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- //
- // FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoords.h
- // FlickrKit
- //
- // Generated by FKAPIBuilder.
- // Copyright (c) 2013 DevedUp Ltd. All rights reserved. http://www.devedup.com
- //
- #import "FKFlickrAPIMethod.h"
- typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError) {
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_PersonNotFound = 1, /* The NSID passed was not a valid user id. */
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_PhotoNotFound = 2, /* The photo id passed was not a valid photo id. */
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_UserCannotEditThatPersonInThatPhoto = 3, /* The calling user did not originally add this person to the photo, and is not the person in question. */
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_SomeCoordinateParamtersWereBlank = 4, /* Not all of the co-ordinate parameters (person_x, person_y, person_w, person_h) were passed with valid values. */
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_NoCoordinatesGiven = 5, /* None of the co-ordinate parameters were valid. */
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_SSLIsRequired = 95, /* SSL is required to access the Flickr API. */
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_InvalidSignature = 96, /* The passed signature was invalid. */
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_MissingSignature = 97, /* The call required signing but no signature was sent. */
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_LoginFailedOrInvalidAuthToken = 98, /* The login details or auth token passed were invalid. */
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_UserNotLoggedInOrInsufficientPermissions = 99, /* The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions. */
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_InvalidAPIKey = 100, /* The API key passed was not valid or has expired. */
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_ServiceCurrentlyUnavailable = 105, /* The requested service is temporarily unavailable. */
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_WriteOperationFailed = 106, /* The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue. */
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_FormatXXXNotFound = 111, /* The requested response format was not found. */
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_MethodXXXNotFound = 112, /* The requested method was not found. */
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_InvalidSOAPEnvelope = 114, /* The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed. */
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_InvalidXMLRPCMethodCall = 115, /* The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed. */
- FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoordsError_BadURLFound = 116, /* One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr. */
- };
- /*
- Edit the bounding box of an existing person on a photo.
- */
- @interface FKFlickrPhotosPeopleEditCoords : NSObject <FKFlickrAPIMethod>
- /* The id of the photo to edit a person in. */
- @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *photo_id; /* (Required) */
- /* The NSID of the person to edit in a photo. */
- @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *user_id; /* (Required) */
- /* The left-most pixel co-ordinate of the box around the person. */
- @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *person_x; /* (Required) */
- /* The top-most pixel co-ordinate of the box around the person. */
- @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *person_y; /* (Required) */
- /* The width (in pixels) of the box around the person. */
- @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *person_w; /* (Required) */
- /* The height (in pixels) of the box around the person. */
- @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *person_h; /* (Required) */
- @end