- -- "node: "..tostring(node.id)..
- -- "\nlanes: "..tostring(node.leftlanes).." "..tostring(node.rightlanes)..
- -- "\nneighbours: "..tostring(neighbours)..
- -- "\nwidth: "..tostring(node.width)..
- -- "\nflags: "..tostring(node.flags and table.concatIndex(node.flags)),
- -- dx, dy, dx, dy, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.2, "default", "center" )
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- if DEBUG then
- local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( _local )
- local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize()
- local count = 0
- local count_synced, count_local = 0, 0
- for i, ped in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "ped", getResourceRootElement() ) ) do
- if ( _peds[ped] ) then
- local veh = getElementParent ( ped )
- if ( getElementType ( veh ) == "vehicle" ) then
- local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( veh )
- local areaID = getAreaFromPos ( x, y, z )
- count = count + 1
- local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x, y, z, px, py, pz )
- if ( dist < SYNC_DIST ) then
- count_synced = count_synced + 1
- if ( isElementOnScreen ( ped ) ) then
- local dx, dy = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( x, y, z + 1 )
- if ( dx and dy ) then
- local next = _peds[ped].next
- local next_id = "None"
- if ( next ) then next_id = next.id end
- local node = _peds[ped].node
- local node_id = "None"
- if ( node ) then node_id = node.id end
- dxDrawText (
- "area: "..areaID..
- "\nzonename: "..tostring(getZoneName(x,y,z)).." ("..tostring(getZoneName(x,y,z,true))..")"..
- "\nspeed: "..math.floor(getVehicleSpeed(veh))..
- "\nqueue: "..tostring(#_peds[ped].queue)..
- "\nparked: "..tostring ( _peds[ped].parked )..
- "\nangle: "..tostring(#_peds[ped].queue >= 3 and math.floor(math.abs(math.abs(math.deg(math.atan2(_peds[ped].queue[3].y - _peds[ped].queue[2].y, _peds[ped].queue[3].x - _peds[ped].queue[2].x))) - math.abs(math.deg(math.atan2(_peds[ped].queue[2].y - _peds[ped].queue[1].y, _peds[ped].queue[2].x - _peds[ped].queue[1].x))))) )..
- "\nneighbours: "..tostring(#_peds[ped].queue > 0 and _peds[ped].queue[1].id and table.size(pathsNodeGetNeighbours(_peds[ped].queue[1].id)))..
- "\nflags: "..tostring(#_peds[ped].queue > 0 and _peds[ped].queue[1].flags and table.concatIndex(_peds[ped].queue[1].flags))..
- "\ndistance: "..tostring (_peds[ped].distance)..
- "\nsyncer: "..tostring(getElementData(veh,"syncer"))..
- "\nyou sync: "..tostring(isElementSyncer(veh)),
- dx, dy, dx, dy, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.2, "default", "center" )
- end
- end
- end
- if isElementSyncer(veh) then
- count_local = count_local + 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local areaID = getAreaFromPos ( px, py, pz )
- dxDrawText(
- "Count: "..tostring(count)..
- "\nSynced: "..tostring(count_synced)..
- "\nSynced by me: "..tostring(count_local)..
- "\nServer by me: "..tostring(getElementData(_local, "vehiclecount"))..
- "\nArea ID 256: "..tostring(areaID)..
- "\nArea ID 64: "..tostring(math.floor((py+3000)/750)*8+math.floor((px+3000)/750)),
- sx - 200, sy / 3 * 2, sx - 200, sy / 3 * 2, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.5 )
- -- areas grid
- if ( isPlayerMapVisible() ) then
- local start = sx / 2 - sy / 2
- local width = sy / ( 6000 / AREA_WIDTH )
- for i = 1, ( ( 6000 / AREA_HEIGHT ) - 1 ) do
- dxDrawLine ( start + i * width, 0, start + i * width, sy, tocolor ( 0, 0, 255, 200 ) )
- dxDrawLine ( start, i * width, start + sy, i * width, tocolor ( 0, 0, 255, 200 ) )
- end
- end
- end
- end )
- addCommandHandler("shownodes", function(cmd,dist)
- dist = tonumber(dist)
- if dist then
- SHOWNODES = dist
- else
- SHOWNODES = false
- end
- end
- )
- addCommandHandler("nb", function()
- local node = pathsNodeFindClosest(getElementPosition(_local))
- var_dump(pathsNodeGetNeighbours(node.id,true))
- end
- )
- addCommandHandler("dist", function()
- local node = pathsNodeFindClosest(getElementPosition(_local))
- outputChatBox("dist to node "..tostring(node.id)..": "..tostring(getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(node.x,node.y,node.z,getElementPosition(_local))))
- end
- )
- addCommandHandler("pos", function()
- local node = pathsNodeFindClosest(getElementPosition(_local))
- outputChatBox("node "..tostring(node.id)..": " )
- end
- )
- addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", _root,
- function()
- local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( _local )
- local areaID = math.floor((y+3000)/750)*8+math.floor((x+3000)/750)
- local areaIDVeh = getAreaFromPos ( x, y, z )
- -- outputChatBox(tostring(areaID))
- if not areaID then return end
- -- for _, node in pairs (AREA_PATHS[areaIDVeh]) do
- -- -- outputChatBox(tostring(getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( node.x, node.y, node.z, x,y,z )))
- -- if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( node.x, node.y, node.z, x,y,z ) < SHOWALLNODES then
- -- -- dxDrawLine3D( node.x, node.y, node.z, node.x, node.y, node.z+2, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0), 3)
- -- local dx, dy = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( node.x, node.y, node.z )
- -- if ( dx and dy ) then
- -- -- var_dump(node)
- -- local neighbours = ""
- -- for i,v in pairs(node.neighbours) do
- -- neighbours = neighbours..tostring(i).."("..tostring(v)..")"..", "
- -- end
- -- dxDrawText (
- -- "node: "..tostring(node.id)..
- -- "\nneighbours: "..tostring(neighbours)..
- -- "\nwidth: "..tostring(node.width)..
- -- "\nlanes: "..tostring(node.leftlanes).." "..tostring(node.rightlanes)..
- -- "\nflags: "..tostring(node.flags and table.concatIndex(node.flags)),
- -- dx, dy, dx, dy, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0, 255 ), 1.2, "default", "center" )
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- if AREA_PATHS_ALL then
- for _, node in pairs (AREA_PATHS_ALL[areaID].veh) do
- -- outputChatBox(tostring(getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( node.x, node.y, node.z, x,y,z )))
- if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( node.x, node.y, node.z, x,y,z ) < SHOWALLNODES then
- -- dxDrawLine3D( node.x, node.y, node.z, node.x, node.y, node.z+2, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0), 3)
- local dx, dy = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( node.x, node.y, node.z )
- if ( dx and dy ) then
- -- var_dump(node)
- local neighbours = ""
- for i,v in pairs(node.nbs) do
- neighbours = neighbours..tostring(i).."("..tostring(v)..")"..", "
- end
- --[[
- dxDrawText (
- "node: "..tostring(node.id)..
- "\nneighbours: "..tostring(neighbours)..
- "\nnavinbs: "..tostring(table.concat(node.navinbs,", "))..
- "\nwidth: "..tostring(node.width)..
- "\nflags: "..tostring(node.flags and table.concatIndex(node.flags)),
- dx, dy, dx, dy, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0, 255 ), 1.2, "default", "center" )
- --]]
- end
- end
- end
- -- for _, node in pairs (AREA_PATHS_ALL[areaID].ped) do
- -- if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( node.x, node.y, node.z, x,y,z ) < SHOWALLNODES then
- -- -- dxDrawLine3D( node.x, node.y, node.z, node.x, node.y, node.z+2, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0), 3)
- -- local dx, dy = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( node.x, node.y, node.z )
- -- if ( dx and dy ) then
- -- -- var_dump(node)
- -- local neighbours = ""
- -- for i,v in pairs(node.nbs) do
- -- neighbours = neighbours..tostring(i).."("..tostring(v)..")"..", "
- -- end
- -- dxDrawText (
- -- "node: "..tostring(node.id)..
- -- "\nneighbours: "..tostring(neighbours)..
- -- "\nwidth: "..tostring(node.width)..
- -- "\ntype: "..tostring(node.type)..
- -- "\nflags: "..tostring(node.flags and table.concatIndex(node.flags)),
- -- dx, dy, dx, dy, tocolor ( 0, 255, 0, 255 ), 1.2, "default", "center" )
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- for _, node in pairs (AREA_PATHS_ALL[areaID].navi) do
- if getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( node.x, node.y, x,y ) < SHOWALLNODES then
- -- dxDrawLine3D( node.x, node.y, node.z, node.x, node.y, node.z+2, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0), 3)
- -- local gz = getGroundPosition(node.x, node.y, z + 10)
- local next = AREA_PATHS_ALL[math.floor(node.nb/4095)].veh[node.nb]
- local dx, dy = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( node.x, node.y, next.z)
- if ( dx and dy ) then
- -- dxDrawLine3D(node.x, node.y, gz+0.5, node.x+(node.dirx/100), node.y+(node.diry/100), gz+0.5, tocolor (255,255,255), 3)
- --dxDrawLine3D(node.x, node.y, next.z+1, next.x, next.y, next.z+1, tocolor ( 255, 0, 255), 12)
- local lanes = tostring(node.leftlanes).." "..tostring(node.rightlanes)
- -- if node.dy > 0 then
- -- lanes = tostring(node.rightlanes).." "..tostring(node.leftlanes).." changed"
- -- end
- --[[
- dxDrawText (
- "node: "..tostring(node.id)..
- "\nattached to id: "..tostring(node.nb)..
- "\ndx,dy: "..tostring(node.dx).." "..tostring(node.dy)..
- "\nwidth: "..tostring(node.width)..
- "\nlanes: "..lanes..
- "\ntrafficLight: "..tostring(node.trafficlight),
- dx, dy, dx, dy, tocolor ( 0, 255, 0, 255 ), 1.2, "default", "center" )
- --]]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- )
- addCommandHandler("showallnodes", function(cmd,dist)
- dist = tonumber(dist)
- if dist then
- else
- end
- end
- )