Emacs Lisp | 521 lines | 407 code | 64 blank | 50 comment | 17 complexity | 4cfe9da53c96037f240ed3bd28845df1 MD5 | raw file
- ;;; helm-net.el --- helm browse url and search web. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
- ;; Copyright (C) 2012 ~ 2017 Thierry Volpiatto <thierry.volpiatto@gmail.com>
- ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- ;; (at your option) any later version.
- ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- ;;; Code:
- (require 'cl-lib)
- (require 'helm)
- (require 'helm-help)
- (require 'url)
- (require 'xml)
- (require 'browse-url)
- (defgroup helm-net nil
- "Net related applications and libraries for Helm."
- :group 'helm)
- (defcustom helm-google-suggest-default-browser-function nil
- "The browse url function you prefer to use with google suggest.
- When nil, use the first browser function available
- See `helm-browse-url-default-browser-alist'."
- :group 'helm-net
- :type 'symbol)
- (defcustom helm-home-url "http://www.google.fr"
- "Default url to use as home url."
- :group 'helm-net
- :type 'string)
- (defcustom helm-surfraw-default-browser-function nil
- "The browse url function you prefer to use with surfraw.
- When nil, fallback to `browse-url-browser-function'."
- :group 'helm-net
- :type 'symbol)
- (defcustom helm-google-suggest-url
- "http://google.com/complete/search?output=toolbar&q="
- "URL used for looking up Google suggestions."
- :type 'string
- :group 'helm-net)
- (defcustom helm-google-suggest-search-url
- "http://www.google.com/search?ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&q=%s"
- "URL used for Google searching."
- :type 'string
- :group 'helm-net)
- (defcustom helm-net-prefer-curl nil
- "When non--nil use CURL external program to fetch data.
- Otherwise `url-retrieve-synchronously' is used."
- :type 'boolean
- :group 'helm-net)
- (defvaralias 'helm-google-suggest-use-curl-p 'helm-net-prefer-curl)
- (make-obsolete-variable 'helm-google-suggest-use-curl-p 'helm-net-prefer-curl "1.7.7")
- (defcustom helm-surfraw-duckduckgo-url
- "https://duckduckgo.com/lite/?q=%s&kp=1"
- "The duckduckgo url.
- This is a format string, don't forget the `%s'.
- If you have personal settings saved on duckduckgo you should have
- a personal url, see your settings on duckduckgo."
- :type 'string
- :group 'helm-net)
- (defcustom helm-wikipedia-suggest-url
- "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=opensearch&search="
- "Url used for looking up Wikipedia suggestions."
- :type 'string
- :group 'helm-net)
- (defcustom helm-search-suggest-action-wikipedia-url
- "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=%s"
- "The Wikipedia search url.
- This is a format string, don't forget the `%s'."
- :type 'string
- :group 'helm-net)
- (defcustom helm-wikipedia-summary-url
- "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=parse&format=json&prop=text§ion=0&page="
- "URL for getting the summary of a Wikipedia topic."
- :type 'string
- :group 'helm-net)
- (defcustom helm-search-suggest-action-youtube-url
- "http://www.youtube.com/results?aq=f&search_query=%s"
- "The Youtube search url.
- This is a format string, don't forget the `%s'."
- :type 'string
- :group 'helm-net)
- (defcustom helm-search-suggest-action-imdb-url
- "http://www.imdb.com/find?s=all&q=%s"
- "The IMDb search url.
- This is a format string, don't forget the `%s'."
- :type 'string
- :group 'helm-net)
- (defcustom helm-search-suggest-action-google-maps-url
- "http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&q=%s"
- "The Google Maps search url.
- This is a format string, don't forget the `%s'."
- :type 'string
- :group 'helm-net)
- (defcustom helm-search-suggest-action-google-news-url
- "http://www.google.com/search?safe=off&prmd=nvlifd&source=lnms&tbs=nws:1&q=%s"
- "The Google News search url.
- This is a format string, don't forget the `%s'."
- :type 'string
- :group 'helm-net)
- (defcustom helm-google-suggest-actions
- '(("Google Search" . helm-google-suggest-action)
- ("Wikipedia" . (lambda (candidate)
- (helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action
- helm-search-suggest-action-wikipedia-url
- candidate)))
- ("Youtube" . (lambda (candidate)
- (helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action
- helm-search-suggest-action-youtube-url
- candidate)))
- ("IMDb" . (lambda (candidate)
- (helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action
- helm-search-suggest-action-imdb-url
- candidate)))
- ("Google Maps" . (lambda (candidate)
- (helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action
- helm-search-suggest-action-google-maps-url
- candidate)))
- ("Google News" . (lambda (candidate)
- (helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action
- helm-search-suggest-action-google-news-url
- candidate))))
- "List of actions for google suggest sources."
- :group 'helm-net
- :type '(alist :key-type string :value-type function))
- (defcustom helm-browse-url-firefox-new-window "-new-tab"
- "Allow choosing to browse url in new window or new tab.
- Can be \"-new-tab\" (default) or \"-new-window\"."
- :group 'helm-net
- :type '(radio
- (const :tag "New tab" "-new-tab")
- (const :tag "New window" "-new-window")))
- ;;; Additional actions for search suggestions
- ;;
- ;;
- ;; Internal
- (defun helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action (url query)
- "Perform the search via URL using QUERY as input."
- (browse-url (format url (url-hexify-string query))))
- (defun helm-net--url-retrieve-sync (request parser)
- (if helm-net-prefer-curl
- (with-temp-buffer
- (call-process "curl" nil t nil request)
- (funcall parser))
- (with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously request)
- (funcall parser))))
- ;;; Google Suggestions
- ;;
- ;;
- (defun helm-google-suggest-parser ()
- (cl-loop
- with result-alist = (xml-get-children
- (car (xml-parse-region
- (point-min) (point-max)))
- 'CompleteSuggestion)
- for i in result-alist collect
- (cdr (cl-caadr (assoc 'suggestion i)))))
- (defun helm-google-suggest-fetch (input)
- "Fetch suggestions for INPUT from XML buffer."
- (let ((request (concat helm-google-suggest-url
- (url-hexify-string input))))
- (helm-net--url-retrieve-sync
- request #'helm-google-suggest-parser)))
- (defun helm-google-suggest-set-candidates (&optional request-prefix)
- "Set candidates with result and number of google results found."
- (let ((suggestions (helm-google-suggest-fetch
- (or (and request-prefix
- (concat request-prefix
- " " helm-pattern))
- helm-pattern))))
- (if (member helm-pattern suggestions)
- suggestions
- ;; if there is no suggestion exactly matching the input then
- ;; prepend a Search on Google item to the list
- (append
- suggestions
- (list (cons (format "Search for '%s' on Google" helm-input)
- helm-input))))))
- (defun helm-ggs-set-number-result (num)
- (if num
- (progn
- (and (numberp num) (setq num (number-to-string num)))
- (cl-loop for i in (reverse (split-string num "" t))
- for count from 1
- append (list i) into C
- when (= count 3)
- append (list ",") into C
- and do (setq count 0)
- finally return
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- "^," "" (mapconcat 'identity (reverse C) ""))))
- "?"))
- (defun helm-google-suggest-action (candidate)
- "Default action to jump to a google suggested candidate."
- (let ((arg (format helm-google-suggest-search-url
- (url-hexify-string candidate))))
- (helm-aif helm-google-suggest-default-browser-function
- (funcall it arg)
- (helm-browse-url arg))))
- (defvar helm-google-suggest-default-function
- 'helm-google-suggest-set-candidates
- "Default function to use in helm google suggest.")
- (defvar helm-source-google-suggest
- (helm-build-sync-source "Google Suggest"
- :candidates (lambda ()
- (funcall helm-google-suggest-default-function))
- :action 'helm-google-suggest-actions
- :volatile t
- :keymap helm-map
- :requires-pattern 3))
- (defun helm-google-suggest-emacs-lisp ()
- "Try to emacs lisp complete with google suggestions."
- (helm-google-suggest-set-candidates "emacs lisp"))
- ;;; Wikipedia suggestions
- ;;
- ;;
- (declare-function json-read-from-string "json" (string))
- (defun helm-wikipedia-suggest-fetch ()
- "Fetch Wikipedia suggestions and return them as a list."
- (require 'json)
- (let ((request (concat helm-wikipedia-suggest-url
- (url-hexify-string helm-pattern))))
- (helm-net--url-retrieve-sync
- request #'helm-wikipedia--parse-buffer)))
- (defun helm-wikipedia--parse-buffer ()
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (when (re-search-forward "^\\[.+\\[\\(.*\\)\\]\\]" nil t)
- (cl-loop for i across (aref (json-read-from-string (match-string 0)) 1)
- collect i into result
- finally return (or result
- (append
- result
- (list (cons (format "Search for '%s' on wikipedia"
- helm-pattern)
- helm-pattern)))))))
- (defvar helm-wikipedia--summary-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
- (defun helm-wikipedia-persistent-action (candidate)
- (unless (string= (format "Search for '%s' on wikipedia"
- helm-pattern)
- (helm-get-selection nil t))
- (message "Fetching summary from Wikipedia...")
- (let ((buf (get-buffer-create "*helm wikipedia summary*"))
- result mess)
- (while (progn
- (setq result (or (gethash candidate helm-wikipedia--summary-cache)
- (puthash candidate
- (prog1
- (helm-wikipedia-fetch-summary candidate)
- (setq mess "Done"))
- helm-wikipedia--summary-cache)))
- (when (and result
- (listp result))
- (setq candidate (cdr result))
- (message "Redirected to %s" candidate)
- t)))
- (if (not result)
- (message "Error when getting summary.")
- (with-current-buffer buf
- (erase-buffer)
- (setq cursor-type nil)
- (insert result)
- (fill-region (point-min) (point-max))
- (goto-char (point-min)))
- (display-buffer buf)
- (message mess)))))
- (defun helm-wikipedia-fetch-summary (input)
- (let* ((request (concat helm-wikipedia-summary-url
- (url-hexify-string input))))
- (helm-net--url-retrieve-sync
- request #'helm-wikipedia--parse-summary)))
- (defun helm-wikipedia--parse-summary ()
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (when (search-forward "{" nil t)
- (let ((result (cdr (assoc '*
- (assoc 'text
- (assoc 'parse
- (json-read-from-string
- (buffer-substring-no-properties
- (1- (point)) (point-max)))))))))
- (when result
- (if (string-match "<span class=\"redirectText\"><a href=[^>]+>\\([^<]+\\)" result)
- (cons 'redirect (match-string 1 result))
- ;; find the beginning of the summary text in the result
- ;; check if there is a table before the summary and skip that
- (when (or (string-match "</table>\\(\n<div.*?</div>\\)?\n<p>" result)
- ;; otherwise just find the first paragraph
- (string-match "<p>" result))
- ;; remove cruft and do a simple formatting
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- "Cite error: .*" ""
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- " " ""
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- "\\[[^\]]+\\]" ""
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- "<[^>]*>" ""
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- "</p>\n<p>" "\n\n"
- (substring result (match-end 0)))))))))))))
- (defvar helm-source-wikipedia-suggest
- (helm-build-sync-source "Wikipedia Suggest"
- :candidates #'helm-wikipedia-suggest-fetch
- :action '(("Wikipedia" . (lambda (candidate)
- (helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action
- helm-search-suggest-action-wikipedia-url
- candidate))))
- :persistent-action #'helm-wikipedia-persistent-action
- :persistent-help "show summary"
- :volatile t
- :keymap helm-map
- :requires-pattern 3))
- ;;; Web browser functions.
- ;;
- ;;
- ;; If default setting of `w3m-command' is not
- ;; what you want and you modify it, you will have to reeval
- ;; also `helm-browse-url-default-browser-alist'.
- (defvar helm-browse-url-chromium-program "chromium-browser")
- (defvar helm-browse-url-uzbl-program "uzbl-browser")
- (defvar helm-browse-url-conkeror-program "conkeror")
- (defvar helm-browse-url-default-browser-alist
- `((,(or (and (boundp 'w3m-command) w3m-command)
- "/usr/bin/w3m") . w3m-browse-url)
- (,browse-url-firefox-program . browse-url-firefox)
- (,helm-browse-url-chromium-program . helm-browse-url-chromium)
- (,helm-browse-url-conkeror-program . helm-browse-url-conkeror)
- (,helm-browse-url-uzbl-program . helm-browse-url-uzbl)
- (,browse-url-kde-program . browse-url-kde)
- (,browse-url-gnome-moz-program . browse-url-gnome-moz)
- (,browse-url-mozilla-program . browse-url-mozilla)
- (,browse-url-galeon-program . browse-url-galeon)
- (,browse-url-netscape-program . browse-url-netscape)
- (,browse-url-mosaic-program . browse-url-mosaic)
- (,browse-url-xterm-program . browse-url-text-xterm)
- ("emacs" . eww-browse-url))
- "*Alist of \(executable . function\) to try to find a suitable url browser.")
- (cl-defun helm-generic-browser (url cmd-name &rest args)
- "Browse URL with NAME browser."
- (let ((proc (concat cmd-name " " url)))
- (message "Starting %s..." cmd-name)
- (apply 'start-process proc nil cmd-name
- (append args (list url)))
- (set-process-sentinel
- (get-process proc)
- (lambda (process event)
- (when (string= event "finished\n")
- (message "%s process %s" process event))))))
- (defun helm-browse-url-firefox (url &optional _ignore)
- "Same as `browse-url-firefox' but detach from emacs.
- So when you quit emacs you can keep your firefox open
- and not be prompted to kill firefox process.
- NOTE: Probably not supported on some systems (e.g Windows)."
- (interactive (list (read-string "URL: " (browse-url-url-at-point))
- nil))
- (setq url (browse-url-encode-url url))
- (let ((process-environment (browse-url-process-environment)))
- (call-process-shell-command
- (format "(%s %s %s &)"
- browse-url-firefox-program
- helm-browse-url-firefox-new-window
- (shell-quote-argument url)))))
- (defun helm-browse-url-chromium (url &optional _ignore)
- "Browse URL with google chrome browser."
- (interactive "sURL: ")
- (helm-generic-browser
- url helm-browse-url-chromium-program))
- (defun helm-browse-url-uzbl (url &optional _ignore)
- "Browse URL with uzbl browser."
- (interactive "sURL: ")
- (helm-generic-browser url helm-browse-url-uzbl-program "-u"))
- (defun helm-browse-url-conkeror (url &optional _ignore)
- "Browse URL with conkeror browser."
- (interactive "sURL: ")
- (helm-generic-browser url helm-browse-url-conkeror-program))
- (defun helm-browse-url-default-browser (url &rest args)
- "Find the first available browser and ask it to load URL."
- (let ((default-browser-fn
- (cl-loop for (exe . fn) in helm-browse-url-default-browser-alist
- thereis (and exe (executable-find exe) (fboundp fn) fn))))
- (if default-browser-fn
- (apply default-browser-fn url args)
- (error "No usable browser found"))))
- (defun helm-browse-url (url &rest args)
- "Default command to browse URL."
- (if browse-url-browser-function
- (browse-url url args)
- (helm-browse-url-default-browser url args)))
- ;;; Surfraw
- ;;
- ;; Need external program surfraw.
- ;; <http://surfraw.alioth.debian.org/>
- ;; Internal
- (defvar helm-surfraw-engines-history nil)
- (defvar helm-surfraw-input-history nil)
- (defvar helm-surfraw--elvi-cache nil)
- (defun helm-build-elvi-list ()
- "Return list of all engines and descriptions handled by surfraw."
- (or helm-surfraw--elvi-cache
- (setq helm-surfraw--elvi-cache
- (cdr (with-temp-buffer
- (call-process "surfraw" nil t nil "-elvi")
- (split-string (buffer-string) "\n"))))))
- ;;;###autoload
- (defun helm-surfraw (pattern engine)
- "Preconfigured `helm' to search PATTERN with search ENGINE."
- (interactive (list (read-string "SearchFor: "
- nil 'helm-surfraw-input-history
- (thing-at-point 'symbol))
- (helm-comp-read
- "Engine: "
- (helm-build-elvi-list)
- :must-match t
- :name "Surfraw Search Engines"
- :del-input nil
- :history helm-surfraw-engines-history)))
- (let* ((engine-nodesc (car (split-string engine)))
- (url (if (string= engine-nodesc "duckduckgo")
- ;; "sr duckduckgo -p foo" is broken, workaround.
- (format helm-surfraw-duckduckgo-url
- (url-hexify-string pattern))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (apply 'call-process "surfraw" nil t nil
- (append (list engine-nodesc "-p") (split-string pattern)))
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- "\n" "" (buffer-string)))))
- (browse-url-browser-function (or helm-surfraw-default-browser-function
- browse-url-browser-function)))
- (if (string= engine-nodesc "W")
- (helm-browse-url helm-home-url)
- (helm-browse-url url)
- (setq helm-surfraw-engines-history
- (cons engine (delete engine helm-surfraw-engines-history))))))
- ;;;###autoload
- (defun helm-google-suggest ()
- "Preconfigured `helm' for google search with google suggest."
- (interactive)
- (helm-other-buffer 'helm-source-google-suggest "*helm google*"))
- ;;;###autoload
- (defun helm-wikipedia-suggest ()
- "Preconfigured `helm' for Wikipedia lookup with Wikipedia suggest."
- (interactive)
- (helm :sources 'helm-source-wikipedia-suggest
- :buffer "*helm wikipedia*"))
- (provide 'helm-net)
- ;; Local Variables:
- ;; byte-compile-warnings: (not obsolete)
- ;; coding: utf-8
- ;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
- ;; End:
- ;;; helm-net.el ends here