ActionScript | 412 lines | 364 code | 25 blank | 23 comment | 100 complexity | 64dd164134f9d01ef5cd28e0a96d6d21 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * jPlayer Plugin for jQuery JavaScript Library
- * http://www.jplayer.org
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Happyworm Ltd
- * Licensed under the MIT license.
- * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
- *
- * Author: Mark J Panaghiston
- * Date: 29th January 2013
- */
- package happyworm.jPlayer {
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.media.Video;
- import flash.media.SoundTransform;
- import flash.net.NetConnection;
- import flash.net.NetStream;
- import flash.utils.Timer;
- import flash.events.NetStatusEvent;
- import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
- import flash.events.TimerEvent;
- public class JplayerMp4 extends Sprite {
- public var myVideo:Video = new Video();
- private var myConnection:NetConnection;
- private var myStream:NetStream;
- private var myTransform:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform();
- public var myStatus:JplayerStatus = new JplayerStatus();
- private var timeUpdateTimer:Timer = new Timer(250, 0); // Matched to HTML event freq
- private var progressTimer:Timer = new Timer(250, 0); // Matched to HTML event freq
- private var seekingTimer:Timer = new Timer(100, 0); // Internal: How often seeking is checked to see if it is over.
- public function JplayerMp4(volume:Number) {
- myConnection = new NetConnection();
- myConnection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
- myConnection.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler);
- myVideo.smoothing = true;
- this.addChild(myVideo);
- timeUpdateTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timeUpdateHandler);
- progressTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, progressHandler);
- seekingTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, seekingHandler);
- myStatus.volume = volume;
- }
- private function progressUpdates(active:Boolean):void {
- if(active) {
- progressTimer.start();
- } else {
- progressTimer.stop();
- }
- }
- private function progressHandler(e:TimerEvent):void {
- if(myStatus.isLoading) {
- if(getLoadRatio() == 1) { // Close as can get to a loadComplete event since client.onPlayStatus only works with FMS
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.DEBUG_MSG, myStatus, "progressHandler: loadComplete"));
- myStatus.loaded();
- progressUpdates(false);
- }
- }
- progressEvent();
- }
- private function progressEvent():void {
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.DEBUG_MSG, myStatus, "progressEvent:"));
- updateStatusValues();
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.JPLAYER_PROGRESS, myStatus));
- }
- private function timeUpdates(active:Boolean):void {
- if(active) {
- timeUpdateTimer.start();
- } else {
- timeUpdateTimer.stop();
- }
- }
- private function timeUpdateHandler(e:TimerEvent):void {
- timeUpdateEvent();
- }
- private function timeUpdateEvent():void {
- updateStatusValues();
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.JPLAYER_TIMEUPDATE, myStatus));
- }
- private function seeking(active:Boolean):void {
- if(active) {
- if(!myStatus.isSeeking) {
- seekingEvent();
- }
- seekingTimer.start();
- } else {
- if(myStatus.isSeeking) {
- seekedEvent();
- }
- seekingTimer.stop();
- }
- }
- private function seekingHandler(e:TimerEvent):void {
- if(getSeekTimeRatio() <= getLoadRatio()) {
- seeking(false);
- if(myStatus.playOnSeek) {
- myStatus.playOnSeek = false; // Capture the flag.
- play(myStatus.pausePosition); // Must pass time or the seek time is never set.
- } else {
- pause(myStatus.pausePosition); // Must pass time or the stream.time is read.
- }
- } else if(myStatus.metaDataReady && myStatus.pausePosition > myStatus.duration) {
- // Illegal seek time
- seeking(false);
- pause(0);
- }
- }
- private function seekingEvent():void {
- myStatus.isSeeking = true;
- updateStatusValues();
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.JPLAYER_SEEKING, myStatus));
- }
- private function seekedEvent():void {
- myStatus.isSeeking = false;
- updateStatusValues();
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.JPLAYER_SEEKED, myStatus));
- }
- private function netStatusHandler(e:NetStatusEvent):void {
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.DEBUG_MSG, myStatus, "netStatusHandler: '" + e.info.code + "'"));
- switch(e.info.code) {
- case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
- connectStream();
- break;
- case "NetStream.Play.Start":
- // This event code occurs once, when the media is opened. Equiv to loadOpen() in mp3 player.
- myStatus.loading();
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.JPLAYER_LOADSTART, myStatus));
- progressUpdates(true);
- // See onMetaDataHandler() for other condition, since duration is vital.
- break;
- case "NetStream.Play.Stop":
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.DEBUG_MSG, myStatus, "NetStream.Play.Stop: getDuration() - getCurrentTime() = " + (getDuration() - getCurrentTime())));
- // Check if media is at the end (or close) otherwise this was due to download bandwidth stopping playback. ie., Download is not fast enough.
- if(Math.abs(getDuration() - getCurrentTime()) < 150) { // Testing found 150ms worked best for M4A files, where playHead(99.9) caused a stuck state due to firing with ~116ms left to play.
- endedEvent();
- }
- break;
- case "NetStream.Seek.InvalidTime":
- // Used for capturing invalid set times and clicks on the end of the progress bar.
- endedEvent();
- break;
- case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound":
- myStatus.error(); // Resets status except the src, and it sets srcError property.
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.JPLAYER_ERROR, myStatus));
- break;
- }
- // "NetStream.Seek.Notify" event code is not very useful. It occurs after every seek(t) command issued and does not appear to wait for the media to be ready.
- }
- private function endedEvent():void {
- var wasPlaying:Boolean = myStatus.isPlaying;
- pause(0);
- timeUpdates(false);
- timeUpdateEvent();
- if(wasPlaying) {
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.JPLAYER_ENDED, myStatus));
- }
- }
- private function securityErrorHandler(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.DEBUG_MSG, myStatus, "securityErrorHandler."));
- }
- private function connectStream():void {
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.DEBUG_MSG, myStatus, "connectStream."));
- var customClient:Object = new Object();
- customClient.onMetaData = onMetaDataHandler;
- // customClient.onPlayStatus = onPlayStatusHandler; // According to the forums and my tests, onPlayStatus only works with FMS (Flash Media Server).
- myStream = null;
- myStream = new NetStream(myConnection);
- myStream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
- myStream.client = customClient;
- myVideo.attachNetStream(myStream);
- setVolume(myStatus.volume);
- myStream.play(myStatus.src);
- }
- public function setFile(src:String):void {
- if(myStream != null) {
- myStream.close();
- }
- myVideo.clear();
- progressUpdates(false);
- timeUpdates(false);
- myStatus.reset();
- myStatus.src = src;
- myStatus.srcSet = true;
- timeUpdateEvent();
- }
- public function clearFile():void {
- setFile("");
- myStatus.srcSet = false;
- }
- public function load():Boolean {
- if(myStatus.loadRequired()) {
- myStatus.startingDownload();
- myConnection.connect(null);
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public function play(time:Number = NaN):Boolean {
- var wasPlaying:Boolean = myStatus.isPlaying;
- if(!isNaN(time) && myStatus.srcSet) {
- if(myStatus.isPlaying) {
- myStream.pause();
- myStatus.isPlaying = false;
- }
- myStatus.pausePosition = time;
- }
- if(myStatus.isStartingDownload) {
- myStatus.playOnLoad = true; // Raise flag, captured in onMetaDataHandler()
- return true;
- } else if(myStatus.loadRequired()) {
- myStatus.playOnLoad = true; // Raise flag, captured in onMetaDataHandler()
- return load();
- } else if((myStatus.isLoading || myStatus.isLoaded) && !myStatus.isPlaying) {
- if(myStatus.metaDataReady && myStatus.pausePosition > myStatus.duration) { // The time is invalid, ie., past the end.
- myStream.pause(); // Since it is playing by default at this point.
- myStatus.pausePosition = 0;
- myStream.seek(0);
- timeUpdates(false);
- timeUpdateEvent();
- if(wasPlaying) { // For when playing and then get a play(huge)
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.JPLAYER_PAUSE, myStatus));
- }
- } else if(getSeekTimeRatio() > getLoadRatio()) { // Use an estimate based on the downloaded amount
- myStatus.playOnSeek = true;
- seeking(true);
- myStream.pause(); // Since it is playing by default at this point.
- } else {
- if(!isNaN(time)) { // Avoid using seek() when it is already correct.
- myStream.seek(myStatus.pausePosition/1000); // Since time is in ms and seek() takes seconds
- }
- myStatus.isPlaying = true; // Set immediately before playing. Could affects events.
- myStream.resume();
- timeUpdates(true);
- if(!wasPlaying) {
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.JPLAYER_PLAY, myStatus));
- }
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public function pause(time:Number = NaN):Boolean {
- myStatus.playOnLoad = false; // Reset flag in case load/play issued immediately before this command, ie., before onMetadata() event.
- myStatus.playOnSeek = false; // Reset flag in case play(time) issued before the command and is still seeking to time set.
- var wasPlaying:Boolean = myStatus.isPlaying;
- // To avoid possible loops with timeupdate and pause(time). A pause() does not have the problem.
- var alreadyPausedAtTime:Boolean = false;
- if(!isNaN(time) && myStatus.pausePosition == time) {
- alreadyPausedAtTime = true;
- }
- // Need to wait for metadata to load before ever issuing a pause. The metadata handler will call this function if needed, when ready.
- if(myStream != null && myStatus.metaDataReady) { // myStream is a null until the 1st media is loaded. ie., The 1st ever setMedia being followed by a pause() or pause(t).
- myStream.pause();
- }
- if(myStatus.isPlaying) {
- myStatus.isPlaying = false;
- myStatus.pausePosition = myStream.time * 1000;
- }
- if(!isNaN(time) && myStatus.srcSet) {
- myStatus.pausePosition = time;
- }
- if(wasPlaying) {
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.JPLAYER_PAUSE, myStatus));
- }
- if(myStatus.isStartingDownload) {
- return true;
- } else if(myStatus.loadRequired()) {
- if(time > 0) { // We do not want the stop() command, which does pause(0), causing a load operation.
- return load();
- } else {
- return true; // Technically the pause(0) succeeded. ie., It did nothing, since nothing was required.
- }
- } else if(myStatus.isLoading || myStatus.isLoaded) {
- if(myStatus.metaDataReady && myStatus.pausePosition > myStatus.duration) { // The time is invalid, ie., past the end.
- myStatus.pausePosition = 0;
- myStream.seek(0);
- seekedEvent(); // Deals with seeking effect when using setMedia() then pause(huge). NB: There is no preceeding seeking event.
- } else if(!isNaN(time)) {
- if(getSeekTimeRatio() > getLoadRatio()) { // Use an estimate based on the downloaded amount
- seeking(true);
- } else {
- if(myStatus.metaDataReady) { // Otherwise seek(0) will stop the metadata loading.
- myStream.seek(myStatus.pausePosition/1000);
- }
- }
- }
- timeUpdates(false);
- // Need to be careful with timeupdate event, otherwise a pause in a timeupdate event can cause a loop.
- // Neither pause() nor pause(time) will cause a timeupdate loop.
- if(wasPlaying || !isNaN(time) && !alreadyPausedAtTime) {
- timeUpdateEvent();
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public function playHead(percent:Number):Boolean {
- var time:Number = percent * getDuration() * getLoadRatio() / 100;
- if(myStatus.isPlaying || myStatus.playOnLoad || myStatus.playOnSeek) {
- return play(time);
- } else {
- return pause(time);
- }
- }
- public function setVolume(v:Number):void {
- myStatus.volume = v;
- myTransform.volume = v;
- if(myStream != null) {
- myStream.soundTransform = myTransform;
- }
- }
- private function updateStatusValues():void {
- myStatus.seekPercent = 100 * getLoadRatio();
- myStatus.currentTime = getCurrentTime();
- myStatus.currentPercentRelative = 100 * getCurrentRatioRel();
- myStatus.currentPercentAbsolute = 100 * getCurrentRatioAbs();
- myStatus.duration = getDuration();
- }
- public function getLoadRatio():Number {
- if((myStatus.isLoading || myStatus.isLoaded) && myStream.bytesTotal > 0) {
- return myStream.bytesLoaded / myStream.bytesTotal;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- public function getDuration():Number {
- return myStatus.duration; // Set from meta data.
- }
- public function getCurrentTime():Number {
- if(myStatus.isPlaying) {
- return myStream.time * 1000;
- } else {
- return myStatus.pausePosition;
- }
- }
- public function getCurrentRatioRel():Number {
- if((getLoadRatio() > 0) && (getCurrentRatioAbs() <= getLoadRatio())) {
- return getCurrentRatioAbs() / getLoadRatio();
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- public function getCurrentRatioAbs():Number {
- if(getDuration() > 0) {
- return getCurrentTime() / getDuration();
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- public function getSeekTimeRatio():Number {
- if(getDuration() > 0) {
- return myStatus.pausePosition / getDuration();
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- public function onMetaDataHandler(info:Object):void { // Used in connectStream() in myStream.client object.
- // This event occurs when jumping to the start of static files! ie., seek(0) will cause this event to occur.
- if(!myStatus.metaDataReady) {
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.DEBUG_MSG, myStatus, "onMetaDataHandler: " + info.duration + " | " + info.width + "x" + info.height));
- myStatus.metaDataReady = true; // Set flag so that this event only effects jPlayer the 1st time.
- myStatus.metaData = info;
- myStatus.duration = info.duration * 1000; // Only available via Meta Data.
- if(info.width != undefined) {
- myVideo.width = myStatus.videoWidth = info.width;
- }
- if(info.height != undefined) {
- myVideo.height = myStatus.videoHeight = info.height;
- }
- if(myStatus.playOnLoad) {
- myStatus.playOnLoad = false; // Capture the flag
- if(myStatus.pausePosition > 0 ) { // Important for setMedia followed by play(time).
- play(myStatus.pausePosition);
- } else {
- play(); // Not always sending pausePosition avoids the extra seek(0) for a normal play() command.
- }
- } else {
- pause(myStatus.pausePosition); // Always send the pausePosition. Important for setMedia() followed by pause(time). Deals with not reading stream.time with setMedia() and play() immediately followed by stop() or pause(0)
- }
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.JPLAYER_LOADEDMETADATA, myStatus));
- } else {
- this.dispatchEvent(new JplayerEvent(JplayerEvent.DEBUG_MSG, myStatus, "onMetaDataHandler: Already read (NO EFFECT)"));
- }
- }
- }
- }