https://gitlab.com/pandame/moo · Java · 291 lines · 133 code · 25 blank · 133 comment · 33 complexity · 9ca3d43a9456a5b8400895aa78aef799 MD5 · raw file
- package net.rizon.moo.conf;
- import java.io.File;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.List;
- import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.EmailValidator;
- import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.UrlValidator;
- public class Validator
- {
- private static EmailValidator ev = EmailValidator.getInstance(false);
- private static UrlValidator uv = new UrlValidator();
- /**
- * Validates entire list
- * @param <T> Class of list elements.
- * @param list List with validatable elements.
- * @throws ConfigurationException Thrown when an element is not valid.
- */
- public static <T extends Validatable> void validateList(List<T> list) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- if (list == null)
- return;
- for (T t : list)
- t.validate();
- }
- /**
- * Checks if object is defined.
- * @param <T> Class of object.
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param obj Configuration item to validate.
- * @throws ConfigurationException Thrown when object is null.
- */
- public static <T> void validateNotNull(String name, T obj) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- if (obj == null)
- throw new ConfigurationException(name + " must be defined");
- }
- /**
- * Validates if the string is not empty.
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param obj Configuration item.
- * @throws ConfigurationException Thrown when string is null or empty.
- */
- public static void validateNotEmpty(final String name, final String obj) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- validateNotNull(name, obj);
- if (obj.isEmpty())
- throw new ConfigurationException(name + " must not be empty");
- }
- /**
- * Validates if collection is not empty.
- * @param <T> Class of {@link Collection}.
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param obj Collection.
- * @throws ConfigurationException Thrown when {@link Collection} is empty.
- */
- public static <T extends Collection<?>> void validateNotEmpty(final String name, final T obj) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- validateNotNull(name, obj);
- if (obj.isEmpty())
- throw new ConfigurationException(name + " must not be empty");
- }
- /**
- * Validates if integer is not zero.
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param i Integer to validate.
- * @throws ConfigurationException Thrown when integer is 0.
- */
- public static void validateNotZero(final String name, final int i) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- if (i == 0)
- throw new ConfigurationException(name + " must be non zero");
- }
- /**
- * Validates if integer is positive (0 or higher)
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param i Integer to validate
- * @throws ConfigurationException Throw when integer is smaller than 0.
- */
- public static void validatePositive(final String name, final int i) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- if (i < 0)
- throw new ConfigurationException(name + " must be 0 or higher");
- }
- /**
- * Validates if this integer is a valid port number.
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param i Port number.
- * @param outgoing Specifies if this port is used to connect to another computer (true) or create a local socket (false).
- * @throws ConfigurationException Thrown when the integer is not a valid port.
- */
- public static void validatePort(final String name, final int i, final boolean outgoing) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- int lowerBound = outgoing ? 1 : 0;
- if (i < lowerBound || i > 65535)
- if (i == 0 && outgoing)
- throw new ConfigurationException(name + " (" + i + ") is not a valid port for outgoing connections");
- else
- throw new ConfigurationException(name + " (" + i + ") is not a valid port");
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the specified Host name or IP Address is valid.
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param obj Host name or IP Address.
- * @throws ConfigurationException When Host name or IP Address is invalid.
- */
- public static void validateHost(final String name, final String obj) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- validateNotEmpty(name, obj);
- }
- public static void validateHostList(final String name, final String[] obj) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- validateNotNull(name, obj);
- for (String s : obj)
- validateHost(name, s);
- }
- /**
- * Checks if optional configuration item Host is not defined or valid if defined.
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param obj Host name or IP Address. (Or null)
- * @throws ConfigurationException When Host name or IP Address is invalid if defined.
- */
- public static void validateNullOrHost(final String name, final String obj) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- if (obj != null)
- validateHost(name, obj);
- }
- /**
- * Checks if optional configuration item is not defined, or valid if defined.
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param obj Item. (Or null)
- * @throws ConfigurationException When configuration item is not valid if defined.
- */
- public static void validateNullOrNotEmpty(final String name, final String obj) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- if (obj != null)
- Validator.validateNotEmpty(name, obj);
- }
- /**
- * Checks if optional configuration item is not defined, or valid if defined.
- * @param <T> Class of configuration item. (Must extend {@link Validatable})
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param obj Object. (Or null)
- * @throws ConfigurationException When configuration item is not valid if defined.
- */
- public static <T extends Validatable> void validateNullOrValid(final String name, final T obj) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- if (obj != null)
- obj.validate();
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the IRCMask is RFC1459 compliant.
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param mask IRC Mask.
- * @throws ConfigurationException When configuration item is null or not valid.
- */
- public static void validateIRCMask(final String name, final String mask) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- // XXX ?
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the list of channels is RFC1459 compliant.
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param channels List of channels.
- * @throws ConfigurationException When a channel is invalid or not RFC1459 compliant.
- */
- public static void validateChannelList(final String name, final String[] channels) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- for (String c : channels)
- validateChannelName(name, c);
- }
- /**
- * Checks if channel name is RFC1459 compliant.
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param channel Channel name.
- * @throws ConfigurationException When the channel name is invalid or not RFC compliant.
- */
- public static void validateChannelName(final String name, final String channel) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- validateNotEmpty(name, channel);
- // TODO: Better check :D
- if (channel.charAt(0) != '#')
- throw new ConfigurationException(name + " (" + channel + ") not a compliant channel name.");
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the list of email addresses is valid.
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param emails List of email addresses.
- * @throws ConfigurationException When an email is invalid.
- */
- public static void validateEmailList(final String name, final List<String> emails) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- for (String email : emails)
- validateEmail(name, email);
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the email address is valid.
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param email Email address.
- * @throws ConfigurationException When email is invalid.
- */
- public static void validateEmail(final String name, final String email) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- validateNotEmpty(name, email);
- if (!ev.isValid(email))
- throw new ConfigurationException(name + " (" + email + ") not a valid email address");
- }
- /**
- * Checks if specified path is correct for the current OS.
- * This sounds more fancy than it is, it actually just checks if it exists!
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param path Path to check.
- * @throws ConfigurationException When path is non-existent.
- */
- public static void validatePath(final String name, final String path) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- validateNotNull(name, path);
- File f = new File(path);
- if (f.exists() && !f.canRead())
- throw new ConfigurationException(name + " (" + path + ") is not readable");
- }
- /**
- * Checks if all paths are correct for the current OS.
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param paths Paths to check.
- * @throws ConfigurationException When path is non-existent.
- */
- public static void validatePathList(final String name, final String[] paths) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- validateNotNull(name, paths);
- for (String s : paths)
- validatePath(name, s);
- }
- /**
- * Checks if a list of strings does not contain empty elements.
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param list List of strings.
- * @throws ConfigurationException When a string is empty.
- */
- public static void validateStringList(final String name, final List<String> list) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- for (String s : list)
- validateNotEmpty(name, s);
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the URL is valid.
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param url URL to check.
- * @throws ConfigurationException When URL is not valid.
- */
- public static void validateURL(final String name, final String url) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- if (!uv.isValid(url))
- throw new ConfigurationException(name + " (" + url + ") is not a valid URL.");
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the list of URLs is valid.
- * @param name Configuration item name.
- * @param urls URLs to check.
- * @throws ConfigurationException When a URL is not valid.
- */
- public static void validateURLList(final String name, final List<String> urls) throws ConfigurationException
- {
- validateNotNull(name, urls);
- for (String s : urls)
- validateURL(name, s);
- }
- }