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- Stretchy
- =========
- [](https://travis-ci.org/ErickTamayo/Stretchy)
- Stretchy in an [Elasticsearch] integration for Laravel.
- Heavily Inspired by Query Builder and Schema of laravel.
- Description on going.
- ### Version
- 0.0.1 (Alpha)
- ### Documentation
- The current documentation is at [stretchy.readthedocs.org](http://stretchy.readthedocs.org/).
- #Installation
- ###Requirements
- - PHP 5.4+
- ### Installing with Composer
- 1. In your **composer.json**, add the dependency: `"tamayo/stretchy": "dev-master"`
- 2. Add the Stretchy service provider in your app.config:
- ```php
- 'Tamayo\Stretchy\StretchyServiceProvider'
- ```
- 3. Add the following aliases:
- ```php
- 'Index' => 'Tamayo\Stretchy\Facades\Index',
- 'Document' => 'Tamayo\Stretchy\Facades\Document',
- 'Stretchy' => 'Tamayo\Stretchy\Facades\Stretchy'
- ```
- 4. (Optional) If you want to override the default configuration:
- ```sh
- php artisan config:publish tamayo/stretchy
- ```
- Located in your laravel config directory: **packages/tamayo/stretchy/config.php**
- ##Quick Examples
- ####Create Index
- To create a basic index just do the following:
- ```php
- Index::create('foo');
- ```
- If you want to specify shards and replicas:
- ```php
- Index::create('foo', function($index)
- {
- $index->shards(5);
- $index->replicas(1);
- });
- ```
- ####Delete Index
- ```php
- Index::delete('foo');
- ```
- ####Document indexing
- ```php
- Document::index('foo')
- ->type('tweet')
- ->id(13) // Optional (if not specified elastic will generate an unique id)
- ->insert([
- 'username' => '@ericktamayo',
- 'tweet' => 'Hello world!'
- ]);
- ```
- ####Update a document
- ```php
- Document::index('foo')
- ->type('tweet')
- ->id(13)
- ->update(['tweet' => 'Hello world!!!']);
- ```
- ####Get a document
- ```php
- Document::index('foo')->type('tweet')->Id(13)->get();
- ```
- ####Delete a document
- ```php
- Document::index('foo')->type('tweet')->Id(13)->delete();
- ```
- ###Searching
- #####Match Query
- ```php
- Stretchy::search('foo')->match('bar', 'Stretchy')->get();
- ```
- To provide additional parameters:
- ```php
- Stretchy::search('foo')
- ->match('bar', 'baz', ['operator' => 'and', 'zero_terms_query' => 'all'])
- ->get();
- ```
- or
- ```php
- Stretchy::search('foo')
- ->match('bar', 'Stretchy', function($match)
- {
- $match->operator('and');
- $match->zeroTermsQuery('all');
- $match->cutoffFrequency(0.001);
- })
- ->get();
- ```
- #####Term Query
- ```php
- Stretchy::search('foo')->term('bar', 'baz')->get();
- ```
- To provide additional parameters:
- ```php
- Stretchy::search('foo')->term('bar', 'baz', ['boost' => 2])->get();
- ```
- or
- ```php
- Stretchy::search('foo')
- ->term('bar', 'baz', function($term)
- {
- $term->boost(2);
- })
- ->get();
- ```
- #####Bool Query
- ```php
- Stretchy::search('foo')
- ->bool(function($query)
- {
- $query->must(function($must)
- {
- $must->match('bar', 'baz');
- });
- $query->mustNot(function($mustNot)
- {
- $mustNot->match('bar', 'qux');
- });
- $query->should(function($should)
- {
- $should->match('bar', 'bah');
- });
- $query->minimumShouldMatch(1);
- })
- ->get();
- ```
- More examples can be found in the [documentation](http://stretchy.readthedocs.org/).
- ### Roadmap
- - **Documentation**
- - **Index API I(Basic)**
- - **Elastic Query Builder (Search API)**
- - **Leverage Models**
- - Model traits
- - **PutMapping Wrapper**
- - **Leverage Laravel Migrations**
- - Migrations with PutMaping
- - **Advanced models and relations**
- - Search and rebuild model from results and it's relationships
- - **Index API II (Advanced)**
- ###Author
- Erick Tamayo - [ericktamayo@gmail.com](mailto:ericktamayo@gmail.com) - [@ericktamayo](http://twitter.com/ericktamayo)
- ### License
- [ElasticSearch]:http://www.elasticsearch.org/