ActionScript | 915 lines | 802 code | 51 blank | 62 comment | 50 complexity | 30e2b36854ad275bdd583510469e021f MD5 | raw file
- package com.lele.Controller.Avatar
- {
- import com.lele.Controller.Avatar.Interface.ICommunication;
- import com.lele.Controller.Avatar.Layer.ClothLayer;
- import com.lele.Data.IClothAnimation;
- import com.lele.Map.Interface.IDepthObj;
- import com.lele.Controller.Avatar.Events.Avatar_PlayerController_Event;
- import com.lele.Manager.Interface.IReport;
- import fl.motion.Color;
- import com.lele.Controller.Avatar.Enum.AvatarState;
- import com.lele.Controller.Avatar.Interface.IAvatar;
- import com.lele.Controller.Avatar.Interface.IControllerClickAble;
- import com.lele.Data.IAnimationData;
- import flash.display.ColorCorrection;
- import flash.display.MovieClip;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.geom.Matrix;
- import flash.globalization.StringTools;
- import flash.text.TextField;
- import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
- import flash.text.TextFormat;
- /**
- * ...
- * @author Lele
- */
- //这个类其实不应该放在这里
- //抽象成抽象类才能放在这里
- //CAvatar作为PlayerController的子对象,是一个容纳显示部分的对象
- public class CAvatar extends MovieClip implements IAvatar,IControllerClickAble,IDepthObj//用这个类可以来完成一些动画,,一个包装各种动作在一起的容器,同时只有一个MovieClip在子对象列表中
- {
- private var _repoter:IReport;
- private var _resourcePack:IAnimationData;
- private var _skin:Object;
- private var _bone:Object;
- private var _effect:Object;
- private var shadow:Sprite;
- private var _clothLayer:ClothLayer;
- private var _bodyLayer:Sprite;
- private var _effectLayer:Sprite;
- private var _shadowLayer:Sprite;
- private var _otherLayer:Sprite;
- private var _isSelfOwner:Boolean;
- private var _body_skin:Sprite;
- private var _body_bone:Sprite;
- private var _body_effect:Sprite;
- private var MoleState:Function;
- private var _currentDir:String;
- private var _currentState:String;
- private var _timeCounter:Object;
- private var _depth:int;
- private var _chatDialog:Sprite;//聊天弹窗
- private var _nameTxt:TextField;
- public function Reset()
- {
- (_effect.down as MovieClip).stop();
- (_effect.up as MovieClip).stop();
- (_effect.leftdown as MovieClip).stop();
- (_effect.leftup as MovieClip).stop();
- (_effect.left as MovieClip).stop();
- }
- public function InitAllDress()
- {
- _clothLayer.InitAllDress();
- }
- public function OnClothLoaded(cloth:IClothAnimation)
- {
- _clothLayer.OnClothLoaded(cloth);
- }
- public function SetComDialog(dialog:Sprite)
- {
- if (_chatDialog != null) { return; }
- _chatDialog = dialog;
- _otherLayer.addChild(_chatDialog);
- _chatDialog.y = -95;
- }
- public function AddtoOtherLayer(target:Sprite)
- {
- if (target == null) { return; }
- _otherLayer.addChildAt(target,0);
- }
- public function ShowDialog(txt:String)
- {
- (_chatDialog as ICommunication).ShowTxt(txt);
- _chatDialog.x = ( -_chatDialog.width / 2) + 5;
- }
- //test Func
- public function CAvatar(moleAct:Object,resourcePack:IAnimationData,isSelfOwner:Boolean,color:String="white",name:String=null)
- {
- _timeCounter = new Object();
- _depth = 0;
- shadow = resourcePack.shadow;
- //创建名字框
- _nameTxt = new TextField();
- _nameTxt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER;
- _nameTxt.text = name;
- _nameTxt.x -= 48;
- _nameTxt.y = 8;
- _skin = moleAct.skin;
- _bone = moleAct.bone;
- _effect = moleAct.effect;
- (_skin.down as MovieClip).transform.matrix = new Matrix();//重置数据
- (_skin.up as MovieClip).transform.matrix = new Matrix();
- (_skin.left as MovieClip).transform.matrix = new Matrix();
- (_skin.leftdown as MovieClip).transform.matrix = new Matrix();
- (_skin.leftup as MovieClip).transform.matrix = new Matrix();
- (_bone.down as MovieClip).transform.matrix = new Matrix();
- (_bone.up as MovieClip).transform.matrix = new Matrix();
- (_bone.left as MovieClip).transform.matrix = new Matrix();
- (_bone.leftdown as MovieClip).transform.matrix = new Matrix();
- (_bone.leftup as MovieClip).transform.matrix = new Matrix();
- (_effect.down as MovieClip).transform.matrix = new Matrix();
- (_effect.up as MovieClip).transform.matrix = new Matrix();
- (_effect.left as MovieClip).transform.matrix = new Matrix();
- (_effect.leftdown as MovieClip).transform.matrix = new Matrix();
- (_effect.leftup as MovieClip).transform.matrix = new Matrix();
- //设置颜色
- SetColor(color, _bone.up);
- SetColor(color, _bone.down);
- SetColor(color, _bone.leftup);
- SetColor(color, _bone.leftdown);
- SetColor(color, _bone.left);
- _clothLayer = new ClothLayer();//构建容器
- _bodyLayer = new Sprite();
- _shadowLayer = new Sprite();
- _otherLayer = new Sprite();
- _effectLayer = new Sprite();
- (_effect.down as MovieClip).stop();//停止效果
- (_effect.up as MovieClip).stop();
- (_effect.leftdown as MovieClip).stop();
- (_effect.leftup as MovieClip).stop();
- (_effect.left as MovieClip).stop();
- (_effect.down as MovieClip).cacheAsBitmap = true;
- (_effect.up as MovieClip).cacheAsBitmap = true;
- (_effect.leftdown as MovieClip).cacheAsBitmap = true;
- (_effect.leftup as MovieClip).cacheAsBitmap = true;
- (_effect.left as MovieClip).cacheAsBitmap = true;
- (_bone.down as MovieClip).cacheAsBitmap = true;
- (_bone.up as MovieClip).cacheAsBitmap = true;
- (_bone.left as MovieClip).cacheAsBitmap = true;
- (_bone.leftdown as MovieClip).cacheAsBitmap = true;
- (_bone.leftup as MovieClip).cacheAsBitmap = true;
- this.addChild(_shadowLayer);//添加层
- this.addChild(_bodyLayer);
- this.addChild(_clothLayer);
- this.addChild(_effectLayer);
- this.addChild(_otherLayer);
- _body_bone = new Sprite();//添加Body的子层
- _body_effect = new Sprite();
- _body_skin = new Sprite();
- _bodyLayer.addChild(_body_bone);
- _bodyLayer.addChild(_body_skin);
- _effectLayer.addChild(_body_effect);
- _shadowLayer.addChild(shadow);//添加阴影
- _otherLayer.addChild(_nameTxt);//添加名字
- _isSelfOwner = isSelfOwner;
- MoleState = function() { }
- this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, EnterFrame);
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- }
- public function DoAction(actionName:String, direction:String,callBack:Function=null)
- {
- var act = ActionSuggest.SuggestAction(actionName);//对动作名进行解释
- //
- if (_currentState == act && _currentDir == direction)
- return;
- MoleActivity(act, direction,callBack);
- }
- //动作解析调度
- private function MoleActivity(act:String,dir:String,callBack:Function=null)//动作总调度
- {
- if (_shadowLayer.numChildren == 0) { _shadowLayer.addChild(shadow); }
- _currentState = act;
- transformDirection(dir);
- switch(act)
- {
- case "run":
- {
- PlayAct(act, 50,-1,function(){
- // _body_effect.removeChildAt(0);
- });
- return;
- }
- case "swim":
- {
- PlayAct(act, 78, -1, null, true);
- if (_shadowLayer.numChildren > 0) { _shadowLayer.removeChildAt(0); }
- return;
- }
- case "stand":
- {
- PlayAct(act, 10);
- return;
- }
- case "brake":
- {
- PlayAct(act, 68, 1, function() {
- // _body_effect.removeChildAt(0);
- },true);
- return;
- }
- case "disdain":
- {
- //请求停止自动旋转
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 745, 4, function() {
- if (callBack != null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- // _body_effect.removeChildAt(0);
- });
- return;
- }
- case "big_smile":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 856, 5, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- // _body_effect.removeChildAt(0);
- },true);
- return;
- }
- case "bad_smile":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 773, 1, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- },true);
- return;
- }
- case "pudency":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 782, 3, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- // _body_effect.removeChildAt(0);
- },true);
- return;
- }
- case "complacent":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 811, 3, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- // _body_effect.removeChildAt(0);
- },true);
- return;
- }
- case "spit":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 846, 1, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- },true);
- return;
- }
- case "embarrassed":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 899, 1, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- },true);
- return;
- }
- case "cry":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 1013, 10, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- // _body_effect.removeChildAt(0);
- },true);
- return;
- }
- case "naughty":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 907, 4, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- });
- return;
- }
- case "surprised":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 932, 1, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- },true);
- return;
- }
- case "sweat":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 973, 3, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- // _body_effect.removeChildAt(0);
- },true);
- return;
- }
- case "dizzy":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 997, 4, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- // _body_effect.removeChildAt(0);
- },true);
- return;
- }
- case "angry":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 1021, 4, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- // _body_effect.removeChildAt(0);
- },true);
- return;
- }
- case "think":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 1029, 3, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- // _body_effect.removeChildAt(0);
- },true);
- return;
- }
- case "hello":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 630, 1, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- },true);
- return;
- }
- case "feel_wronged":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 733, 3, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- });
- return;
- }
- case "sitdown_1":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 20, -1, null,false);
- return;
- }
- case "dance":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 1233, 2, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- },false);
- return;
- }
- case "wave":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct(act, 598, 3, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- });
- return;
- }
- case "superdance":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct("dance", 1233, -1, function() {
- },false);
- return;
- }
- case "yawn":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct("yawn", 182, 1, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- });
- return;
- }
- case "scratch_buns":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct("scratch_buns", 222, 1, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- });
- return;
- }
- case "scratch_nose":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct("scratch_nose", 265, 1, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- });
- return;
- }
- case "look":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct("look", 307, 1, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- });
- return;
- }
- case "scratch_head":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct("scratch_head", 348, 1, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", "dd");
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- });
- return;
- }
- case "throw":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct("throw", 99, 1, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", dir);
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- });
- return;
- }
- case "change_cloth_start":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct("change_cloth_start",1251, 1, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", dir);
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- },true);
- return;
- }
- case "change_cloth_end":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct("change_cloth_end",1272, 1, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", dir);
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- },true);
- return;
- }
- case "cce":
- {
- var stopRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLOFFROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(stopRotEvt);
- PlayAct("change_cloth_start",1272, 1, function() {
- if(callBack!=null)
- callBack();
- DoAction("stand", dir);
- var startRotEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.CALLONROTATEAROUND);
- _repoter.OnReport(startRotEvt);
- },true);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- private function EnterFrame(evt:Event)
- {
- MoleState();
- }
- private function PlayAct(act:String, deadLine:int,loopTimes:int=-1,onStop:Function=null,hasEffect:Boolean=false)
- {
- _timeCounter[act + "now"] = 1;
- _timeCounter[act + "target"] = loopTimes;
- var temp:Function;
- //set cloth to go
- _clothLayer.PlayAct(act);
- //set body to go
- (_body_bone.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).gotoAndPlay(act);
- (_body_skin.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).gotoAndPlay(act);
- (_body_effect.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).gotoAndStop(act);
- if (hasEffect) { (_body_effect.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).gotoAndPlay(act); }
- //设置方法
- temp = function() {
- if ((_body_bone.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).currentFrame == deadLine)
- {
- if (_timeCounter[act + "now"]== _timeCounter[act + "target"])
- {
- //set cloth stop
- _clothLayer.StopAct();
- //set bone stop
- (_body_bone.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).stop();
- (_body_skin.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).stop();
- if (hasEffect) { (_body_effect.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).stop(); }
- if (onStop != null)
- {
- onStop();
- return;
- }
- }
- //set cloth play
- _clothLayer.PlayAct(act);
- //set bone play
- (_body_bone.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).gotoAndPlay(act);
- (_body_skin.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).gotoAndPlay(act);
- if (hasEffect) { (_body_effect.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).gotoAndPlay(act); }
- _timeCounter[act + "now"] = _timeCounter[act + "now"] + 1;
- }
- }
- MoleState = temp;
- /*if (loop)
- {
- temp = function() {
- if ((_body_bone.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).currentFrame == deadLine)
- {
- (_body_bone.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).gotoAndPlay(act);
- (_body_skin.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).gotoAndPlay(act);
- if (hasEffect){(_body_effect.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).gotoAndPlay(act);}
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- temp = function() {
- if ((_body_bone.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).currentFrame == deadLine)
- {
- (_body_bone.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).stop();
- (_body_skin.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).stop();
- if (hasEffect) { (_body_effect.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).stop(); }
- if (onStop != null)
- {
- onStop();
- }
- }
- }
- }*/
- //MoleState = temp;
- }
- private function transformDirection(dir:String)//改变方向
- {
- if (_currentDir == dir) { return; }
- _currentDir = dir;
- switch(dir)
- {
- case "dd":
- {
- SideBack(_bone.down);
- SideBack(_skin.down);
- SideBack(_effect.down);
- CAddChild(_body_bone, _bone.down);
- CAddChild(_body_skin, _skin.down);
- CAddChild(_body_effect, _effect.down);
- break;
- }
- case "dl":
- {
- SideBack(_bone.leftdown);
- SideBack(_skin.leftdown);
- SideBack(_effect.leftdown);
- CAddChild(_body_bone, _bone.leftdown);
- CAddChild(_body_skin, _skin.leftdown);
- CAddChild(_body_effect, _effect.leftdown);
- break;
- }
- case "ll":
- {
- SideBack(_bone.left);
- SideBack(_skin.left);
- SideBack(_effect.left);
- CAddChild(_body_bone, _bone.left);
- CAddChild(_body_skin, _skin.left);
- CAddChild(_body_effect, _effect.left);
- break;
- }
- case "lu":
- {
- SideBack(_bone.leftup);
- SideBack(_skin.leftup);
- SideBack(_effect.leftup);
- CAddChild(_body_bone, _bone.leftup);
- CAddChild(_body_skin, _skin.leftup);
- CAddChild(_body_effect, _effect.leftup);
- break;
- }
- case "uu":
- {
- SideBack(_bone.up);
- SideBack(_skin.up);
- SideBack(_effect.up);
- CAddChild(_body_bone, _bone.up);
- CAddChild(_body_skin, _skin.up);
- CAddChild(_body_effect, _effect.up);
- break;
- }
- case "ur":
- {
- SideDown(_bone.leftup);
- SideDown(_skin.leftup);
- SideDown(_effect.leftup);
- CAddChild(_body_bone, _bone.leftup);
- CAddChild(_body_skin, _skin.leftup);
- CAddChild(_body_effect, _effect.leftup);
- break;
- }
- case "rr":
- {
- SideDown(_bone.left);
- SideDown(_skin.left);
- SideDown(_effect.left);
- CAddChild(_body_bone, _bone.left);
- CAddChild(_body_skin, _skin.left);
- CAddChild(_body_effect, _effect.left);
- break;
- }
- case "rd":
- {
- SideDown(_bone.leftdown);
- SideDown(_skin.leftdown);
- SideDown(_effect.leftdown);
- CAddChild(_body_bone, _bone.leftdown);
- CAddChild(_body_skin, _skin.leftdown);
- CAddChild(_body_effect, _effect.leftdown);
- break;
- }
- }
- _clothLayer.SetDirection(dir);
- (_body_effect.getChildAt(0) as MovieClip).gotoAndStop(1);//效果先停止
- }
- private function SetColor(color:String,targetMC:MovieClip)
- {
- var co:Color;
- switch(color)
- {
- case "blue":
- {
- co = new Color(0.109803, 0.705882, 0.992156);
- break;
- }
- case "white":
- co = new Color(1, 1, 1);
- break;
- case "black":
- {
- co = new Color(0, 0, 0);
- break;
- }
- case "orange":
- {
- co = new Color(0.988, 0.494, 0.094);
- break;
- }
- case "green":
- {
- co = new Color(0.152, 0.913, 0.454);
- break;
- }
- case "red":
- {
- co = new Color(0.890, 0.133, 0.066);
- break;
- }
- case "brown":
- {
- co = new Color(0.705, 0.490, 0.164);
- break;
- }
- case "purple":
- {
- co = new Color(0.807, 0.152, 0.811);
- break;
- }
- case "grey":
- {
- co = new Color(0.639, 0.627, 0.635);
- break;
- }
- case "pink":
- {
- co = new Color(0.952, 0.301, 0.592);
- break;
- }
- }
- targetMC.transform.colorTransform=co;
- }
- private function SideDown(mc:MovieClip)
- {
- SideBack(mc);//倒置前先清理状态
- mc.x = -mc.width;
- var mtx:Matrix = new Matrix();
- mtx.a = -1;
- mtx.tx = mc.width;
- mtx.concat(mc.transform.matrix);
- mc.transform.matrix = mtx;
- }
- private function SideBack(mc:MovieClip)
- {
- mc.transform.matrix = new Matrix();
- }
- private function CAddChild(container:Sprite,child:Sprite)
- {
- for (var a:int = 0; a < container.numChildren; a++ )
- {
- container.removeChildAt(0);
- }
- container.addChild(child);
- }
- public function get Avatar():Sprite
- {
- return this;
- }
- public function set Repoter(repoter:IReport)
- {
- _repoter = repoter;
- }
- //对深度接口的实现
- public function get Depth():int { return _depth; }
- public function set Depth(depth:int) { _depth = depth; }
- //对IAvatar接口实现
- public function get A_X():Number { return this.x; }
- public function get A_Y():Number { return this.y; }
- //对IControllerClickAble接口的实现
- public function OnClick():Boolean//Exit?//返回一个标准返回态度的决定,即是否让ControllerBase中函数的子函数继续执行 ,当true则不再执行后续函数
- {
- var beClickEvt:Avatar_PlayerController_Event = new Avatar_PlayerController_Event(Avatar_PlayerController_Event.BECLICKED);
- _repoter.OnReport(beClickEvt);
- //trace("MoleClick");
- return true;
- }
- public function get _x():Number
- {
- return this.x;
- }
- public function get _y():Number
- {
- return this.y-25;
- }
- public function get _width():Number
- {
- return 25;
- }
- public function get _height():Number
- {
- return 52;
- }
- public function get IsSelfOwner():Boolean
- {
- return _isSelfOwner;
- }
- }
- }